Really SICK, HOT, & RELEVANT Marketing NICHES WHICH NO ONE IS Taking Advantage Of On EzineArticles!

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188 replies
**YOU can promote or sell virtually ANY product related to ONLINE MONEY MAKING/ ONLINE MARKETING ETC ETC ETC, WITHOUT MUCH COMPETITION as long as you GRASP what I am about to show you! (I PROMISE!)***

I can't believe I just saw this, but I figured I will share this with you guys, since there is LITERALLY no competition here:

Internet-and-Businesses-Online - Banner-Advertising EzineArticles

Take a GOOD LOOK at that section. Then take a good look at the ONE person who is laughing HIS way to the bank, because HE LITERALLY HAS NO COMPETITION!

Then head over to page two and check out his other articles submitted, and CHECK THE DATES!

This guy isn't even submitting a truck load of articles in this niche per day, instead he just has to submit one once in a while to keep himself up there, and then he is good to go! I am sure he is sitting there literally laughing his way through killing this niche, simply because HE HAS NO COMPETITION!

And what is one of the hottest niches out there right now? MAKING MONEY ONLINE!

What is ONE way to make money online? OH GEE, I DON'T KNOW?


(Sorry, but I had to do that to REALLY SHOW YOU just how important this niche could be for you, since it relates to internet marketing!)

All you have to do is get your product in there, show people how to make money. Heck your product may not be directly related to banner advertising, but could just be related to internet marketing, and all you have to do is hire some writers to write about banner advertising, and then tell people

"hey, wanna make even more money,? Want to know how to REALLY CAPITALIZE on your niche?"

Etc etc etc...I mean there is endless potential here for anyone who TAKES NOTICE of this virtually COMPETITION FREE niche!

This only came to my attention, because I saw someone asking about banner advertising on EZA, and then I decided to look into that, and long behold I saw this section, with this guy sitting all alone there.

We already have a warrior asking about advertising, and I am sure he is not alone, so if you have a product on ADVERTISING, or simply want to make a product, I suggest you get it ON THERE, and take advantage of this niche which literally has NO competition on EzineArticles.

That could be easy views for you, so easy. So get your butt over there and give this guy a run for his money, and give yourself some easy traffic!


He is not in there submitting 30 articles a day, like people do in the weight loss niche or the relationships niche. He is not in there even submitting 20 articles a day. He is simply doing about 10 or less, depending on the day (AND EVEN THEN, he is not consistent).


  • You could appear to dominate a niche too, if you were literally your OWN competition.

  • You could appear to dominate a niche too, if you were CONSISTENT!

  • You could appear to be on top of your game when everyone else was too scared to enter into your niche, because you APPEAR to be dominating everything!

So are you going to take up this niche, or are you going to run off because you are afraid of ONE GUY! Come on, are we warriors or are we NOT warriors!?

And if you get nothing else from this post, at least get the message that consistency pays off, even when the niche itself seems to have no competition, or no traffic, or no anything... it will only HAVE EVERYTHING, if you become consistent with your work!

Or maybe this will give you the idea to NOSE AROUND a bit more on EZA to find niches which literally have no competition.

(also please CAREFULLY read the posts below, as some questions you may have are further discussed and answered in other posts below)
#advantage #ezinearticles #hot #marketing #niche #relevant #sick #taking
  • Profile picture of the author JeffMitchell
    Profile picture of JeffMitchell
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    27 out of 30...That is absolutely killing it. Anyone who can dominate any niche like that will destroy anyone who even tries to break in...

    Good Post.

    Jeff Mitchell

    HELP NEEDED! My Mother And Her Brother have been taking care of the mother with the help of Hospice. He just had a Massive Heart Attack while taking a short vacation. My mother had to go to Florida from Indiana to be with her brother and is not financially stable from being off work to be with grandma. Any Help Would Be Appreciated.

    • Profile picture of the author acrasial
      Profile picture of acrasial
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      Originally Posted by JeffMitchell View Post

      27 out of 30...That is absolutely killing it. Anyone who can dominate any niche like that will destroy anyone who even tries to break in...

      Good Post.

      Jeff Mitchell

      Look at this guy's post dates.

      He is ONLY DOMINIATING IT, because there is literally no one else there.

      He is ONLY DOMINIATING IT, because he is consistent.

      Not because he is adding bulk. I have SEEN bulk before, I know bulk, that guy isn't bulk. That guy is just smart, has some common sense, and is clever.

      He found a niche that was EASY TO DOMINATE, because it has NO competition!
  • Profile picture of the author Rus Sells
    Rus Sells
    Profile picture of Rus Sells
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    LOL your right! He's laughing all they way to the bank on this one! Page after pager of only his articles!
    • Profile picture of the author acrasial
      Profile picture of acrasial
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      Originally Posted by Rus Sells View Post

      LOL your right! He's laughing all they way to the bank on this one! Page after pager of only his articles!

      Check the DATES. It's not like he submitted 30 every single day. NOPE! There is no one here in this niche, so he has room to take time out and submit every 5 days if he pleases. HECK, why does he have room to do that?


      And because no one else is there, when he fills PAGE 1 with ALL of his articles, the first thought on someone's mind is that there is a maniac dominating in there, and they get turned off of even wanting to try that niche on EzineArticles.

      BUT THAT IS NOT THE CASE, the guy is not a maniac marketer, he is just CONSISTENT.

      AND SINCE WHEN did that scare away internet marketers? There are people on this forum right now working on things related to the weight loss niche, or the relationship niche.

      Those are HEAVILY populated niches, but that doesn't scare them away.

      This is one damn guy. You are telling me people are afraid of one man? MY GOD!
    • Profile picture of the author ak2000
      Profile picture of ak2000
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      Originally Posted by Rus Sells View Post

      LOL your right! He's laughing all they way to the bank on this one! Page after pager of only his articles!
      haha, hilarious indeed!
      • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Kelsall
        Jeremy Kelsall
        Profile picture of Jeremy Kelsall
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by Ray Erdmann View Post

        "If this James Nyback person has all these articles written around an apparent keyword (Banner Advertising Success) that from OUR OWN EXPERIENCE and/or KNOWLEDGE of Internet Marketing shows no or little 'views' over at EZA and/or very little searches per month based on the keywords found, then WHAT OTHER PROCESS is being used that we're just not seeing that would constitue a valid reason for so many articles in the first place?"
        There could be another answer, but the obvious answer to me is....

        The same reason Sally will write 100 articles on how to get your ex back even though she has made no sales.

        She doesn't know any better...

        Regardless of the reason, regardless of the strategy...

        Can it really be considered a success if NOONE is seeing the articles?

        So, here is what we know:

        The guy has an ass ton of articles up on EZA

        The articles at most are getting 10 views each on average

        I don't care what your strategy is, if people are not seeing your content, website, or what you have to offer, your plan isn't working.

        Here's the only benefit that I can see to what he is doing...

        If he is writing the articles himself, the only thing he has invested is time. So, by driving the traffic to the squeeze page (which I'm surprised EZA is allowing) he is building a list on the cheap.

        Getting subscribers via many of the paid methods would cost him probably .75 - $2.00 each depending on his skill set and resources available.

        Regardless of how you look at it though - this isn't an "article marketing" strategy...
  • Profile picture of the author Mohammad Afaq
    Mohammad Afaq
    Profile picture of Mohammad Afaq
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    I am getting started with this today

    “The first draft of anything is shit.” ~Ernest Hemingway

  • Profile picture of the author lacraiger
    Profile picture of lacraiger
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    great find... im sure this guy is dominating that niche.
    • Profile picture of the author JeffMitchell
      Profile picture of JeffMitchell
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Here is the plan...Lets all write some Banner Advertising articles and take down his


      Jeff Mitchell

      HELP NEEDED! My Mother And Her Brother have been taking care of the mother with the help of Hospice. He just had a Massive Heart Attack while taking a short vacation. My mother had to go to Florida from Indiana to be with her brother and is not financially stable from being off work to be with grandma. Any Help Would Be Appreciated.

      • Profile picture of the author acrasial
        Profile picture of acrasial
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        Originally Posted by JeffMitchell View Post

        Here is the plan...Lets all write some Banner Advertising articles and take down his


        Jeff Mitchell

        Well, why should he have all the fun. Literally the only thing this guy does is be consistent and for that he is laughing his butt off.

        There are tons of ballsy marketers who could take this guy down, if they pleased, and I'm sure one man will not scare his entire competition just because he can submit 10 articles or less a day.

        There are plenty of more "scary" niches on EzineArticles, which other warriors are actively involved in, and that doesn't stop other warriors from continuing to submit articles there either.

        I stand by my POST, lol, this guy has NOTHING yet. Just consistency, and literally NO competition, because he kills his competition through consistency.
  • Profile picture of the author acrasial
    Profile picture of acrasial
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Surprise, Surprise!

    Another Niche Which is Virtually "VOID Of Competition" Niche ON Ezine Articles:

    Internet-and-Businesses-Online - Forums EzineArticles

    Guess what is happening in this niche too?

    ===> Only a few articles per day are being submitted by competition in this niche. If you can submit a few articles a day ALONE, then you can begin dominating this niche too!

    Geez! And guess what it's about? FORUMS. What is this? A FORUM. SO that means that everyone here literally has SOME EXPERIENCE with forums and marketing, and can go in there and market there too!

    My god, everyone on this forum is here to market! So if you can't even write about that, or even get into this niche, which literally has yet to experience any REAL competition, then you need HELP! (LOL!)!!! SERIOUSLY!
  • Profile picture of the author GrantFreeman
    Profile picture of GrantFreeman
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    When I did a EZ search for "Banner Advertising", around 15 other authors came up on the first results page..out of 115.

    If you search for "Banner Advertising Success" that's a totally different story.

    If you google search that same keyphrase in quotes, Google search can't find any data.

    Search google for "Banner Advertising" and I got something like this..

    Feb Search Volume- 33,000 with 2,290,000 competing sites.

    How is this considered "dominating" the banner advertising niche? I don't get it.

    PS. Banner advertising (the practice of) has been around for a while. 2003? Friendly suggestion, is to see how many people actively search for the keyword you want to use before you blindly go writing articles.

    This following is a supplemental post, because I'm planning something huge for my 1k post. This way, I'm staying at 999. Anyway..

    --begin supplemental post--

    acrasial said: "And if MOST PEOPLE are searching the search engines.. "

    That's where I think you're confused.

    1. The fact is there are very few, if at all, searching for the keyphrase this guy is targeting.

    "Banner Advertising Success"

    2. Just because some guy is publishing articles doesn't mean those articles are getting noticed, and/or getting clickthroughs.It also doesn't mean he is a pro at article marketing. He could have it all wrong. That's why research and "decernment" (sp) was invented.

    3. I appriciate your enthusiasm, but It sounds to me like new people here are getting the wrong idea about what you are suggesting.

    The idea is to sell things. Ideas/ products/ whatever. How do you do this?

    A: You give people what they want.

    How do you know? Simple- they search for it, for one. How can you tell what people are searching for?

    One way is to use Google and see how many people have searched for that keyprase "Banner Advertising Success".

    The facts say it's not looking too good for that keyphrase, use a different one for better results... a keyphrase that people are actually searching for. Evidence.

    4. Banner Advertising is not an untapped niche. Not even close. That fact will not change even if you think it should. Expect competition and lots of it. Expect that the mystery keyword you write tons of articles for- never gets searched.

    If you think the banner ads niche is untapped, you're on crack.

    My best advice here is to use google to find lower competing keywords with search results below 3,000 searches. Then write high quality articles that are attached to high quality products.

    acrasial, do you oursource research? Fire them. More research needed.

    --end of supplemental post
    • Profile picture of the author acrasial
      Profile picture of acrasial
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by GrantFreeman View Post


      How is this considered "dominating" the banner advertising niche? I don't get it.


      It's not even about that. There is a niche which only one guy is sitting in there dominating on Ezine articles alone. Now what is happening on google right now, I don't really care, what it's about is the fact that your product doesn't even have to be about banner advertising.

      It just has to be about internet marketing in general, because banner advertising is a part of it.

      But how is that helpful to anyone? Well consider this:

      One could outsource the writing for this niche, and get someone to submit those articles. The author box itself will say, as mentioned, something along the lines of:

      "Need more tips on internet marketing" or something like that, because as this forum should know, there are tons of noobs and people who want to get into internet marketing, and there are also people who want to get into specific niches related to internet marketing.

      This is a specific niche, and since it's literally only being tapped by one guy consistently on EZA, there is definitely a lot of potential here!

      This particular niche on EZA is just one example of a SMALL PART of a very hot and big niche, but it definitely can get someone some easy views and leads to their website.

      Originally Posted by GrantFreeman View Post

      When I did a EZ search for "Banner Advertising", around 15 other authors came up on the first results page..out of 115.

      If you search for "Banner Advertising Success" that's a totally different story.

      If you google search that same keyphrase in quotes, Google search can't find any data.

      Search google for "Banner Advertising" and I got something like this..

      Feb Search Volume- 33,000 with 2,290,000 competing sites.

      How is this considered "dominating" the banner advertising niche? I don't get it.

      My god, doesn't this tell you something? IT'S A VIRTUALLY UNTAPPED NICHE.

      It's literally sitting right there SCREAMING AT THE RIGHT PERSON to come and make it into something. That is GOLD!

      If your search is really that correct, that nothing comes up, then this is the chance for someone to literally come in and dominate this niche on EZA above this other guy, get listed and dominate that, and virtually get everyone who ever comes that way for that specific thing.

      And it doesn't stop there, because as mentioned, this is part of internet marketing as a whole, which is HUGE. Someone could link many products to this, just from the above mentioned, because if a person is doing banner advertising.

      They are likely wanting to know about more things related to internet marketing, because it doesn't just stop there! Whoever it is that wants to know about banner advertising, wants to also know how to make money, and you can show them that, by virtually breaking through in this niche and making it the most popular thing since "get your ex back" products!

      Remember that "get your ex back" is just a small part of a HUGE market known as the 'RELATIONSHIPS' market. It too was once small, and I am sure that a few years ago, a search on "magic of making up" or "pull your ex back" would have turned up little to no results.

      So there is something to be made here, when you consider the broader perspective, and thanks for pointing out the google information, because that only further asserts my point that this niche has a HUGE POTENTIAL, and is virtually untapped!
      • Profile picture of the author butters
        Profile picture of butters
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        How is he dominating with so little views? I don't get it.
        • Profile picture of the author acrasial
          Profile picture of acrasial
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          Originally Posted by butters View Post

          How is he dominating with so little views? I don't get it.
          LOOK< you TOO are getting the wrong idea.

          There is ONE guy dominating a niche in one area on EZA, because he is consistent.

          YOU CAN DOMINATE THAT SAME NICHE. That is what I am saying. as for the traffic and views, read my previous post before this, that can all be dealt with, as this is a niche that can be made into something big.

          It's the whole idea. Why do you think that guy is sitting there everyday consistently submitting? So that he can laugh at himself?

          NO! Because he is getting results! EZA delivers tons of traffic, regardless of the niche, and this is a niche which can be made ON GOOGLE, for money making in general.

          This can be made into a product, or you could promote your own internet marketing product through this.


          Do you really want to sit in a heavily flooded niche, and trying to compete with people who are submitting 50+ articles a day, and trying to compete with search results which will soon be in the billions?

          Get real, who the heck really wants to do that at the end of the day, especially when ONLY ONE PERSON CAN BE #1.

          This niche doesn't have a #1 yet, but that could be you!

          • Profile picture of the author butters
            Profile picture of butters
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            Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

            LOOK< you TOO are getting the wrong idea.

            There is ONE guy dominating a niche in one area on EZA, because he is consistent.

            YOU CAN DOMINATE THAT SAME NICHE. That is what I am saying. as for the traffic and views, read my previous post before this, that can all be dealt with, as this is a niche that can be made into something big.

            It's the whole idea. Why do you think that guy is sitting there everyday consistently submitting? So that he can laugh at himself?

            NO! Because he is getting results! EZA delivers tons of traffic, regardless of the niche, and this is a niche which can be made ON GOOGLE, for money making in general.

            This can be made into a product, or you could promote your own internet marketing product through this.


            Do you really want to sit in a heavily flooded niche, and trying to compete with people who are submitting 50+ articles a day, and trying to compete with search results which will soon be in the billions?

            Get real, who the heck really wants to do that at the end of the day, especially when ONLY ONE PERSON CAN BE #1.

            This niche doesn't have a #1 yet, but that could be you!

            Why are you writing like sales pages?

            Secondly, why would I or anyone want to dominate a keyword which has no traffic, seems pointless. For you remarks about banner advertising, does ad swaps, PPC, media buys, PPV, advertising on websites etc... come to mind? Very, very, very crowded niche, so where is the potential in a niche which is already flooded?
            • Profile picture of the author acrasial
              Profile picture of acrasial
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              Originally Posted by butters View Post

              Why are you writing like sales pages?

              Secondly, why would I or anyone want to dominate a keyword which has no traffic, seems pointless. For you remarks about banner advertising, does ad swaps, PPC, media buys, PPV, advertising on websites etc... come to mind? Very, very, very crowded niche, so where is the potential in a niche which is already flooded?

              Well according to others in this very thread, the potential is there as the search results are slim, and according to me, the potential is there to use EzineArticles as a tool to increase the potential.

              Internet marketing itself is VERY HOT. People want to make money online. There is ONE idea for someone who wants to take it up, to use EZA as a tool, and google, or whatever tools they want to make something of that niche for themselves.

              I'm not forcing you to agree, and frankly, I am done trying to make you see the world through my eyes.
              • Profile picture of the author butters
                Profile picture of butters
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                Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

                Well according to others in this very thread, the potential is there as the search results are slim, and according to me, the potential is there to use EzineArticles as a tool to increase the potential.
                Ok so 22k Ezine pages around the word "banner advertising" and the top website on google has 800k+ backlinks, is it me or am I seriously missing the slim competition.
                • Profile picture of the author acrasial
                  Profile picture of acrasial
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                  Originally Posted by butters View Post

                  Ok so 22k Ezine pages around the word "banner advertising" and the top website on google has 800k+ backlinks, is it me or am I seriously missing the slim competition.

                  There is ONE GUY literally RIGHT NOW in that category in EZA. Wherever the rest of the competition is online, doesn't phase me at the moment, because I was talking about EZA.

                  As mentioned, it's one guy sitting there. I don't care how many pages are there related to EZA, because this is the NOW. There is one guy NOW solely dominating that niche in EZA.

