Other ways to sell information besides ebook?

Profile picture of oldwarrioruser1
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17 replies
I keep researching but can't really find anything..

If there is one thing I'm good at it, it's getting girlfriends... and hooking up.

Well I decided it is time to make my first product and try to sell it.

I REALLY want to do something a little different than just make an ebook about how to pick up woman. It is already hard enough to explain, let alone trying to explain it in a book.

Maybe like a guide? Or outline?

Anyone ever took a different approach to this? What did you do?

#ebook #information #sell #ways
  • Profile picture of the author Thomas W
    Thomas W
    Profile picture of Thomas W
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    About 7 years I had an idea of something in that niche your talking about.

    Basically it was video's of live case study of a guy actually hooking up with a girl. It wasn't theory you would read in a ebook but an actual video footage. Off course it was staged and but it was suppose to look real

    So i met a video producer and gave him a 1000 dollars to produce the video. He gave me a list of female models to choose from and the scenario was how to pick up a women in a shopping mall.

    It was all good for like the first 15 minutes than all of sudden the last 15 minutes turned into a damn porno.. LOL It was like half education half entertainment..

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  • Profile picture of the author NikkiG
    Profile picture of NikkiG
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    Well...video series, MP3s...there are a ton of ebooks on the topic so that might make you stand out.

    How does a guide or an outline differ to an ebook? An ebook is really just a guide, outline or anything in text.

    If it's a process then flow charts might help explain the method.

    An interactive coaching course migh be a crazy idea..you know...virtual wingman.

    Not a live thing but maybe give them assignments, check results and help them tweak, test and seal the deal.
  • Profile picture of the author oldwarrioruser1
    Profile picture of oldwarrioruser1
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Lol @ Thomas

    Good point Nikki.. Video courses could be good. I just don't think people will take me seriously, because of my age.. which makes me lean toward ebook where my identity is hidden..
  • Profile picture of the author John_Edwards
    Profile picture of John_Edwards
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    Originally Posted by korypearman View Post

    I keep researching but can't really find anything..

    If there is one thing I'm good at it, it's getting girlfriends... and hooking up.

    Well I decided it is time to make my first product and try to sell it.

    I REALLY want to do something a little different than just make an ebook about how to pick up woman. It is already hard enough to explain, let alone trying to explain it in a book.

    Maybe like a guide? Or outline?

    Anyone ever took a different approach to this? What did you do?

    Hi Kory,

    I have just created a product based on selling on eBay, the first thing i strongly suggest you do is research markets that cater to the "supply and demand" niche, for example fitness, you could dig deeper and find a more specific niche within that broad market say perfect abs for example?

    Lets say that is a hot subject within the fitness market, it seems to be most in demand, then you can google "how to get perfect abs free ebooks" keyword phrase into google, download as many as you can read through them learn from them, and create your own ebook from them, but DO NOT copy them word for word just put the information in your own words into your ebook!

    put it on Clickbank, and you have just supplied a product to the fitness masses thats in demand, and the more popular it is on Clickbank the more the affilates that use Clickbank will promote it, but that topic is just an example to show you in the basic sense how to go about product creation!

    You posed a good question in your post....John.
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  • Profile picture of the author craigbrown
    Profile picture of craigbrown
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    I'd do an online training course. E learning rocks and has far more value than an e-book. You can do quizzes, you can grade responses, you can have libraries of downloadable contents, embed videos, etc. You can also offer different levels of training - AFC (beginner), PUA (intermediate) and Player (Advanced). Offer direct email mentoring to folks at the "Player" level as well as access to more detailed info and you'll find most will go for the advanced package to begin with.

    This is something which has never been done in the PUA niche. Simply because most folks don't have the tech skills or even know about E-Learning technology. I have the tech skills ONLY because it was part of my day job.

    Google Moodle to learn how E-learning is done.

    If you're not happy about losing your anonymity, search on youtube for Pick Up Artist "live" videos. ID any which use the same techniques as you do then contact the owner of the videos with an offer he can't refuse.

    That's how I'd do it.
  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
    Profile picture of GeorgR.
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    I dont think the idea is new and i am pretty sure there are many ebooks on that topic already. Besides the other ways, like videos... how about making a SITE w/ a forum?

    Imagine a web site which is solely dedicated to guys with such pick up tips. On the forum people could share their stories and all kinds of information

    I can actually see this working

    You would simply get traffic on this site/forum and then monetize with all kinds of related ads and/or also your own guide. Just my $0.02
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  • Profile picture of the author craigbrown
    Profile picture of craigbrown
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    That niche is saturated with content ranging from free stuff (and many PUA forums) to full on marketing like Frank Kern's "Annihilation Method" package he designed for Neill Strauss AKA "Style".

