Woman requests refund for a free product

104 replies
It's scary to think how short our attention spans have become. Text messaging, twitter etc. are actually making people stupid.

A woman opted in for a free product and then two days later e-mailed me asking for a refund saying that it wasn't what she expected.

I think one of the biggest problems Internet marketers face is the dumbing down of society. People barely remember what they did two days ago.
#free #product #refund #requests #woman
  • Profile picture of the author mikebrooks
    That's AWESOME! How did you reply back to her?

    Mike Brooks
    Affiliate/JV Manager for Job Crusher

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    • Profile picture of the author FredJones
      Tells you how important it is to really use autoresponders. If people forget they got something for free 2 days back, then can you imagine what happens to your site 30 seconds after they visit it? It simply disappears from their horizon of existence.
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      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        Dear Madam:

        I am so sorry the (free) report about (something or other) you downloaded from (my site) wasn't what you expected.

        I stand firmly behind all of my products. Please find your refund for $0 attached.

        Have a nice day.

        Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
        One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
        what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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        • Profile picture of the author Jimian
          Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

          Dear Madam:

          I am so sorry the (free) report about (something or other) you downloaded from (my site) wasn't what you expected.

          I stand firmly behind all of my products. Please find your refund for $0 attached.

          Have a nice day.


          OFFLINE Marketing Strategies For The OFFLINE Warrior
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        • Profile picture of the author WriterNick
          Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

          Dear Madam:

          I am so sorry the (free) report about (something or other) you downloaded from (my site) wasn't what you expected.

          I stand firmly behind all of my products. Please find your refund for $0 attached.

          Have a nice day.

          Please find your refund for $0, Lol.
          A good way to reply, haha

          Interested in hiring Incredible EXPERIENCED Article Writers at SUPER LOW price??
          Have a look here! =)

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  • Profile picture of the author valerieSONORA
    She just gave you an opening to all kinds of replies

    siggy taking a break...

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  • Profile picture of the author Halli
    I would send her an empty envelope
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    • Profile picture of the author KatyaSenina
      Originally Posted by Halli View Post

      I would send her an empty envelope
      hahaha LOL
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  • Profile picture of the author R Hagel
    Have her fill out a long "refund request" form. Be sure the request goes through multiple hoops, such as having to register at a help desk, open a ticket, etc.

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  • Profile picture of the author Brad Gosse
    My response was somewhat comical as that's my style.

    Dear first name

    I'm sorry you are unhappy with our product.

    Here is your refund "e-mail@e-mail.com"

    If you have any trouble retrieving your e-mail address refund simply copy and paste.

    In the future when you ask for a refund you might want to check to see if you actually paid for the product first :-)

    Have a great week
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  • Profile picture of the author tweetzon
    tell her, i think you went the wrong website LOL

    Selling the cheapest real youtube views,subscribers, comments and likes! pm me for more

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  • Profile picture of the author Riz
    If it was a serial refunder they must be doing so many purchases and opt ins and they completely lose track of what was paid for and what wasn't and just copy and paste their refund requests.

    NEWBIES - Stuck on Technical Issues?

    Ask me For a FREE copy of my upcoming course that will eliminate all your technical gremlins....:
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1791786].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author rapidscc
    there's a possibility that she bought several products and
    also downloaded yours within the day and somehow mixed it
    all up.

    Though I haven't refunded anything since I started buying
    products, there are times when I mistake a purchase from
    one vendor to the next specially if the purchase is just a
    few minutes apart..

    maybe that's what happened to the lady

    All the best,
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1791797].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author GoGetta
    Wow, that is just mindblowing!

    It makes you wonder who these people are and how they get through everyday life???????

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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    Just think about how you would like to be treated by others and then reply to her if you choose to.

    I would, in a short email, tell her nicely that she never paid for anything and if she does not like what she is reading then just delete that website that you gave her and move on.

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  • Profile picture of the author DrGUID
    Dumbing down? You should see some of the forums on hubpages. I think some of the responses were written by amoeba.

    Love passive income? Make money on hubpages. Make money from ClickBank. Preserve your new wealth by investing in gold.