                  Now according to you, it's not exactly a small niche anymore, because there were people telling me this is a dead niche or god knows what they were suggesting, but now you are saying otherwise.

                  OK, so now it's not a dead niche, and it's got some competition. BUT, on EZA, at this very moment, the competition is ONE GUY. Now there are other niches (I mentioned another one in another post above), where there are only a FEW articles being submitted per day.

                  EVEN if that guy wasn't alone in that niche, let's say the max number of articles going in that niche per day was 10. That's definitely ALOT LESS than other niches, such as the weight loss niche or conflict niche on EZA.

                  That might be a good place for someone to start then, without having to be TOO overwhelmed with crazy and ridiculous competition, and it might also be a good place for someone else who wants to take advantage of that fact.
    • Profile picture of the author acrasial
      Profile picture of acrasial
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      P.S. if you reply to this post you can PM me the reply, and I will post it here for everyone, so you can keep your post count at 999 for now:

      Originally Posted by GrantFreeman View Post

      acrasial said: "And if MOST PEOPLE are searching the search engines.. "

      That's where I think you're confused.

      1. The fact is there are very few, if at all, searching for the keyphrase this guy is targeting.

      "Banner Advertising Success"
      Alright. I have since posted in this thread other niches. That was my VERY FIRST post. I guess this thread is too long, or my posts are too long, or people are simply to busy to read everything I am trying to say here.

      That is ONE idea, of a few I have already posted. That is just ONE GUY, and that guy just happens to be targeting that. Now while I am not an expert on that sub-niche, I DEFINITELY know there is more than one damn keyword to a niche~!

      Why are there very few people searching for it? Well perhaps people think it's not useful, or it has "run it's course and died out. OR perhaps people simply don't know about it enough, or have never even heard of it.

      Honestly, no one knows everything about everything, which means there are people who are NOT searching for it. And if they don't know it exists, as mentioned, they DEFINITELY will not be searching for it.

      They also WILL NOT be searching for it if they DO NOT think it's effective.

      But WHOSE JOB IS IT to promote this, and to make people aware of it? THE MARKETER. So while it may be true NOW that there are few searches, that is because the marketers in this niche right now are NOT effective.

      I will use another example here: Vegas Vince and his barter arbitrage product.

      The idea of bartering has been around FOREVER. Literally FOREVER. Yet his product is the only one of it's kind pretty much. If you were to search for barter arbitrage, you'd be lucky to even find an article there which is not written by Sylvia Rolfe or someone employed by Vegas Vince or Sylvia Rolfe.

      They are literally killing all of their competition, and it's the first sort of thing of it's kind to be there. Right now it may not be the most popular product, but it's definitely going to increase in popularity, and search engine traffic will increase too.

      BUT WHY? Well maybe because there are PEOPLE who are marketing this product, making it known....when it was virtually ignored before. SURE, the idea is old news, but that's up to you to add new tips and new ideas to make it into something!

      NO need to re-invent the wheel, but you most definitely can UPGRADE the wheel.

      Originally Posted by GrantFreeman View Post

      2. Just because some guy is publishing articles doesn't mean those articles are getting noticed, and/or getting clickthroughs.It also doesn't mean he is a pro at article marketing. He could have it all wrong. That's why research and "decernment" (sp) was invented.

      It's HIS JOB to get them noticed, EZA is one tool to get them noticed. The right person in there can use that tool and get views which no one else in that sub-niche ever dreamed of.

      I have seen articles that have 200,000 views in niches where everyone else's views are nowhere near that. So what did the article marketer do to get those kinds of views?

      That is the key. What this guy is doing himself, I could care less, but his example here, that he is going in there being consistent, and dominating that niche (even if the traffic is low for EZA alone), is a good example to others of what can be done!

      True: it may not be the best example if he is not optimizing all of his work so that he is generating heaps of traffic. I never said he's good at marketing. I said he's GOOD at being consistent. That's it, he submits daily, and that MATTERS: consistency.

      Because now he is dominating that, even if it's not the most fantastic niche on the planet, he has MANAGED to dominate something all on his own.

      Originally Posted by GrantFreeman View Post

      3. I appriciate your enthusiasm, but It sounds to me like new people here are getting the wrong idea about what you are suggesting.

      The idea is to sell things. Ideas/ products/ whatever. How do you do this?

      Well I don't really see anyone "new" in this thread, but definitely people are getting the wrong idea. This idea itself is meant to be applied all over the place, I am just using "INTERNET MARKETING" as an example to show what can be done in any niche itself, with sub niches.

      But I do understand that this is not effective for everyone, some will find that a waste of time, but some will be very successful with this, if they were to understand the concept itself.

      Originally Posted by GrantFreeman View Post

      A: You give people what they want.

      How do you know? Simple- they search for it, for one. How can you tell what people are searching for?

      One way is to use Google and see how many people have searched for that keyprase "Banner Advertising Success".

      The facts say it's not looking too good for that keyphrase, use a different one for better results... a keyphrase that people are actually searching for. Evidence.

      Yup, use a different keyphrase, and even as mentioned, how do keyphrases become popular to begin with? Effective marketing.

      An effective marketer could take that keyphrase, market the heck out of it and turn it into a keyword that churns in tons of searches everyday, if they knew how.

      I guess my idea is more targeted at those who have a bit more experience with marketing, but none the less, it is STILL up to the marketer to make their efforts get results. Even if that means inventing a keyword (as some have done through branding), or helping a keyword (marketing it so that people become aware of it more).

      Originally Posted by GrantFreeman View Post

      4. Banner Advertising is not an untapped niche. Not even close. That fact will not change even if you think it should. Expect competition and lots of it. Expect that the mystery keyword you write tons of articles for- never gets searched.

      If you think the banner ads niche is untapped, you're on crack.

      My best advice here is to use google to find lower competing keywords with search results below 3,000 searches. Then write high quality articles that are attached to high quality products.

      On EzineArticles, I would consider that to be untapped, as it has one guy sitting there competing with himself. On google some have said there is no one searching for that ONE SPECIFIC (broken record) keyword, then that too is rather untapped.

      Untapped to me, means it's not heavily flooded, and that you can WIN in that niche, and also means to me, that you can RANK in that niche.

      That is what untapped would mean to me. Maybe to you, if you want to pull out the dictionary, and say it's a virgin niche that no one is competing in yet, fine, but to me, this competition might as well be so low that I would say no one is yet competing.

      If you have to compete with yourself, you can bet that NO ONE is competing then. LOL

      And yes, your advice is welcome, for finding lower competing keywords, however that kind of thing is already suggested all over the place on this forum, or at least is pretty well known to do.

      My idea, although it may sound pretty useless and out there, pushes people to do the unthinkable, such as literally making a keyword be searched in the first place, literally being the pioneer who gets people to start searching for it, and literally being the pioneer who practically creates an online empire from something so simple: a keyword which seemed to be a dud.

      I believe that is possible, as people are CONSTANTLY doing that DAILY. They are creating products, branding them, and creating new keywords which people will then search for. They are then marketing these products like hell, and are creating something from nothing.

      This may seem like nothing too right now, but as mentioned, that is ENTIRELY up to the marketer at hand on how they want to handle this, and how they want to make something of this.

      Many may fail, but as mentioned, my post isn't directed at people who want to sit here and say how much this method fails. My post is not directed at people who find this to be too much work, or for those who simply find it too damn confusing.

      My post isn't even directed at those who simply don't believe in it.

      It's only directed at those who see the potential in potentially "risky" things.
    • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
      Profile picture of TheRichJerksNet
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by GrantFreeman View Post

      1. The fact is there are very few, if at all, searching for the keyphrase this guy is targeting.

      "Banner Advertising Success"
      He is not targeting Banner Advertising Success .... Maybe view the keywords and you will see what he is trying to target..

      • Profile picture of the author acrasial
        Profile picture of acrasial
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        Originally Posted by TheRichJerksNet View Post

        He is not targeting Banner Advertising Success .... Maybe view the keywords and you will see what he is trying to target..


        For some reason everyone is stuck on that keyword, I have no idea why they keep on pulling out ONE keyword, from ONE example of ONE guy, when I have already given many examples of other niches, and other people in those other niches.

        I find it highly irrelevant, and have addressed this in my previous posts as well, people just want me to bend here, because the concept is risky itself.

        I understand, once again, that my idea(s) are very risky, and sound stupid to some, because they are not easy.

        It would be much easier to research and find "easy keywords" and "easy niches" and "easy subniches" to work with, because that means you have to do less work...because there will automatically be MORE traffic. Or at least that's a silly asumption.

        Tell me about the people on EZA and google who are getting only 30 views, that's it, for all of their efforts....? Because these "easy" niches, with higher ranked keywords, people are suggesting others get into, are so crowded and flooded?

        I have also seen the suggestion of finding smaller keywords above, which rank at about 3000 searches or so. That's all fine and dandy too, but that TOO is a lot of work to some, as it seems people really want the easy route here.

        But I have news for you (whoever you are): Internet marketing isn't a walk in the park. It is sometimes difficult.
        • Profile picture of the author Kay King
          Kay King
          Profile picture of Kay King
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          It is directed at those who are not afraid to take RISKS.
          There isn't any risk in this at all - but there's a lot of time to be wasted if you don't know what you are targeting or why. Read James' post above.
          Take those authors and look at what they are targeting - and how they are doing that targeting.

          The first author has 3500 articles in one large niche - do you think he doesn't have a plan that all those articles fit into?

          The problem is you keep (in every thread lately) saying people aren't reading what you wrote and you say that in every thread where anyone disagrees with a point you make. There's no benefit in being a right fighter.

          The method you are arguing about endlessly - is a start! But only a START.

          There's more to it and unless you understand what the marketer is doing and what he's targeting and how - you are spinning your wheels and telling others to spin theirs.

          Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
          One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
          what it is instead of what you think it should be.
          • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
            Profile picture of TheRichJerksNet
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            Actually Kay the 2 articles I did look at from this banner dude.. He is targeting wrong I mean come on from no search results to maybe a high 5k, one keyword was 1,600 searches a month..

            I fully understand what the OP is saying but I am not looking at it like other people are and I have been around for some time ...


            Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

            There isn't any risk in this at all - but there's a lot of time to be wasted if you don't know what you are targeting or why. Read James' post above.
            Take those authors and look at what they are targeting - and how they are doing that targeting.

            The first author has 3500 articles in one large niche - do you think he doesn't have a plan that all those articles fit into?

            The problem is you keep (in every thread lately) saying people aren't reading what you wrote and you say that in every thread where anyone disagrees with a point you make. There's no benefit in being a right fighter.

            The method you are arguing about endlessly - is a start! But only a START.

            There's more to it and unless you understand what the marketer is doing and what he's targeting and how - you are spinning your wheels and telling others to spin theirs.

        • Profile picture of the author Daniel Brock
          Daniel Brock
          Profile picture of Daniel Brock
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          Yeah, but do you really think he is making money from those articles?

          I don't think dominating EZA counts for much of anything, or at least in this case.

          I browsed through about 20 of his articles to see how many times his articles were viewed.

          Of all the ones I looked at, I didn't see one above 30 views - most in the 5 view range. Let's say on average, he gets 12 page views per article.

          So for the 150 articles he submitted over the last month, he has gotten 1800 views.

          Giving a generous 50% click through rate on all of those articles, that would give 900 visits from his articles the last 30 days.

          I checked out his sig, and he is sending his article traffic to an opt in page.

          Let's continue with the generosity, and give his opt in page a50% conversion rate.

          That's 450 opt ins per month.

          Now calculate the cost of the articles he posts. We'll give the articles a fair rate of $3 per article.

          At that rate, he is paying $1 per opt in.

          Not bad by any means, by I don't see how he is dominating anything.

          If there was more volume on the other hand, he could definitely be making good coin. To me, it doesn't look like he quite has it yet.

          Perhaps I am missing something?
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          • Profile picture of the author acrasial
            Profile picture of acrasial
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            Originally Posted by Daniel Brock View Post

            Yeah, but do you really think he is making money from those articles?

            I browsed through about 20 of his articles to see how many times his

            Perhaps I am missing something?

            Ok BUDDY, this guy here, is ONE example. Everyone seems to be stuck on this guy.

            This guy is also apparently a BAD marketer. That is fine, but he is STILL doing something that NO ONE ELSE HERE IS DOING, AND ALSO THAT NO ONE ELSE ON EZA IS DOING: Dominating that sub-niche in EzineArticles.

            Now imagine if you were effective at marketing, had all the right keywords, knew how to get traffic, and had articles to use: Then this would be perfect.

            I guess I am asking too much of people here. And heck, you are welcome to think it's a stupid idea. Join the majority.

            But I still do stand by my idea, and I am just fine with others disagreeing, if this isn't in their best interest.

            I do agree that this guy is a bad example when it comes to traffic, conversions and whatnot but people will see what they want to see, and obviously don't want to take the time to actually TRULY try and understand what I am trying to say.

            They see one thing, and think there is something wrong with the whole concept and it's stupid, and that I am sitting here running around like a chicken with my head cut off.

            Originally Posted by Daniel Brock
            Oh and P.S.

            Most people don't read the whole thread before posting.

            So people aren't ignoring your replies, because they never read them ;-)
            I know, and some people even think I am sitting here trying to be right all the time, and that I get all huffy puffy when people disagree with me. That is sometimes true, but I will definitely discuss my ideas, pros or cons.

            But since it's my idea, of course I'm going to be in favor of it! That would just make sense. People don't abandon their kids, just because they make some bad choices in their life. This is my baby, I'm not abandoning it either, just because it doesn't win over the hearts of warriors!

            And that guy is writing all of those articles, and isn't getting any views, I understand that. Others are not getting views in the other niches either, but it's not the fault of EZA, and it's not because they chose a bad keyword either.

            It's because they have NO CLUE how to market things. The above are just excuses for when things don't go right, or don't go as planned.

            Oh, and regardless of whether or not this guy stinks at article marketing in that sub niche, he is still taking up the ENTIRE SPACE in that sub niche, and that is DOMINATING, whether or not he is making any sales or getting any traffic, he is still sitting on top there.

            Not my fault he isn't fully capitalizing on that sub-niche, now is it? But I was hoping some other warrior would. I don't have all the solutions, of course, but maybe someone has seen this and has the solutions to the issues discussed, and doesn't see any of the above as a problem but rather a challenge.
            • Profile picture of the author Daniel Brock
              Daniel Brock
              Profile picture of Daniel Brock
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              Your idea is not a bad idea by any means. It definitely can work in some less competitive niches.

              I think your hang up is that you believe people browse EZA like it were a search engine.

              As in, 'You know what? I feel like heading on over to EZA today to learn some more killer banner advertising techniques.'

              But the truth is, (from my experiences with EZA) is that the majority of all of your traffic comes FROM the search engines. The traffic can then filter down to some of the latest posts, most recent, and top rated posts from people moving around a little bit.

              However, if the niche is highly competitive in the SEs, you can expect that the 'shared' traffic will be less because less people are able to rank their EZA articles for those terms.

              And if less people are able to rank their EZA for those keywords, that means there is less traffic to go around to everyone else.
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              • Profile picture of the author acrasial
                Profile picture of acrasial
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                Originally Posted by Daniel Brock View Post

                As in, 'You know what? I feel like heading on over to EZA today to learn some more killer banner advertising techniques.'
                In my (wait for it....) *PREVIOUS* posts, I have discussed my ideas of the USE OF eza here, and it was not as a search engine, but rather as a tool for many other things.

                Because the traffic coming from EZA right now stinks, but EZA is also a very good website to have articles on if you wanted to get them ranked, right?

                AND NO! I am not claiming that articles will automatically be ranked if on EZA. HECK, that is silly...people have to work to get articles ranked.

                BUT BUT BUT, wait for it....

                EZA is also a backlinking tool itself. EZA can be used for many things!! Backlinking tool for what? Well a website perhaps? GEE!

                Originally Posted by Daniel Brock View Post

                But the truth is, (from my experiences with EZA) is that the majority of all of your traffic comes FROM the search engines. The traffic can then filter down to some of the latest posts, most recent, and top rated posts from people moving around a little bit.

                Once again, if no one is searching the keywords you used, You did not pick the wrong keywords, as long as you know how to get these keywords themselves noticed.

                And it's also not my fault that this guy is ranking for keywords which may seem to be weird or stupid, but I also think that might be part of his plan.

                Originally Posted by Daniel Brock View Post

                However, if the niche is highly competitive in the SEs, you can expect that the 'shared' traffic will be less because less people are able to rank their EZA articles for those terms.

                And if less people are able to rank their EZA for those keywords, that means there is less traffic to go around to everyone else.

                Elaborate here?
            • Profile picture of the author Rob Howard
              Rob Howard
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              • Profile picture of the author Daniel Brock
                Daniel Brock
                Profile picture of Daniel Brock
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                Originally Posted by ccmusicman View Post

                Also, as a side note, (and this is just my opinion), I doubt any marketer would seriously use ezinearticles (or any article directory) as a source of information to LEARN about marketing. (Except to copy/steal material)

                The reason being is that most of us in this niche realize that most article sites are garbage content put out by marketers wanting to sell something.

                It works in other niches, because they don't see the underpinnings of what is going on...but we do.

                Taaaa daaaaaaa
                Clickbank #1 Best Seller: The Deadbeat Super Affiliate.
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                • Profile picture of the author Rob Howard
                  Rob Howard
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                  • Profile picture of the author acrasial
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                    Originally Posted by ccmusicman View Post

                    Really, this guy may be making money...but it isn't with Eza.

                    If anything, he's building a damn lot of backlinks. Which is, perhaps, his plan.


                    This is WHAT I AM SAYING. One could use that to build links to their website or whatever the heck they please.

                    They can do that in all of the subniches, and get ranked for certain keywords there, and if they were EXTREMELY EFFECTIVE, what they would do is get these articles out now (While the sub niche appears to stink), and then after they are done filling up that sub niche, they will market those keywords like crazy so that people become aware of those keywords and start using them when they search.

                    It's up to the marketer to make people aware, not the other way around. People only become aware if you show them in the first place.
                  • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Kelsall
                    Jeremy Kelsall
                    Profile picture of Jeremy Kelsall
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                    The articles are getting practically no views - 54 is the highest I saw and I'm willing to bet quite a few of those views came from people in this thread visiting his profile you posted and clicking around.

                    You can have a million articles - If noone is looking at them, you aren't making any money.
                    • Profile picture of the author Hamida Harland
                      Hamida Harland
                      Profile picture of Hamida Harland
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                      Originally Posted by Jeremy Kelsall View Post

                      The articles are getting practically no views - 54 is the highest I saw and I'm willing to bet quite a few of those views came from people in this thread visiting his profile you posted and clicking around.

