Laptop Advice! Which one shall i get?

Mark Blaze
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Hey Warriors,

Looking at getting a new longterm laptop as my current one is almost dead (yes they do 'die' lol).

Anyhow ive pushed it down to 4 that i like the look of but really not sure which one to go and get...

HP Pavilion DV7 i7
  • 4MB RAM (DDR?)
  • 2.8GHz Dule Core Processor (1.6Ghz)
  • 640GB Harddrive
  • 17.3 Inches
  • Blue Ray
HP dv7t Quad Core i7
  • 8MB RAM (DDR3)
  • 2.8Ghz Quad Core Processor (1.6Ghz)
  • 500GB Harddrive
  • 17.3 Inches
  • 8GB RAM (DDR3)
  • 2.4GHz Core2 Duo
  • 320GB Harddrive
  • 16 Inches
They are all running Windows 7 (which is damn annoying as i still like xp!)

They are all prices in the $1300 to $1800 region! But am flexible with my budget.

I will just be using it for IM, so tools, software, lots of memory, fast processor and lot's of RAM. Oh and it needs to be as lightweight as possible and durable as i take it travelling alot (hence why this one is almost dead).

Any other suggestions or a pick out of those 3 is highly appreciated

Mark Blaze
#advice #laptop
  • Profile picture of the author KenJ
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    The HP must be the best.

    You do not need blu-ray on an IM laptop. Buy a separate machine and watch on a 60" screen.

    • Profile picture of the author Mark Blaze
      Mark Blaze
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      Originally Posted by kenj View Post

      The HP must be the best.

      You do not need blu-ray on an IM laptop. Buy a separate machine and watch on a 60" screen.

      I have a projector which i will attach this current laptop too permenantly to watch tv and movies on!

      But by HP did you mean the second one? As that has the highest spec.

      Mark Blaze
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      • Profile picture of the author KenJ
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        Sorry Mark

        I did mean the second HP

        Quad core surely beats dual. OK so you have a projector. But most people I know are on Plasma/lcd large screens as the blu-ray definition works so well with them

        • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
          Paul Myers
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          If you're going to get a netbook for roaming around, check out the new ASUS with the 14 hour battery. With a 250 gig HD and the 2 gig ram upgrade, it's pretty powerful for such a small system.

          Ive just started tinkering with the limits on it, and it looks to get anywhere from 9 to 11 hours on a charge in normal use. That's without getting into any of the power saving tricks.

          Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

          • Profile picture of the author Mark Blaze
            Mark Blaze
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            Originally Posted by sharp View Post

            Blue Ray can be nice on long flights... that said a 17.3 screen on the laptop means it is a beast in size. I have one and though I love the screen real estate it is big to carry around every day (first laptop I can have two documents side by side on and really use them.. esp. if you throw anything else around). I had to get a new bag just to carry it in. Decide based on your idea of 'light' vs. 'functional screen size'.

            ANY of those procs have plenty of juice to do the things you're throwing at them with ease. The i7 is amazing; but the RAM is the key to your happiness at these power levels.

            The Dell Studio XPS is a joy. I would trade down to a 16 screen if I could do it over again to have that instead of the Studio I do have.

            You'll love Windows 7. XP is nothing (comparatively speaking).

            Yeah the screen size is amazing on all of them! It's amazing how years back TV's were the size of Laptop screens and they were considered big then!

            Will look into some smaller screens and see what's about!

            Also looked at a Sony Viao (if that's spelt correctly) but figured with that sort of keyboard (without normal keys) if one breaks or rips or whatever it's gonna get expensive to repair and fix. But will save me getting crumbs stuck under the letters!

            Ive only seen Windows 7 but never actually used it... Vista i would never even think about having especially since it was only new for a short time to make them some extra cash.

            Originally Posted by Paul Myers View Post

            If you're going to get a netbook for roaming around, check out the new ASUS with the 14 hour battery. With a 250 gig HD and the 2 gig ram upgrade, it's pretty powerful for such a small system.

            Ive just started tinkering with the limits on it, and it looks to get anywhere from 9 to 11 hours on a charge in normal use. That's without getting into any of the power saving tricks.

            Paul i dunno what your terms of tinkering are (especially for a laptop battery) but the only tinkering ive ever done to a laptop or pc is clocking them to run a hell of alot faster (more difficult on laptops because of the heat).

            Any idea on what that Asus is called?

            Mark Blaze
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            • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
              Paul Myers
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              The model number is ASUS Eee PC Seashell 1005PE-PU17-BK

              By "tinkering," I just mean using different loads to see the battery life. I don't do much messing with the hardware on my systems. Don't really need it for what I do.

              Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

              • Profile picture of the author Mark Blaze
                Mark Blaze
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                Originally Posted by Paul Myers View Post


                The model number is ASUS Eee PC Seashell 1005PE-PU17-BK

                By "tinkering," I just mean using different loads to see the battery life. I don't do much messing with the hardware on my systems. Don't really need it for what I do.