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  • Profile picture of the author DogScout
    One never knows, I am in constant pain and on meds. (I think another member here sometimes buys things he doesn't remember buying, but due to drinking). In any case I usually don't make a habit of asking for a refund, even if it is 'not what I expected', (as what I expect is that after buying anything the entire process will be done for me, including the moving of the money the product will make me from Paypal to my account...) But I do sometimes don't have a vivid recall of buying the product and it is not because I am stupid. (Although I do feel that way sometimes )
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Dammit! I had a great smartass reply all loaded up and in the chute - reminding Brad to charge a restocking fee - and then all these more tolerant people chime in with rational explanations. Oh, well...
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  • Profile picture of the author misterinternet
    haha, in my im career, ive never heard anything soo funny !
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  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    A few years ago I had a refund request for not placing a person's "advertisement" on my website. They sent numerous emails explaining that they had placed an ad, made payment and yet, couldnt see their ad listed. At one point they made a very colorful phone call to me.

    I searched high and low for the ad, searched for their membership - couldnt find anything.

    So I requested that they forward me the email confirmation they received when placing their ad.

    Turns out it was placed on another site altogether - a competitors site. Idiots!

    BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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  • Profile picture of the author seobro
    I might send her a check for a penny. The bank will prob charge her a dollar for processing. Well, knowing her, she will probably cash it in. This is almost as funny as the story of the man who wanted his dollar back from the lotto office because his ticket did not win.
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  • Profile picture of the author NK
    I've also had similar experience to ramone where someone sent me a refund request of a product I've never even heard of before.

    There was even once where I received an email demanding that I cancel their hosting account and refund them the money for both hosting and domain. At first I had thought they got the hosting and domain through one of my links, but later on it turns out they got their hosting from some host unknown to me and they thought the Internet was run by one single host/domain registrar - ME!

    Let us know if she replied, Brad. It would be interesting to see her response if any

    Affiliate Link Cloaking & Tracking Software - The most powerful tool available for affiliate marketers who are sick and tired of making way too little money!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1792272].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author DA
      Originally Posted by NK View Post

      There was even once where I received an email demanding that I cancel their hosting account and refund them the money for both hosting and domain. At first I had thought they got the hosting and domain through one of my links, but later on it turns out they got their hosting from some host unknown to me and they thought the Internet was run by one single host/domain registrar - ME!
      That's just crazy!
      This post made my day, I can't stop laughing at everyone's replies lol
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    • Profile picture of the author AndrewCavanagh
      Originally Posted by NK View Post

      There was even once where I received an email demanding that I cancel their hosting account and refund them the money for both hosting and domain. At first I had thought they got the hosting and domain through one of my links, but later on it turns out they got their hosting from some host unknown to me and they thought the Internet was run by one single host/domain registrar - ME!

      Brad are you trying to tell us all that the internt is not entirely run by you?!!!

      I for one don't believe you...

      and I want a refund because it wasn't what I expected.

      Kindest regards,
      Andrew Cavanagh
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  • Profile picture of the author TelegramSam
    God help these people if they also drive a Toyota !!!
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  • Profile picture of the author yommys01
    Interesting. I really like the refund given to her.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    Whats more annoying than stupid emails are the ones where the person provides absolutey no information in order for you to be able to assist them. Ive lost count of how many emails Ive had like this....

    "site not working"

    BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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    • Profile picture of the author Ryan700
      I've been getting a lot of free offers lately telling me they have a $97 value and to get it before they pull that offer down. (That's another thread for the future maybe)

      Maybe she thinks she can do what happens in real life. Shoplift (getting it free) from a store and then brings the product back for a refund.
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    • Profile picture of the author R Hagel
      Originally Posted by ramone_johnny View Post

      Whats more annoying than stupid emails are the ones where the person provides absolutey no information in order for you to be able to assist them. Ive lost count of how many emails Ive had like this....

      "site not working"
      Yes, or they send a refund request:

      "Please issue a refund."

      Hmmm... which product? What's your PayPal email? Heck, what's your name?

