No One Knows? Really?

53 replies
Hi Warriors,

I REALLY need your help. Please? I know someone out there has to know how to do what I'm needing to do. Please tell me how. I've been trying to figure this out on my own for several months now and I'm incredibly frustrated.

I'm sure you've all seen the little green and gray button on Facebook that people put beside their statuses that says "Retweet This". The top square is gray and shows the number of times it's been retweeted and the bottom rectangle part is green and that's where it says, "Retweet This.

I want to start putting this on my Facebook fan page so my fans can retweet the statuses they like. Can someone tell me step by step what I need to do to start using this feature on my fan page, please?

Everything I find gives me code to paste, but as far as I know it's not possible to paste code on your FB fan page, or is it?

Thanks so much.
  • Profile picture of the author acrasial
    Wasn't your question answered here:

    Why are you asking it twice?
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    • Profile picture of the author Jessica Martinez
      No, it wasn't. I tried what was suggested and it didn't work. I asked for more help after that, but no one seems to be responding and with all the people in this forum I know someone must know what I need to do. Thanks for asking though.

      Do you know how to do it?
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      • Profile picture of the author mmurtha
        Originally Posted by Jessica Martinez View Post

        No, it wasn't. I tried what was suggested and it didn't work. I asked for more help after that, but no one seems to be responding and with all the people in this forum I know someone must know what I need to do. Thanks for asking though.

        Do you know how to do it?

        Just because no one answered you as soon as you wanted is no reason to post another thread asking the same question. People will get tired of this stuff, and you may find that the threads you post get deleted too.

        Sometimes it takes a while, and there are some threads that never get responses. Patience and good will are the keys here.
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        • Profile picture of the author Jessica Martinez
          MMurtha -- If you read the whole thread, you'll see I've already been lectured for this same thing earlier in the thread.

          Like I said then, I didn't know and I'm not planning on doing it again. Please don't repeat what others have already let me know just so you can feel like you contributed to the thread.

          Your reply didn't serve to help me with what I was asking about and since someone has already let me know about repeating a thread, there was really no reason for your post.
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          • Profile picture of the author mmurtha
            Originally Posted by Jessica Martinez View Post

            MMurtha -- If you read the whole thread, you'll see I've already been lectured for this same thing earlier in the thread.

            Like I said then, I didn't know and I'm not planning on doing it again. Please don't repeat what others have already let me know just so you can feel like you contributed to the thread.

            Your reply didn't serve to help me with what I was asking about and since someone has already let me know about repeating a thread, there was really no reason for your post.

            And if you knew me, you would realize that I do read through entire threads I post in.

            No one gave you a lecture. And if I feel something needs repeating to you or anyone else, I will repeat it. Get a grip on yourself. You seem to think the whole world revolves around you. You don't come into a community and command anything from others.

            Comments that are quoted above from you don't help your cause.
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  • Profile picture of the author acrasial
    Facebook "Retweet" Feature Demonstration on Vimeo

    Is a video that shows you how to use it.

    Also, go here:

    And read this comment:

    I don't think most of the features that Facebook is rolling out can be termed as "twitterfication." Although I do see that they are getting idea from Twitter, the way they are implementing it is commendable.
    As you already know Nick, this little feature can be huge, especially for Facebook fanpage as it add a huge element to viral growth. Before this anytime someone shared something from a fanpage or profile, they would have to manually give credit which many didn't even know how. Now it will give credit by default and funny thing is although there is an option to remove the credit, many won't know how. So it's a good thing cause just like in the world of blogs an article should link where it's due, in the world of social networks and information exchange, credit should be give in any form and this new feature certainly make it easier.
    All in all, I think Facebook isn't trying to be Twitter or take their thunder. They are just choosing the best aspects of it and how it can complement their business model. After all, although Facebook has over 350 million members, their main core revenue target is businesses which usually comes through fanpages and with this feature the visibility is much more than what it used to be.
    Sorry for the long comment but just had to share my thoughts on this. If anyone thinks Facebook is stealing from Twitter, they are doing it very well and doing it in a way it compliments their business. What makes Facebook what it is today is the compilation of these little features, they are gold for small businesses and brands.