    Without a global reputation within their "community", you're gonna have to get innovative. Personally I think it's bad juju, but there's definitely a market.
  • Profile picture of the author innocent07
    Profile picture of innocent07
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    Originally Posted by korypearman View Post

    I keep researching but can't really find anything..

    If there is one thing I'm good at it, it's getting girlfriends... and hooking up.

    Well I decided it is time to make my first product and try to sell it.

    I REALLY want to do something a little different than just make an ebook about how to pick up woman. It is already hard enough to explain, let alone trying to explain it in a book.

    Maybe like a guide? Or outline?

    Anyone ever took a different approach to this? What did you do?

    first share your skill with us warriors, before converting it into a selling format.

    An Audio course would work great for this, broken up into chapters.

    Chapter 1 - You can't be ugly :p
  • Profile picture of the author badboy_Nick
    Profile picture of badboy_Nick
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    Originally Posted by korypearman View Post

    I keep researching but can't really find anything..

    If there is one thing I'm good at it, it's getting girlfriends... and hooking up.

    Well I decided it is time to make my first product and try to sell it.

    I REALLY want to do something a little different than just make an ebook about how to pick up woman. It is already hard enough to explain, let alone trying to explain it in a book.

    Maybe like a guide? Or outline?

    Anyone ever took a different approach to this? What did you do?

    You'll find the "pick up girls/girlfriend" market to be extremely saturated. Not that you missed the boat but you need to come up with your own ANGLE to get a competitive edge here.

    What does work is to sell seminars or 1-on-1 coaching. Makes lots of money and there IS a market for it.
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  • Profile picture of the author John_Edwards
    Profile picture of John_Edwards
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    Hi Guys,

    Question i already have a product out there on Clickbank, but it is an eBook with screenshot illustrations, now i have noticed a lot of vendors use video tutorials mixed into their eBooks to improve the learning curve and mark up of the product!

    The thing is in my case, i created a trial video version of some of the screenshots, hopiung that if i was pleased with the recording i could later update my current product to video format, and then start to create all future products in video tutorial format, but nthe problem is my voice sounded terrible on the recording, has anyone any tips please?

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  • Profile picture of the author fasteasysuccess
    Profile picture of fasteasysuccess
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    Possibilities are endless.

    You could offer cd's, instant downloads, newsletters, monthly private coaching, telecoaching, videos, and so much more.

    However like spoke about that market is way saturated.

    If you want to reallly make money in that niche you need to provide extreme value to prove what you are saying is legit and you're not just another guy stepping into the market to make money, become extremely unique and position yourself as the only choice, and constantly start coming up with ways to make more profits and deliver the best possible value.
  • Profile picture of the author davidluzsi
    Profile picture of davidluzsi
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    ebooks are old fashioned, anyway.. Create a video or podcast (video/audio)..
    • Profile picture of the author craigbrown
      Profile picture of craigbrown
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      Originally Posted by davidluzsi View Post

      ebooks are old fashioned, anyway.. Create a video or podcast (video/audio)..
      Or combine the three methods - all in one downloadable multimedia PDF. Tweak the video and audio source files so they're not too big and you should get away with under about 20 Mb for the pdf file.

      Imagine a pick-up manual which not only TELLS you how a particular routine works, but SHOWS you as well... Read the theory then watch a demo all within the same PDF. Video field report.

      EDIT: You don't even need to embed the video files, you can insert a live youtube link, thus reducing the file size even more. It'll work so long as the punter is connected to the net when he reads it.

      EDIT 2: I've created such ebooks for corporate sales training in a previous day job, so it's definitely possible/doable.
  • Profile picture of the author JayYamada
    Profile picture of JayYamada
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    There's actual a large community that serves for picking up women and they are proven masters, people actually pay them in the thousands to learn from them.

    If you are going to sell your product, you will have a large and strong competition pool to fight with, these people are the true masters.

    Just google mystery method, love systems or neil strauss

    Oh yes, they do have ebooks, seminar and stuff. They're the only people that I actually pay online to and works. Some of them also do videos and direct phone coaching.
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  • Profile picture of the author nasstil200
    Profile picture of nasstil200
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    why not try a plr selling them offline and get lots of money like a sell offline the complete guide of football betting where football fans like most and am making money from it

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