Make Money with Youtube???

Profile picture of shakti29
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
5 replies
It's generally all about posting videos with a url watermark. Once somebody visits your video, they go to the url which in turn will redirect the visitor to the affiliate url and you can make money.

What's your experience? Do you have any ideas on a different method?
#make money at home #make money youtube #money #youtube #youtube marketing tips
  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    Profile picture of talfighel
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Video marketing is NOT different from Article marketing. The more the better.

    One article or one video can do well for you and bring you great traffic, and another can get you nowhere and no traffic.

  • Profile picture of the author Lesley Huntley
    Lesley Huntley
    Profile picture of Lesley Huntley
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The thing with watermarks is that people are becoming 'url blind' just they have become banner blind. The best idea is to have a clickable link right beside your video and encourage viewers to click it more than once, with a big arrow pointing to it.

    YouTube is great for this now it has annotations.
  • Profile picture of the author velraj.mca
    Profile picture of velraj.mca
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    • Profile picture of the author AndrewCavanagh
      Profile picture of AndrewCavanagh
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Split your videos in half and have the thing people will want to see most in the second half.

      Give the 2 different videos very different names (although include part 1 and part 2 in the video).

      Upload them with different youtube accounts.

      Embed both videos on a web page.

      Have an arrow on each video "to see part two go to the link on the right" or
      "to see part one go to the link on the right"

      Put the link on the absolute first line of your description then it will be a live link...easy to click on.

      Under your two videos on the page put some more compelling highly targeted content, a sales letter, a sign up etc etc.

      Kindest regards,
      Andrew Cavanagh
    • Profile picture of the author AskJesusLeon
      Profile picture of AskJesusLeon
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by velraj.mca View Post

      Youtube Bulk Download/Upload Software:

      Dear Friends,

      First shot I would like to give a crisp introduction about me before I get into the software explanation part of it.Am velrajan living in Bournemouth,UK earning my bread as a senior software engineer for a well known finance firm.Here I come to explain about a software which i have developed out of my own interest which would be very fruitfull to us "the youtube lovers".

      Am damn sure that we guys have got our patience tested on uploading/dwonloading youtube videos one by one through the youtube browser(any other software).Here comes my software which will give a solution to have your own time and overcome all the pains undertaken to up/download videos at one single shot.Am confident enough that you people Would have never come across any software which would provide you with the combined facility to upload/download youtube videos in bulk.
      Getting into the explanation of how my software functions to helps us

      This software consist of three screens,

      1.Youtube Bulk Download:

      This screen will provide an option to download bulk videos from youtube at one shot by providing mutiple youtube url in the screen as input.All you need to do is,

      a) select a local folder(destination folder) by clicking the browse button to store the downloaded videos.
      b) enter the youtube url under "Youtube URL" panel ,then press the "tab" key on your keyboard,so you can see a new row for entering another youtube URL.
      c) You will be having an option to dowload the videos in formats that will be suitable for Flash Player,IPod,Windows Player,QuickTime player and DVD from youtube.Choose whichever format you need to download the video.
      d) Then click download and wait until the videos are downloaded.
      Need not worry about the time its gonna take to download all the videos you have entered 'coz its not gonna be long,rather it downloads all the video in a short span of time.

      2. Youtube Search and Download:
      Another funtionality you'l find interesting in the software.This helps you download the top 10 viewed videos of the specific keyword which is supplied by the user as an input.For example,if you provide "Back street Boys" as input to the software,it will download the first 10 top most viewd backstreet boys videos from youtube.

      All you need to do this is,

      a) select the local (destination folder)by clicking the browse button,to store the downloaded videos.
      b) Enter the Boys
      c) Then click download..
      That's it ,your job is done in the next few minutes.

      3. Youtube Bulk Upload:
      The unique funtionality of this software for which you cannot find any other equivalent software till date ie,you could upload 8 videos simultaneuosly to youtube without getting into the youtube browser.Amazing is it.!!!!!
      All you need to do this is,
      a) Enter your youtube username & password.
      b) select the videos that you would like to upload from your local hard disk,then enter the details like title,description,keyword,category in the appropriate boxes.
      c) Set the option as private if you would like the uploaded video to be private (else the video is set to be public by default).
      d) Click the upload button.

      You should follow the same restriction here as in the youtube website interms of the video file size,file type.

      Additional functionality in the near future:
      1.Download the youtube video file as a sequence of images.For example,a 5 mins video can be converted into a sequence of 100 images(JPEG).

      2.Download all the videos from a particular user's video space by giving the corresponding user name as input.

      Hope you will never let go off the software once you get hands in it.For further details,screenshots contact initial cost of the software is $25 which includes the additional features mentioned above and unlimited support from my end (if any needed)..Come on guys this offer wont last long so grab it now...

      Many Thanks,
      Velrajan T.
      Didnt I see you spam another thread?

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  • Profile picture of the author greendesert
    Profile picture of greendesert
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    nowadays, it does not work anymore. people have become aware of such things. Nobody wants to move their hand to click i.e. work for them.

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