    So you still have to use the "share" feature.

    Also check the above link out. That may be the application that is needed, if the share button thing doesn't work.

    Other than that, I have to advise you not to post the same thing twice or more on the forum, just because others did not respond right away. that can get all of your threads removed, and if you continue doing that, could get you banned for spam. So watch out for that.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jessica Martinez
      Thanks for all the help. I'm going to check this stuff out now.

      And thanks for the heads up about reposting the same thing. I didn't even realize it might be considered SPAM. Iadded some stuff to the second one, but still. I totally get your point.

      I definitely wasn't trying to spam anybody, just really, really frustrated because I usually figure out anything I need or want to do on the internet and this has had me baffled for months. So, thanks for letting me know that. Appreciate your help.
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      • Profile picture of the author Jessica Martinez
        Okay, the video just shows you how to use the Facebook "Share" button. I already know how to do that. That's pretty basic. But, the thing I'm trying to add will allow people to retweet my FB status to their Twitter page.

        Going to check out the next thing you suggested.
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        • Profile picture of the author Jessica Martinez
          The second link talks about the same thing as the first; FB's "Share" feature. This only allows people to share my status with their FB friends, not post it to their Twitter page.

          Now you see why I'm so darn frustrated. What I'm trying to do is add that gray and green button people are putting beside their status that if I click I can share their FB status on Twitter.

          I'm going to read the article you suggested and hopefully, it doesn't describe the Facebook "Share" button too. Like I said, that's pretty basic and I know how to use it.
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          • Profile picture of the author Jessica Martinez
            Okay, I've checked out everything you put in your post and none of it helped unfortunately. Thanks for trying though. Maybe someone else will be able to help me do it.
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            • Profile picture of the author acrasial
              Originally Posted by Jessica Martinez View Post

              Okay, I've checked out everything you put in your post and none of it helped unfortunately. Thanks for trying though. Maybe someone else will be able to help me do it.

              You have still failed to produce a fan page that has this.
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  • Profile picture of the author acrasial
    Alright. Give an example of a facebook page that has this thing you are talking about, so I can take a look at it directly, because I'm not going to search around facebook for pages, just to find a button.
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  • Profile picture of the author fitz10
    I see your problem is applying the code, not finding it. The only way I can think of to do what you're talking about is maybe to place the button within an RSS feed and then post the RSS feed onto your fan page. I haven't tried it so I can't guarantee anything but it might work.

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    • Profile picture of the author Jessica Martinez
      I tried to find how to add the code to the RSS on my blog, but I can't figure out how to do that. It seems like that would work if I can just figure out where to paste the code to add it to the RSS feed. I use Wordpress so if anyone knows, I'd appreciate the help. Thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author acrasial
    Have you tried this?
    here it tells you EXACTLY what to do:

    This is for WORDPRESS. You keep on jumping around from facebook to wordpress to all kinds of things. That link and it's advice is pretty straight forward. You are trying to add it to the RSS, you should be adding it to your "
    /wp-content/plugins/ directory" by the sounds of it. Then you should activate the plugin, using the steps mentioned in the link there.

    This also tells you how to integrate that into the posts directly:
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    • Profile picture of the author Jessica Martinez
      Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

      This is for WORDPRESS. You keep on jumping around from facebook to wordpress to all kinds of things.
      I'm not "jumping around to all kinds of things." I'm simply trying things as people suggest them to see if it does what I'm trying to do.

      I thought I was pretty clear in the first post in this thread. I want the retweet box to appear beside the statuses I post on my Facebook fan page.

      The only reason I mentioned WordPress (those are the only two things I've mentioned, I think) is because someone suggested adding the code for the button to my RSS feed on my blog and then linking my blog to my fan page. My blog is on WordPress so that's the only reason I mentioned it.