      I guess I need to come up with a "Mind Reading for Marketers" course so we can better handle these types of requests.

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    • Profile picture of the author Ryan700
      I've been getting a lot of free offers lately telling me they have a $97 value and to get it before they pull that offer down. (That's another thread for the future maybe)

      Maybe she thinks she can do what happens in real life. Shoplift (getting it free) from a store and then brings the product back for a refund.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lisa Gergets
    What's sad is that she probably won't "get" that you're giving her her own email back...hurrr durrrr...
    Sign up to be notified when Success on Demand goes live, and receive a FREE mindmap that you can follow to create and launch your OWN IM PRODUCTS!
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    • Profile picture of the author Charann Miller
      Originally Posted by Lisa Gergets View Post

      What's sad is that she probably won't "get" that you're giving her her own email back...hurrr durrrr...

      ...and probably reply back to follow up where it is.

      Either she has the memory of the Dory the fish and purchased somebody else's product or she is a refunder trying her luck.

      Great response nonetheless.

      The whole zero money thing reminds me of a funny story.

      We have stationary speed cameras here in New Zealand and a guy got snapped for driving an additional 20 km's over the speed limit.

      He received the fine for $180 in the mail. He then wrote a letter to the police department disputing the fine stating that because only a picture was taken of him speeding and that he wasn't actually caught in person he decided that he would only send a "picture" of the $180 cash that he owed for the fine and considered that fair payment.

      A few days later he received in the post a response from the police department of a picture of handcuffs and a jail cell, needless to say he promptly paid the money.

      I thought that effective and entertaining, I'm sure the police had fun with that one.
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  • Profile picture of the author FrankBowman
    Ok this is a little, no more than a little bluefart......hahaha.(evil laugh)

    1 Send her an email with a link to a page where she has to but her Paypal email address in so she can get the refund for the report she never paid for.

    2. IFrrame the email submit box with an email submit CPA offer......that'll teach her a lesson

    ATTENTION: This post was for humorous purposes only. PLEASE, NOBODY DO THIS.

    PS Brad.....this is just a joke, I know you'd neber do this nor would I.
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  • Profile picture of the author NK
    Speaking of mind reading, it reminded me of another case. Had an email asking what the site was about and what she was supposed to do there. Not knowing what site shes talking about, I replied asking about that.

    Now the stupid thing is, instead of telling me, she spends the next couple of email demanding to know why I can't figure it out by myself from which site she came from and accusing me of not trying to help her and making her life difficult.

    In the end I made a wild guess that she was referring to the support center because she mentioned "knowledgebase", which was correct. Would have saved both of us tons of frustrations if she had just say it out in the first place.

    I really wonder what goes on in their heads sometimes.

    Affiliate Link Cloaking & Tracking Software - The most powerful tool available for affiliate marketers who are sick and tired of making way too little money!
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  • Profile picture of the author Marhelper
    Tell her that you have to charge her for the refund ...
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    • Profile picture of the author verified12
      haha that's a classic, i'm curious to know if she came to her senses after you wrote your sarcastic refund notice...did she reply?
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  • Profile picture of the author tomcam
    Dear Brad:

    Please issue a refund promptly for this WF post. It did not meet with my expectations.
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  • Profile picture of the author xlfutur1
    Doesn't surprise me. Send her a check for $0.00, and charge a $5 processing fee.
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  • Profile picture of the author Emily Meeks
    Wow. Humanity never ceases to amaze me, apparently.

    In all that you do, know your True INTENT...

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  • Profile picture of the author Raydal
    I'm mostly always for giving a refund but this one you should blatantly
    refuse, but the irony here is that whether you give her or not she
    would still get it--so in this case you're in a very strait position.

    -Ray Edwards
    The most powerful and concentrated copywriting training online today bar none! Autoresponder Writing Email SECRETS
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    • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
      Brad, not only don't I blame her...but I am asking for a refund for having to
      read this thread.

      In fact, I want a refund for having to wake up to the air pollution outside
      my window.