                      You can have a million articles - If noone is looking at them, you aren't making any money.
                      Too right - I looked at 4 of his articles and how many views did they have between the 4? 21 (one of those articles had 0 views). How does that equate to a sick, hot & relevant niche? I think there's a reason people aren't taking advantage of it - there doesn't appear to be much to take advantage of.
                    • Profile picture of the author whateverpedia
                      Profile picture of whateverpedia
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                      Originally Posted by Jeremy Kelsall View Post

                      The articles are getting practically no views - 54 is the highest I saw and I'm willing to bet quite a few of those views came from people in this thread visiting his profile you posted and clicking around.

                      You can have a million articles - If noone is looking at them, you aren't making any money.
                      I have read and re-read the OP, and all the replies, and all the replies to replies. So far your's is the only one that makes sense.

                      acrasial (as far as I can deduce) is saying that the fact that only a handful of people search for this niche is the author's fault for not making people aware such a niche exists. :confused: :confused: :confused:

                      I always thought you should aim at where the money is rather than making the money come looking for you.

                      Obviously I was wrong all the time.

                      Edit: addendum - My post should read that Jeremy's post was the first post I agreed with, but scrolling down a bit further Steven W also seems to be echoing my thoughts. Sorry Steven I should've read down to the bottom and included your input
                      Why do garden gnomes smell so bad?
                      So that blind people can hate them as well.
                      • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
                        Steven Wagenheim
                        Profile picture of Steven Wagenheim
                        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                        Okay, at the risk of being branded the biggest fraud in all of IM, folks, I
                        have read the original post 5 TIMES.

                        There Is NOTHING To Get Here.

                        At least not as far as article marketing goes.

                        Is there a lesson here? Yes, but I'll leave that for another time when I
                        actually have time to explain it.

                        Right now, I'm eating dinner and playing Texas Hold 'Em.

                        And that's far more important than THIS nonsense.

                        Buy into this at your OWN risk.

                        You have been warned.
                        • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
                          Steven Wagenheim
                          Profile picture of Steven Wagenheim
                          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                          Okay, I'm done eating and I'm tired of beating the computer at cards.

                          I am now going to show you, right before your eyes, how to blow away
                          all the smoke and mirrors that people throw at you.

                          Because BS is just that...BS.

                          Let's list all the main points that are essentially addressed in the OP.

                          1. Untapped EZA Categories
                          2. Untapped Sub Niches of IM
                          3. Untapped Niches In General
                          4. Submitting Articles In Some Or All Of The Above.

                          And implied...

                          5. Banner Advertising Itself Is An Untapped IM Sub Niche that IF you
                          tap into, you can somehow, through the backdoor, tap into other niches
                          of IM (article marketing, PPC, traffic generation, etc.)

                          Ultimately, number 5 is where the OP is going.

                          Okay, let's now blow away the smoke and mirrors on this particular EZA

                          If you go to the Google Keyword tool and look up banner advertising and
                          then, after compiling the results, compare it to the figures for Internet
                          Marketing (the main niche) you will find that number of searches of one
                          to the other is a minute fraction. I don't have the exact numbers but
                          any first year marketer can go to Google and get them. Also, same is true

                          make money online
                          home business

                          and so on for any money making related keyword groupings.

                          Banner Advertising is close to the bottom of the list.

                          The number of actual views the person is getting for these articles, as
                          anybody can see, is negligible.

                          The claim is that there is still money to be made because the sub niche
                          itself is untapped.

                          It is not.

                          Go to Google, if you want to waste your time, and type in all these
                          keywords. You will see millions of sites.

                          But here is the real kicker.

                          Taking some of the keywords that people would search for IF they were
                          looking for help with banner advertising and plugging them into Google
                          in an attempt to find this guy's articles on page 1, you will find...

                          Position 10 - Fabian Tan

                          And that is the ONLY result from EZA.

                          In fact, if you go through all the main keywords for banner advertising,
                          you will find that this guy is nowhere on page 1 for any of them.

                          Add to that the simple fact that very few people are finding his articles
                          through EZA itself and that kills numbers 1 and 2 in my list above.

                          1. Untapped EZA Categories
                          2. Untapped Sub Niches of IM

                          Okay, let's move on to the next 2

                          3. Untapped Niches In General
                          4. Submitting Articles In Some Or All Of The Above.

                          In general, there are untapped niches out there...many. But that's nothing
                          new and there are a variety of methods to find them. What the OP shared
                          has nothing to do with this, so that kills number 3.

                          As for submitting articles for the purpose of any of the above, by all
                          means, if you want to waste your time, go ahead.

                          I have better things to do.

                          But here is the real meat of what the OP is trying to show us.

                          It's called the back door.

                          Submit articles to one sub niche in order to get people to see articles
                          from another sub niche (by checking other articles that the author has

                          Here is the problem with this scenario in this particular case.

                          This sub niche is not getting the views. If it's not getting the views, there
                          is nobody to see your other sub niches.

                          It's like a big tree and a little tree falling in the middle of nowhere.

                          The big tree makes more noise, but if there is nobody there to hear it,
                          so what? The little tree is no worse off.

                          The flaw, in this particular case, is that there is no traffic to see what
                          the author has written in order to redirect to something else.

                          Now, if you can tap into an untapped niche at EZA that actually gets
                          views...THEN you can bring people in through the back door to a related
                          sub niche.

                          But in this case, it's just smoke and mirrors. There is no opportunity here
                          and anybody who decides to jump on writing articles on banner advertising
                          is going to be in for a rude awakening.

                          You will not get views through EZA directly.

                          You will not rank in the SERPs.

                          Fabian Tan, who writes like a maniac in many sub niches of IM, only ranks
                          number 10 on page 1 for his articles.

                          And you know how many times that article has been viewed since
                          December 26, 2009 (almost 90 days ago)?

                          81 times.

                          Ask Fabian how much this article and all the other ones on Banner
                          Advertising has made him.

                          Folks, this is ALL smoke and mirrors and I can't believe I let myself get
                          sucked into this one.

                          Like I said, proceed at your own risk.

                          You've been warned...TWICE.
                          • Profile picture of the author richdirtygirl
                            Profile picture of richdirtygirl
                            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                            well, the guy is publishing around 20 articles a day and has been doing it for some time now, so he has a budget for it.

                            Said that, where there is a budget, there is revenue.

                            What I see is that he is branding, he is doing a nice job branding actually.

                            I tried a couple of long tail keywords and some articles from him appear on first page, from eza and other article directories.

                            I followed one of the links from eza and ended up in a squeeze.

                            It is not what i would say a hot guy, but he does a nice job breaking the non- trust barrier. Seems to be targeting newbies.

                            He is going after tiny sub niches. The other day i read something about ehow, and how they had the same strategy.

                            i don't know, haven reversed engineer the whole operation. Doesn't worth my time at this point.

                            Acracial, baby. You did a nice finding. What I would do is to follow through, decode the whole thing, make an action plan and test it.

                            Only after you have some some numbers you will see if what you think you know is real and meaningful.

                            • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
                              Steven Wagenheim
                              Profile picture of Steven Wagenheim
                              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                              Originally Posted by richdirtygirl View Post

                              well, the guy is publishing around 20 articles a day and has been doing it for some time now, so he has a budget for it.

                              Said that, where there is a budget, there is revenue.

                              What I see is that he is branding, he is doing a nice job branding actually.

                              I tried a couple of long tail keywords and some articles from him appear on first page, from eza and other article directories.

                              I followed one of the links from eza and ended up in a squeeze.

                              It is not what i would say a hot guy, but he does a nice job breaking the non- trust barrier. Seems to be targeting newbies.

                              He is going after tiny sub niches. The other day i read something about ehow, and how they had the same strategy.

                              i don't know, haven reversed engineer the whole operation. Doesn't worth my time at this point.

                              Acracial, baby. You did a nice finding. What I would do is to follow through, decode the whole thing, make an action plan and test it.

                              Only after you have some some numbers you will see if what you think you know is real and meaningful.


                              Laura, the problem is (and I've already wasted my time researching these
                              keywords) the numbers just don't justify the effort to put into it.

                              Sure, maybe if you're happy to make a couple of hundred a month (if
                              he's even making that much) but sick, hot and relevant?

                              Not a snow ball's chance in hell.
                            • Profile picture of the author acrasial
                              Profile picture of acrasial
                              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                              Originally Posted by richdirtygirl View Post

                              well, the guy is publishing around 20 articles a day and has been doing it for some time now, so he has a budget for it.

                              Said that, where there is a budget, there is revenue.

                              What I see is that he is branding, he is doing a nice job branding actually.

                              I tried a couple of long tail keywords and some articles from him appear on first page, from eza and other article directories.

                              I followed one of the links from eza and ended up in a squeeze.

                              It is not what i would say a hot guy, but he does a nice job breaking the non- trust barrier. Seems to be targeting newbies.

                              He is going after tiny sub niches. The other day i read something about ehow, and how they had the same strategy.

                              i don't know, haven reversed engineer the whole operation. Doesn't worth my time at this point.

                              Acracial, baby. You did a nice finding. What I would do is to follow through, decode the whole thing, make an action plan and test it.

                              Only after you have some some numbers you will see if what you think you know is real and meaningful.


                              Well I can say that you get a part of it, but you need to get the GRANDER picture here, once you do that, you will completely get what I mean. Try to think of this on a larger scale, also outside of EZA alone.

                              Maybe if you actually do test this out, with EZA only, you will understand what I meant on other terms, but you are probably the closest to getting it than others here, and at least you are taking a stab at something.

                              I cannot guarantee any success, however, unless you get the whole picture, which you definitely will soon, at this rate.
                              • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Kelsall
                                Jeremy Kelsall
                                Profile picture of Jeremy Kelsall
                                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                                Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

                                Well I can say that you get a part of it, but you need to get the GRANDER picture here, once you do that, you will completely get what I mean. Try to think of this on a larger scale, also outside of EZA alone.

                                Maybe if you actually do test this out, with EZA only, you will understand what I meant on other terms, but you are probably the closest to getting it than others here, and at least you are taking a stab at something.

                                I cannot guarantee any success, however, unless you get the whole picture, which you definitely will soon, at this rate.
                                This is bordering on the line of being stupid now.

                       make a post which is supposed to have a good lesson in it...then refuse to tell us the lesson?

                                Are you sure you are not James' alias? lol
                              • Profile picture of the author richdirtygirl
                                Profile picture of richdirtygirl
                                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                                Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

                                Well I can say that you get a part of it, but you need to get the GRANDER picture here, once you do that, you will completely get what I mean. Try to think of this on a larger scale, also outside of EZA alone.

                                Maybe if you actually do test this out, with EZA only, you will understand what I meant on other terms, but you are probably the closest to getting it than others here, and at least you are taking a stab at something.

                                I cannot guarantee any success, however, unless you get the whole picture, which you definitely will soon, at this rate.
                                you lost me somewhere baby,

                                i did go after a bigger picture (if by bigger pic you mean search engines), usually eza is part of first page domination etc... I did the Apprentice program 3 times and was in the original group of conversation domination... so...

                                there is also something else interesting in the titles, he adds the main keywords and then the real title. Liked that.

                                besides that, maybe if there is something else we are all too naive and inexperienced to see, you might be as gentle as rephrasing and say it so even I can understand it (lets say kindergarten reading level)

                        • Profile picture of the author kyhell
                          Profile picture of kyhell
                          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                          Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

                          Okay, at the risk of being branded the biggest fraud in all of IM, folks, I
                          have read the original post 5 TIMES.

                          There Is NOTHING To Get Here.

                          At least not as far as article marketing goes.

                          Is there a lesson here? Yes, but I'll leave that for another time when I
                          actually have time to explain it.

                          Right now, I'm eating dinner and playing Texas Hold 'Em.

                          And that's far more important than THIS nonsense.

                          Buy into this at your OWN risk.

                          You have been warned.
                          Steven Wagenheim: THE VOICE OF REASON!!!!!!!
                  • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
                    Steven Wagenheim
                    Profile picture of Steven Wagenheim
                    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                    I cannot believe how many people are buying into this like it's the holy grail.

                    Maybe I'm just an idiot.

                    Yeah...that's gotta be it.

                    **FYI** I've written articles for this category and other untapped
                    categories at EZA.

                    My bread and butter comes from the categories that aren't untapped.

                    I wonder why.
                  • Profile picture of the author cindyt
                    Profile picture of cindyt
                    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                    Maybe there is no money to be made in this niche, which is why no-one is promoting it? Backlinks is about all that would be the advantage then. Even Adsense is no good if no-one is using Adwords as the Adsense would be irrelevant to your page. The only other opportunity I could see there would be if you owned a banner advertising site.
                  • Profile picture of the author LilBlackDress
                    Profile picture of LilBlackDress
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                    Originally Posted by ccmusicman View Post

                    Really, this guy may be making money...but it isn't with Eza.

                    If anything, he's building a damn lot of backlinks. Which is, perhaps, his plan.

                    Ummm but his anchor text is CLICK HERE NOW. What kind of links is he building. The anchor text alone is very telling.

                    Pen Name + 8 eBooks + social media sites 4 SALE - PM me (evergreen beauty niche)

              • Profile picture of the author acrasial
                Profile picture of acrasial
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                Originally Posted by ccmusicman View Post

                I believe the problem is that you encouraging people to enter something that is, in essence, virtually untested and somehow thinking that it is profitable.


                It can be profitable through other means. I mean I'm not strictly suggesting that someone simply markets a product based on the original post, and just markets in that niche.

                What I am suggesting is that they marketing in many sub-niches, begin to dominate them, get ranked on google as well, and then market the heck out of whatever keywords they used...all to promote their original website and also get that website ranked on these keywords as well.

                I guess that is a stupid idea! But as mentioned as well, every single keyword started out as NOTHING, as did every niche, and subniche.

                This idea in the right hands can do a lot. This idea for the rest of the world is completely pointless, useless, and a pure waste of time. Therefore, I still call it risky.

                However I do understand your point of view here, when you disagree with me, and what you mean when you say that there doesn't seem to be a lot of potential there because of the hard hitting facts:

                --low search score
                --little to no traffic

                I get that, and have discussed that in my previous posts as well. I know those are some issues, but those are ALWAYS issues in any niche, when someone is first getting into it, even in heavily populated niches, someone could experience the same issue, because all of their traffic and all of the searches are going to their competition.

                As mentioned, not everyone can be ranked #1 on google, or even #10. There are only 10 people who can be there. Now how many people are marketing in weight loss, or "get your ex back" or "dating"?

                Thousands upon thousands, which means it's very difficult therefore to even expect anything decent out of those things without constantly being in a huge battle with the competition.

                So what my idea truly suggests, is that someone takes something which already exists (but stinks), and makes it into something bigger...on a grander scale.

                TDub did that with his MOMU product, he marketed the heck out of it, now the product is it's own keyword. Now the ex back niche is EXTREMELY overflooded with competition, search results and the like.

                This idea is not an easy one, and is soo risky, but it's just as risky as someone starting a product in a niche that doesn't even exist yet. Once upon a time, not all niches existed, and not all niches were well noticed.

                But once upon a time SOMEONE DID SOMETHING TO CHANGE THAT.
            • Profile picture of the author CustomX33
              Profile picture of CustomX33
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              I'm a little unclear (because I'm a newbie). You are saying that his view rates are low because he is using the wrong keywords and marketing strategy?
              • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
                Profile picture of TheRichJerksNet
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                Originally Posted by CustomX33 View Post

                I'm a little unclear (because I'm a newbie). You are saying that his view rates are low because he is using the wrong keywords and marketing strategy?
                Pretty much yes... But what many on here are failing to see the true opportunity. All they are looking at is EZA and this guys poorly done articles. They are not seeing the entire playing field ...

              • Profile picture of the author acrasial
                Profile picture of acrasial
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                Originally Posted by CustomX33 View Post

                I'm a little unclear (because I'm a newbie). You are saying that his view rates are low because he is using the wrong keywords and marketing strategy?

                My Noob Dislcaimer:

                I STRONGLY urge you to LEAVE THIS THREAD. Since this thread really is not intended for anyone new to internet marketing, you will DEFINITELY be confused, and the ideas discussed in here are simply ideas...they are not tested nor implemented yet, so if you were to try this and fail (which you would), that would be bad.

                Therefore, kindly ignore this thread, and go into more solid marketing techniques, as that is what you need right now.

                I would suggest the 30 day marketing challenge for you, if you are completely new to this. (It's free)

                Thirty Day Challenge

                Richjerks answered your question, but yes...if your views are low, and if you are not getting any traffic, and if you are not ranked, and if your niche isn't getting any attention:

                That is YOUR FAULT. Other marketers here are just trying to blame that on the sub niche itself, or simply say that the sub niche has no potential, and to go for the big niche itself.
  • Profile picture of the author skibbz
    Profile picture of skibbz
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    this could easily translate to thousands of visitors based on the volume of traffic hitting EZA daily. you dont even have to worry about the search results for "banner advertisements" on google
    • Profile picture of the author acrasial
      Profile picture of acrasial
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      Originally Posted by skibbz View Post

      this could easily translate to thousands of visitors based on the volume of traffic hitting EZA daily. you dont even have to worry about the search results for "banner advertisements" on google

      Yup, people are really not getting the idea, but THEY WILL GET IT eventually.

      Every single sub-niche out there was once small and NEVER MATTERED. There was once a time when no one knew what blogs were, or what twitter was. Likewise, there was once a time when article marketing itself wasn't known, and wasn't even a popular method for making money online!!!

      FRESH THINGS are coming out all the time, and this is one area where THE RIGHT INTELLIGENT PERSON, could really make something of it.

      EVERYTHING STARTS SOMEWHERE, and it seems the people here want to start with something which is already going big, because they are FOLLOWERS, not LEADERS!

      I still stand by my ideas, that this could be made into a product, someone could launch a product off of this idea and really make this niche into something. Someone could also promote an already existing product from this niche.

      Apparently they can also head over to Google and EASILY get ranked, since the competition is low there too!

      Consider this:


      SO if people are not searching for this on google, they aren't fully aware of it yet. If the views on EZA are not as high as the weight loss niche gets, it's because PEOPLE DON'T KNOW.


      They won't know unless you take action now and get the word out!

      An untapped NICHE does not mean it's a "dud". Lack of search results and traffic does not mean that there is SOMETHING WRONG with the niche itself.