                Yeah im definatly liking the HD space and the battery life (my current one struggles with 2 hours without a lead).

                Plus it's fairly cheap for what it is!

                Might have persuaded me to get both of them now (a big and mini laptop).

                Mark Blaze
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                • Profile picture of the author Epicurus
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                  About 6 years ago I purchased an Acer Ferrari 40005.

                  It's still going strong and I use it every day.

                  Hope that's not tempting fate :-/

                • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
                  Paul Myers
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                  Might have persuaded me to get both of them now (a big and mini laptop).
                  One thing I never hear people talk about is the cost of wear and tear on a laptop that gets bounced around in travel, coffee shops, etc. I don't have any specs on this, but I'd wager (have, in fact, by buying the netbook) that a netbook will save you money in terms of the life of the more expensive laptop. I also won't be keeping any data on the netbook that I'd worry about losing if the thing got broken or stolen.

                  Another benefit is that I can carry the netbook, a Flip video camera, a regular digital camera, an external DVD burner/player, 2 composition notebooks, and the assorted cables and batteries for them all in a case that's smaller than most women's purses.

                  As an aside... If you prefer a mouse to the trackpad, the Logitech cordless with USB dongle "Just Works" with that ASUS. Nice little mouse, even for someone with bigger hands.

                  Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

                  • Profile picture of the author seasoned
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                    Originally Posted by Paul Myers View Post

                    Mark,One thing I never hear people talk about is the cost of wear and tear on a laptop that gets bounced around in travel, coffee shops, etc. I don't have any specs on this, but I'd wager (have, in fact, by buying the netbook) that a netbook will save you money in terms of the life of the more expensive laptop. I also won't be keeping any data on the netbook that I'd worry about losing if the thing got broken or stolen.

                    Another benefit is that I can carry the netbook, a Flip video camera, a regular digital camera, an external DVD burner/player, 2 composition notebooks, and the assorted cables and batteries for them all in a case that's smaller than most women's purses.

                    As an aside... If you prefer a mouse to the trackpad, the Logitech cordless with USB dongle "Just Works" with that ASUS. Nice little mouse, even for someone with bigger hands.

                    Ironically, I HAVE spoken about how fragile notebooks are. One coworker had no less than THREE disks installed and 2 motherboards replaced though I have been there longer and haven't had ONE replacement. ONE possible reason is that she practically BANGED the system onto the dock. I, by contrast, rest it on the dock and press gently. I watch my notebooks like a HAWK! And believe me, it is NO easy feat. I mean I am in a CONSTANT state of vigilance while planes, that I am on, are boarding. NOBODY cares about other people's stuff, and are like that idiot "attendant" on that kinko's commercial.

                    For those that haven't seen it... A couple guys are talking in their seat on a plane, and one decides to let the attendant put his laptop away. While she is slamming and forcing it into the storage area, and slamming the door on it to try to close the area, the guy is heard extolling the virtues of kinko's and how he had THEM print his presentation, etc... JUST IN CASE! The obvious implication is that she will probably destroy that notebook, and he doesn't care!

                    Of course, I am NOT discounting what you said, it is very good advice. AND, whether you have the success I have, or failure, like my coworker, the netbook idea is a good one. My latest computer is a netbook. I DO have two backup systems to backup the data I DO have on it. Netbooks are ALSO better on aircraft where the people in front may quickly recline and break notebooks.

                    • Profile picture of the author Mark Blaze
                      Mark Blaze
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                      Originally Posted by Mili_D View Post

                      I would say go for the HP dv7t Quad Core i7
                      8MB RAM (DDR3)
                      2.8Ghz Quad Core Processor (1.6Ghz)
                      500GB Harddrive
                      17.3 Inches
                      good luck
                      Seems to be the best one that ive found so far.

                      Anyone got any info on alienware laptops? they have some nice spec but seem to be very bulky and full of fans for cooling as well as gaming pieces which i don't need.

                      Originally Posted by Matt Pickstone View Post


                      This question has come up a few times in my day, and i always tell them to get a mac for reliability! They are great when it comes to speed and they are so darn reliable! I've got a little macbook, had it for years and it never has crashed on me! They're Great, not much of a learning curve either (if your a pc/windows type of guy)

                      Those are my thoughts anyway..

                      Take it easy,
                      Matt Pickstone
                      Matt ive steared clear of Mac simply based on the program support it offers (right?). As most of the IM tools are all built around windows and very few support mac

                      Or is that wrong?

                      Originally Posted by seasoned View Post

                      Frankly, the specs on the HP dv7t Quad Core i7, as you presented, look best.

                      Thanks steve... i thought everyone might go for this one just based on the specs but ive often found a really high spec laptop but with cheap keyboards and a trackpad that wears down very easily.

                      Originally Posted by shen923 View Post

                      One thing IMHO worth considering is if a "matted monitor" is available as an option.

                      If you are like me and like to use the laptop anywhere and everywhere, you'll appreciate not having reflections that occur on the glossy monitors with so many laptops today.