      And I also want a refund on that glass of water I drank out of the tap. I'm
      sure it was good for at least $0.0003.

      ** DISCLAIMER ** For the humor challenged...the above is a joke.
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  • Profile picture of the author makesitesnotbombs
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    • Profile picture of the author Russ Emrick
      Originally Posted by makesitesnotbombs View Post

      I'm not sure why OP thinks it was necessary to be an ass.
      Good comment. OP - congrats on being perfect, as for the rest of us making mistakes is a universal human trait.
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      • Profile picture of the author Brad Gosse
        Originally Posted by Russ Emrick View Post

        Good comment. OP - congrats on being perfect, as for the rest of us making mistakes is a universal human trait.
        Nobody said I was perfect. I just pointed out something funny.

        It's unfortunate you think that way. Very negative.
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  • Profile picture of the author FrankBowman

    Could I have a refund just for typing "Steve"..........thanks, my paypal email is I'mAnIdiot [at] IdiotsRUs [dot] com
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    • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
      Originally Posted by FrankBowman View Post


      Could I have a refund just for typing "Steve"..........thanks, my paypal email is I'mAnIdiot [at] IdiotsRUs [dot] com
      Sorry...if you read my TOS (buried somewhere so nobody can find it) I
      offer no refunds for the use of my name, either in a complimentary way or
      to tell me to go %#@& off.
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  • Profile picture of the author GSX Enterprises
    I find it never worth the time to completely hassle over anything or the huge back and forth. I would of just told her you processed the refund and hope to work with her again (which I wouldn't).

    80/20 it all. I bet 80 percent of problems come from 20% of customers, or even 90/10 or 95/5. I try and always 80/20 everything possible to trim down the fat and keep streamlining, so I can spend less time dealing with things like that, and more time working on what I deem important!

    -Safe Travels
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  • Profile picture of the author greff
    Wait a minute, guys and gals.

    That woman probably signs up for a lot of newsletters and pays for many products as well.

    I think we need to cut her some slack. Not everyone's memory is as sharp as ours.

    What day is it?
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    • Profile picture of the author A Bary
      Originally Posted by greff View Post

      Wait a minute, guys and gals.

      That woman probably signs up for a lot of newsletters and pays for many products as well.

      I think we need to cut her some slack. Not everyone's memory is as sharp as ours.

      What day is it?
      Excuse me, but was she shopping for grocery??

      She is signing up and paying for IM related products, and the most basic common sense says that she pays for something that she FELT the need to buy, and it's not normal to forget about something like this..

      I think this is just a serial refund junkie who set every week end and send a bunch of emails asking for refunds
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  • Profile picture of the author greff
    I meant to ask before about a refund request I made today.

    I subscribed to a daily info service. The cost is just $2.50 per month.

    I soon discovered that I did not really need the service so I stopped even opening the email. Now I get an auto pay for the second month.

    I think to myself: Should I just accept the $2.50 loss or should I ask for a refund. I chose to ask for the refund.

    What do you think?
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  • Profile picture of the author Floyd Fisher
    Originally Posted by Brad Gosse View Post

    It's scary to think how short our attention spans have become. Text messaging, twitter etc. are actually making people stupid.

    A woman opted in for a free product and then two days later e-mailed me asking for a refund saying that it wasn't what she expected.

    I think one of the biggest problems Internet marketers face is the dumbing down of society. People barely remember what they did two days ago.


    Next time someone does that, ask them for a receipt. Tell them, if they can produce such, you will give them double their money back.
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  • Profile picture of the author MarkAse
    Honestly I don't think social media is making people dumber....fact is the general public has always had members that were that dumb, social media though now gives those people a way to prove it.

    My current project, the Uncorked Ventures Wine Club. More coming soon, here.

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    • Profile picture of the author rosetrees
      Actually, I think that woman's husband rang me a few years ago, in the days of dial-up internet.

      Caller: "I don't seem to be getting any of those email thingies"

      Me: "Did you make sure you connected to the internet before you tried to read your email?"

      Caller: "I don't have the internet"

      Me: "Oh. What's your email address?"