      It just means that the marketers in the niche really SUCK and don't know what they are doing. But there are people searching for it, and there are people wanting to know about it, including our very OWN WARRIORS.

      If our warriors want to learn it and know about it, they are just HUMAN BEINGS, regular human beings! If they want to learn, that MUST MEAN other human beings want to know about it too!
  • Profile picture of the author LarryC
    Profile picture of LarryC
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    HE LITERALLY HAS NO COMPETITION! >> At least before this thread, lol.

    Seriously, it's a good idea, but it may not be quite the gold mine you imply. I did a Google search for banner advertising (no quotes) and none of these articles, or any Ezine articles, appeared on the first 3 pages. Remember, most people out there are not searching article directories for information, they are using the actual search engines. So dominating an article directory may get you a little traffic and a few backlinks, but it's not the real goal of most article writers.
    Content Writing, Ghostwriting, eBooks, editing, research.
    • Profile picture of the author acrasial
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      Originally Posted by LarryC View Post

      HE LITERALLY HAS NO COMPETITION! >> At least before this thread, lol.

      Seriously, it's a good idea, but it may not be quite the gold mine you imply. I did a Google search for banner advertising (no quotes) and none of these articles, or any Ezine articles, appeared on the first 3 pages. Remember, most people out there are not searching article directories for information, they are using the actual search engines. So dominating an article directory may get you a little traffic and a few backlinks, but it's not the real goal of most article writers.

      It's not just about his competition on EZA now, this is a rather UNTAPPED niche! ESPECIALLY WITH EZA.

      It's not my fault these people don't know how to get ranked on a search engine!

      But the difference is WE DO.

      YOU DO!

      An untapped niche, or virtually untapped niche is a gold mine, because as mentioned in my previous post, only one person CAN BE #1, and secondly, if you are trying to compete for number one in a niche that has 500,000+ competitors, does that TRULY sound appealing?

      Get into this IDEA NOW, of the smaller untapped niches, or smaller niches which don't yet have any heavy competition, or may seem to have less traffic....and dominate them NOW.

      That way they pick up (which they will!!!), you will be on AUTOPILOT, practically...whereas others will desperately be getting into it when it's already too late!

      And if MOST PEOPLE are searching the search engines, and there are HARDLY ANY RESULTS TURNING UP in this niche website wise, what does that say too?

      That tells me to get in there, get a website and product going on this, or simply get in there and rank my own 'INTERNET MARKETING' related product for keywords related to that.

      You could simply set up a landing page for your product and gear it towards this keyword.

  • Profile picture of the author acrasial
    Profile picture of acrasial
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    Originally Posted by NY1 View Post

    Most of the articles in the newest 30 only have a handful of views. No offense, but this is not some unknown untapped market. Banner advertising was the BIG thing about 10 years ago.

    It does not have a lot of traffic in EZA, banner advertising has been around for a long time, etc.

    This would not be a big deal unless you sell banner advertising services or an ebook/videos on using banner advertising.

    Not exactly. As mentioned (I GUESS PEOPLE ARE NOT READING ALL THE POSTS IN THIS THREAD because i have to keep on repeating myself!)

    Your product doesn't even have to be specifically related to this, it could just be a product which discusses it alongside other marketing techniques, or could simply just be another "make money online" product.

    If you don't understand how that works, let me REALLY break it down for you:

    I have promoted a dating product. (This is true). Now, there are many aspects to relationships, and DATING, which DO NOT always include the pickup itself. Sometimes people want love making tips (sexuality niche). sometimes people want to know how to keep someone (Committment niche), and sometimes people want to know how to progress the relationship into a long term or marital one (marriage or other)

    Those are all different niches, which may not seem to have ANYTHING TO DO with a dating product, but they will only have NOTHING TO DO with the dating product, if you allow it.

    In fact, the dating product discusses all of these issues, the sales page was great too and related to all of these issues, so I had all kinds of people buying this product from NICHES, which seemingly had nothing to do with a dating product alone.

    It just depends on how YOU want to market this. Not on how OTHERS are marketing this.

    All you have to do is get the people's interest. Get them interested, you WILL GET VIEWS, as long as you know how to get their interest, and as long as you can entertain the idea of something they want, which YOU have.

    Now how you go about increasing the views, and whatnot may be another story where you may have to work at it for the first bit, BUT, as mentioned, you should not expect people to know about something.

    YOU HAVE TO MAKE THEM AWARE OF IT. That is why the views are low now:


    • They ABOSOLUTELY STINK at getting the word out,

    • ABSOLUTELY STINK at getting ranked,

    • ABSOLUTELY STINK at making people believe they need something in this niche from them!

    Low traffic, low search results is a lack of COMMUNICATION. It's a lack of EFFECTIVE MARKETING. As mentioned, every single niche started out as an idea, and then someone implemented MASSIVE ACTION.

    Now not everyone who implemented their ideas won, and not everyone who implemented their ideas became #1.

    Some of those ideas bombed, but you DO NOT, ABSOLUTELY DO NOT blame the niche for this.

    You blame the person marketing the product, the person marketing the thing itself!
    • Profile picture of the author acrasial
      Profile picture of acrasial
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      Originally Posted by NY1 View Post

      You probably have not been around marketing that long.

      No point in trying to get into a debate or anything.

      Try it out and you just might find that what looks like gold to you is really just fool's gold.

      By the way, why do you make all of your posts look like a sales page?

      As for the way my posts look in here, I am really excited about this idea, and I hope that I can inspire SOMEONE to be as excited and take some action.

      It's not everyone's cup of tea, and I still stand by what I said.

      (And if you are unaware of my other posts on here, or how I post in the first place, why the heck do I have to keep answering to you, just because you don't like the way I roll?)
  • Profile picture of the author acrasial
    Profile picture of acrasial
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    OK, seeing as people are arguing with me here, let me get EVEN MORE SPECIFIC AND GIVE MORE EXAMPLES:

    Internet-and-Businesses-Online - Social-Media EzineArticles

    Check that out. Article #1 came out march 23rd. The last article on page #1 (article #30) came out march 16th.

    That means that only 30 articles have been submitted in the last 8 days. In other niches, you would find that within 8 days time, there could be at least 100 articles per day going out, which would leave your article sitting somewhere lost between 800 other articles.

    NOW, let's discuss the views here, because as mentioned, these niches don't get any views. Now I don't fully believe that, because if something isn't getting attention, whose fault is that?

    It's the fault of the MARKETER at hand.

    The views on article #1 are just 2. Article #30 actually has ZERO views. So that is A CHALLENGE to overcome here with this niche. I'm not going to say that is not a challenge, but definitely it is.

    BUT, is it my fault that these article marketers are not doing anything about the low traffic? NO.

    And yes, I did just list some CONS to this type of scheme/system, as to some those cons matter the most.

    Everything has cons at the end of the day, however. But I will definitely discuss the cons here, alongside the pro's of my idea(s), since this is an internet marketing forum, everything should be considered from all ends.
  • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
    Profile picture of TheRichJerksNet
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    I am curious to see who really gets this and understands ... This should be fun to

    • Profile picture of the author acrasial
      Profile picture of acrasial
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      Originally Posted by TheRichJerksNet View Post

      I am curious to see who really gets this and understands ... This should be fun to


      Please tell me you understand this? Honestly am I speaking jibberish, or are my ideas just really that stupid that everyone is arguing here?

      Maybe I don't get it, or maybe I am not capable of clearly laying out what I mean into words that others can comprehend.
      • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
        Profile picture of TheRichJerksNet
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        Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

        Please tell me you understand this? Honestly am I speaking jibberish, or are my ideas just really that stupid that everyone is arguing here?

        Maybe I don't get it, or maybe I am not capable of clearly laying out what I mean into words that others can comprehend.
        Oh I fully understand it ... Trust me I do but I have no use for EZA, which is why I am curious to see who will really "get this" and understand it ...

        I already know someone that is going after it and no it's not me...

        • Profile picture of the author acrasial
          Profile picture of acrasial
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          Originally Posted by TheRichJerksNet View Post

          Oh I fully understand it ... Trust me I do but I have no use for EZA, which is why I am curious to see who will really "get this" and understand it ...

          I already know someone that is going after it and no it's not me...


          As people were arguing in here, they gave me even more ideas, and this idea is even bigger than EzineArticles. Someone mentioned the search results in google as being slim, and someone else said they are not that slim, but still they are not heavily flooded.

          That leaves room for someone to come in and dominate the google searches as well. And I think they could come in with ANY internet marketing product and rank for that keyword towards their product.

          I don't see how that can't be good. My god getting ranked for all kinds of keywords (even if the searches are small), if someone did this on a grander scale, they could really boost their original website and product up.

          It's like a dominoes system, one idea could generate so many things, from small niches. I mean if these niches were really that bad, would Ezines even have them listed there in the first place?

          So if Ezines can see the potential there, then so can I, regardless of whatever BS goes on in Ezines. LOL.
          • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
            Profile picture of TheRichJerksNet
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Well I read 2 of the articles (or BLOG POST I SHOULD SAY) ... :rolleyes:

            I written an actual articles 400+ words and had it ranked.. The articles as usual are pretty much junk on EZA


            Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

            As people were arguing in here, they gave me even more ideas, and this idea is even bigger than EzineArticles. Someone mentioned the search results in google as being slim, and someone else said they are not that slim, but still they are not heavily flooded.

            That leaves room for someone to come in and dominate the google searches as well. And I think they could come in with ANY internet marketing product and rank for that keyword towards their product.

            I don't see how that can't be good. My god getting ranked for all kinds of keywords (even if the searches are small), if someone did this on a grander scale, they could really boost their original website and product up.

            It's like a dominoes system, one idea could generate so many things, from small niches. I mean if these niches were really that bad, would Ezines even have them listed there in the first place?

            So if Ezines can see the potential there, then so can I, regardless of whatever BS goes on in Ezines. LOL.
      • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
        Profile picture of TheRichJerksNet
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        Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

        Please tell me you understand this? Honestly am I speaking jibberish, or are my ideas just really that stupid that everyone is arguing here?

        Maybe I don't get it, or maybe I am not capable of clearly laying out what I mean into words that others can comprehend.
        See your PM .. I already have page 1 listing in google 10 minutes after you posted this ... And no I did not use EZA....

    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      Kay King
      Profile picture of Kay King
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      Check the DATES. It's not like he submitted 30 every single day. NOPE! There is no one here in this niche, so he has room to take time out and submit every 5 days if he pleases. HECK, why does he have room to do that?
      You might want to check those dates again - by going to his author bio. He submits multiple articles just about every day. The idea here is a place to start - but before jumping in to try to outdo someone - there are more steps to take to see if it makes sense or what the google competition is and whether anyone is looking for that term. If someone does a google search for "marketing forums" - are they looking for articles? or for forums?

      That first author mentioned by the OP has over 3700 articles on EZA - and 3500 of them are in IM.

      The problem with this thread is that the OP is so convinced this is a new, never before discovered gem that she has projected results without testing them. EZA is a great place to research - but you need to do the full research to know if it's worth while going after a certain niche in EZA.

      EZA ranking doesn't always translate to google ranking. A google search for the banner advertising term doesn't yield any of the EZA articles on the first or second page of results. I didn't look further than that.

      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
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      what it is instead of what you think it should be.
      • Profile picture of the author acrasial
        Profile picture of acrasial
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        Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

        You might want to check those dates again - by going to his author bio. He submits multiple articles just about every day. The idea here is a place to start - but before jumping in to try to outdo someone - there are more steps to take to see if it makes sense or what the google competition is and whether anyone is looking for that term. If someone does a google search for "marketing forums" - are they looking for articles? or for forums?

        That first author mentioned by the OP has over 3700 articles on EZA - and 3500 of them are in IM.

        The problem with this thread is that the OP is so convinced this is a new, never before discovered gem that she has projected results without testing them. EZA is a great place to research - but you need to do the full research to know if it's worth while going after a certain niche in EZA.

        EZA ranking doesn't always translate to google ranking. A google search for the banner advertising term doesn't yield any of the EZA articles on the first or second page of results. I didn't look further than that.

        The niche is not new. I get that. This guy is submitting articles, I get that. But for petes sake will people at least take the time to read my other posts, before they come in here saying/suggesting the same things I have already discussed further down in this thread?

        I know that EZA articles do not convert into google rankings unless the article marketer does something about this. What I suggested, further down, and maybe in the original post, was that since there are no EZA results on google yet for this keyword everyone seems to be so stuck on, that is one thing they can get in on.

        The rest of my response to this is in my other posts on this thread.

        And you are right, about taking more steps to see if everything works out. I realize that this idea isn't as simple as I am trying to make it sound, but as mentioned, my idea is not directed at just any joe blow.

        It is directed at those who are not afraid to take RISKS. I understand that this kind of idea when implemented could be a risk, since it may not yield great results for some, but on the other hand, it may yield very explosive results for others...and it may not even do either of those for anyone.

        It depends, I understand that, but I still stand by my ideas in this thread. Just because it's a risk and isn't 100% on every level, that does not make it invalid. It may make it simply ineffective for those who want to play it on the safe side, and have things the easy way.

        BUT, this might be easy for someone, and hard for someone else, therefore, I am still standing beside my idea.

        As for the guy submitting articles everyday, I was using that specific sub niche as an example. He does submit about 10 a day, or "multiple" as you call it, in that niche. I understand that. Maybe he personally writes those, or he has a team, but there are some big shot players here on the forum who could easily wipe this guy out.

        He's not the only one who can play hard, as mentioned, he is JUST consistent. That is all. He submits everyday, unlike other people. He does the work when others quit and fail.
  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Brock
    Daniel Brock
    Profile picture of Daniel Brock
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    Oh and P.S.

    Most people don't read the whole thread before posting.

    So people aren't ignoring your replies, because they never read them ;-)
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  • Profile picture of the author TheMagicShow
    Profile picture of TheMagicShow
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    If this is such a hot niche and tons of mullah is in there, then why are you sharing it and pushing it on people? Why not get into this niche yourself and make money off it? BTW, your salesletter style arguments are pretty

    " You can either give a man a fish and feed him for a day OR teach him how to catch a fish and it will feed him for a lifetime"

    • Profile picture of the author acrasial
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      Originally Posted by Magic Mel View Post

      If this is such a hot niche and tons of mullah is in there, then why are you sharing it and pushing it on people? Why not get into this niche yourself and make money off it?
      I personally do not deal in the money making niche/ make money online niche.

      BUT I KNOW for a fact that there is someone or rather on this forum who will get what I am saying and implement it. It doesn't apply to me, and I understand that this is still an idea, and I will agree that it's an idea.

      I also have mentioned that it's a risky idea. I definitely would say 100% that it's risky, because it's asking people to build a niche up from the ground, one brick at a time. That's not something just anyone can accomplish easily, and few actually do accomplish it perhaps. But that doesn't make it impossible altogether.

      It's not asking people to go in with what already is known to work, and it's not asking people to play it safe and sit around in the really big niches trying to bottom feed off of the little bit of traffic that is left after their competition takes it all, because as mentioned, there can only be #1.

      So why not be the #1 in something you build? Why not be the #1 in something you create. That is what I am truly saying here: create something, and don't reinvent the wheel, but update it!

      Will I implement this in other ways? Definitely, just not in the internet marketing niche.

      Have I tried something like this before? Yes and No. I have played it safe mostly, and haven't really done something as risky sounding as this before, but it's my idea, so what does that tell you?

      It should tell you that this is something which I am about to do, and something which I have been thinking about, since I am taking the time to respond here and try and get others to see exactly what I mean here.
      • Profile picture of the author Daniel Brock
        Daniel Brock
        Profile picture of Daniel Brock
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        All I know is that big brands do massive advertising campaigns all over the place for their latest product and are lucky to sustain a steady search volume of 3000 searches per month.

        So it aint easy to pull a keyword out of thin air.

        If you can truly make a keyword popular like that, I think you would have better things to be doing than trying to mess around with ezinearticles...

        I guess if you were starting from scratch you could use EZA as like a mini launch pad if you will. But that would be just a small part of what you would have to do to make an unknown keyword as popular as you suggest.
        Clickbank #1 Best Seller: The Deadbeat Super Affiliate.
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        • Profile picture of the author acrasial
          Profile picture of acrasial
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          Originally Posted by Daniel Brock View Post

          If you can truly make a keyword popular like that, I think you would have better things to be doing than trying to mess around with ezinearticles...

          I guess if you were starting from scratch you could use EZA as like a mini launch pad if you will. But that would be just a small part of what you would have to do to make an unknown keyword as popular as you suggest.

          While that may be true, it's a start, and some people may not have many affiliates yet and whatnot, and EZA is also another place to be noticed, by affiliates and marketers, especially if you dominate the sub-niches and niche itself.

          It definitely is a small part, that's why this is an idea, and discussion for others. That's what I am saying, it's an idea/suggestion which is open to debate and everything else, because it's not yet something which many have ever implemented or accomplished.

          But I have personally seen it done in other sub-niches, and have also just come to the idea of the internet marketing sub-niches today, after another warrior asked about something related to it.

          So it's a work in progress, and definitely not something which is easy, which is why I continuously keeping on saying it's RISKY. Because it's not something which is guaranteed like other "safe" hot niches.

          It's not something which you know the outcome until you do it, as well, because it's not something which everyone is out there doing.

          And it's not something which may be instant, but NOW is the time. Get in there now, because if YOU don't, someone else will, even if not RIGHT NOW, within a few years time, other sub-niches will be heavily populated too.

          There are always people out there willing to up their game and step into this kind of a thing (new niches, sub-niches etc...), and when they do, you will be sitting there afterward truly understanding what I meant...and you will be sulking. LOL.
  • Profile picture of the author acrasial
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    A Post From GrantFreeman:

    re: Really SICK, HOT, & RELEVANT Marketing NICHES WHICH NO ONE IS Taking Advantage Of

    I appreciate the note, but I am open minded about the point you're trying to get across. Frankly, I for one am having a hard time understanding your idea.. that is if I actually understand it.

    I'm coming from a place of being able to capitalize on a thing that people are wanting/have a need that needs to be filled.

    If I'm correct, you're coming from a place where you're trying to create a buzz, by using EZA as the catalyst?

    I like your attitude, but I don't understand the idea.


    My mistake, friend. I assumed he was targeting that keyphrase because it's so consistent thru all of his article titles.

    Thanks again for letting me subpost.

