Mac Users: What applications do you use? What do you recommend?

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Mac Users: What applications do you use? What do you recommend?

Share your list of applications and what you use them for:

I'm about to buy my 1st Mac.

Thank you,
#main internet marketing discussion forum #applications #mac #recommend #users
  • Everything listed in my post here, obviously. Also, Adium for instant messaging (best client ever), CrossOver and Parallels to run Windows stuff, DeskShade to cover the desktop and hide distractions when necessary, DesktopLyrics for fun if you like lyrics and have songs in iTunes, GrandPerspective to measure how much space you have, MagiCal to put a better and customizable calendar/time in the menu bar, Name Mangler if you need to do batch renaming of files, Plain Clip if you do a lot of copying and pasting... hmm, I think everything else was listed in that first post.

    Have fun!
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    • Man, I have owned a MAC for years and did not know about all of that.
  • Photoshop, Dreamweaver - for images and sites
    Quicktime, VLCplayer - for videos
    MS Word - articles
    Titanium Toast - burn CDs & DVDs
    Cyberduck - ftp
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  • Zabrina -

    Here's one for you:

    Zengobi - Curio - Mind Mapping, Brainstorming, and Project Management Software for Mac OS X

    It does what OneNote will do and it offers so much more. I think it's better than Evernote too.

  • Here is a great bundle offer for cool Mac Apps for $49 is you are reading this before April 1st. Also includes Parallels, so you can run Windows.

    MacUpdate Promo Spring Bundle 2010 - 10 Great Apps for $49.99
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    • I subscribe to a Mac Software Gems newsletter, and I have a circle of friends who are also Mac users so we pass along recommendations to one another. Plus, I sometimes go on software downloading binges... :p

      What an interesting application! A bit expensive though, I prefer to stick with free software for the most part.

      Wow, great offer since it includes Parallels! I've been thinking about buying it again since I have no idea what happened to my older copy of it.
  • Does anyone use iWork and can compare/contrast it to MS Office (which I use & my staff use)?

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    • Hi Life,

      Congrats on buying your first Mac. You'll probably fall in love with this thing and never go back to Windows - ever! Who can blame you.

      When I bought mine I never bothered with iWork simply for the fact that I have used Open Office for years as a happy camper.

      I found that OO would work on the Mac (I think) but is very "heavy" and slow. So I opted for the little sis of OO called NeoOffice and am very happy with the software. It's free so no harm in trying.

      Good luck
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • I have iWork and MS Office. I prefer iWork, all the packages (pages, numbers and keynote) are fast and have all the features that are most commonly used. I have MS Office as well, but I will only use Word as a real last resort if Pages has failed to open a file I've been sent in Word format (which is rare). Word on the Mac is dreadful! Honest, it's just an embarrassment.
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    • Wholeheartedly seconded. I also throw in a vote for Open Office, which is fast, free, and I find it crashes less than the others. The features like easy exporting .doc to .pdf are very useful for me, too.
  • More useful applications for Mac:

    - Type a text note, clip a web page, snap a photo, grab a screenshot.

    Chicken of the VNC - VNC client for Mac OS X

    Wmware Fusion - Run Windows on your Mac as a virtual machine

    Jing - Screanshoots
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    • Hey, good decision. I've been using a Mac for the past 9 years and they rock!

      I recommend Photoshop if you want to design awesome professional looking graphics, logos, etc

      InDesign is what I use for designing magazine/book lay-outs

      Dreamweaver for designing my websites/sales pages - dead easy to use

      Premiere Pro is cool if you want to edit/produce pro video's

      I also use Illustrator and have just bought Keynote - thay are both worth checking out too...

      You'll have all the tools you could possibly need with this lot... enjoy your new mac!
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  • Many good ones listed above. If you edit HTML yourself, try BBEdit.

    And, Chrome is the best browser.
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  • final cut pro
    capture me
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