Your Online Earning History - Let's Share it!

6 replies
Thought it would be interesting to get a brief history from some of the Warriors who do not mind sharing. Please reply with a similar message as mine below:

My Name is Brian. I'm 28 years old and have been marketing online running websites, and advising clients for just over 13 years now. Yep I started young, back when there really wasn't an internet. I started off at 15 selling baseball cards on Bulletin boards on Prodigy. From there I created my first website in 1997 selling cards. From 1997-2003 I dabbled in affiliate marketing, selling posters, video games etc. In 2003 I started my First of many forums. Currently I run over a dozen forums, 2 in the Top 5,000 in Alexa, another in the top 12,000. 3 of my forums have in excess of 100,000 members each. I now Run several blogs as well as invest and monetize domain names, of which I own approx 3,000.

Anyway thought it would be interesting to get everyone else's backgrounds.
#earning #history #online #share
  • Profile picture of the author Louise Green
    I started with a Geocities site (remember them?) back in the 90's.

    It didn't do too well..

    Then I moved onto affiliate marketing.. again it didn't do too well, did a bit better, but nothing to write home about.

    When Google Adsense came out I jumped on, and did OK with it after a few months. It gave me a decent "start", by which time I had been messing around for years, but at least I could just about feed myself.

    Tried Ebay and dropshipping.. nothing major there either.

    Then the penny dropped. I started selling digital products and Bingo. Here I am.

    Now I don't bother with Adsense, affiliate marketing, list building, article marketing or boring stuff that takes ages anymore.

    These days I work with selected leaders in my chosen niches and split the profits.
    IMPORTANT MESSAGE: I'm currently on vacation & will answer all messages when I return - Happy Holidays!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Trisha_Morgan
    I haven't started yet but I am dying to start earning.

    I am still trying to work out a plan LOL
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  • Profile picture of the author MisterMunch
    I started with Spedia. I think the site is down now, but it was a toolbar you had at the bottom of the screen (like a banner add) that gave you $1 an hour. It was an MLM (free to join) system so I tried to reffer more people.

    I build a website, one dude signed up, but never used it. Did not know about SEO or traffic generation at that time, but it was a start.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    Originally Posted by ednri871 View Post

    Thought it would be interesting to get a brief history from some of the Warriors who do not mind sharing. Please reply with a similar message as mine below:

    My Name is Brian. I'm 28 years old and have been marketing online running websites, and advising clients for just over 13 years now. Yep I started young, back when there really wasn't an internet. I started off at 15 selling baseball cards on Bulletin boards on Prodigy. From there I created my first website in 1997 selling cards. From 1997-2003 I dabbled in affiliate marketing, selling posters, video games etc. In 2003 I started my First of many forums. Currently I run over a dozen forums, 2 in the Top 5,000 in Alexa, another in the top 12,000. 3 of my forums have in excess of 100,000 members each. I now Run several blogs as well as invest and monetize domain names, of which I own approx 3,000.

    Anyway thought it would be interesting to get everyone else's backgrounds.
    What topics are you forums in?

    BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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    • Profile picture of the author sdentrepreneur
      I started with AOL and Online radio from 1997 to 2007. Then I changed careers and learned Internet Marketing from Carbon Copy Pro in October 2007, made $3,000 my first month and haven't look back since. Created my own Internet Marketing Company in 2008, rest is history, still working and evolving weekly.

      Learn Digital, Internet and Social Media Marketing For Your Business
      Click here to learn more - Digital and Social Media Marketing Training Course

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