    • Profile picture of the author acrasial
      Profile picture of acrasial
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      Originally Posted by GrantFreeman View Post

      I'm coming from a place of being able to caon a thing that people are wanting/have a need that needs to be filled.pitalize
      Until recently, I wasn't even aware of the ex-back niche. It's only from the last year and a half that I even became aware of the fact that there was such a product, or that there were products online geared towards helping people understand their relationship issues.

      That being said, how did I come to know? Well a marketer. People don't know unless you tell them. People also don't know what they need, unless you tell them. The other people who know what they need and search for that on google, know that because they were also told such a thing exists out there.

      But unless they know otherwise, they wouldn't search for it, right? Same thing going on with these sub-niches. Potentially no one knows about these keywords, and no one gives a damn about these sub-niches.

      But that is the fault of whoever is marketing it. The whole point of marketing something is to make it known, get the word out about it. Otherwise why is someone marketing in the first place?

      Therefore, part of what I am suggesting/asking here is that a warrior makes something of these sub-niches, and capitalizes on it in the end, because as of right now it may seem like they are nothing, and useless, but every idea started that way, and in the end someone capitalized somewhere.

      Look at the guy who made post it notes. He was trying to make something that would stick forever, pretty much, and ended up with crappy glue that barely stuck to anything.

      But then the idea came for the post it notes, since the glue was malleable, it could be attached and removed to things, and post it notes were born.

      But the inventor thought that was a stupid idea at first. Kitty litter has a similar story too, it was originally intended for something else, a so called "failed" product.

      And neither of these things were well known, but became known, because someone marketed the hell out of that. Now kitty litter is searched online, so is post-it. Now they are their own keywords.

      BUT ONLY with the efforts of effective marketers did they ever get to that stage.

      NOW, I am not asking people to invent glue or invent kitty litter. I am showing them the glue and kitty litter, and am now asking them to market that.

      Sure it may sound like it stinks, but at the end of the day, as mentioned, this post is not intended for those who are afraid to take risks. It's not meant for newbies, or those who want to play it safe with things that "ALREADY" work.

      Originally Posted by GrantFreeman View Post

      If I'm correct, you're coming from a place where you're trying to create a buzz, by using EZA as the catalyst?

      Well EZA is a tool, yes. I am suggesting that they use EZA as a tool for these subniches, since EZA has proven in the past that it can generate a lot of traffic (when in the right hands).

      Consider a year and a half ago, the ex back niche was not heavily populated on EZA. So what happened then? Well new people came with NEW products that are not magic of making up, and then this sort of snowballed down, until it literally became heavily populated with competition.

      People took action, they created something, and now that sub-niche is HUGE on EZA, and is generating MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF TRAFFIC.

      So once again, it's just a tool, and people have used it as a tool in the ex back niche, and every other niche on there. What I am saying now is for people to do the same thing they did in the ex back sub niche (conflict niche) because that IS a sub niche- only in other niches.

      EZA would just be a start. They can also work on getting ranked for keywords on google, and yes, some of the keywords may stink for now, but if they continue to stink, that is only the fault of the marketer at hand.

      Marketers make things known, and if a marketer can't do that, why the heck are they trying to market then?
  • Profile picture of the author gjabiz
    Profile picture of gjabiz
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    Thanks to the OP for this thread. But, for just a second or two, try to learn something else about "making money" as this forum is dedicated too.

    Rather than nit pick with the OP about eza or keywords, let's look at the bigger picture of "Jason Nyback, Internet Marketer" and take away a lesson or two.

    I see Jason is following the "formula" that has been advocated, even before the Internet.

    He has a front end product, sells for 67 dollars in a "niche", and most Warriors fall into this niche, they want to make money from Internet Marketing.

    Jason's BIG promise to his target market, "here's HOW to make a lot of money in IM on Auto-Pilot"...certainly not a UNIQUE promise, check today's WSO section.

    His unique of doing it is with "Banner Advertising" (something that has been on www since day one)...but he controls the ads, where they are placed and eliminates the 800 pound gorilla that most banner ad users rely on...Google.

    Along with his 67 dollar product he has a continutity program. You'll get a free newsletter and then, if you like it, you'll pay only 29.95 a MONTH to continue to receive it.

    See? This is a classic take off for an Infopreneur, especially one in the "make money" field and in the "make money with IM" specifically.

    His use of eza is a PART of his marketing strategy for his HOW TO course and continutiy program...and if he is placing the ads he says he is, it is just ONE more income stream he has.

    Also, and this in defense of the OP, we tell the noobs to use "copycat" methodologies, to not reinvent the wheel and what was stated was that this guy may own the EZA catagory for his niche. And that you might be able to use this as a sign that this catagory is ripe for competition...and we've seen the debate unfold.

    I'm just saying, stop for minute and take a look at what the marketer is doing, and how eza or article marketing or bum marketing plays a role in his overall marketing strategies.

    Thanks OP, I get what you are saying. AND, I see there is value in studying how an IMer uses eza and other guerrilla techniques to generate leads.

    He has, in my opinion, followed the formula to the T. Has articles (and may have them at many places?) which may drive people to his video, albeit a slide show, which gets them interested in his product, and offers a continuity plan to boot.

    So, hopefully, a couple of you will take a less microscopic look at the OP and pull back a little to see the bigger picture and have an ah ha moment too. Maybe not.

  • Profile picture of the author Sylvia Meier
    Sylvia Meier
    Profile picture of Sylvia Meier
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    I will use another example here: Vegas Vince and his barter arbitrage product.

    The idea of bartering has been around FOREVER. Literally FOREVER. Yet his product is the only one of it's kind pretty much. If you were to search for barter arbitrage, you'd be lucky to even find an article there which is not written by Sylvia Rolfe or someone employed by Vegas Vince or Sylvia Rolfe.

    They are literally killing all of their competition, and it's the first sort of thing of it's kind to be there. Right now it may not be the most popular product, but it's definitely going to increase in popularity, and search engine traffic will increase too.

    BUT WHY? Well maybe because there are PEOPLE who are marketing this product, making it known....when it was virtually ignored before. SURE, the idea is old news, but that's up to you to add new tips and new ideas to make it into something!

    NO need to re-invent the wheel, but you most definitely can UPGRADE the wheel.
    You see one thing to look at with Barter Arbitrage though... Barter, Bartering and the other markets we target are already searched, already get traffic etc. We created a product around that traffic so to speak, not creating a product around a keyword/niche that doesn't have searches etc. Barter and bartering already had eyeballs, we created the product for those searches, as we are doing with our next project.

    And of course with any large launch product, the goal is to create your own keyword traffic, that of the product name, which is why if you look up Barter Arbitrage what you're going to find are our sub-sites etc, all pointing back to the main product, and nothing else. Same as pre MOMU there wouldn't have been keyword traffic to that specific name, but now there is big time.

    By I do see the link James is making, and it can be a very profitable way to do it.

    • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
      Profile picture of TheRichJerksNet
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      Originally Posted by Sylvia Rolfe View Post

      By I do see the link James is making, and it can be a very profitable way to do it.

      It is funny how many do not get this, even those that are proclaimed article marketers ... It is so simple, but many are blinded by the $$$$$ which is what most marketers ever think about.

      It is amazing how so many people can look at something so valuable the wrong way ....

      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        Kay King
        Profile picture of Kay King
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        James -

        I see several things wrong with the approach - but I also see how this could fit into this particular marketer's plan (though I don't think he's maxing it).

        The OP claims repeatedly that this is a risky idea that has great potential - but hasn't tested it.

        You claim everyone else is missing the point - but never say what the point is.

        Apples, oranges and empty basket?
        Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
        One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
        what it is instead of what you think it should be.
        • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
          Profile picture of TheRichJerksNet
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          I am not going to post the point due to the fact it should be obvious... Plus I have one of my members that is actually taking advantage so it would not be good karma for me to point it out....

          Personally myself I would have never posted the thread and I would have kept it to myself and used it to my advantage... By the thanks to the OP and the people attacking the OP I can tell most do not get it...


          Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

          James -

          I see several things wrong with the approach - but I also see how this could fit into this particular marketer's plan (though I don't think he's maxing it).

          The OP claims repeatedly that this is a risky idea that has great potential - but hasn't tested it.

          You claim everyone else is missing the point - but never say what the point is.

          Apples, oranges and empty basket?
  • Profile picture of the author Ellie Elle
    Ellie Elle
    Profile picture of Ellie Elle
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    I didn't get any information out of the articles. Seemed like quantity of quality. On the other hand, some folks might mosey to his site out of curiosity. Interesting.
  • Profile picture of the author Allen Graves
    Allen Graves
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    • Profile picture of the author nickmarch
      Profile picture of nickmarch
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      Hello acrasial,

      You are looking for work writting? I'm just curious as to why you aren't jumping into banner articles?

      I am also interested in having a press release written for a new one of a kind product that I'll be selling shortly. If you are interested pm me.

  • Profile picture of the author GNU27
    Profile picture of GNU27
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    Interesting, but how do you know he's making any money?

    Just because he has a lot of articles doesn't mean he's making a killing does it? Or am I wrong?
    • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
      Profile picture of TheRichJerksNet
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      Originally Posted by GNU27 View Post

      Interesting, but how do you know he's making any money?

      Just because he has a lot of articles doesn't mean he's making a killing does it? Or am I wrong?
      He is not making any money "directly" from EZA... I can almost bet that.. That is not the point though, as I said a few post up marketers always look at the $$$$$$ and when they do they never ever and never will see the entire playing field....

      Just Amazing!!

  • Profile picture of the author kyhell
    Profile picture of kyhell
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    i kinda feel bad for mr.nyback his niche just got busted ill bet in a month or so there will be some competition
    • Profile picture of the author culvers
      Profile picture of culvers
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      to me this thread appears to have descended into something along the lines of "i know something you dont know"...

      • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
        Profile picture of TheRichJerksNet
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        Originally Posted by culvers View Post

        to me this thread appears to have descended into something along the lines of "i know something you dont know"...
        It's right in front of you if you can read between the lines... Give you a hint .. Ignore if this guy is making money or not and ignore eza..

        The true meaning of the post has nothing to do with if this guy is making money and it has nothing to do with posting on eza.

        But the idea does have a massive potential for those that can really "get it".. Come on use some Imagination and Creativity, do not expect everything to be handed to you...

        • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
          Steven Wagenheim
          Profile picture of Steven Wagenheim
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          Originally Posted by TheRichJerksNet View Post

          It's right in front of you if you can read between the lines... Give you a hint .. Ignore if this guy is making money or not and ignore eza..

          The true meaning of the post has nothing to do with if this guy is making money and it has nothing to do with posting on eza.

          But the idea does have a massive potential for those that can really "get it".. Come on use some Imagination and Creativity, do not expect everything to be handed to you...

          James, if you're inferring to target untapped niches or find ways to
          take advantage of areas where maybe less attention is paid than others,
          anybody with any brains already knows that. I target many sub niches of
          IM that not many people target and actually make thousands per month
          doing it.

          This isn't anything new and I don't see what the big deal is.

          Again...maybe I'm just an idiot.
          • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
            Profile picture of TheRichJerksNet
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            Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

            James, if you're inferring to target untapped niches or find ways to
            take advantage of areas where maybe less attention is paid than others,
            anybody with any brains already knows that. I target many sub niches of
            IM that not many people target and actually make thousands per month
            doing it.

            This isn't anything new and I don't see what the big deal is.

            Again...maybe I'm just an idiot.
            No I am actually centered on the idea of the original OP about banners.. It is just not about what most think it is.

            What I am really shocked about is how many do not get it and they are self proclaimed article marketers. I mean no offense by that but man come of they preach about this subject and they have people that follow them but yet they can not even read between the lines on something that is so obvious...

            One of my members read this original OP and got to work in 5 minutes, they did not waste their time by thinking about how many money someone is making, they did not waste their time with posting on eza but yet here in a few days I promise they will see results.

            I have already seen results from the article I posted last night but again I guess I seen something that most did not ... It's a shame, this is a very useful thread.

            Course this is why I posted and said I was going to sit back and enjoy seeing how many people do not "get it" ....

            • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
              Steven Wagenheim
              Profile picture of Steven Wagenheim
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              Originally Posted by TheRichJerksNet View Post

              No I am actually centered on the idea of the original OP about banners.. It is just not about what most think it is.

              What I am really shocked about is how many do not get it and they are self proclaimed article marketers. I mean no offense by that but man come of they preach about this subject and they have people that follow them but yet they can not even read between the lines on something that is so obvious...

              One of my members read this original OP and got to work in 5 minutes, they did not waste their time by thinking about how many money someone is making, they did not waste their time with posting on eza but yet here in a few days I promise they will see results.

              I have already seen results from the article I posted last night but again I guess I seen something that most did not ... It's a shame, this is a very useful thread.

              Course this is why I posted and said I was going to sit back and enjoy seeing how many people do not "get it" ....


              Thank you James, now that you've managed to make me feel like a total
              moron (one that earns 6 figures a year writing articles duh!) I guess if I
              actually got this I'd be making 7 figures.

              Well thank God I don't need all that money.

              • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
                Profile picture of TheRichJerksNet
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                Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

                Thank you James, now that you've managed to make me feel like a total
                moron (one that earns 6 figures a year writing articles duh!) I guess if I
                actually got this I'd be making 7 figures.

                Well thank God I don't need all that money.

                Steven I'm sorry I said no offense meant ...

                Honestly Steven if I was wanting a IM Coach you would be one of my first picks ..

              • Profile picture of the author Ray Erdmann
                Ray Erdmann
                Profile picture of Ray Erdmann
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                I think what James is trying to say is:

                1. Don't just look at the obvious 'titles' of the articles the 'copycat method' of article marketing has always said to 'get the keyword in the title, 1st paragraph, etc., etc.,'

                2. Don't just look at the 'keywords' in the HTML of each article, as is a process outlined by a few other WF members here on how to track down even more possible 'money keywords'.

                3. Don't just look at the 'views' all of his articles are getting...even though the 'copycat method' tells us that an article w/a sh** load of views must certainly be targetting the 'right' keywords..

                But instead, ask yourself this one question:

                "If this James Nyback person has all these articles written around an apparent keyword (Banner Advertising Success) that from OUR OWN EXPERIENCE and/or KNOWLEDGE of Internet Marketing shows no or little 'views' over at EZA and/or very little searches per month based on the keywords found, then WHAT OTHER PROCESS is being used that we're just not seeing that would constitue a valid reason for so many articles in the first place?"

                If you can't come up w/the appropriate answer, then you're missing it!

                I myself am trying to fully understand what's going on here, but the fact that NO ONE (Acrasial OR TheRichJerk'sNet) has come out and clearly stated what we ALL seem to be missing makes me feel that "sharing information" (The CORE of what the Warrior Forum seems to be seen as from the outside) only comes into play when one feels like sharing it in the first place, or uses that act of 'with-holding the obvious' as a way to put-down the rest of us and makes us feel like sh**.

                Matter of fact, this thread is starting to sound, look and give the impression of the typical IM sales page...and I'm sure the majority of you know what I'm referring to when I say that!

                "Whether you think you can or'll always be 100% right!" |

                • Profile picture of the author Rob Howard
                  Rob Howard
                  Profile picture of Rob Howard
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                  • Profile picture of the author acrasial
                    Profile picture of acrasial
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                    Originally Posted by ccmusicman View Post

                    Yup. I completely agree.

                    James, if you know something that others don't, and you don't plan on sharing it, (as my mother always says), don't say anything about it at all. Otherwise, bad feelings, confused newbies and a poor image results.


                    I have already said that this thread is not for newbies, and have directed them elsewhere. This is a discussion, and it's completely ok if this doesn't work for everyone.

                    It might also be the way I am saying it, which is not coming out as clear as it could be, and in that sense, I need to work on that myself. That's not ANYONE ELSE'S FAULT but my own then.

                    No one needs to feel stupid for an idea that I cannot effectively portray so that it's easy to comprehend or understand.
                    • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
                      Steven Wagenheim
                      Profile picture of Steven Wagenheim
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                      Oh folks, I suggest you take a look at the signature of the original OP.

                      And I just noticed it AFTER writing my previous post.

             I good.
                      • Profile picture of the author sylviad
                        Profile picture of sylviad
                        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                        Ok. I've read everything in this thread in its entirety (up to this point), several portions more than once, and here's what I'm getting.

                        You want us to find unknown niches/sub-niches and make them popular by inventing keywords that no one has ever thought of or is searching with in order to dominate that little-known niche. The plan being that the niche and the unknown keywords "will catch on" if you market properly.

                        You refer us to an article marketer as an example, who is typing his butt off in an attempt to cram EZA with tons of articles every month to... build a list?

                        The guy must not have much else to do or he is totally naive about how to effectively do article marketing. He'd be much farther ahead posting fewer, but quality, articles to EZA and marketing those by driving traffic to them from elsewhere, than slugging away on all those hundreds of articles that are not getting any traffic.

                        He reminds me of someone here who recently announced that he was going to post 20 articles every day and see where it took him. :confused: Many of us questioned his plan which was virtually non-existent, as he willingly admitted.

                        Sounds like they both read the same instruction manual that suggests that you have to submit 100 articles a month, every month for 6 months to really benefit from article marketing.

                        But I digress. Article marketing is not your point, is it? It's about how this guy ingeniously dominated his banner advertising niche by having the most articles under that category in EA.

                        Well, like so many others who have posted to this thread, I do not get the white hot secret you promised.

                        I've looked at the link in the OP, I've looked at some of his stats, I've done some keyword searches and checked out the competition and I still don't get the point of this thread.

                        If running these searches and doing this investigative work is somehow not relevant to the big "secret", then what are we using to determine the validity of these unknown niches? Or are you suggesting we just dive right in with no factual evidence whatsoever?

                        Oh. Right. The "evidence" is solely in the fact that no one else is dominating those niches. Hm. Let me think. What would that tell me?

                        Maybe no one cares? Maybe it's now a dead niche? Maybe there's no money in it?

                        Oh. Right. You said we're not supposed to look at the money angle.

                        Well, I have to agree with Stephen W and a few others, then. It's B.S.

                        If we're all wrong, why is it so difficult for you to explain it to us so that we do "get it"? Well, against all odds... I suppose there's a chance we are morons after all. But I have to say this attitude of, "I know something you don't know" does not go down well. Share or leave the room. :rolleyes:


                        PS: Ok. I just saw your last post. You believe there is a demand but those people who need it don't know they need it. It's the marketer's job to show them that they need it. I get that. That's not new either. That is why we market to what they want, rather than to what they need... and at some point they will realize they actually did need it. Sorry. Still not getting the big secret, though.
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                    • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
                      Steven Wagenheim
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                      Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

                      I have already said that this thread is not for newbies, and have directed them elsewhere. This is a discussion, and it's completely ok if this doesn't work for everyone.