                      I see users having to tilt their monitor down towards the keyboard to eliminate the glare. Something to consider if you plan on using it in a variety of locations/situations. Just my 2 cents I chose a Lenovo Think Pad because it had the matted monitor option available.

                      Good Luck
                      Very very good point. I hate these new glossy screens and it means you actually are stuck inside with the laptop and often staring at your own face!

                      Will have to hunt the information down and see if there is a matted version of the HP or if there is a screen film or something to stop it being glossy.

                      Originally Posted by Paul Myers View Post

                      Mark,One thing I never hear people talk about is the cost of wear and tear on a laptop that gets bounced around in travel, coffee shops, etc. I don't have any specs on this, but I'd wager (have, in fact, by buying the netbook) that a netbook will save you money in terms of the life of the more expensive laptop. I also won't be keeping any data on the netbook that I'd worry about losing if the thing got broken or stolen.

                      Another benefit is that I can carry the netbook, a Flip video camera, a regular digital camera, an external DVD burner/player, 2 composition notebooks, and the assorted cables and batteries for them all in a case that's smaller than most women's purses.

                      As an aside... If you prefer a mouse to the trackpad, the Logitech cordless with USB dongle "Just Works" with that ASUS. Nice little mouse, even for someone with bigger hands.

                      Big hands for big things Paul

                      But a trackpad is fine for what i do, i occassionally swap over to a little usb mouse if im at the desk and i get hand cramp but that rearely happens and with a netbook screen the movement of the mouse is minimal anyway.

                      I do love my netbook for it's size but i really do want to have a bigger one like i did before especially seeing as they are alot lighter now a days than a few years back.

                      Originally Posted by uniquecontent View Post

                      As per my experience, you should go with this model

                      HP dv7t Quad Core i7
                      8MB RAM (DDR3)
                      2.8Ghz Quad Core Processor (1.6Ghz)
                      500GB Harddrive
                      17.3 Inches

                      I am using for quite a long time and its a wonderful product produced by HP.

                      Whats the wear and tear on it like? any problems so far?

                      Originally Posted by seasoned View Post

                      Ironically, I HAVE spoken about how fragile notebooks are. One coworker had no less than THREE disks installed and 2 motherboards replaced though I have been there longer and haven't had ONE replacement. ONE possible reason is that she practically BANGED the system onto the dock. I, by contrast, rest it on the dock and press gently. I watch my notebooks like a HAWK! And believe me, it is NO easy feat. I mean I am in a CONSTANT state of vigilance while planes, that I am on, are boarding. NOBODY cares about other people's stuff, and are like that idiot "attendant" on that kinko's commercial.

                      For those that haven't seen it... A couple guys are talking in their seat on a plane, and one decides to let the attendant put his laptop away. While she is slamming and forcing it into the storage area, and slamming the door on it to try to close the area, the guy is heard extolling the virtues of kinko's and how he had THEM print his presentation, etc... JUST IN CASE! The obvious implication is that she will probably destroy that notebook, and he doesn't care!

                      Of course, I am NOT discounting what you said, it is very good advice. AND, whether you have the success I have, or failure, like my coworker, the netbook idea is a good one. My latest computer is a netbook. I DO have two backup systems to backup the data I DO have on it. Netbooks are ALSO better on aircraft where the people in front may quickly recline and break notebooks.

                      Yeah they are cheap in comparison but when im using it full time and trying to multi-task the speed options and even HD space is dissapointing at best.

                      At the moment im running 1.6Ghz and 1MB RAM and it's too slow! I even had to disable my anti virus and reduce the startup programs and background programs to make it run at a decent speed. It's just too damn slow!

                      Mark Blaze
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                      • Profile picture of the author seasoned
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                        Originally Posted by Mark Blaze View Post

                        Thanks steve... i thought everyone might go for this one just based on the specs but ive often found a really high spec laptop but with cheap keyboards and a trackpad that wears down very easily.
                        Happily, I haven't had many problems with keyboards for a while.

                        Yeah they are cheap in comparison but when im using it full time and trying to multi-task the speed options and even HD space is dissapointing at best.

                        At the moment im running 1.6Ghz and 1MB RAM and it's too slow! I even had to disable my anti virus and reduce the startup programs and background programs to make it run at a decent speed. It's just too damn slow!

                        Mark Blaze

                        Well, I thought the 160GB was OK, and it WAS the old standard.(JUST after they came out). I upgraded mine to the full 2GB(which is the max many XP variants can use anyway). Mine is 1.66Ghz 8-P, but still not THAT great. You are right, the 1.6Ghz or even 1.66Ghz would be OK if not for the fact that it lacks some instructions/ability, lacks some cache, and has only one core. The Centrino 2, realistically is at least twice as fast, as I recall. Of course, it ALSO uses more power and is more expensive. So you might pay an extra $50 and lose 2-4 hours of runtime. The whole thing is about tradeoffs. Anyway, I am SICK of buying the last generation of laptop, always one step behind. I took my savings, and bought a backup drive. Later, I may get an 8-32GB system with 2MB of cache, and 1.5TB! Even a YEAR ago that looked less realistic than it does NOW!

