Looking for Best guide - 1st Page Google

6 replies
Hi all

Sorry in advance if this has been asked before.
I've been looking through the WSO's to find an easy to follow guide, that will walk me through - How to definitely get me on Page 1 of Google & stay on Page 1,
using articles, Squidoo etc.

Can any of you fellow Warriors point me in the right direction, so that I won't waste my money on many e-books. There seems to be quite a few that say they can deliver the goods. I just want (1) that works.

If anyone can help !!!

#1st #google #guide #page
  • Profile picture of the author Chris Monty
    Wow, that's a tall order. It's impossible to know how to get on page one of Google until you know what you're up against.

    Are you in a competitive niche or a non-competitive niche? Are there 300,000 competing results or 14,000,000? Are you ranking for a one word term ("mortgage") or a long-tail ("mortgage refinance rates in michigan")?

    It will be hard to find an answer when you are unsure of what your question is.
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  • Profile picture of the author seree
    Hi Busybee,

    What do you want from being the #1 on Google page 1?

    Generally, I would not try to get #1 on Google page 1 until I had a 'profitable' web site.

    Did you got into these steps?

    I want you to get a 'profitable' web site before try to get #1 on Google because even you got the #1 position but your site is not 'profitable', you'll disappoint what you're doing.

    Try to get the best out of little traffic first, then going to get more traffic to earn more.

    For me, I found that building back-links is the most effective methods and can bring your site into the top of Google if you luck enough. (Video site did well on this!)

    Here is my primary short list when I want back links to my site.
    - eHow
    - eZineArticles
    - HowCast
    - HubPages

    Hope this help,
    Seree W.
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    • Profile picture of the author busybee
      Thank you all very much for your insights(montydad5000, Seree, andrew_writes & Craig Desorcy)
      I didn't realize how complicated it was to achieve 1st page on google.

      As I am about to try some Article Marketing, using "long-tail" keywords,so that I can get some traffic to sell affiliate products, I have been reading some WSO's that seem to say that by following their "Guide" will definitely enable me to get my - Articles & Squidoo lenses on 1st page. These WSO's seem to indicate that it is very easy to achieve Page 1.

      So, I was just asking if anyone could recommend any of such guides to buy, & has anyone bought such guides & can confirm that such "guides" of "E-books" work or not.

      Once again



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      • Profile picture of the author Richard Tunnah
        Originally Posted by busybee View Post

        Thank you all very much for your insights(montydad5000, Seree, andrew_writes & Craig Desorcy)
        I didn't realize how complicated it was to achieve 1st page on google.

        As I am about to try some Article Marketing, using "long-tail" keywords,so that I can get some traffic to sell affiliate products, I have been reading some WSO's that seem to say that by following their "Guide" will definitely enable me to get my - Articles & Squidoo lenses on 1st page. These WSO's seem to indicate that it is very easy to achieve Page 1.

        So, I was just asking if anyone could recommend any of such guides to buy, & has anyone bought such guides & can confirm that such "guides" of "E-books" work or not.

        Once again

        Hi Busybee,
        There's many ebooks on methods that can get you listed on the first page. The problem is 'stickiness' and you dropping off quickly. I've just started actioning a good ebook by David Preston/ Willie Crawford on 1st page ranking. Was a WSO a few weeks ago.

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  • Profile picture of the author andrew_writes
    Originally Posted by busybee View Post

    Hi all

    Sorry in advance if this has been asked before.
    I've been looking through the WSO's to find an easy to follow guide, that will walk me through - How to definitely get me on Page 1 of Google & stay on Page 1,
    using articles, Squidoo etc.

    Can any of you fellow Warriors point me in the right direction, so that I won't waste my money on many e-books. There seems to be quite a few that say they can deliver the goods. I just want (1) that works.

    If anyone can help !!!

    To get to number one and stay there is a hard thing, takes a lot of work and a lot of pages with the right keyword.

    Basically, if I were inclined, I would do research on the main five or seven keywords I want to rank for and then check out the sites that come up in google for these keywords.

    I would only use the first three sites for each keyword. From there I would dissect exactly what it is that they offer, what keywords that have and their internal linking structure and the anchor text they use.

    I would check their external links and backlinks for the same thing.

    Next I would duplicate, in sense, what they are doing (15 - 21 sites) with my own unique twist and content, products and services.

    Next I would promote the heck out of the site with article marketing using a different keyword in the anchor text for each of the keywords I am trying to rank for.

    Next I would go social with bookmarking and networking sites as well as creating a free blogger blog with about 15 pages pointing to the site with anchor text of my keywords.

    I would do some forum posting and blog commenting, trade some links, get some triangle links, one way links and pay for a few PR 4 and above permanent one way links.

    Wait about 3 weeks, check your ranking, links, use your analytics account to see how else people are finding you and incorporate that data into the tweaking of your site.

    Also if your main site is not a blog, put one behind it and link to it from the main page and post everyday using fresh content that is targeted to your theme.

    Submit a press release to the free services for every event, this means every new article, promotion, whatever. Read their rules first.

    More research and more tweaking after a few weeks, rinse and repeat.

    This is not all inclusive but I hope it helps.

    It is a lot of work but what i worry about most is getting targeted traffic and that will come from search engines based on your content and from your article marketing. You will also notice that you will start ranking for long tailed keywords that you did not intend to because of how google rates your pages. This is a good thing, work with it.

    Personally I don't do all of this anymore because the number one position is over rated. Just get in the top 20.
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  • Profile picture of the author threeg5
    I personally use Article Marketing to drive most of my traffic. I also use Forum Marketing, but not nearly as much as I could. It is just part of the icing while I use the awesome services of forums just like the warrior forum. I rank very high for terms that are related to writing articles as well. Expert guide to article marketing. Check that out in google and see how many of the top 10 results are there for The experts guide to article marketing.
    Article Marketing Learn how to use it and then the rest will fall into place. You will learn what moves your audience then you can go for the PPC type stuff or just the stuff that you have to pay for in general. Learn the game and then make your own rules. Each and every person on here that has nay success will tell you a different story. I would personally be surprised if any 2 were the same or even very close for that matter.

    I Have a Free Copy of The Expert's Guide to Article Marketing
    You Learn What Article Marketing is and how to use it in your Business Model.
    It's Free Click Here

    * People Search * Click Here and see why, and how it is profitable.

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