                      It might also be the way I am saying it, which is not coming out as clear as it could be, and in that sense, I need to work on that myself. That's not ANYONE ELSE'S FAULT but my own then.

                      No one needs to feel stupid for an idea that I cannot effectively portray so that it's easy to comprehend or understand.
                      You've addressed everybody but the person (me) who has blown holes
                      in your whole OP.

                      I wonder why?
                • Profile picture of the author acrasial
                  Profile picture of acrasial
                  Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                  Originally Posted by Ray Erdmann View Post

                  I think what James is trying to say is:

                  1. Don't just look at the obvious 'titles' of the articles the 'copycat method' of article marketing has always said to 'get the keyword in the title, 1st paragraph, etc., etc.,'

                  2. Don't just look at the 'keywords' in the HTML of each article, as is a process outlined by a few other WF members here on how to track down even more possible 'money keywords'.

                  3. Don't just look at the 'views' all of his articles are getting...even though the 'copycat method' tells us that an article w/a sh** load of views must certainly be targetting the 'right' keywords..

                  But instead, ask yourself this one question:

                  "If this James Nyback person has all these articles written around an apparent keyword (Banner Advertising Success) that from OUR OWN EXPERIENCE and/or KNOWLEDGE of Internet Marketing shows no or little 'views' over at EZA and/or very little searches per month based on the keywords found, then WHAT OTHER PROCESS is being used that we're just not seeing that would constitue a valid reason for so many articles in the first place?"

                  If you can't come up w/the appropriate answer, then you're missing it!

                  I myself am trying to fully understand what's going on here, but the fact that NO ONE (Acrasial OR TheRichJerk'sNet) has come out and clearly stated what we ALL seem to be missing makes me feel that "sharing information" (The CORE of what the Warrior Forum seems to be seen as from the outside) only comes into play when one feels like sharing it in the first place, or uses that act of 'with-holding the obvious' as a way to put-down the rest of us and makes us feel like sh**.

                  Matter of fact, this thread is starting to sound, look and give the impression of the typical IM sales page...and I'm sure the majority of you know what I'm referring to when I say that!

                  You don't get it either. Also, what part of his KEYWORD IS NOT BANNER ADVERTISING SUCCESS, do people not understand?

                  I have shared TONS here today, but people LITERALLY do not want to get this one, because they are too stuck on their old ways. That is fine. I'm not trying to make anyone look stupid here either, because it's others who are literally asking themselves if they are stupid.

                  I even asked myself this in this thread, because people are not getting what I mean here. It's not my intention to make anyone look bad, in case you haven't seen, I have tried to answer everyone's questions before, when they came up, because I was trying to help warriors understand.

                  I understand that it's just not something that is easy to get, I guess, and if that makes you feel bad, I am sorry, but that is the truth as only shown by the responses of OTHER warriors in this thread, not by what I have said myself.

                  And if you are missing something here, maybe it's for the best anyways, because as mentioned, this isn't something which everyone would go out there and do anyways. It takes a bit of work and risk.
                  • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
                    Steven Wagenheim
                    Profile picture of Steven Wagenheim
                    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                    Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

                    You don't get it either. Also, what part of his KEYWORD IS NOT BANNER ADVERTISING SUCCESS, do people not understand?

                    I have shared TONS here today, but people LITERALLY do not want to get this one, because they are too stuck on their old ways. That is fine. I'm not trying to make anyone look stupid here either, because it's others who are literally asking themselves if they are stupid.

                    I even asked myself this in this thread, because people are not getting what I mean here. It's not my intention to make anyone look bad, in case you haven't seen, I have tried to answer everyone's questions before, when they came up, because I was trying to help warriors understand.

                    I understand that it's just not something that is easy to get, I guess, and if that makes you feel bad, I am sorry, but that is the truth as only shown by the responses of OTHER warriors in this thread, not by what I have said myself.

                    And if you are missing something here, maybe it's for the best anyways, because as mentioned, this isn't something which everyone would go out there and do anyways. It takes a bit of work and risk.

                    More smoke and mirrors and IM BS.
                  • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Kelsall
                    Jeremy Kelsall
                    Profile picture of Jeremy Kelsall
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                    ^^ tell us the point then? Because right now, it seems like you are just talking in circles.
      • Profile picture of the author acrasial
        Profile picture of acrasial
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by culvers View Post

        to me this thread appears to have descended into something along the lines of "i know something you dont know"...

        Unfortunately that is true, because I cannot make people see the world through my eyes. That wasn't supposed to be true, as I took the time to post this here. I figured that this would be the place for people to understand such an idea, especially experienced marketers.

        But you know what, I know that a few people got it, so that's good enough for me.

        Originally Posted by Hamida Harland View Post

        there doesn't appear to be much to take advantage of.

        That is the problem. Even in my original post, I have used the word "appear" very carefully. Honestly, that is what is limiting everyone here, is that they are looking at it for how it 'should' appear, rather than for what it truly is.

        Consider that the sky appears blue, but it is not ACTUALLY blue. Those who take the time to know the difference in the things that matter in internet marketing, will definitely know what I am talking about.
  • Profile picture of the author InternetMarketingIQ
    Profile picture of InternetMarketingIQ
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Whenever I want credible information I rush straight to EzineArticles.

    You have no idea how much money he is making or not.
  • Profile picture of the author Lee Wilson
    Lee Wilson
    Profile picture of Lee Wilson
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Nothing is obvious if you don't see it. I have been doing this for about six months and it probably has nothing to do with what James or Acrasial are thinking. They might not have spotted what I do, I haven't spotted what they are doing so we're all in the same boat, no one is stupid, something just hasn't clicked. If I tried hard enough I could probably find many other ways to use this to my advantage but is it worth the effort, the best ideas come whan you aren't trying too hard.

    • Profile picture of the author acrasial
      Profile picture of acrasial
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by L Wilson View Post

      Nothing is obvious if you don't see it. I have been doing this for about six months and it probably has nothing to do with what James or Acrasial are thinking. They might not have spotted what I do, I haven't spotted what they are doing so we're all in the same boat, no one is stupid, something just hasn't clicked. If I tried hard enough I could probably find many other ways to use this to my advantage but is it worth the effort, the best ideas come whan you aren't trying too hard.


      Exactly, people are taking this far too personal now? When it isn't even personal to begin with. It's just a topic open for discussion, and now people are thinking that they are being insulted.

      Another thing I have learned, is that if someone doesn't get a concept right away, they eventually will. Just not from me. They will learn it another way, through another means, but they will eventually get it.

      I have struggled too at times with some concepts and I just didn't get it, and thought the person telling me the things was wrong, and this and that, but I understand a lot now, because I did eventually come to know what they were talking about through other means.
  • Profile picture of the author Allen Graves
    Allen Graves
    Profile picture of Allen Graves
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    LMAO - there's nothing to get here people. Can't you see what's going on?

    <putting on gas mask due to heavy odor>

    I think its only appropriate that my wife is cooking Tilapia for dinner.



    p.s. thanks for wasting my time.

    p.p.s. I remember myself posting a similar post several months ago. When I went to look for it, lo and behold, it was...well...nevermind.
    Every day I check the obituaries. If I don't see my name there, then I know it's going to be a good day!
  • Profile picture of the author Lee Wilson
    Lee Wilson
    Profile picture of Lee Wilson
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I think Acrasial is basically taking a few thousand words to say .. get in early, just in case something ends up big. Personally, I wouldn't bother with that amount of effort for a slim chance of opportunity.

    James' idea sounds like it could be so far away from the topic of this thread that it's something you already know but just don't see the connection to this thread.

    • Profile picture of the author drew3806
      Profile picture of drew3806
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      "Banner advertising success" is not the niche. This guy has 3774 articles on EZA and he is following a pattern.

      The 4 sections he posts most often in are Banner Advertising, PPC-Marketing, SEO, and Traffic Building. These are all paid methods of getting traffic. Click on his author name and check out his articles. Each category has article after article with similar titles based on the category he is in.

      His product is about driving traffic and his articles are targeted to people who are already interested in driving traffic-banner advertisers, PPC marketers, people interested in traffic building.

      He has been steadily submitting articles on Ezinearticles for about a year, his 1st article was on March 30th 2009.

      His articles have created 135,270 views in a years time. All of these views are from people who pre-qualified themselves by having an interest in what his product can solve.

      He isn't interested in quantity of views per article, he wants quality views that wind up subscribing to his list. Even a 10% conversion rate on his squeeze page would mean he has almost 14000 people interested in driving traffic subscribed to his list that his product solves.

      Take a look at this article by him:

      SEO Ranking Strategy - Secrets to Long Tail Keyword Success

      In a world of IM hares running themselves ragged for highly searched terms, this tortoise is is surfing the long tail buyer keywords and probably winning the race.
      • Profile picture of the author Daniel Brock
        Daniel Brock
        Profile picture of Daniel Brock
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by drew3806 View Post

        His articles have created 135,270 views in a years time. All of these views are from people who pre-qualified themselves by having an interest in what his product can solve.
        Damn....Guess I should have dug deeper than the first month to see his total views.

        40 opt ins a day aint bad especially if you can automate that(which it looks like he is doing).

        If he is hand writing those on his own, I feel really sorry for him though lol.

        If he is paying someone to write those, it's roughly $1 per opt-in. Not a bad rate at all especially in the IM niche.
        Clickbank #1 Best Seller: The Deadbeat Super Affiliate.
        Click here to learn how to make money online in your bath robe and gym socks!
      • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
        Steven Wagenheim
        Profile picture of Steven Wagenheim
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by drew3806 View Post

        "Banner advertising success" is not the niche. This guy has 3774 articles on EZA and he is following a pattern.

        The 4 sections he posts most often in are Banner Advertising, PPC-Marketing, SEO, and Traffic Building. These are all paid methods of getting traffic. Click on his author name and check out his articles. Each category has article after article with similar titles based on the category he is in.

        His product is about driving traffic and his articles are targeted to people who are already interested in driving traffic-banner advertisers, PPC marketers, people interested in traffic building.

        He has been steadily submitting articles on Ezinearticles for about a year, his 1st article was on March 30th 2009.

        His articles have created 135,270 views in a years time. All of these views are from people who pre-qualified themselves by having an interest in what his product can solve.

        He isn't interested in quantity of views per article, he wants quality views that wind up subscribing to his list. Even a 10% conversion rate on his squeeze page would mean he has almost 14000 people interested in driving traffic subscribed to his list that his product solves.

        Take a look at this article by him:

        SEO Ranking Strategy - Secrets to Long Tail Keyword Success

        In a world of IM hares running themselves ragged for highly searched terms, this tortoise is is surfing the long tail buyer keywords and probably winning the race.

        Drew, when you get a chance, check out my EZA account and see how
        many sub niches of make money online, IM or whatever you want to call
        it, I've submitted articles to.

        This is nothing new. I have been doing it for years. It's how I built my

        So what?

        It's basic article marketing 101 if you're trying to target a broad niche
        like MMO. Write articles for all the different sub niches.


        So where is the amazing sick, hot thing?

        If you're in the MMO niche and you're not writing for all these categories
        then you are not doing your job properly.

        Again, what's the big deal with this thread?

        It is NOT the holy grail and yes, while it will build up a decent list over
        time, it requires TONS of writing OR outsourcing.

        Either way, this is nothing new and nothing to get all crazy about.

        Oh, and for the record, I rank in the top 5 for many sub categories
        in this niche.

        That and $1.25 will get me on the bus to South Orange.

        Again, if you're in the IM niche and not doing this anyway, you're not
        doing your job properly.
        • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
          Steven Wagenheim
          Profile picture of Steven Wagenheim
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          This info is easily verifiable.

          Here are my author rankings in various sub niches of Internet marketing and
          related niches.

          Home Based Business - 6th
          Internet and Businesses Online: Affiliate Revenue - 6th
          Internet and Businesses Online: Email Marketing - 7th
          Internet and Businesses Online: Forums - 5th
          Internet and Businesses Online: Internet Marketing - 2nd
          Internet and Businesses Online: List Building - 12th
          Internet and Businesses Online: Product Creation - 7th
          Internet and Businesses Online: Product Launching - 8th
          Internet and Businesses Online: Video Marketing - 5th
          Writing and Speaking: Copywriting - 2nd
          Writing and Speaking: Writing Articles - 9th

          Again, if you're in this niche and NOT doing this, you're leaving tons of
          money on the table.

          But there is nothing new here. I've been doing this for years.

          It certainly isn't some magic bullet that's going to make you an overnight
          • Profile picture of the author richdirtygirl
            Profile picture of richdirtygirl
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

            This info is easily verifiable.

            Here are my author rankings in various sub niches of Internet marketing and
            related niches.

            Home Based Business - 6th
            Internet and Businesses Online: Affiliate Revenue - 6th
            Internet and Businesses Online: Email Marketing - 7th
            Internet and Businesses Online: Forums - 5th
            Internet and Businesses Online: Internet Marketing - 2nd
            Internet and Businesses Online: List Building - 12th
            Internet and Businesses Online: Product Creation - 7th
            Internet and Businesses Online: Product Launching - 8th
            Internet and Businesses Online: Video Marketing - 5th
            Writing and Speaking: Copywriting - 2nd
            Writing and Speaking: Writing Articles - 9th

            Again, if you're in this niche and NOT doing this, you're leaving tons of
            money on the table.

            But there is nothing new here. I've been doing this for years.

            It certainly isn't some magic bullet that's going to make you an overnight

            NOW... I'm really lost... I really don't see the connection. You mean you already know it? AMAZING! that doesn't make it old news as it is working, or is it?

            ok, curiosity kills the cat and makes the Rich Dirty Girl waste time... lets drill down a bit...

            this guy has first page in G for a couple of related keywords I tried with these articles: his main keyword "banner advertising success" and "banner advertising articles".

            if you check the inlinks, he has 77 inlinks to the one that appears in first page, this one

            Banner Advertising Success - What You Need to Do If You Can Not Get Anyone to Buy Your Stuff

            here is yahoo inbound links to check it out


            now, I checked one of your links: Internet and Businesses Online: Internet Marketing

            you are second in the category as author, also have an article in position 4 in eza

            Internet Marketing Tips - Some Killer Spy Tips

            for what looks like your main keyword: internet marketing tips

            you are not in first page, now for "internet marketing spy tips" you have first position, congrats!

            now, if you check yahoo inlinks


            the article is not even there.

            So what I see here are two different approaches, you seem to be centered in eza traffic plus what comes from G for this article, and this guy is a big hitter.

            Please, before you send me to play with myself... I'm not judging here... in business the only measure of success is the bank account...

            • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
              Steven Wagenheim
              Profile picture of Steven Wagenheim
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Originally Posted by richdirtygirl View Post


              NOW... I'm really lost... I really don't see the connection. You mean you already know it? AMAZING! that doesn't make it old news as it is working, or is it?

              ok, curiosity kills the cat and makes the Rich Dirty Girl waste time... lets drill down a bit...

              this guy has first page in G for a couple of related keywords I tried with these articles: his main keyword "banner advertising success" and "banner advertising articles".

              if you check the inlinks, he has 77 inlinks to the one that appears in first page, this one

              Banner Advertising Success - What You Need to Do If You Can Not Get Anyone to Buy Your Stuff

              here is yahoo inbound links to check it out


              now, I checked one of your links: Internet and Businesses Online: Internet Marketing

              you are second in the category as author, also have an article in position 4 in eza

              Internet Marketing Tips - Some Killer Spy Tips

              for what looks like your main keyword: internet marketing tips

              you are not in first page, now for "internet marketing spy tips" you have first position, congrats!

              now, if you check yahoo inlinks


              the article is not even there.

              So what I see here are two different approaches, you seem to be centered in eza traffic plus what comes from G for this article, and this guy is a big hitter.

              Please, before you send me to play with myself... I'm not judging here... in business the only measure of success is the bank account...


              Laura, you're making a lot of assumptions from ONE article, but that's okay.

              And that's pretty much my point. The OP is making assumptions about
              what this guy is doing based on one category and what he is writing.

              It means nothing without the bottom line.

              And I'll tell you what, and I don't even know this guy, I'll put my bottom
              line against his any day of the week IF this is all he's doing.

     shouldn't article marketing is NOT all I do.

              It's one piece of a HUGE puzzle.

              Again, if you read my post with the 3 points I've made as to what problem
              I have with this whole thread, you will see where I am coming from.
              • Profile picture of the author richdirtygirl
                Profile picture of richdirtygirl
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

                Laura, you're making a lot of assumptions from ONE article, but that's okay.

                And that's pretty much my point. The OP is making assumptions about
                what this guy is doing based on one category and what he is writing.

                It means nothing without the bottom line.

                And I'll tell you what, and I don't even know this guy, I'll put my bottom
                line against his any day of the week IF this is all he's doing.

       shouldn't article marketing is NOT all I do.

                It's one piece of a HUGE puzzle.

                Again, if you read my post with the 3 points I've made as to what problem
                I have with this whole thread, you will see where I am coming from.
                nah... I'm not making assumptions, I'm pointing out facts...

                look again:

                "So what I see here are two different approaches, you seem to be centered in eza traffic plus what comes from G for this article, and this guy is a big hitter."

                about the problem with the thread... i think it is great. No matter what the hidden intentions are here, some of us ended up giving up some info we were not ready to share. And it is going to help someone.

                what I still don't really know is how we started taking about this guy and ended up talking about you. Anyway... you are soo cute, I'd smooch you!


                • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
                  Steven Wagenheim
                  Profile picture of Steven Wagenheim
                  Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                  Originally Posted by richdirtygirl View Post

                  nah... I'm not making assumptions, I'm pointing out facts...

                  look again:

                  "So what I see here are two different approaches, you seem to be centered in eza traffic plus what comes from G for this article, and this guy is a big hitter."

                  about the problem with the thread... i think it is great. No matter what the hidden intentions are here, some of us ended up giving up some info we were not ready to share. And it is going to help someone.

                  what I still don't really know is how we started taking about this guy and ended up talking about you. Anyway... you are soo cute, I'd smooch you!



                  Laura, please don't get me wrong. I'm not saying this guy isn't a successful

                  What I am saying is that there is no way anybody could possibly come
                  to that conclusion based on the info that the OP gave us.

                  And that is the dangerous part of getting sucked into threads like this.

                  The newbs start doing things, not knowing WHY they're doing them, and
                  end up pulling their hair out of their head because they're not seeing
                  some ocean part in front of their eyes.