                        BTW XPS may simply mean [windows] XP [operating] S[ystem]!

                        • Profile picture of the author mojojuju
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                          For a couple years now I've had an HP laptop and I've been really satisfied with it in terms of durability. I'm pretty careless with it, I keep it in a soft case that get's tossed into the back seat of my car without much thought about it.

                          The hinges were a big selling point for me. They're well constructed, and that was my greatest concern when purchasing because my previous two laptops the screens just cracked off at the hinges - probably due to some repeated ergonomic abnormality in the way I lift the screen.

                          But this HP has been really good. I don't have to be careful with it. I am quite abusive toward it, so are my kids who I've caught standing on it while it's in it's bag. To clarify though, they're little kids and not 200 pound teenagers.


                          • Profile picture of the author Mark Blaze
                            Mark Blaze
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                            Originally Posted by seasoned View Post

                            Happily, I haven't had many problems with keyboards for a while.

                            Well, I thought the 160GB was OK, and it WAS the old standard.(JUST after they came out). I upgraded mine to the full 2GB(which is the max many XP variants can use anyway). Mine is 1.66Ghz 8-P, but still not THAT great. You are right, the 1.6Ghz or even 1.66Ghz would be OK if not for the fact that it lacks some instructions/ability, lacks some cache, and has only one core. The Centrino 2, realistically is at least twice as fast, as I recall. Of course, it ALSO uses more power and is more expensive. So you might pay an extra $50 and lose 2-4 hours of runtime. The whole thing is about tradeoffs. Anyway, I am SICK of buying the last generation of laptop, always one step behind. I took my savings, and bought a backup drive. Later, I may get an 8-32GB system with 2MB of cache, and 1.5TB! Even a YEAR ago that looked less realistic than it does NOW!

                            BTW XPS may simply mean [windows] XP [operating] S[ystem]!

                            IBM laptops and dell i have noticed seem to have more keyboard troubles than most others. Hence why i ask!

                            Originally Posted by mojojuju View Post

                            For a couple years now I've had an HP laptop and I've been really satisfied with it in terms of durability. I'm pretty careless with it, I keep it in a soft case that get's tossed into the back seat of my car without much thought about it.

                            The hinges were a big selling point for me. They're well constructed, and that was my greatest concern when purchasing because my previous two laptops the screens just cracked off at the hinges - probably due to some repeated ergonomic abnormality in the way I lift the screen.

                            But this HP has been really good. I don't have to be careful with it. I am quite abusive toward it, so are my kids who I've caught standing on it while it's in it's bag. To clarify though, they're little kids and not 200 pound teenagers.
                            That's great! They do seem to be very durable and of a strong nature and yet not too bulky to make sure they can survive 'normal life'.

                            Mark Blaze
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                            • Profile picture of the author seasoned
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                              Originally Posted by Mark Blaze View Post

                              IBM laptops and dell i have noticed seem to have more keyboard troubles than most others. Hence why i ask!
                              It is worth noting that IBM keyboards were once considered THE best in consumer computers. I make that distinction because there were a few companies known for making better keyboard matrixes. Sadly, I don't think ANYONE is as good as they once were. The low cost, flimsy plastic, and for over function items like the "M/S natural keyboard" and IBM's butterfly keyboard portended a bleak future though.

                              • Profile picture of the author Mark Blaze
                                Mark Blaze
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                                Originally Posted by seasoned View Post

                                It is worth noting that IBM keyboards were once considered THE best in consumer computers. I make that distinction because there were a few companies known for making better keyboard matrixes. Sadly, I don't think ANYONE is as good as they once were. The low cost, flimsy plastic, and for over function items like the "M/S natural keyboard" and IBM's butterfly keyboard portended a bleak future though.

                                I meant more about their laptop keyboards with the little plastic connectors and clear rubber 'bits' that diss-connect, move around and make the keys all different to 'tap' after a while!

                                My space bar came off my last bulky laptop and it took me a whole hour to get it back on properly and even then it was never as good as it was before.

                                Mark Blaze
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                                • Profile picture of the author wordwizard
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                                  Originally Posted by Matt Pickstone View Post


                                  This question has come up a few times in my day, and i always tell them to get a mac for reliability! They are great when it comes to speed and they are so darn reliable! I've got a little macbook, had it for years and it never has crashed on me! They're Great, not much of a learning curve either (if your a pc/windows type of guy)

                                  Those are my thoughts anyway..

                                  Take it easy,
                                  Matt Pickstone
                                  Hi Mark,

                                  I'm with Matt on the Mac issue! I love my ibook.

                                  And as far as program support goes -- it's way better than you'd think. The mac has some great software right built in and integrated, from imovie to garageband, not to mention itunes and iphoto and...

                                  And there's plenty of great software available for Macs, plus more and more of the other stuff is being made for Macs too (

                                  Also, all the new versions, which you'd be getting, are now intel based and they all can handle parallels or some other way to deal with PC programs as well., so the program support has really become a moot issue.