      I had already gone to bed last night so I didn't see your post about sending you the link to a facebook page that has it. But here is a page that has what I'm trying to do.!/BarefootExecutive?ref=nf

      If you click on the box that says "Retweet" you can retweet this lady's statuses onto your Twitter page. That's what I want to do. I see the little Facebook "Notes" symbol by it so I figure it has something to do with the Notes feature, but I could be wrong.

      Thanks again for your help. I'll check out the links you just posted most recently.
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      • Profile picture of the author Jessica Martinez
        Okay, I'm about to sound even dumber than I already do, but I am NOT a technical person really. I downloaded the Tweetmeme plugin, but I have no idea what these instructions mean.

        1. Upload the TweetMeme directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
        2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
        3. Go to Settings/tweetmeme to configure the button
        I've never installed a WordPress Plugin and have no idea what either the Tweetmeme directory or the /wp-content/plugins/ directory are and I don't know what I'm supposed to do now that I've downloaded the plugin file from Tweetmeme and unzipped it.

        Like I said, I know this makes me sound incredibly dumb, but I'm really not. I just don't have a lot of experience with this stuff and that's why I joined the forum; to learn from others who know what they're doing in these areas. So, if you can help me understand what I need to do next, I'd be so grateful. Thanks.
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        • Profile picture of the author acrasial
          Originally Posted by Jessica Martinez View Post

          Okay, I'm about to sound even dumber than I already do, but I am NOT a technical person really. I downloaded the Tweetmeme plugin, but I have no idea what these instructions mean.

          1. Upload the TweetMeme directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
          2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
          3. Go to Settings/tweetmeme to configure the button
          I've never installed a WordPress Plugin and have no idea what either the Tweetmeme directory or the /wp-content/plugins/ directory are and I don't know what I'm supposed to do now that I've downloaded the plugin file from Tweetmeme and unzipped it.

          Like I said, I know this makes me sound incredibly dumb, but I'm really not. I just don't have a lot of experience with this stuff and that's why I joined the forum; to learn from others who know what they're doing in these areas. So, if you can help me understand what I need to do next, I'd be so grateful. Thanks.

          What you need, is either for another warrior to log into your account and do it for you, or you need someone to come and show you how to do it.

          You have your userpanel, when you log into your website, where your wordpress blog or whatever it is should be, right? That is where you find this. In the userpanel, you will find subsections and whatnot, and those are the subsections above. That is what those things are talking about, and I understand that this is confusing, so don't worry about sounding stupid.

          You need something done, and you don't know anything about these kinds of things yet, so it should be confusing. That's fine, we will try and get this done for you.
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        • Profile picture of the author Tina Golden

          I've looked and can't find any information on what you want to do, either. My suggestion would be to try contacting someone who has the button on their fanpage and ask them how they did it. Even if you have to try a few people, I would imagine someone would be kindhearted and help you out.

          And don't stress over anything being said to you. It is not that big a deal for you to post the question twice. The worst thing that would have happened was a post being deleted (unless, of course, you did it a ton). Anyone with half a brain can see by your posts that you are not a spammer.

          Unfortunately, you get some who seem to get some kind of charge out of talking down to people and pointing out their perceived errors. Ignore them - it isn't worth the time to waste on even thinking about it.

          You do not sound dumb and you were perfectly clear in what you were asking, at least to anyone who was paying attention. I am a complete techno dunce so I always have to ask for help with this stuff, too.

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          • Profile picture of the author Jessica Martinez
            Thanks, Tina! I appreciate your kind words. As far as asking those I've seen do this how they're doing it, I've asked soooo many people it's not even funny anymore. The responses I get are either, "I have someone do it for me so I don't know." or "Just go to Tweetdeck." or they don't respond at all.