      Caller: "I don't have an email address".

      To this day I have no idea who it was that rang.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
    There can be good reasons for people doing dumb things. As long as we treat the customer with respect and don't identify them, I think it's OK to share the dumb things they do with each other and give ourselves a chuckle.

    I've never had a refund request for a free product, but I'll bet I've received some of the craziest emails you've ever seen. I even put together a free ebook called Crazy Emails composed of some of the many I've received just to highlight a few of the strangest ones...and of course to promote some of my stuff. Here's a "poem" called Feet...on the other Hand, from someone I nicknamed The Rancid Poet:
    I named my right foot Silly Ted
    The left one is Johnny O'Toole
    You may think I'm out of my head
    But you don't know what's cool

    Your feet, on the other hand
    Because they have no names
    Must feel quite less than grand
    And there's only you to blames

    So name your feet if you would
    And you will find peace of mind
    Otherwise it will hurt--but good
    When your feet kick your behind
    This is mild compared to some of the strange emails I've received. I brought on some of this myself. I had one guy (or gal?) that would email me crazy stuff, and once I ran a couple of his emails in my newsletter to amuse my subscribers and show them the kind of things I have to deal with, and that inspired a few imitators to do the same. I'd attached the free book but it would probably be considered self-promotion since I mention some of my products in it.

    Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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  • Profile picture of the author Kev Stevenson
    This made laugh so I just registered with WF so I could tell you a true story!
    (been lurking for ages!)

    In the UK press a few years ago in the era of dial-up...

    A guy rings computer helpline and complains about lack of internet access.
    The helpline guy goes throught his script to no avail - nothing works.
    Eventually helpline guy asks "is the PC connected to the phone-line?"
    "I'm not sure if I can get a long enough cable ."
    He had no phone and was calling from a public payphone at the end of the street...

    I'll post something more useful next time...

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    • Profile picture of the author GM155
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    • Profile picture of the author sellerscompanion
      It is amazing that people cannot remember things, but this is primarily why they never get anywhere. Sounds like she isn't even organized enough to remember what she paid for!

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    • Profile picture of the author c0rv3tt3
      This post made my day ahahaha!

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    • Profile picture of the author DC Marketing
      That is hilarious.
      I've had many strange support tickets over the years and what surprises me most is the fact that Freebie seekers expect way more than people who actually spend a few bucks.
      I don't know how I would have responded to that one.
      I am sure it would have been sarcastic..lol

      Thanks for sharing,
      Douglas J Gregory
      "The Transformation Marketer"
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    • Profile picture of the author Kim Standerline
      Welcome to the forum Kev

      Originally Posted by Kev Stevenson View Post

      This made laugh so I just registered with WF so I could tell you a true story!
      (been lurking for ages!)

      In the UK press a few years ago in the era of dial-up...

      A guy rings computer helpline and complains about lack of internet access.
      The helpline guy goes throught his script to no avail - nothing works.
      Eventually helpline guy asks "is the PC connected to the phone-line?"
      "I'm not sure if I can get a long enough cable ."
      He had no phone and was calling from a public payphone at the end of the street...

      I'll post something more useful next time...
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    • Profile picture of the author regr8
      So.... Funny XD!! I wonder how many people in these world are like that....
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  • Profile picture of the author Imran Naseem
    LOL This is a funny thread. I cannot believe the cheek of some people.

    I woke up to a nice abusive email today from someone who is a serial refunder.
    The email basically said I should "sell my house" and "I should clean toilets" just because I exposed this person as a serial refunder LOL.

    I laughed, smiled then just deleted it.
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    • Profile picture of the author Syndicator
      Important lessons for us all...

      How to keep our 'customers' attention?
      How to Build a recognisable brand?
      How to respond to morons....

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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
    Hi Brad,

    As you're one of the good guys here, tell you what I'll do. I will send you the full amount of the refund to that particular customer. There is a small processing fee of $4.95 which you can send to my PayPal address. As soon as I receive it, I will forward the full amount of the refund.

    To show I'm flexible, I'll make it even easier for you. If you prefer, you can subtract the amount of the refund from the $4.95 nefore you send it.

