Creating A Forum And Offering Readers CPA Offers?

5 replies

I was thinking about creating a forum/info site in a niche im pretty passionate about. I think I could make it a quality site and users would come if I advertised it. I really don't want to charge users to become a member of my site/forum.

Instead I was thinking I could put cpa offers on the website/forum. Do you think this would work once the site started getting traffic? Im thinking of promoting just general offers not related to my niche like $500 walmart card, netflix etc.

Is this worth a shot or just not worth the effort at all? I really dont want to sale anything in the niche because I dont believe in any of the products in the niche. Sure I could create my own but I would rather give my product away for free in this niche which I will.

Anyways does this sound like a doable plan with cpa offers since new ones pop up everyday? Thanks
#cpa #creating #forum #offering #offers #readers
  • Profile picture of the author Mike Linley
    yea but I wouldnt expect much money unless you have a lot of members..probably a minimum of 1,000 or more would be needed to generate a few conversions for a few bucks.

    It's just not targetted and most people wont even notice the cpa very low conversions for these kinds of sites.
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  • Profile picture of the author coreytucker
    Thanks Mike, I kind of had a feeling this was the case,lol.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alina Thompson
    Its a great idea to host your own forum,and you can earn a lot of money by placing links on your website but it can take a long time to get relevant traffic. Moreover, you'll have to spend a lot of time editing spam posts and links. But yes, in terms of promoting CPA offers, once you start receiving a bit of traffic, you can get excellent conversions.

    In addition, it's a great way to build your list. Having you own forum related to your niche is an excellent way to build your own community and to establish yourself as an authority.

    Forums are also a great way to attract search engine spiders and you won't have to bother with the dreaded 'Content Creation' as majority of the content in the forum is created by the forum visitors. See as an example the talkgold Hyip Forums .You can guess how well they may be earning in terms of putting up CPA offers and selling ad space on their forum.

    I would suggest you go for it, and start promoting your forum as much as you can. 2 Free forum software that I knw About are the simple machines Forum( and the PHPbb(

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  • Profile picture of the author rhondaklewis
    What will the forum be about? I have a local forum just about happenings around my county and surrounding counties and make money from cpa and ad sense and affilate.
    Of course I have a lot of members.
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    • Profile picture of the author Marhelper
      Originally Posted by rhondaklewis View Post

      What will the forum be about? I have a local forum just about happenings around my county and surrounding counties and make money from cpa and ad sense and affilate.
      Of course I have a lot of members.
      That is a great idea (being geo specific).
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