            I'm not the type of person to just give up so I'm going to keep at this until that stupid button is my Facebook statuses when I want it to be. Lol. Thanks again for your kind words and suggestions.
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        • Profile picture of the author JonInTexas
          That plugin is used on your Wordpress (software used to build a website/blog) to autmatically post a tweet on your twitter page each time you post on your blog. I think you should try contacting the facebook user to see if she can help you. Her facebook page looked very customized and this ability is most probably a part of that customization. I like her facebook page look and will see if I can get some info from her as well.

          Hope this helps!
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      • Profile picture of the author acrasial
        Originally Posted by Jessica Martinez View Post

        I thought I was pretty clear in the first post in this thread. I want the retweet box to appear beside the statuses I post on my Facebook fan page.
        At this point and time, I am not thinking that is possible, as the "retweet" thing on the page even for the 'Retweetmeme" itself is an image, from what I can tell, that has been adding using the share feature. It's not appearing on every single post, which tells me they are adding that using the method I had shown, and even then, I haven't seen this on any other facebook page, so it may just very well be an image taken for that post.

        Originally Posted by Jessica Martinez View Post

        The only reason I mentioned WordPress (those are the only two things I've mentioned, I think) is because someone suggested adding the code for the button to my RSS feed on my blog and then linking my blog to my fan page. My blog is on WordPress so that's the only reason I mentioned it.
        I'm not sure who suggested that, but it sounds pretty complex for you at the moment, and whoever suggested it probably should have just offered to do this for you (to go in there and put it in for you in your panel or whatnot).

        The page you sent me to is an opt in page, and on the welcome page I do not see a re-tweet button. There is a twitter tab, and once again, no re-tweet button. But on the WALL , you are right, there is a retweet application there.

        Originally Posted by Jessica Martinez View Post

        If you click on the box that says "Retweet" you can retweet this lady's statuses onto your Twitter page. That's what I want to do. I see the little Facebook "Notes" symbol by it so I figure it has something to do with the Notes feature, but I could be wrong.
        If you click on the box, it FIRST takes you to another page, with a picture and some bla bla bla, that I didn't read, then if you re-click it finally takes you to twitter to log in.

        Checking the properties of that image for re-tweeting, I found this:


        so it's an application, as suggested by the URL, so I will search facebook, because she likely got this application from FACEBOOK itself and then installed it.
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  • Profile picture of the author acrasial
    Alright, last night I made a facebook fan page just to test out all of these codes and whatnot else. And after reading this post a few times:

    This Is How You Retweet On Facebook – Can You Do It?

    I am beginning to think that this may be true, that this application was being tested and may not be available just yet for you or me. Much like youtube now has a new user interface, that many warriors have yet to see.

    You tube changed their entire interface, it's completely different, but many people haven't seen it yet. So it's yet to get around.

    But this post is from January, so it's a few months old now. So that either means that facebook removed this from testing, and may put it back later, or that I am wrong here on that.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jessica Martinez
      Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

      I am beginning to think that this may be true, that this application was being tested and may not be available just yet for you or me.
      I read it and it talks about the "Share" button that allows you to share people's FB statuses with your other Facebook friends. I have the button and use it quite a bit, but it doesn't let you post someone's Facebook status onto your Twitter page. Thanks for trying though. I really appreciate it.
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  • Profile picture of the author acrasial
    the closest I have gotten so far is finding the widget to create the button in the first place...

    Sharing Widget, Sharing Button, Sharing Plugin - ShareThis

    Now im just trying to figure out if the code can be added and applied to facebook or not.

    I have also figured out how to add a widget to facebook, so now all I need to do is find that widget code, and figure out how to get the code working on a facebook fan page.

    Once I have done that, I think it will finally work, and then I can finally tell you how to add that to your page.

    It sounds to me as if people are doing this through their blogs, by uploading blog posts that have the re-tweet installed there, then the image itself is showing up as the re-tweet me image.
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    • Profile picture of the author Tina Golden

      I found an app that should make it possible, if it involves HTML. No guarantees, as I haven't tried it, but I didn't see it the list of what you've tried so far. Using the app, you should be able to paste in the code for the tweetme button, I think.