    Another thought...

    Perhaps when they asked for a refund, they also wanted you to take back the item. You know, somehow erase it from their computer.

    You never know!


    "Ich bin en fuego!"
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  • Profile picture of the author yourreviewer
    I think she may have contacted you mistaking your services for a product she purchased from someone else or may have purchased other products from you and got confused. I seriously can't imagine anyone so dumb to request a refund for a free product.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lady
    All of your comments were funny. I agree that it is possible that medication or multiple purchases on the same day caused confusion, but at any rate, she should have double-checked before asking of you a refund on a free product. You handled the situation with charm, and I am glad you shared it with us it was definitely funny.

    Best Wishes Lee

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  • Profile picture of the author RanD
    Yep, she could have been a serial refunder, or it could have been an honest mistake in that persons otherwise hectic day. Either way, it was pretty funny.
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  • Profile picture of the author LilBlackDress

    Can I have a refund also? I didn't buy it, or order it. I didn't see it so I am not sure what it is but a refund would be good on the thing I don't know about.

    Thanks for the good laugh Brad I can't wait till the day I put out my own products and get such a request.

    Pen Name + 8 eBooks + social media sites 4 SALE - PM me (evergreen beauty niche)

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  • Profile picture of the author nim84
    thats pretty funny she asked for a refund cant believe that

    the worlds going crazy!
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    • Profile picture of the author Martin Percival
      Stupidity isn't confined to the wold of email though. I still keep a pay rise letter from a big corporate with "thanks for all the hard work this year, we are pleased to give you this $0 salary increase"

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  • Profile picture of the author bollytintin
    so many hilarious comments here, I'm getting a good laugh guys.
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  • Profile picture of the author Emersion
    Sadly, this doesn't surprise me at all.
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  • Profile picture of the author Epicurus
    Originally Posted by Brad Gosse View Post

    It's scary to think how short our attention spans have become. Text messaging, twitter etc. are actually making people stupid.

    A woman opted in for a free product and then two days later e-mailed me asking for a refund saying that it wasn't what she expected.

    I think one of the biggest problems Internet marketers face is the dumbing down of society. People barely remember what they did two days ago.
    Ha Ha That really tickled me.

    I can relate to this, working in customer support I get some really strange emails.

    Got a 14 page (a4) email the other day from some guy moaning on about how he couldn't find work and could I help him out financially.

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  • Profile picture of the author hblzr1
    Originally Posted by Brad Gosse View Post

    ...I think one of the biggest problems Internet marketers face is the dumbing down of society...
    Sometimes I think that Internet Marketers aren't exactly innocent contributors to the dumbing down of society. The industry advocates article spinners or better, meaningless articles spun by article spinners to create exponentially even more meaningless articles to pollute the internet and live in perpetuity as a testament to the dumbing down of society.Create a blog with an auto blogger. Then make auto posts. Who cares if its a good article, I just want backlinks etc.,etc. Rinse and repeat.

    The biggest laugh maybe that you took the time to respond to what may have been an auto generated request for a refund.

    Is it possible the time is upon us that Internet Marketers are becoming a victim of their success or excesses? Your refund request may be less of an anomaly but a foreshadowing of things to come...
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  • Profile picture of the author sande
    Originally Posted by Brad Gosse View Post

    It's scary to think how short our attention spans have become. Text messaging, twitter etc. are actually making people stupid.

    A woman opted in for a free product and then two days later e-mailed me asking for a refund saying that it wasn't what she expected.

    I think one of the biggest problems Internet marketers face is the dumbing down of society. People barely remember what they did two days ago.
    With all due respect Brad and I mean that. How did you know it was a woman? And if it was a man,would you have said, a Man asked for a refund or just someone.
    Ok, I am literally running out of here now....
    How To Easily Achieve All Your Seemingly Unreachable Goals.No Matter How Disoriented You May Be Today! Goal realization made easy
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    • Profile picture of the author Nightengale

      I just lost my job last week. It was a call center job, so you can just imagine what THAT was like! (Hint: very stressdful!) Most of my customers were of the type mentioned here.