                                  I still have my pre-intel ibook, and it DOES have a few drawbacks in that are , mostly related to Camtasia ;( but that won't be an issue for you.

                                  When it comes to reliability, ease of use, etc. Macs rock.

                                  Just my contrarian 2 cents ;-)


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                                  • Profile picture of the author Barry Unruh
                                    Barry Unruh
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                                    HP Laptops are great. The second one looks very good on the specs, and is sure to make you happy.

                                    Upgrade the warranty to cover accidental damage, it is worth it. If it does not already have a 3 year warranty, add it.

                                    The only caution I'll give you, 17" laptops are great for using, and really atrocious for carrying. They may not seem much heavier in the store, but when you start carrying it around everyday, you will know the difference fast.

                                    I used a HP 17" Laptop for over 3 years, and loved it. Then I noticed my one arm was getting longer...

                                    If you can, get the 17" for most of your work, and grab an HP Netbook at the same time. Then you can travel with ease and still be productive, but have the power of the big boy when you aren't worried about weight.
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                      • Profile picture of the author petelta
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                        Originally Posted by Mark Blaze View Post

                        Anyone got any info on alienware laptops? they have some nice spec but seem to be very bulky and full of fans for cooling as well as gaming pieces which i don't need.
                        Alienware has always been built computers for fact gaming. You can get more bang for your buck with your IM going a different route.

                        I am also in search of a new laptop. Let me know which you choose.
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                        • Profile picture of the author Mark Blaze
                          Mark Blaze
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                          Originally Posted by petelta View Post

                          Alienware has always been built computers for fact gaming. You can get more bang for your buck with your IM going a different route.

                          I am also in search of a new laptop. Let me know which you choose.
                          Yeah that's what i thought!

                          I imagine if i did go and buy an alienware pc (even though i do love their unique look) i would just end up playing games instead of working. Not the idea!

                          Mark Blaze
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              • Profile picture of the author Scott Henderson
                Scott Henderson
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                One thing IMHO worth considering is if a "matted monitor" is available as an option.

                If you are like me and like to use the laptop anywhere and everywhere, you'll appreciate not having reflections that occur on the glossy monitors with so many laptops today.

                I see users having to tilt their monitor down towards the keyboard to eliminate the glare. Something to consider if you plan on using it in a variety of locations/situations. Just my 2 cents I chose a Lenovo Think Pad because it had the matted monitor option available.

                Good Luck
      • Profile picture of the author Nightengale
        Profile picture of Nightengale
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        I know this isn't among the laptops you mentioned, but I bought an Acer last summer and have been very happy with it.

        I bought it from a small, independent dealer and it came with Vista automatically installed, but the dealer rolled it back to XP at my request. I did NOT want Vista and since I'm not very techie, I didn't feel confident enough to do it myself even though it came with XP on CD.

        Maybe you can find someone who could roll the computer back to XP for you? At the time I was shopping for a laptop, Toshiba was selling some of their computers with XP. I don't know if they still are or if any other computer manufacturer is doing so, but it's worth researching if having XP is really important to you.

        If you don't know of any independent dealer in your area, ask friends and family for their recommendations. That's what I did and both my ex-boyfriend and a girlfriend of mine recommended the same guy. He's very knowledagble, gave me great service and it was so nice to deal with someone one on one, the owner no less instead of just being a number on some tech department's list.

        Just an idea. Hope that helps!

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        • Profile picture of the author Mark Blaze
          Mark Blaze
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          Originally Posted by kenj View Post

          Sorry Mark

          I did mean the second HP

          Quad core surely beats dual. OK so you have a projector. But most people I know are on Plasma/lcd large screens as the blu-ray definition works so well with them

          Yeah it sure does!

          Yeah i thought about getting a plasma or lcd but honestly didn't want the main focus of the room being a whopping big TV!

          Only annoying thing is that you do need to make the room dark to watch anything on it to get the nice picture quality but other than that its perfect especially when you don't watch much TV anyway or if so then its via the laptop.

          Originally Posted by Nightengale View Post

          I know this isn't among the laptops you mentioned, but I bought an Acer last summer and have been very happy with it.

          I bought it from a small, independent dealer and it came with Vista automatically installed, but the dealer rolled it back to XP at my request. I did NOT want Vista and since I'm not very techie, I didn't feel confident enough to do it myself even though it came with XP on CD.

          Maybe you can find someone who could roll the computer back to XP for you? At the time I was shopping for a laptop, Toshiba was selling some of their computers with XP. I don't know if they still are or if any other computer manufacturer is doing so, but it's worth researching if having XP is really important to you.

          If you don't know of any independent dealer in your area, ask friends and family for their recommendations. That's what I did and both my ex-boyfriend and a girlfriend of mine recommended the same guy. He's very knowledagble, gave me great service and it was so nice to deal with someone one on one, the owner no less instead of just being a number on some tech department's list.

          Just an idea. Hope that helps!

          Ahh i hate Acer, their curvyness and all their damn programs that come installed. Plus they are a pig to fix ive found!

