Getting Hits and Hops - But Not Getting Any Sales - What Should I Do?
You could say this website is in the 'Registry Cleaner/Optimize Computer' niche.
I currently have a banner that shows above each post that provides a direct download to the program. The product I am promoting allows for the user to download and install the program, but only allows limited functionality unless they buy the program.
Here are some of my stats for the last 14 days:
Unique Website Hits: 500
Clicks on Product (result in a hop for the download): 54
I believe this calculates out to around 11%. This isn't horrible, but I know it could be better.
What I am beginning to wonder is if the whole 'direct download' is a good idea. First, I never know if the user actually installs the product. Secondly, I have not generated even one order form impression.
I am just about ready to change some things up, but before doing so, do I maybe just need to be a bit more patient?
I really don't have experience going the direct download method, but I do know that there are plenty of competitors out there doing it.
I had thoughts of maybe creating a review page of the top 3 products in this niche and then provide links in all of my posts to that page.
If anyone who has promoted a product in the field could provide some tips or advice, it would be much appreciated.
Silly Haikus starting at $5! PM me for details! (Because it's fun)