      Static FBML | Facebook

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      • Profile picture of the author acrasial
        Originally Posted by TMG Enterprises View Post


        I found an app that should make it possible, if it involves HTML. No guarantees, as I haven't tried it, but I didn't see it the list of what you've tried so far. Using the app, you should be able to paste in the code for the tweetme button, I think.

        Static FBML | Facebook


        The static FBML allows you to install the widget code. that's what this does. I have done this, however I cannot find the widget code for this application.

        I can only find other codes.

        From what I have been reading as well, what others are doing, is simply getting it to show up by posting things from their blog back onto facebook, because they have the application installed on their blog, it comes up on facebook.

        The best thing however, as you said, would be to ask this lady (on her fan page) how she is doing it in the first place, as this seems to be something that is becoming rather complex.
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        • Profile picture of the author Jessica Martinez
          I've made it so that my blog posts show up on Facebook. So, now I'm going to go write a post and paste the code I got from Tweetmeme into it and see if that works.

          I asked the lady who's fan page I first saw it on, the one I mentioned earlier and she was one of the ones who says that someone does it for her and she doesn't know how.

          We'll see if this works. I can't thank you both enough for going out of your way to try to help me with this.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1926356].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author acrasial
            Originally Posted by Jessica Martinez View Post

            I've made it so that my blog posts show up on Facebook. So, now I'm going to go write a post and paste the code I got from Tweetmeme into it and see if that works.

            I asked the lady who's fan page I first saw it on, the one I mentioned earlier and she was one of the ones who says that someone does it for her and she doesn't know how.

            We'll see if this works. I can't thank you both enough for going out of your way to try to help me with this.

            Well this page:

            Adding widgets to your Facebook Fan Pages — Clearspring Developer Site

            Is how to add a widget to the page. BUT, so far, I have not found the code for the widget to the tweetmeme... I have also found the page to create a widget, will see if that's how they did it?

  , this is only for news feeds...cheez.

            Does this lady at least know who does that for her?

            Can she direct you to the person who did it?

            I'm also not sure if pasting the code into it will work, but rather I believe you need to get that code onto your blog itself, and then post your blog posts back onto facebook. LOL, if all else fails, I have a wordpress blog myself that I can try installing this thing onto, and can then try putting a post up on facebook, and see how that goes.
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  • Profile picture of the author fitz10
    Here's another thing to try: Get the Facebook app Social RSS, you should then be able to create a feed which (hopefully) would include the widget.

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  • Profile picture of the author acrasial
    Alright. The page you showed is obviously complex. I have now even been reading about creating a facebook BUSINESS fan page, and the images and everything else on that page, are COMPLEX. I mean this chick has a squeeze page and everything on there. She has many things going on, so whoever made her page, has obviously been working online for a while with design.

    Is it possible to get this chick to at least tell you who designs this page? I mean how can a person not at least find out the company who creates stuff for them? ?!?!

    I'd like to know about it too, because they have all kinds of things going on for that page, that even twitter doesn't have on their own page on facebook. So whoever designed this is definitely advanced, as it's difficult to even find such intricate information for creating pages on facebook online even without the re-tweet button!

    So don't feel dumb, that's a really good question here, getting this stuff done. It also hasn't really been addressed anywhere else online, and I have concluded that after reading and reading and reading some more and finding nothing even close.
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  • Profile picture of the author scrofford
    The retweet button you have seen is a Wordpress plugin. It doesn't exist on Facebook. nuff said!
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    • Profile picture of the author acrasial
      Originally Posted by scrofford View Post

      The retweet button you have seen is a Wordpress plugin. It doesn't exist on Facebook. nuff said!

      Not ENOUGH said. Can you install that onto her wordpress for her then? If not then, can you link her to someone who can, if not then can you find some way to get the OP the help we have been trying to get her?
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    • Profile picture of the author Jason_prz
      Currently I have the retweet button on my facebook pages. You need to install the WP plugin on your blog and then click on the share on FB button, enter the URL for your blog and you should be set.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1926937].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author acrasial
        Originally Posted by Jason_prz View Post

        Currently I have the retweet button on my facebook pages. You need to install the WP plugin on your blog and then click on the share on FB button, enter the URL for your blog and you should be set.