                  If what this guy is doing is part of some overall scheme (one that can't
                  possibly be apparent from the info the OP shared) then power to him. I'm
                  sure he knows what he's doing, just as I do. Hell, I use some methods of
                  promotion that most people laugh at.

                  Let them.

                  But that's not the point. Had I come here and said, "I do this..." and didn't
                  really explain why I do it and how I do it, and people tried to copy it...

                  1. I'd be doing them a huge disservice by holding things back.

                  2. They'd be twisting in the wind trying to make heads or tails from the
                  little pieces I've shared.

                  It's unfair to those trying to grasp onto any lifeboat that they can to try
                  to make a buck in this world.

                  This is why I won't even start threads like this anymore because there are
                  just too many chances to leave out important info.

                  In this case, the OP can't or won't explain just what the big thing is
                  we're supposed to get from this.

                  So what does THAT tell you?

                  At least I would explain myself as clearly as possible so that people would
                  understand it.

                  That is why I'm not happy with this thread.

                  As for me being comment.
            • Profile picture of the author WealthWinners
              Profile picture of WealthWinners
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Originally Posted by richdirtygirl View Post


              NOW... I'm really lost... I really don't see the connection. You mean you already know it? AMAZING! that doesn't make it old news as it is working, or is it?

              ok, curiosity kills the cat and makes the Rich Dirty Girl waste time... lets drill down a bit...

              this guy has first page in G for a couple of related keywords I tried with these articles: his main keyword "banner advertising success" and "banner advertising articles".

              if you check the inlinks, he has 77 inlinks to the one that appears in first page, this one

              Banner Advertising Success - What You Need to Do If You Can Not Get Anyone to Buy Your Stuff

              here is yahoo inbound links to check it out


              now, I checked one of your links: Internet and Businesses Online: Internet Marketing

              you are second in the category as author, also have an article in position 4 in eza

              Internet Marketing Tips - Some Killer Spy Tips

              for what looks like your main keyword: internet marketing tips

              you are not in first page, now for "internet marketing spy tips" you have first position, congrats!

              now, if you check yahoo inlinks


              the article is not even there.

              So what I see here are two different approaches, you seem to be centered in eza traffic plus what comes from G for this article, and this guy is a big hitter.

              Please, before you send me to play with myself... I'm not judging here... in business the only measure of success is the bank account...

              Now you have me looking. But how come all the inlinks are all from other ezine articles? Or is that actually the KEY???
        • Profile picture of the author drew3806
          Profile picture of drew3806
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hey Steven,

          I think we are in different stages of the learning curve on this. By the quantity and quality of your posts of the WF, your knowledge of IM vastly outweighs mine. But what is blatantly obvious to you may not be clear at all to me or someone else.

          The post created an aha moment for me, & I think I got the point the OP was trying to make, though I can't speak for her personally.

          And my point in the conclusion of my post was that this guy is an IM tortoise, not an overnight success.

          While I have been registered here since 2006, I only started to be a regular as of this January, and for the record I have taken a great deal of value from your posts as well.

          Best Regards,

          • Profile picture of the author acrasial
            Profile picture of acrasial
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by drew3806 View Post

            Hey Steven,

            I think we are in different stages of the learning curve on this. By the quantity and quality of your posts of the WF, your knowledge of IM vastly outweighs mine. But what is blatantly obvious to you may not be clear at all to me or someone else.

            The post created an aha moment for me, & I think I got the point the OP was trying to make, though I can't speak for her personally.

            And my point in the conclusion of my post was that this guy is an IM tortoise, not an overnight success.

            While I have been registered here since 2006, I only started to be a regular as of this January, and for the record I have taken a great deal of value from your posts as well.

            Best Regards,


            This is my issue right now, the people who are getting it, don't want to talk about it either. LOL. Which Is why I would really just wish others would get it too!

            Also, someones experience online, in the marketing world, has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with their post count. There are many warriors on here who have few posts, but are professionals in their leagues, whether that is with copywriting, web design, site flipping etc etc etc...
          • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
            Steven Wagenheim
            Profile picture of Steven Wagenheim
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by drew3806 View Post

            Hey Steven,

            I think we are in different stages of the learning curve on this. By the quantity and quality of your posts of the WF, your knowledge of IM vastly outweighs mine. But what is blatantly obvious to you may not be clear at all to me or someone else.

            The post created an aha moment for me, & I think I got the point the OP was trying to make, though I can't speak for her personally.

            And my point in the conclusion of my post was that this guy is an IM tortoise, not an overnight success.

            While I have been registered here since 2006, I only started to be a regular as of this January, and for the record I have taken a great deal of value from your posts as well.

            Best Regards,


            Andy, if the point the OP was trying to make (still not sure) was to write
            articles for various sub niches of IM, fine.

            But the over the top title and the claim that this was some amazing thing,
            with some hidden secret, was just too much for me to just sit back and
            let people get sucked into this.

            See, here's the problem.

            1. It's apparent that most people didn't get it. I certainly didn't. So for
            them, at best, they'll start writing articles for banner advertising ONLY
            and end up very disappointed at the results.

            2. The OP and James continued to taunt members saying that if they
            didn't get it, they were stupid. This is NOT the Warrior way and an insult
            to every member here. You have something to share, share it or shut the
            f*ck up.

            3. The whole greatness of this method is totally blown out of proportion.
            It's not walking on water.

            Those are the three reasons why I have so much trouble with this thread.

            At least I've been courteous enough to explain myself, which is more than
            I can say for certain people in this thread.
            • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Kelsall
              Jeremy Kelsall
              Profile picture of Jeremy Kelsall
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

              2. The OP and James continued to taunt members saying that if they
              didn't get it, they were stupid. This is NOT the Warrior way and an insult
              to every member here. You have something to share, share it or shut the
              f*ck up.

            • Profile picture of the author drew3806
              Profile picture of drew3806
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              I didn't get the feeling that the OP and Rich Jerks were taunting and withholding info. This is a fresh post less than a day old and my feeling was that he was waiting to see if anyone got it or not instead of just spilling the beans right off the bat.

              But that is just my opinion.

              • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
                Steven Wagenheim
                Profile picture of Steven Wagenheim
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                Originally Posted by drew3806 View Post

                I didn't get the feeling that the OP and Rich Jerks were taunting and withholding info. This is a fresh post less than a day old and my feeling was that he was waiting to see if anyone got it or not instead of just spilling the beans right off the bat.

                But that is just my opinion.

                Andy, you tend to look for the good in people and that's a great quality to
                have. But I have seen this dog and pony show too many times.

                It stinks from the head down.
                • Profile picture of the author Kay King
                  Kay King
                  Profile picture of Kay King
                  Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                  Steve -

                  Would that be the dog and pony show where there is a book coming up on the topic and someone has decided "I'm a copywriter"?

                  Explains the formatting - but that's going to to be one damned long sales page!

                  J/K guys - this whole topic has gotten funny.

                  Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
                  One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
                  what it is instead of what you think it should be.
            • Profile picture of the author acrasial
              Profile picture of acrasial
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

              1. It's apparent that most people didn't get it. I certainly didn't. So for
              them, at best, they'll start writing articles for banner advertising ONLY
              and end up very disappointed at the results.
              This is EXACTLY what I meant, is that people aren't supposed to pin point that specific topic itself and assume they are supposed to go in there and advertise on that. That was just one example of how/and on what the idea itself can be used.

              Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

              2. The OP and James continued to taunt members saying that if they
              didn't get it, they were stupid. This is NOT the Warrior way and an insult
              to every member here. You have something to share, share it or shut the
              f*ck up.

              People are asking me if they understand it right, if I tell them that they are not understanding it, and try to explain it further. I am not saying anyone is stupid, you said yourself that maybe you were the one who was stupid, because you didn't get it. It's not something I said.

              I have in fact already SHARED IT. But the fact still remains that it is not going to be understood by many on this forum. That is fine, but that DOES NOT MEAN that I am myself insulting anyone here. I am still just asking them to really look at this before they give up and say that it's a crappy idea.
              • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
                Steven Wagenheim
                Profile picture of Steven Wagenheim
                Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
                Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

                This is EXACTLY what I meant, is that people aren't supposed to pin point that specific topic itself and assume they are supposed to go in there and advertise on that. That was just one example of how/and on what the idea itself can be used.

                People are asking me if they understand it right, if I tell them that they are not understanding it, and try to explain it further. I am not saying anyone is stupid, you said yourself that maybe you were the one who was stupid, because you didn't get it. It's not something I said.

                I have in fact already SHARED IT. But the fact still remains that it is not going to be understood by many on this forum. That is fine, but that DOES NOT MEAN that I am myself insulting anyone here. I am still just asking them to really look at this before they give up and say that it's a crappy idea.
                Know what? You win. I concede...this is indeed the holy grail of IM and
                I so humbly thank you for sharing it with us peons.

                I bow to your greatness.

                And with that, I have run out of popcorn and patience with this nonsense.

                Folks...Caveat emptor.
            • Profile picture of the author WealthWinners
              Profile picture of WealthWinners
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

              2. The OP and James continued to taunt members saying that if they
              didn't get it, they were stupid. This is NOT the Warrior way and an insult
              to every member here. You have something to share, share it or shut the
              f*ck up.
              OMG...I laughed so hard when I read this.

              Ok, I gotta ask and I hope I don't get shot, but here goes. After reading all of this thread, it appears that maybe one or two people bothered to opt-in to this guys list and see what he was selling.

              So has anyone actually decided to see what this guy may be doing?

              I figured what the heck, I would. And it was worth it because I was able to see a bigger picture of what this guy is doing.

              He doesn't write these, they are outsourced. EZA is one of 4 basic parts he uses (ppc, websites (seo), and banner ads are the other 3) that he is using and he says that he has made boatloads of money, of course with video proof. And his thing is that it is all completely automated.

              My purpose for doing that was to maybe understand what the OP was trying to get at. I was hoping for the 'click'.

              I am not a noob, but not making much money yet so I am still trying to get there. Think I will leave this one to someone else.

              I will say this was a funny read in spots.
        • Profile picture of the author acrasial
          Profile picture of acrasial
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          Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

          It's basic article marketing 101 if you're trying to target a broad niche
          like MMO. Write articles for all the different sub niches.

          If you're in the MMO niche and you're not writing for all these categories
          then you are not doing your job properly.
          You are kind of starting to understand it now, but not fully yet. You grasped a tiny aspect of what I am trying to say here, and you are doing something which every marketer is told to do, true.

          However what I am suggesting here takes that to a new level, and I am sorry that I cannot explain it better, but I have tried to.
          • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
            Steven Wagenheim
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            Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

            You are kind of starting to understand it now, but not fully yet. You grasped a tiny aspect of what I am trying to say here, and you are doing something which every marketer is told to do, true.

            However what I am suggesting here takes that to a new level, and I am sorry that I cannot explain it better, but I have tried to.
            You can't explain it because there's nothing to explain.

            What, you think you're talking to a rookie here?

            Please...go peddle your snake oil to somebody who's stupid enough to buy it.
  • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
    Profile picture of TheRichJerksNet
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    I'm sorry but it's amazing how some claim there is nothing to see... I will agree some need to open their eyes, omg!! ..

    I think I will go post on my forum and opt-out on this thread since some self proclaimed experts can not even see ....

    Simply amazing ...

    • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
      Steven Wagenheim
      Profile picture of Steven Wagenheim
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      Originally Posted by TheRichJerksNet View Post

      I'm sorry but it's amazing how some claim there is nothing to see... I will agree some need to open their eyes, omg!! ..

      I think I will go post on my forum and opt-out on this thread since some self proclaimed experts can not even see ....

      Simply amazing ...

      James, please stop blowing smoke up my ass or I'll have to get out the
      enema bag.
    • Profile picture of the author Lee Wilson
      Lee Wilson
      Profile picture of Lee Wilson
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      Originally Posted by TheRichJerksNet View Post

      I'm sorry but it's amazing how some claim there is nothing to see... I will agree some need to open their eyes, omg!! ..

      I think I will go post on my forum and opt-out on this thread since some self proclaimed experts can not even see ....

      Simply amazing ...

      Well, I spotted something about six months ago that I haven't seen anybody else doing. You could get the same idea from looking at what that person is doing on EZA, (even though he isn't doing it, or is doing it badly)! It has nothing to do with banner advertising so I'd guess you haven't spotted it yourself! Hmm, self proclaimed?
  • Profile picture of the author reikidad1961
    Profile picture of reikidad1961
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    I don't get what the OP's point is. Are we being advised to unseat this guy because its presumed he's in top place for banner advertising or are we just being given information about a potentially goldmind of an untapped niche. Isn't banner advertising a thing of the past? Correct me if I'm wrong about anything.
  • Profile picture of the author dorim
    Profile picture of dorim
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    I can see the future - a WSO being born out of the OP's post.

    • Profile picture of the author acrasial
      Profile picture of acrasial
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      Originally Posted by dorim View Post

      I can see the future - a WSO being born out of the OP's post.
      How about NO? This same thing happened in another thread of mine, but I still have not made a WSO. People are just saying this because they don't understand my intentions, because they are not agreeing with my idea to begin with.

      Things are being thrown in here, against me, and others, which is not fair. It's just an idea, and I can't believe how personal people are making this!
  • Profile picture of the author Nicholas Kemp
    Nicholas Kemp
    Profile picture of Nicholas Kemp
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    I can see how this can work! So I am going to test it and see if I get any results. I think there are lots of valid points with everyone's arguments. What this guy is doing must be working if he is posting all these articles.

    Thanks for sharing this acrasial
    • Profile picture of the author acrasial
      Profile picture of acrasial
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      Originally Posted by Nicholas Kemp View Post

      I can see how this can work! So I am going to test it and see if I get any results. I think there are lots of valid points with everyone's arguments. What this guy is doing must be working if he is posting all these articles.

      Thanks for sharing this acrasial

      If that is really true, KINDLY, KINDLY, please do share it from your point of view, as my point of view is NOT registering well with people. Maybe if they hear it explained in a different way they can get it too, so please help them see what I am trying to say here?
      • Profile picture of the author Lee Wilson
        Lee Wilson
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        Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

        If that is really true, KINDLY, KINDLY, please do share it from your point of view, as my point of view is NOT registering well with people. Maybe if they hear it explained in a different way they can get it too, so please help them see what I am trying to say here?
        I've already said what I think you're trying to say, so is that not it?
        • Profile picture of the author acrasial
          Profile picture of acrasial
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          Originally Posted by L Wilson View Post

          I've already said what I think you're trying to say, so is that not it?

          I get what you are saying, and you get what I'm saying, but what I'm asking is that you now help others get what I am trying to say! LOL!
          • Profile picture of the author drew3806
            Profile picture of drew3806
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            Just wanted to thank Acrasial for this thread, and Rich Jerks for challenging me to look for the solution. I don't know if my response is what he had in mind, but I learned a lot about thinking outside of conventional wisdom by trying to deconstruct the methods Mr. Nyback is employing.

            3800 articles is a lot of work for something unprofitable. This guy is making money.
  • Profile picture of the author RedMatrix
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      • Profile picture of the author Rob Howard
        Rob Howard
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        • Profile picture of the author acrasial
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          Originally Posted by ccmusicman View Post

          And I quote:


          The Wait Will Finally Be Over Soon...

          Do You SUCK At Writing & Marketing Articles? Just Wait Till You Get Your Hands On My Book! (Coming Soon!)

          I can honestly say that the main point of this ENTIRE THREAD has nothing to do with articles alone. I also had a thread a long while back, about article marketing.

          It was locked, because people were coming in telling me that I should make a wso and promote it or whatnot, and I never did make a wso.

          It's been how long since that thread? ( 09-29-2009, 09:04 PM) 6 months almost. Same thing was said back then too!

          As I have mentioned, this is not as it appears, literally it isn't as it appears to be. I have explained everything on page one. If people still fail to understand that, I am not calling them stupid, I am simply saying they will understand it one day, just not today.
  • Profile picture of the author acrasial
    Profile picture of acrasial
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    Alright here goes again, since there is SOMEONE ELSE who gets it, here is their feedback on what I am trying to say (in someone else's words...):

    Well, I read every thread carefully on the first page. Are you saying this?

    Turn traditional marketing upside down. Instead of trying to dominate a competetive and established niche, start by dominating, and then MAKE it an established niche.

    If so, I get you. I'm just not sure I'd see it as being any easier. If I've still not got it, I give up and I'm going to bed!


    Originally Posted by acrasial
    I think it's something that you will get eventually. I just got it now, I mean when I posted it, I literally just got it myself, and I have been online for a year and a half myself.

    ================================================== ==============

    Originally Posted by acrasial
    This can then be converted into already existing products for marketers who have products ----

    Okay, now it makes more sense. I think I kinda got you the first time round but my first thoughts were "that would be even harder."

    But for marketers with existing products and reputation, this could work very differently. I think people are looking at your thread as though you are saying anybody could do it, which of course they can, but not very easy if you haven't got any push to start with.

    Good luck with the arguments!

    ================================================== ===============

    Well, I'm off to bed it's nearly 3.00am here!

    I think the best way to explain it is to say what I said earlier, about doing it the other way around and start with domination, and mention that it's obviously for marketers capable of pushing it. There is already a term I believe it's called blue ocean strategy or something like that. So what you are essentially saying is create a blue ocean niche, but dominate it before it actually exists. So you are already in front before it starts.

    I think you're still going to get people shoot you down but it's radical ideas that often work well. How many successful people have been told they were crazy, but proved everyone wrong!

    Good luck


    Originally Posted by acrasial
    Yeh, it's for experienced marketers, and should be done on a grand scale.

    Is there another way I should say it so that people understand like you just did? Or could you explain it to them?
    • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
      Steven Wagenheim
      Profile picture of Steven Wagenheim
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      Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

      Alright here goes again, since there is SOMEONE ELSE who gets it, here is their feedback on what I am trying to say (in someone else's words...):

      Well, I read every thread carefully on the first page. Are you saying this?

      Turn traditional marketing upside down. Instead of trying to dominate a competetive and established niche, start by dominating, and then MAKE it an established niche.

      If so, I get you. I'm just not sure I'd see it as being any easier. If I've still not got it, I give up and I'm going to bed!


      Originally Posted by acrasial
      I think it's something that you will get eventually. I just got it now, I mean when I posted it, I literally just got it myself, and I have been online for a year and a half myself.

      ================================================== ==============

      Originally Posted by acrasial
      This can then be converted into already existing products for marketers who have products ----

      Okay, now it makes more sense. I think I kinda got you the first time round but my first thoughts were "that would be even harder."