          My sister had one a while back and i told her never to get one again. Plus it doesn't sound expensive ha ha! I gotta feel good carrying this thing around too.

          Ive looked locally and a bit further away but their prices are soo over inflated ive decided to stick to online companies. Plus i love mail!

          But have already sorted out a repair guy for it for when it breaks (and no im not just gonna fix this piece of junk lol).

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  • Profile picture of the author ILUVCA$H
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    Why not get a netbook and use applications available online. Our HP computers after just 3 years all batteries were shot on the DELLS !

    IntelliReview: Details for ASUS Eee PC 1005HA-VU1X-BK 10.1-Inch Black Netbook - 8.5 Hour Battery Life

    A netbook for travel and a kick ass desktop computer at home - that's what I say.

    Luke Smith | Affiliate Manager
    (858) 848-LUKE
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  • Profile picture of the author sharp
    Profile picture of sharp
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    Blue Ray can be nice on long flights... that said a 17.3 screen on the laptop means it is a beast in size. I have one and though I love the screen real estate it is big to carry around every day (first laptop I can have two documents side by side on and really use them.. esp. if you throw anything else around). I had to get a new bag just to carry it in. Decide based on your idea of 'light' vs. 'functional screen size'.

    ANY of those procs have plenty of juice to do the things you're throwing at them with ease. The i7 is amazing; but the RAM is the key to your happiness at these power levels.

    The Dell Studio XPS is a joy. I would trade down to a 16 screen if I could do it over again to have that instead of the Studio I do have.

    You'll love Windows 7. XP is nothing (comparatively speaking).

  • Profile picture of the author Mili_D
    Profile picture of Mili_D
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    I would say go for the HP dv7t Quad Core i7
    8MB RAM (DDR3)
    2.8Ghz Quad Core Processor (1.6Ghz)
    500GB Harddrive
    17.3 Inches
    good luck
  • Profile picture of the author Matt Pickstone
    Matt Pickstone
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    This question has come up a few times in my day, and i always tell them to get a mac for reliability! They are great when it comes to speed and they are so darn reliable! I've got a little macbook, had it for years and it never has crashed on me! They're Great, not much of a learning curve either (if your a pc/windows type of guy)

    Those are my thoughts anyway..

    Take it easy,
    Matt Pickstone
    • Profile picture of the author RanD
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      Originally Posted by Matt Pickstone View Post


      This question has come up a few times in my day, and i always tell them to get a mac for reliability! They are great when it comes to speed and they are so darn reliable! I've got a little macbook, had it for years and it never has crashed on me! They're Great, not much of a learning curve either (if your a pc/windows type of guy)

      Those are my thoughts anyway..

      Take it easy,
      Matt Pickstone
      I'm going to have to disagree with this. I bought a Macbook Pro a couple of years ago based on a thread here, and I have come to regret it. I guess it depends on what you do. If you are mostly just working directly with wordpress and other web properties, you may be fine, but very few (almost none) of the internet marketing tools and applications are designed for Macs. Nor do other things you take for granted, like Roboform...and no, 1Password is not just as good.

      Yes, you can run Windows based applications from the Bootcamp partition, but switching back and forth all the time gets old. I now have my Mac running Windows XP in a Fusion virtual machine 24/7. I don't even go to the Mac OS part anymore, other than when I reboot. What a waste of money and resources. I'm following this thread because I'm looking for another laptop that I can have the resources fully dedicated to the stuff I'm working on. I'm sure I'll find something to use the Mac for
      • Profile picture of the author Mark Blaze
        Mark Blaze
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        Originally Posted by wordwizard View Post

        Hi Mark,

        I'm with Matt on the Mac issue! I love my ibook.

        And as far as program support goes -- it's way better than you'd think. The mac has some great software right built in and integrated, from imovie to garageband, not to mention itunes and iphoto and...

        And there's plenty of great software available for Macs, plus more and more of the other stuff is being made for Macs too (

        Also, all the new versions, which you'd be getting, are now intel based and they all can handle parallels or some other way to deal with PC programs as well., so the program support has really become a moot issue.

        I still have my pre-intel ibook, and it DOES have a few drawbacks in that are , mostly related to Camtasia ;( but that won't be an issue for you.

        When it comes to reliability, ease of use, etc. Macs rock.

        Just my contrarian 2 cents ;-)

        Surely then you end up having to switch from operating system to operating system and it also means when you partition the pc that you also partition the HD space and then it's only after that you realize you use one part for file storage more than the other.

        Also surely mac and xp softwares cannot read the same files especially if they are in different partition of the harddrive.

        I do love the sound and look of a mac but when i use my laptop to run at least 3 hours of software a day (that's only supported on windows) then im a bit worried!

        Originally Posted by KansasDragon View Post

        HP Laptops are great. The second one looks very good on the specs, and is sure to make you happy.

        Upgrade the warranty to cover accidental damage, it is worth it. If it does not already have a 3 year warranty, add it.

