Where are all the List Control alternatives? Frank Kern has done you a massive favour.
I know there are quite a few out there, and yes, some marketers 'get this' and are promoting just now, but I wonder how many people have a list generating product and think, "I can't promote this just now, there's a massive Frank Kern launch going on and I'll get swamped."
This is the wrong way to look at it.
This is THE BEST TIME to promote a list-related product, in fact you should've been doing it during Frank's launch.
Consider this...
Frank has warmed up the marketplace to fever pitch level. He's convinced a massive amount of folk that you need to be developing your list. And yet we all know that the majority of people who are all hyped up to buy a list making product won't buy Frank's stuff, for whatever reason, most likely because they couldn't justify forking out $2K
But hey, what's this, up pops you with an alternative, granted less 'fancy pants' and certainly more affordable option...
'Quids in' as we say over here in old blighty.
Don't just watch these launches, piggy-back on them, benefit from them - they're a fantastic marketing opportunity.
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