Why Building Your Business Is Important To SUCCESS - The #1 Reason Most Fail (Or Give Up)

Brenden Clerget
Profile picture of Brenden Clerget
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
3 replies
Hey guys,

When I was sixteen, I started my first business.

It was a used car parts business in which we went to used car parts yards and junk yards and got specialty Corvette parts and Firebird parts. We grabbed interiors, seats, engine parts, whatever we could get our hands on.

We worked our butts off for a measly $400 a week a piece. But it was successful, it was a business, but I was working inside of my business.

Instead of working on my business.

One thing I've realized, and I wanted to share this with everybody because I think it is really important, is that you need to work on your business constantly. This sounds like common sense, but so many people get caught up doing work, and backlinking, and writing content and are working inside of their business instead of on it. Hopefully this distinction is clear.

You need to have a plan. This is what I recommend everybody does:

1. Do a mind map, or brainstorm. Write down every good product or business idea you have. This could be a website, store, WSO, membership, anything. It could be services.

2. Pick the three best ideas that you have. Think about the ideas in which you could include back end sales, the ones that will be easy to build recurring products and memberships for. Try to vary your product types, have one information product, perhaps one complimentary service, and one membership portion of the product. You could even have three products that have back end up-sales or coaching offers. Get created.

3. Figure out which order you want to release your products. Release your weakest first, and strongest last. Make sure your final product has some type of value in which you can charge a recurring membership, or provide content or helpful items that compliment your method.

4. Set a goal for the launches.


A. Give away a free informational guide complimentary to my first product that offers a way to make some money. Offer value and build a relationship, collect emails and start list building.

B. I want to gross $2,000 in sales on my first product and a 4% conversion rate in the first 30 days. I want to convert on the back end upsell at 10%, and have it automated by the end of thirty days.

C. On my second product, I want to launch at the end of thirty days... etc

5. Evaluate your goals and see how realistic they are at each step. If they are too low, set them higher. Push it hard.

6. Create some type of long term plan for your business. This could be to create one product every 60 days, release it, and continue list building until you come upon a hot enough recurring cost, or perhaps a service.

7. Constantly stay FOCUSED most importantly. Don't get sidetracked and buy WSOs or products to try while you're working. Stay FOCUSED. Focus is key, and a good focus and drive will do wonders in internet marketing.

8. Reward yourself. If you meet your goals, buy yourself something. Once you taste fulfilled desires your work ethic will amaze yourself.

Most importantly:

9. Always over-deliver.

People that exceed, always succeed.

Hopefully this inspires someone and helps point some people in the right direction.

#building #business #give #important #read
  • Profile picture of the author Jay F
    Jay F
    Profile picture of Jay F
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Some good points there. I think long term planning is very hard for many people. I get stuck in the daily tasks that I feel like there is no time to plan long term. However, six months later, you have no idea what you've done. So, the planning helps a lot.

    I'm working on some new things. So, nothing to promote just yet.

    • Profile picture of the author Brenden Clerget
      Brenden Clerget
      Profile picture of Brenden Clerget
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Jay F View Post

      Some good points there. I think long term planning is very hard for many people. I get stuck in the daily tasks that I feel like there is no time to plan long term. However, six months later, you have no idea what you've done. So, the planning helps a lot.
      Exactly. When I first started, I saw I had built 30 some websites and had no idea what to do after that, just knew I had 30 sites. Planning is CRUCIAL to the long term development of a business.

      Online or brick and mortar, both share the necessity for a long term growth plan because without it you will simply plateau, and then watch your profits deteriorate.

      Originally Posted by WhoIsBenjamin View Post

      It's strange.

      I've been trying to do this for some time, and when I actually
      started applying very similar advice what I see here, I do
      very well.

      But you want to know something that I think will seriously add
      alot to this topic?

      I concisouly and consistently step OUTSIDE my comfort

      Fear of success or failure (mostly of success) is the biggest
      batter I, and most people here face within themselves.

      At some point, it's no longer about your lack of skill...it's your
      lack of confidence that holds you back.

      Looking back, I don't know exactly what it was I feared...
      It's all such a pleasant experience...hard to describe in
      words unless you've been through it, and overcame it...

      I also like the part about giving alot, and you'll receive
      so much in return. This guy speaks the truth, and I know
      because I've been who he's addressing (new people)
      and the message he's getting across to get success.

      Everything he's saying is spot on in my books, and I live
      by setting goals, making plans, and always making a effort
      to push myself
      Thanks for the response Ben.

      Let me just state that it's really important not to fear success. Many of us do it on a daily basis with no recognition that we are doing so.

      Originally Posted by wisegirl View Post

      i want to build my own business too, at my age i don't have business
      You can have a business at any age. Just buckle down, focus, and get to it! I had a business at 7 years old, selling braided string bracelets for $1.50 to people in elementary school. Made $70 that week

      Something I left out that is important that I and another warrior were just PMing about:

      Complimentary products are key to building a market presence. Without a market presence, credibility is hard to come by.
  • Profile picture of the author Joe Benjamin
    Joe Benjamin
    Profile picture of Joe Benjamin
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    It's strange.

    I've been trying to do this for some time, and when I actually
    started applying very similar advice what I see here, I do
    very well.

    But you want to know something that I think will seriously add
    alot to this topic?

    I concisouly and consistently step OUTSIDE my comfort

    Fear of success or failure (mostly of success) is the biggest
    batter I, and most people here face within themselves.

    At some point, it's no longer about your lack of skill...it's your
    lack of confidence that holds you back.

    Looking back, I don't know exactly what it was I feared...
    It's all such a pleasant experience...hard to describe in
    words unless you've been through it, and overcame it...

    I also like the part about giving alot, and you'll receive
    so much in return. This guy speaks the truth, and I know
    because I've been who he's addressing (new people)
    and the message he's getting across to get success.

    Everything he's saying is spot on in my books, and I live
    by setting goals, making plans, and always making a effort
    to push myself
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