      But for marketers with existing products and reputation, this could work very differently. I think people are looking at your thread as though you are saying anybody could do it, which of course they can, but not very easy if you haven't got any push to start with.

      Good luck with the arguments!

      ================================================== ===============

      Well, I'm off to bed it's nearly 3.00am here!

      I think the best way to explain it is to say what I said earlier, about doing it the other way around and start with domination, and mention that it's obviously for marketers capable of pushing it. There is already a term I believe it's called blue ocean strategy or something like that. So what you are essentially saying is create a blue ocean niche, but dominate it before it actually exists. So you are already in front before it starts.

      I think you're still going to get people shoot you down but it's radical ideas that often work well. How many successful people have been told they were crazy, but proved everyone wrong!

      Good luck


      Originally Posted by acrasial
      Yeh, it's for experienced marketers, and should be done on a grand scale.

      Is there another way I should say it so that people understand like you just did? Or could you explain it to them?

      Okay, I get it.

      Problem...BIG problem.

      You can't create demand.

      You can do all the pushing in the world that you want, but if the demand
      isn't there, you're pushing at a brick wall that isn't going to budge.

      Me? I'd rather concentrate my efforts on where I know the money is and
      not worry about being first or last or whatever.

      In the niches where there is enough demand, there are enough prospects
      and customers for anybody who practices basic 101 marketing.

      Again...there is nothing new here.
      • Profile picture of the author acrasial
        Profile picture of acrasial
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        Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

        Okay, I get it.

        Problem...BIG problem.

        You can't create demand.

        Sorry, you STILL don't get it. THE DEMAND IS THERE. Please SERIOUSLY look back to page one, and leave out the EZA, or keywords, or traffic ideas, or anything else, then hopefully you will see it.

        I was hoping that this guy's explanation would help people get it too. What I am trying to say here literally goes beyond all of the petty things people keep on discussing. Everything that others have discussed is still only a small part of what is really being said here.
  • Profile picture of the author nickmarch
    Profile picture of nickmarch
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    It looks to me that acrasial's biggest critic SW has a problem with someone else who finds a niche that he isn't or hasn't yet exploited.

    Or just maybe it is the subject of one of his three WSO's. He does have three WSO's for BRAND NEW NICHE's.

    It just seems kind of strange to me that someone selling three BRAND NEW NICHE's is so critical of someone who mearly pointed out a niche that hasn't been exploited to death.

  • Profile picture of the author TheGraduate
    Profile picture of TheGraduate
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    what you don't know!?(maybe you do) is that you just sent 1000s of people from the warrior forum right into this guy's list, and the more you keep bringing this thread up the more leads you are going to give him, this is exactly the reason why he makes those articles, are you getting it now?

    by the way, let me ask you:

    do you have something to do with that guy? I am really starting to wonder!

    edit/adding: That guy!? is a genius, Yep, I got myself all the way into his funnel, I am sure I will be learning a thing or two from him.
    amazing product coming soon!
    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      Kay King
      Profile picture of Kay King
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      It looks to me that acrasial's biggest critic SW has a problem with someone else who finds a niche that he isn't or hasn't yet exploited.
      That's ridiculous. If you read through the long explanations by the OP you'll notice the "advice" has changed quite a bit through the thread.

      The criticism is because the info that started this thread is incomplete and in parts incorrect. There is no point to experienced marketers coming into a thread and praising it - when the assumptions are wrong. If an OP has to argue a point over and over and change the argument as it goes on - that should tell you something may not be right.

      The initial post had errors of assumption in it - such as claiming to have found an easy niche to rank in and claims that the author in that niche submitted infrequent articles. Also advice that you should find a keyword phrase and "make it popular" have been mentioned by the OP several times.

      The author in question submits 500 articles a month - every month. He has a full funnel set up and the article marketing is only a small part of it. I think he could improve on it - but he probably makes decent money with his efforts as he is selling his own product - has 3000+ articles "published" to establish credibility - has multiple sign up pages and spends quite a bit on PPC ads.

      Point is - instead of defending an "idea" - it's smart to look deeper to see if there is anything to it or not. Otherwise you can waste a lot of time and effort trying to prove something that is only a theory.

      Effective niche and keyword research is about finding what is popularly searched for and exploiting it - not about finding an obscure phrase and making people want to look for it. That is basic - and it doesn't change.


      EDIT: With all that said - there's nothing at all wrong with someone posting what they've found and what they think may have potential. It's great because it generates discussion. However, defending the theory in spite of evidence to the contrary isn't the way to go.
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
      what it is instead of what you think it should be.
      • Profile picture of the author richdirtygirl
        Profile picture of richdirtygirl
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        Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

        EDIT: With all that said - there's nothing at all wrong with someone posting what they've found and what they think may have potential. It's great because it generates discussion. However, defending the theory in spite of evidence to the contrary isn't the way to go.
        This thread had so much emotion around that I didn't want to bump it, but now that you did... I like this.

        it generated an interesting conversation and seed ideas.

        What I think it happened with the OP, was that she had an "aha" moment, but was not able to really get it into words.

        you know that the way we process ideas has different stages,

        -the first one is to think you understood,
        -the second is to put into practice and really understand,
        -the third is to get deeper and have a whole understanding...

        only then you can properly communicate.

        Sometimes it is too much to ask...

        • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
          Steven Wagenheim
          Profile picture of Steven Wagenheim
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          Originally Posted by richdirtygirl View Post

          This thread had so much emotion around that I didn't want to bump it, but now that you did... I like this.

          it generated an interesting conversation and seed ideas.

          What I think it happened with the OP, was that she had an "aha" moment, but was not able to really get it into words.

          you know that the way we process ideas has different stages,

          -the first one is to think you understood,
          -the second is to put into practice and really understand,
          -the third is to get deeper and have a whole understanding...

          only then you can properly communicate.

          Sometimes it is too much to ask...


          Laura, that's pretty much it in a nutshell.

 you still think I'm cute?
          • Profile picture of the author richdirtygirl
            Profile picture of richdirtygirl
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

            Laura, that's pretty much it in a nutshell.

   you still think I'm cute?

            • Profile picture of the author WealthWinners
              Profile picture of WealthWinners
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Originally Posted by richdirtygirl View Post



              Ok, you two need to take it into a private room...:p LOL

              I am also going to go out on another limb here and disagree with the MASTER.

              Steven, You said you can't create demand.

              Isn't that the WHOLE basis of advertising to begin with? To create demand?

              I mean, no one knew about snuggies until they advertised. Advertising created demand. Now they have snuggies in animal prints. Therefore they CREATED the demand. I mean it wasn't like people all over the place were walking around saying to themselves, "I need to find a blanket that you wear backwards and that has holes for my arms". :rolleyes:

              So in essence, EVERY product is unknown, until a demand is created.

              Maybe that was the point of the original OP, not sure, she will have to say yes or no on that.

              But the way I see it, every niche was once untapped until someone created a product for it. But no one knew about the product until the advertisers SHOWED people how useful it could be, therefore creating a demand for it.
              • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
                Steven Wagenheim
                Profile picture of Steven Wagenheim
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                Originally Posted by WealthWinners View Post

                Ok, you two need to take it into a private room...:p LOL

                I am also going to go out on another limb here and disagree with the MASTER.

                Steven, You said you can't create demand.

                Isn't that the WHOLE basis of advertising to begin with? To create demand?

                I mean, no one knew about snuggies until they advertised. Advertising created demand. Now they have snuggies in animal prints. Therefore they CREATED the demand. I mean it wasn't like people all over the place were walking around saying to themselves, "I need to find a blanket that you wear backwards and that has holes for my arms". :rolleyes:

                So in essence, EVERY product is unknown, until a demand is created.

                Maybe that was the point of the original OP, not sure, she will have to say yes or no on that.

                But the way I see it, every niche was once untapped until someone created a product for it. But no one knew about the product until the advertisers SHOWED people how useful it could be, therefore creating a demand for it.

                Here's the rub...Yes, I agree with you...under certain conditions, you
                can create demand. I mean for crying out loud, look at the Pet Rock.

                BUT... if you're talking about creating a whole new product, concept, idea
                or whatever...there is NO category on EZA to dominate because nobody
                is submitting to it because it doesn't exist yet.

                Wanna go create a demand for a brand new concept?

                By all means go for it. THOSE are the millionaires...the ones with real

                But out of every one new idea that makes it...10,000 fall flat on their face.

                I don't want to blazing new trails.

                I want to sell sh*t to people that I know they already want. There is
                plenty of that stuff out there that one doesn't have to create another
                Pet Rock, Snuggies or Twitter for that matter.

                But if that was the point of the OP (wish she had just said that) then go
                with my blessings and become the next Donald Trump or whoever.

                Me? I got plenty of stuff to sell that I know people already want.
              • Profile picture of the author R Hagel
                R Hagel
                Profile picture of R Hagel
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                Originally Posted by WealthWinners View Post

                I mean, no one knew about snuggies until they advertised. Advertising created demand. Now they have snuggies in animal prints. Therefore they CREATED the demand. I mean it wasn't like people all over the place were walking around saying to themselves, "I need to find a blanket that you wear backwards and that has holes for my arms". :rolleyes:
                People had a problem -- they were cold when they watched TV.

                Throwing on a sweatshirt is one solution.

                Putting on a robe is another.

                Cozying up with a loved one is another.

                Grabbing a blanket is another.

                The Snuggy is just another solution to an existing problem. But the Snuggy maker didn't create the problem (i.e., they didn't make people cold) and then create the solution. Instead, they just created an alternative solution to a problem that already existed... a problem that people were already actively seeking out solutions for.

                • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
                  Steven Wagenheim
                  Profile picture of Steven Wagenheim
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                  Originally Posted by R Hagel View Post

                  People had a problem -- they were cold when they watched TV.

                  Throwing on a sweatshirt is one solution.

                  Putting on a robe is another.

                  Cozying up with a loved one is another.

                  Grabbing a blanket is another.

                  The Snuggy is just another solution to an existing problem. But the Snuggy maker didn't create the problem (make people cold) and then create the solution. They just created an alternative solution to a problem that already existed... a problem that people were already actively seeking out solutions for.


                  Thanks...I don't know why I didn't realize that when I answered. I
                  guess it's because this whole thread has got me so....oh never mind.

                  I need a drink.
            • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
              Steven Wagenheim
              Profile picture of Steven Wagenheim
              Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
              Originally Posted by richdirtygirl View Post


              Well, that does it.

              I'm growing a beard, putting on an eye patch and getting a parrot for my

              Real men are not cute.

  • Profile picture of the author Asher
    Profile picture of Asher
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    I was gonna say something smart but Sylvia
    worded it better than anyway I could have...

    Sylviad's response #160

    But to add to it, I personally think dominating
    that category is merely dominating a category
    on a website.

    NOT the category/niche itself.

    And acrasial, for those that don't "get" you,
    you don't have to convince them. It's not your
    duty and it's way too tiring to try to do it
    with text.

    It'd be easier if you could grab and shake em.

    But you can't.

    So, just leave it be. To quote Sylvia...

    If we're all wrong, why is it so difficult for you to explain it to us so that we do "get it"? Well, against all odds... I suppose there's a chance we are morons after all. But I have to say this attitude of, "I know something you don't know" does not go down well. Share or leave the room.
  • Profile picture of the author WealthWinners
    Profile picture of WealthWinners
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    HI Becky,

    It wasn't about creating a problem. It was about creating DEMAND for a product, that solves a problem, that there are already solutions too.

    I agree that the snuggie solves a problem. Heck, if we were all satisfied with blankets, sweaters, etc., then the snuggie would have never gotten off the ground.

    Nonetheless, I do get your point.

    Steven, you are right on about blazing new trails, it does take kahunas to do that because of the risk. Basically this idea is like a new invention.

    Thanks for your replies gang!
  • Profile picture of the author cdn1
    Profile picture of cdn1
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    This is Jason Nyback - the guy who is posting all those articles... Just got back from vacation and seen there was a big post about one of the things that I am doing in the banner advertising niche with

    I would like to bring some clarity to all this and hopefully it will help you:

    #1 - Getting backlinks from ezinearticles is a waste of time! They have no value at all. Do you not think Google knows how easy it is for you to get a link from ezinearticles?

    #2 - I'd be a complete idiot to post 3,800 articles & about 600 new ones a month if it did not work to make me money.

    #3 - I don't get a ton of traffic from ezinearticles.

    #4 - But I make about $10 in income from every visitor I get from that site! So - if you have a $10 visitor value it does not take much to make a lot of money.

    My articles make me on average WELL over $10,000 a month. Not only that, I average about $30 in new income for every email subscriber I get from that site.

    #6 - Using ezinearticles is just a piece of the puzzle! It is a good source, but if that is all you are using - your in trouble. It is a part of a very refined, integrated and streamlined system that I have been developing for 6 years in over 13 markets.

    #6 - It is about your SYSTEM! I don't care what market you go into - it is about your sales funnel - not your traffic.

    ***Your bank account WILL NOT cash in your traffic stats. ***

    I know of people who get 10,000 visitors a day to their site and only make $50 a day in Adsense income... That is a lot of work for such a small amount of money!

    The better you get at getting people to buy from you, the less traffic you need to make a lot of money. Not only that, the more profitable you are - the easier it is to go out and buy the best traffic in your niche and make a profit from it.

    So my advice to you would be this - stop looking for some "goldmine" market that is going to make you rich! Just find a market that has good fundamentals in it & that you can sell multiple products and get busy selling!

    Lastly - You are going to make your most money selling high priced products! Lower priced ones are fine, but you need to have high priced ones as well. I have found that a lot of people will not buy cheap $50 products as they think there is no value! Not everyone buys based on price! So make sure you are offering a really expensive - high value product for your customers.

    I hope this will help some of you! If you have any other questions - please just ask! Here to help!

    Jason Nyback
  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
    Profile picture of GeorgR.
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    this is a good post!

    BUT...that guy has very little views. Indeed, he might be dominating the section on EZA...and i like your approach of selling to this audience since its without a question VERY TARGETED. But his articles hardly get any views! (At least the ones i checked)
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    • Profile picture of the author cdn1
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      Hi George,

      Great question - Here is my answer...

      Ezinearticles is about "carpet bombing" not precision. I could care less about the traffic from one article. I know my numbers and know my income per article per month, exc.

      So they just keep getting cranked out. I don't pay attention to anything about where they rank, how many views each article get, exc...

      It is about the overall strategy - automate, outsource, move on!

      Make sense?

      • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
        Steven Wagenheim
        Profile picture of Steven Wagenheim
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        Originally Posted by cdn1 View Post

        Hi George,

        Great question - Here is my answer...

        Ezinearticles is about "carpet bombing" not precision. I could care less about the traffic from one article. I know my numbers and know my income per article per month, exc.

        So they just keep getting cranked out. I don't pay attention to anything about where they rank, how many views each article get, exc...

        It is about the overall strategy - automate, outsource, move on!

        Make sense?


        No, it makes no sense. If the articles aren't being seen...where is the
        money coming from?

        A simple "the money comes" will suffice.
        • Profile picture of the author cdn1
          Profile picture of cdn1
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          Hey Stephen,

          The articles all get views over time. The one that was referenced in this article got 55 so far:

          I don't care about optimizing one article. It is about volume - that is what I mean. Does that help?

          • Profile picture of the author Daniel Brock
            Daniel Brock
            Profile picture of Daniel Brock
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            According to one of the guys who totaled up his views, he had something like 130k article views over the last year, so I guess it all does add up.

            Cool find OP - I definitely wasn't looking at the whole picture(was too lazy to go through and total up all the article views hahah)
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            • Profile picture of the author cdn1
              Profile picture of cdn1
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              George, yes - It works! BUT again - the better you get at getting your visitors to spend a lot of money with you - the easier it is to do.

              The problem with ezinearticles is that it can become a JOB! If you can't get a high enough visitor value from the traffic, you will never be able to afford to outsource your articles and make a profit.

              Daniel - Yes - here is my profile:

              Jason Nyback - Expert Author Bio

              (28 articles submitted today as well!!)

              Again - this is a well oiled machine! It is not about one or two articles. It is about thousands of them and a sales system that converts well.

              You can do it too! (-:

              That answer your questions?

              Jason Nyback
          • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
            Steven Wagenheim
            Profile picture of Steven Wagenheim
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by cdn1 View Post

            Hey Stephen,

            The articles all get views over time. The one that was referenced in this article got 55 so far:


            I don't care about optimizing one article. It is about volume - that is what I mean. Does that help?

            It's fine if the outsourcing expense for all those articles is justified by the
            return you get on them. I essentially do the same thing (I have thousands
            of articles at EZA) but I write them myself, so the only expense is my

            Plus, I'm not going to find quality articles for $3 a pop.

            Hey, whatever floats your boat. If it works for you, that's all that matters.
            • Profile picture of the author Kevin AKA Hubcap
              Kevin AKA Hubcap
              Profile picture of Kevin AKA Hubcap
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              You don't have to be right all the time. Being wrong about something does not in anyway say anything about your intelligence. It just says that in this particular instance you don't have the vision to "see" what someone else does.

              When you think about it this is a common theme. How many intelligent people laughed at the thought of a "personal computer" for various reasons.

              How many intelligent people passed on Tom Clancy's first novel, The Hunt For Red October, because it lacked commercial appeal. That novel, after being turned down by various publishers and finally being printed by the publishing arm of the Naval Academy... The Naval Institute Press... went on to become a bestseller.

              How many intelligent people laughed and scoffed at JK rowling for writing a 500 hundred word kids book about a boy wizard? We all know how that one ended.

              None of the above people who passed on the various opportunities were stupid. They just didn't have the vision required for that specific product at that specific time.

              We all know that you're smart but the I make six figures (with article marketing) so If I can't see it, it doesn't exist act is wearing thin and frankly IMO its unbecoming of you and your experience.

      • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
        Profile picture of GeorgR.
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by cdn1 View Post

        Hi George,

        Great question - Here is my answer...

        Ezinearticles is about "carpet bombing" not precision. I could care less about the traffic from one article. I know my numbers and know my income per article per month, exc.

        So they just keep getting cranked out. I don't pay attention to anything about where they rank, how many views each article get, exc...

        It is about the overall strategy - automate, outsource, move on!

        Make sense?

        cdn, i hear you This is why one of my main priorities right now is ezine marketing. Consistency is key, although i also do keyword research and try to get some potential good titles/subjects beforehand.
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  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
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    28/day is just a crazy amount in my opinion. But, yes, ROI is way, way better than eg. with Adwords.
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