      I HATED working there, although I loved the company itself and the people I worked for/with. But the customers.... Oh Lord, the customers! I never quite thought the same of John Q. Public after that. The amount of stupidity was just amazing!

      As one poster in this thread stated, they're still the customer and deserve to be treated with respect. It's when they were stupid AND rude/insulting/whatever that any respect/patience I had went out the window. Scratch that: I have no tolerance for stupidity, period.

      "I'mAnIdiot @ IdiotsRUs.com" LOL EXACTLY!!!

      "You can't market here. This is a marketing discussion forum!"
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    • Profile picture of the author Brad Gosse
      Originally Posted by sande View Post

      With all due respect Brad and I mean that. How did you know it was a woman? And if it was a man,would you have said, a Man asked for a refund or just someone.
      Ok, I am literally running out of here now....
      Her first name was that of a woman.

      Plus her email smelled like perfume and came on pink paper
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  • Profile picture of the author cypherslock
    Dear Father Time: I hereby request a refund for the last 10 or so years of my life, as they have not been up to snuff. Dear Mother Nature: Refund requested. Please take back the 20 or so pounds I've gained and please while your at it, give me back my hair.

    I hate it when Mother Nature and Father Time team up to kick my ass.....
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  • Profile picture of the author alucard001
    So funny, this may be one of the most interesting post in Warrior forum...
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  • Profile picture of the author Bev Clement
    I had a male warrior download a free WSO and almost instantly ask for a refund.

    I replied by asking for the transaction number and a whole heap of things, but basically they dug themselves into a hole.
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Sign that hung on the wall of a boiler room I worked at for a few weeks once...

      "Nobody ever went broke by underestimating the intelligence of the general population."

      It was meant to be funny, but now, years later, I'm convinced some people should not be allowed to play in the gene pool...
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  • Profile picture of the author H.Miller
    WOW! Now thats funny. How can you not realize you didn't pay for the report in the first place?
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  • Profile picture of the author Revolves
    That was funny. I agree with the OP, attention span of people is coming down. That's why it has become more than important to keep things "to the point." This can be easily seen by the rise of platforms like Squidoo and Hubpages, or even Twitter.

    Incidentally, the OP's suggestion of our diminishing attention span reminded me of the movie Idiocracy.
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  • I do agree with the OP in that the society is seriously dumbing down. We're used to being spoon fed and, in many regards, we just dont need to put our brains to fire for daily routines... and that shows...
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  • Profile picture of the author macchiavelli
    I would tell that woman to first purchase a item from me and then request a refund.
    Then I would not give it to her hahahah dummy lol
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    • Profile picture of the author force5
      After a while nothing amazes me anymore, I spent 5 years working in a call center before going full time online and I have seen some very strange things.

      We had a travel insurance claim where the guys first words were "I got injured when I was running away from the police, they were trying to arrest me because I was selling drugs while drunk"

      You just know that it is going downhill from there..

      I also get people asking for support on other peoples products, because the person they actually paid isnt answering their email.

      As my nan used to say, it takes all sorts..
      My Latest WSO >>Viral Word Search
      All My Plugins and tools
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  • Profile picture of the author Derek S
    the really sad part is it probably will happen AGAIN to you lol... Two days a go I had someone actually request a refund a full 15 min. BEFORE even ordering the product.

    Sad part is with paypal it is very hard to fight things like this.

    --- Work Smart... Not Hard ---

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  • Profile picture of the author dsmpublishing
    Hi guys

    i had a similar problem with unwanted publicity on the wf.

    A lady got a free copy of my ebay ebook that was an optin offer, then posted a thread on here saying she couldnt get in contact with me and i had run off with her money.

    Though it was a well known freebie so people soon replied to her and asked her why she was asking for a refund!!!

    kind regards

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  • Profile picture of the author PLRwithAlex
    I've had a customer dispute a PayPal purchase as 'Significantly Not as Described' because it didn't include something. That something was not ever included, nor mentioned anywhere in the WSO! That something has a cost of over $140 from the author and my WSO was $23....... wonder why it wasn't in there......