        Can you do that for her? (Since it's already been expressed that she is new to wordpress, and isn't familiar with it's interface or user panel just yet...)

        That's what I figured as well, that it just shows up once installed on wordpress, and the image itself comes out from the widget. But still, could you show her how to install that on her wordpress (IE make a camtasia video showing her where to go, and where to put the files, including where to find the files in the interface to put the code to begin with?) (moreso, just install that for her)?

        Thanks... Then it's out there, and everyone's happy!
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        • Profile picture of the author Jason_prz
          Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

          Can you do that for her? (Since it's already been expressed that she is new to wordpress, and isn't familiar with it's interface or user panel just yet...)

          That's what I figured as well, that it just shows up once installed on wordpress, and the image itself comes out from the widget. But still, could you show her how to install that on her wordpress (IE make a camtasia video showing her where to go, and where to put the files, including where to find the files in the interface to put the code to begin with?) (moreso, just install that for her)?

          Thanks... Then it's out there, and everyone's happy!
          I am pretty much a newbie myself and while I could figure out how to use it Camtasia I don't on my pc maybe this could help:

          here are some instructions that may help

          1 log into you WP Dashboard
          2 Click on the Plugin Icon on the left side
          3 Click on add new
          4 Type in search plugin field "TweetMeme Button" in the click search
          5 It will be the first plugin scroll to the right under the actions section and click install
          6 Wordpress will now automatically install the plugin for you.
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          • Profile picture of the author Jessica Martinez
            Okay, I logged into my WP dashboard, but I don't have a "Plugin" icon the left side. I've looked under the submenus of everything that IS there and didn't see anything about Plugins either. What am I missing here?
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  • Profile picture of the author acrasial
    LOL Jason, get your mind over here and help her out again! LOL... please?
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    • Profile picture of the author Jessica Martinez
      I know....I am so frustrated, it's becoming downright comical!!
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      • Profile picture of the author acrasial
        Originally Posted by Jessica Martinez View Post

        I know....I am so frustrated, it's becoming downright comical!!
        Honestly, I tried to answer this question and obviously couldn't get it right, so heck, I want to know too how to do this, then I know for any future references. So I don't damn mind asking someone else to help with this too...I'd love to know too now, how go get that damn retweet thing everywhere and

        LOL and whoever said twitter was easy.....HAHHA man, they just don't see what goes on behind the sidelines....!!
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        • Profile picture of the author Jessica Martinez
          Acrasial -- you have been awesome and I really appreciate it. Do YOU know how I get to the Wordpress plugins from my dashboard? Anyone else know how? Bueler... Bueler... Bueler...
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    • Profile picture of the author Jason_prz
      Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

      LOL Jason, get your mind over here and help her out again! LOL... please?
      Looks Like i got back too late
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      • Profile picture of the author acrasial
        Originally Posted by Jason_prz View Post

        Looks Like i got back too late

        Not exactly, sounds like she still hasn't solved this issue...I'd like to know how to solve this issue myself. So, if she has solved this issue too, I hope she would come back here and let us know what she did.
        The Wait Is Almost Over...

        Do You SUCK At Writing & Marketing Articles? Just Wait Till You Get Your Hands On My Book! (Coming Soon!)
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  • Profile picture of the author Sagar Mehta

    I'd be happy to take a look inside your WP Dashboard and install the plugin for you. Are you allowed to send a PM? If yes, send over your WordPress URL and details and I'll get right on it.