        The only caution I'll give you, 17" laptops are great for using, and really atrocious for carrying. They may not seem much heavier in the store, but when you start carrying it around everyday, you will know the difference fast.

        I used a HP 17" Laptop for over 3 years, and loved it. Then I noticed my one arm was getting longer...

        If you can, get the 17" for most of your work, and grab an HP Netbook at the same time. Then you can travel with ease and still be productive, but have the power of the big boy when you aren't worried about weight.
        Yeah the Asus netbook as linked above looks like a very nice option and something i am definatly going to be getting too.

        Anyone have any ideas how i could go about using the large high spec laptop via the tiny netbook when im away? teamviewer or something else?

        Originally Posted by RanD View Post

        I'm going to have to disagree with this. I bought a Macbook Pro a couple of years ago based on a thread here, and I have come to regret it. I guess it depends on what you do. If you are mostly just working directly with wordpress and other web properties, you may be fine, but very few (almost none) of the internet marketing tools and applications are designed for Macs. Nor do other things you take for granted, like Roboform...and no, 1Password is not just as good.

        Yes, you can run Windows based applications from the Bootcamp partition, but switching back and forth all the time gets old. I now have my Mac running Windows XP in a Fusion virtual machine 24/7. I don't even go to the Mac OS part anymore, other than when I reboot. What a waste of money and resources. I'm following this thread because I'm looking for another laptop that I can have the resources fully dedicated to the stuff I'm working on. I'm sure I'll find something to use the Mac for
        Ahh yep that's the problem i would be worried about!


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  • Profile picture of the author seasoned
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    Frankly, the specs on the HP dv7t Quad Core i7, as you presented, look best.

  • Profile picture of the author uniquecontent
    Profile picture of uniquecontent
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    As per my experience, you should go with this model

    HP dv7t Quad Core i7
    8MB RAM (DDR3)
    2.8Ghz Quad Core Processor (1.6Ghz)
    500GB Harddrive
    17.3 Inches

    I am using for quite a long time and its a wonderful product produced by HP.
  • Profile picture of the author InternetM39482
    Profile picture of InternetM39482
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    I have a Dell XPS 16 and I'd can recommend it. It's been working well for 1+ year now. :-)

    But, now, I like your second option better. :p
    • Profile picture of the author Mark Blaze
      Mark Blaze
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      Originally Posted by Swastik View Post

      I have a Dell XPS 16 and I'd can recommend it. It's been working well for 1+ year now. :-)

      But, now, I like your second option better. :p
      I love the look of the Dell XPS and the name of it! It just screams cool'ness

      Will probably end up buying a laptop that i think is amazing and going to be good for a while and then some new laptop comes out which beats it and it a similar price. Always the way with technology!

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  • Profile picture of the author Sarah Russell
    Sarah Russell
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    Second all the comments about 17" laptop size. My 17" Dell Vostro is a beast - and I love it as a home desktop replacement - but carrying it around gets rough. On more than one occasion, I've stayed home instead of going to work at the library/coffee shop, just to avoid the hassle of packing it up and hauling it around. My next purchase is going to be a netbook or smaller laptop for travel - if you can do both, they'd pair pretty well.

    Also - one thing to note. 17" laptops won't fit in most standard laptop bags, so you're stuck buying expensive, unwieldy bags if you plan on doing any traveling with it.
  • Profile picture of the author Barry Unruh
    Barry Unruh
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    For the remote access try LogMeIn. They have a free option if you don't need remote printing, or remote file transfer. The paid version has those features and more.

    The other option I like just as well is GoToMyPC.

    I had clients using both of them.

    When I was still working in the IT Support field, we supported thousands of remote PC's using LogMeIn Pro, it is very good. But, give the free version a try, you will get a trial period of using the paid version, so can see all of its features.

    You will probably wonder how you lived without remote access.
    Brain Drained...Signature Coming Soon!
    • Profile picture of the author Mark Blaze
      Mark Blaze
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      Originally Posted by KansasDragon View Post


      For the remote access try LogMeIn. They have a free option if you don't need remote printing, or remote file transfer. The paid version has those features and more.

      The other option I like just as well is GoToMyPC.

      I had clients using both of them.

      When I was still working in the IT Support field, we supported thousands of remote PC's using LogMeIn Pro, it is very good. But, give the free version a try, you will get a trial period of using the paid version, so can see all of its features.

      You will probably wonder how you lived without remote access.
      Do they all work even if connecting from the same IP and wireless network?

      I know this probably sounds stupid but if im sat downstairs then i don't really want to have to go all the way upstairs to get the big pc to sit what that heavy thing on my lap and the netbook by my side for when ive finished!

      Sounds lazy i know but would make it alot easier.

      Also might be a stupid question but do any of these or is it possible to remotely switch on a laptop if it is plugged in or if it has batter power available? I don't really want to go on holiday for a few weeks and have to leave the laptop on 24/7 in my house with no on else there.