    Sorry I wasn't reading your mind when you sent me your money?!?!!?

    Oh wait, I don't read minds


    Originally Posted by Brad Gosse View Post

    It's scary to think how short our attention spans have become. Text messaging, twitter etc. are actually making people stupid.

    A woman opted in for a free product and then two days later e-mailed me asking for a refund saying that it wasn't what she expected.

    I think one of the biggest problems Internet marketers face is the dumbing down of society. People barely remember what they did two days ago.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeffery
    I refund one customer a week even though they never asked for it. Why? I really like my customers.

    Jeffery 100% :-)
    In the minute it took me to write this post.. someone died of Covid 19. RIP.
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  • Profile picture of the author faizanutd
    Well that's incredible- and funny! I do think that all the latest technology is making people less intelligent. People should not spend all their free time on social networks and find something constructive to do
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  • Profile picture of the author shaunjamie2005
    Either she is really dumb or thought she was "smart" enough to try to scam you out of some money.
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  • Profile picture of the author x3xsolxdierx3x
    Originally Posted by Brad Gosse View Post

    It's scary to think how short our attention spans have become. Text messaging, twitter etc. are actually making people stupid.

    A woman opted in for a free product and then two days later e-mailed me asking for a refund saying that it wasn't what she expected.

    I think one of the biggest problems Internet marketers face is the dumbing down of society. People barely remember what they did two days ago.
    You should charge her for the time she wasted....

    Afterall in the IM world, Time=Money.....
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  • Profile picture of the author AFD
    Originally Posted by Brad Gosse View Post

    It's scary to think how short our attention spans have become. Text messaging, twitter etc. are actually making people stupid.

    A woman opted in for a free product and then two days later e-mailed me asking for a refund saying that it wasn't what she expected.

    I think one of the biggest problems Internet marketers face is the dumbing down of society. People barely remember what they did two days ago.
    Last time I heard that woman suffered from Amnesia... She forgot that the product was free....

    ... I think she is one of those people who buy cb products and when they get the materials, they request refund..
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  • Profile picture of the author jazbo
    "I am sorry but I don't know what product you are referring to, I am a fireman".
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  • Profile picture of the author rg0205
    Originally Posted by Brad Gosse View Post

    It's scary to think how short our attention spans have become. Text messaging, twitter etc. are actually making people stupid.

    A woman opted in for a free product and then two days later e-mailed me asking for a refund saying that it wasn't what she expected.

    I think one of the biggest problems Internet marketers face is the dumbing down of society. People barely remember what they did two days ago.
    OMG LOL hahahaha This is just so funny. I needed the laugh so thank you for posting this! LOL
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  • Profile picture of the author tmauto
    I'm sure she got confused and it's easy to do that. I bought 4 products ten days ago and I found that 2 of them have no confirmation of purchase neither do they put a single detail in the paypal. To find out what they are, I wrote to the paypal address and got no replies (both). So I have to track back to which WSO was on in the last week and try to figure out.

    I ordered a few articles from 2 parties about two months ago and I just got the articles from one party today. Trying to trace back where to email queries is not easy, believe me. These were not using paypal so i couldn't even get paypal to help.

    Not all sellers are helpful so if you are adhoc buyer who buys a few at a time, it's easy to get confused especially if a seller sends you all over the place before you actually make the purchase.
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  • Profile picture of the author ab420
    You should have told her you would send her refund, but she would have to write her refund request by hand and have it notarized first lol.
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  • Profile picture of the author infoshot
    How do you say ROFL and my sides are splitting? Cut it out! lol
    Champion of Simple and Easy
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  • Profile picture of the author Barry Unruh
    You did offer her the free upgrade to your latest free offering, instead of the refund?

    You want to make sure you satisfy her, because you never can tell how much free is worth.

    btw, Would I be assuming right, she is using a free email address?
    Brain Drained...Signature Coming Soon!
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  • Profile picture of the author keithng
    I like the "email address" refund ....

    That's really funny!!
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