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    • Profile picture of the author Jessica Martinez
      Thanks, Sagar. I really appreciate that. I guess you need my username and password? I think I can send PM's so I will try to do that right now. Thanks again.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jessica Martinez
      Originally Posted by Sagar Mehta View Post

      Are you allowed to send a PM?
      I have to post two more posts and then I can send it to I'll PM you as soon as I can. I'm going to make a couple new posts now.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael D
    Here ya go:

    Check here for info:

    TweetMeme Blog More Buttons, More Retweet

    Check Here for the Code:

    Email Buttons | Tweetmeme Help

    They aren't status updates. They are Facebook Notes. So you write a note with the code you need from the second page on the top of the note. I tested it out and the button showed up just fine.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1927676].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jessica Martinez
      Originally Posted by Michael D View Post

      Here ya go:

      Check here for info:

      TweetMeme Blog More Buttons, More Retweet

      Check Here for the Code:

      Email Buttons | Tweetmeme Help

      They aren't status updates. They are Facebook Notes. So you write a note with the code you need from the second page on the top of the note. I tested it out and the button showed up just fine.
      Thanks! Not sure I know what you mean by, "you write a note with the code you need from the second page on the top of the note." but I'm going into Facebook to try it out!
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      • Profile picture of the author Jessica Martinez
        Okay...I was able to get it to show on WordPress in my blog post and on Facebook fanpage which is God's Chosen Princess in case anyone wants to go in and posssibly tell me what I did wrong. I was excited because the button is there, but when you click it, you go to and not to Twitter to retweet the status.

        Not sure what to do now. Plus, the blog post I wrote didn't show up on my Facebook fan page like I thought I had set it up to do so now I have to go figure that out as well.

        I'm not giving up though. I WILL figure this out! Lol. And then when someone else comes along and needs to know how to do it, I will save them all the time and frustration this has caused me.

        Thanks to all of those who're hangin' in on this and trying to help me. Your kindness is appreciated more than you know.
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        • Profile picture of the author acrasial
          Originally Posted by Jessica Martinez View Post

          Okay...I was able to get it to show on WordPress in my blog post and on Facebook fanpage which is God's Chosen Princess in case anyone wants to go in and posssibly tell me what I did wrong. I was excited because the button is there, but when you click it, you go to and not to Twitter to retweet the status.

          Not sure what to do now. Plus, the blog post I wrote didn't show up on my Facebook fan page like I thought I had set it up to do so now I have to go figure that out as well.

          I'm not giving up though. I WILL figure this out! Lol. And then when someone else comes along and needs to know how to do it, I will save them all the time and frustration this has caused me.

          Thanks to all of those who're hangin' in on this and trying to help me. Your kindness is appreciated more than you know.
          Well the button/application/widget on that lady's page came directly from the retweetmeme website, because when you right click and check the properties, it gives a url directing originally from that website. So that much we know. Why it's not redirecting to another story..

          Also, glad to hear that you finally got it installed, however, it's not working... But did you also notice how this lady did it on her webpage...she linked it to a NOTE...

          I think that is what the other warrior was talking about. Now while you have it installed on your blog and whatnot else, that's fine (we can deal with that), but it sounds like she did in fact get this to work on her own facebook account by directing it in a "note"...not sure how she did that, though...and also not sure why she did that, but maybe she had to do that to get it to work...

          Any other warriors have any clue (or can help again) in getting this thing got finally work?
          The Wait Is Almost Over...

          Do You SUCK At Writing & Marketing Articles? Just Wait Till You Get Your Hands On My Book! (Coming Soon!)
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael D
    <a href="<url>"><img src="<url>" height="61" width="51" /></a>
    This would be the code you want to use.

    Go to Facebook and create a new "Note". Give it a title and in the "Body" section copy this code. Now you have to replace the 2 instances of:

    ...with your actual URL you want retweeted. What that person is doing is writing a blog post. Then they are making a note on their Facebook profile with that same blog post underneath that code from above (you can use HTML in the body of a note). The retweet button isn't retweeting their status but the blog post itself.

    I suppose you could retweet your Facebook note but you would have to create it first, get the url of the note, go back and edit it again putting the code above it with your new url (not tested but should work in theory).


    I just noticed you want this whole thing automated. Hmmm, well that is a different story then. I would have to look into it.
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