Outsourcing Headaches
I hired a ghostwriter via elance to put together my first ebook based on a detailed outline (5 pages) I provided. Well, he had some good ideas, but we're now 3 weeks passed the due date, and still not done.
Before I hired him, I:
- reviewed writing samples
- checked with a previous client
- reviewed a copy of a previous ebook he wrote
I can't be sure, but I think he in turn outsourced my project and is simply editing before sending back to me. What a mess.
I've also had issues with an article writer and site designer. I didn't think I was consistently bad at picking freelancers, but maybe I am.
Moral: even though you may think you have the perfect freelancer, do not leave anything to chance. Be thorough and, if possible, speak with him/her on the phone prior to hiring.
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I'm working on some new things. So, nothing to promote just yet.
Jan Weingarten
Substitute "damn" every time you're inclined to write "very"; your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it should be. ~Mark Twain
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