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  • Profile picture of the author tweetzon
    Profile picture of tweetzon
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    dude windows 7 is like a better upgrade of xp you would like it! btw by having 1800$ u could get better specs! i would recommend getting dell because they have the one of the best customer service and its cheaper compare to the others

    Selling the cheapest real youtube views,subscribers, comments and likes! pm me for more

    • Profile picture of the author Mark Blaze
      Mark Blaze
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      Originally Posted by tweetzon View Post

      dude windows 7 is like a better upgrade of xp you would like it! btw by having 1800$ u could get better specs! i would recommend getting dell because they have the one of the best customer service and its cheaper compare to the others
      Any particular ones?

      Ive had a look around but can't seem to find anything better than those 3 up there! Especially that don't look like a lenevo aka playmobile cheap plastic laptop with bulk!

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  • Profile picture of the author Barry Unruh
    Barry Unruh
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    There is a power on option in LogMeIn, I have never tried it. Not quite sure how it even works. The PC would need to have some kind of access to the internet in order for you to remotely power it on.

    In the house you can just use the Remote Desktop Option built-in to the Windows OS. It does work to LogMeIn between PC's on the same network, I used to do it at home on occasion, I had a desktop upstairs, and usually spent most of my time downstairs with the laptop.

    I'll second the vote for Windows 7. It is VERY good. It is a much better experience than Vista was.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mark Blaze
      Mark Blaze
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      Originally Posted by KansasDragon View Post

      There is a power on option in LogMeIn, I have never tried it. Not quite sure how it even works. The PC would need to have some kind of access to the internet in order for you to remotely power it on.

      In the house you can just use the Remote Desktop Option built-in to the Windows OS. It does work to LogMeIn between PC's on the same network, I used to do it at home on occasion, I had a desktop upstairs, and usually spent most of my time downstairs with the laptop.

      I'll second the vote for Windows 7. It is VERY good. It is a much better experience than Vista was.
      Ah ok!

      Yeah will have to look into it but i suppose if i go and get myself a external harddrive and make sure everything i need is on that then it could work well enough!

      Ahh so many technical aspects.

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  • Profile picture of the author organicgirl6
    Profile picture of organicgirl6
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    Now that I have been using a Mac for a year, I will never go back to PC!! I have a Mac ibookG4, which is the older model, but still works wonderfully. You don't have to worry about viruses and check on for refurbished ones for good deals.
  • Profile picture of the author JonathanBoettcher
    Profile picture of JonathanBoettcher
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    Haha... just get a Mac already.
  • Profile picture of the author JonathanBoettcher
    Profile picture of JonathanBoettcher
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    LOL ok. I also run parallels with XP. Last year I was in your shoes... perhaps one day you'll come over to the other side of the fence.
  • Profile picture of the author BIG Mike
    BIG Mike
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      Mark Blaze
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      Originally Posted by BIG Mike View Post

      Go for the HP dv7t Quad Core i7

      I tried to buy it with a couple of modifications but cannot get it in Europe. One thing - try to get a solid state hard drive for use as the main drive - they'll run Windows 7 wickedly fast with 8 GB's of ram.
      Big Mike that just went straight over my head!

      What on earth is a 'solid state hardrive' or did you just mean make sure the hardrive is good? Damn Europeans changing how they speak

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    BIG Mike
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      Mark Blaze
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      Originally Posted by BIG Mike View Post

      A solid state hard drive has no moving parts - sort of a super fast, high volumn memory stick if you will. It replaces a traditional platter type hard drive.

      Regular hard drives read around 16 to 20 MB's a second .... solid state drives read 250 MB's per second

      I've got a new desktop (custom) with an I7 Extreme liquid cooled processor (4Ghz turbo), an Intel solid state drive for my main drive (to run Windows and programs), 12GB's of ram and a 1.5 TB secondary drive for data - this thing's a rocket

      It's getting to the point at those speeds that your pc runs faster than you can ever actually over use the pc lol!

      Will have to look into the HD or see if they can upgrade it for me as now you put it in simple terms it would definatly make a big difference.

      Mark Blaze
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    • Profile picture of the author RanD
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      Originally Posted by BIG Mike View Post

      A solid state hard drive has no moving parts - sort of a super fast, high volumn memory stick if you will. It replaces a traditional platter type hard drive.

      Regular hard drives read around 16 to 20 MB's a second .... solid state drives read 250 MB's per second

      I've got a new desktop (custom) with an I7 Extreme liquid cooled processor (4Ghz turbo), an Intel solid state drive for my main drive (to run Windows and programs), 12GB's of ram and a 1.5 TB secondary drive for data - this thing's a rocket
      Wow!! just....Wow!!
  • Profile picture of the author petelta
    Profile picture of petelta
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    Just to let you know Mark, I just bought a HP dv7t Quad Core i7 because of this post lol.
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    Free 5-7 day shipping. You can double the Ram to 6 GB for free right now and also the hard drive. I ended up paying around 1200 after tax. It will do fine for everything I need to do.
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  • Profile picture of the author Barry Unruh
    Barry Unruh
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    Damn, Big Mike suddenly made me feel so inadequate....
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