Your Favorite Free Place to Create Your "Money Site"?

4 replies
I've got some niches that I want to test out. I don't yet want to commit to regular blogging or creating a website yet. Just want to see how it goes.

Squidoo was always my go-to site for this. I really like their format and how you can order the modules. But they've been so strict about content lately that I'm feeling a bit gun shy. The niches I want to test aren't spammy...yet. (OK Actually, I don't think they ever will be, but you never know...) But I also had a "get back with your ex" lens with them--a topic that wasn't originally on the SquidDon't list, but now is.

What's your favorite place for testing a new niche? Or do you always buy a new domain?

#create #favorite #free #money site #place
  • Profile picture of the author Mark Hess
    Personally, I go the self hosted Wordpress route...

    But if you are looking for a platform similar to Squidoo that gets plenty of Google love I recommend Hubpages.

    They have a similar style of modules and unique hubs with solid get can get plenty of Google traffic...
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  • Profile picture of the author Troy_Phillips
    Domains cost me $6 through my reseller account . If I don't have enough faith in my intuition to invest $6....I better leave it alone .

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  • Profile picture of the author tbunch
    There was, I believe about 2 weeks ago, a thread discussing Squidoo -vs- Hubpages and that should give you some insight and help select from those options. If you do a forum search for either you should find it.
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  • Profile picture of the author JennSpencerIM
    I like for making free pages until I'm ready to set-up my site.
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