Are you fed up with the same old crap? what DO you want?

35 replies
Hi Warriors,

I've just finished a project and have some spare time. I was thinking it's about time I made another product to help fellow IMers with their businesses.

Rather than just pick something I've found works and write about it, I thought I'd put some special focus on helping those people who have been around the block and are fed up with the same old regurgitated crap.

So, what would you ideally like to learn about?

What's the missing piece of your puzzle that you just wish someone would fill in the gaps for?

If I can satiate my creative urges and give you what you want at the same time - I'm up for it.

#crap #fed
  • Profile picture of the author acrasial
    I want another me! LOL....think you could pull that off?

    But seriously, this kind of question/discussion has gone on a few times in the forum already.

    Article related request/suggestion: One of the major suggestions/requests I have found are those related to AUTOMATED services, especially when it comes to articles and article submission software.

    I hear this a lot, people looking for software which will AUTO submit articles to article directories, or virtually wherever they want. The ones that exist now are not fully automated, some don't even let people pick the websites, others only allow directories only, some need you to still enter in tons of details, too much copy and paste work still...and other issues.

    So here are some more ideas which could be added onto such a "dreamy" sort of software:

    (My personal add on to this request would be) a software which also AUTOMATICALLY checks the article for plagiarism FROM MORE THAN ONE source, because some outsourced writers are clever enough to know how to get past "copyscape" or other programs, so checking it from a few sources will ensure that these writers don't do that.

    This program could also include software that automatically calculates how unique the article is based on other articles already input already, which would be helpful for people who use spinning software or want to submit articles that have been spun.

    It may also want to include a few options for the author box and author names that can automatically sync into each website it's submitted to, without the user having to go into the control panel each time.

    addon: It may also be able to track or filter out the keywords, and enter those into the interfaces for directories, as it submits them. Such as a density checker or just a program that pulls the keywords out and then puts them into the keyword/meta tag section for each submission automatically.

    a semi- to completely automatic article spinner which like the program "dragon naturally speaking" can be trained to pick up phrases and everything else and re-write or write the article based on the preferences of the user. Such as in the user entering in similar and "like" phrases that can be spun, which stay there afterward for future reference, and possibly even a program which already comes with phrases that are similar or something like this. Of course this would be quite complex.

    An automatic back-linking program. This could be connected from someone else's services onto the software itself, wherein it takes the websites provided from packages people buy, and inputs those, then automatically back-links the articles (and even websites) based on that. This would also be quite complex, but also like the above addon, could be "trained" by the user to post certain types of posts alongside certain types of back-links.

    ================================================== =====================
    Of course the above can be quite complex, which is why it still hasn't been fully created yet. So until then, I can dream, and let's offer some rather realistic sorts of things in the meantime that other warriors have also asked about or have been looking for:

    The NOOB Requests:

    Video tutorials (free)
    - A full set of video tutorials that goes into great detail teaching people everything from the VERY BEGINNING. I realize that some things like this exist already out there, but there are so many things around, that it'd be nice to have everything IN ORDER, in one place, and starting FROM SCRATCH for absolute noobs.

    I'm talking the BASIC Of basics, where it even tells people what certain words/phrases mean and everything else.

    I offer this as something, because when I started out, I didn't even know what the words "article marketing" meant, I didn't know what EzineArticles was, what it did or anything else. I had even NEVER HEARD of the phrase "articles" used in a marketing fashion online either. I literally knew NOTHING, and had to literally be told what each and every word meant.

    Some people are just starting out like that too...and feel stupid to ask those kinds of questions, and find it so difficult when they don't have anyone explaining those basics....because to us warriors, the basics are usually explained using phrases and terms that some people may not know to begin with.

    Idea #1 for video tutorials- Design- creating logos, adding effects and whatnot else. It will show people what programs to use, and easy ways to create anything and everything they want.

    The videos should be all organized in order and whatnot else, as mentioned, and should cover everything. Kind of like the lynda tutorials, only this will be FREE. This is after all, the warrior forum, which in itself is technically 'FREE'.

    Idea #2 for video tutorials-Writing- As mentioned, when I first started out, I had no idea how to write anything sales related, or how to get people to even want to buy something. I didn't know how to add keywords in, and didn't know anything about HTML or putting links in or anything.

    I started LITERALLY from scratch, just how I learned how to speak from scratch too. So there could be a set of video tutorials put together, explaining each thing, telling people how to start writing articles in the first place, because as we know, writing in general (such as poems, or discussing a book) is not the same thing as writing articles.

    This could go on to be expanded into something, where it goes into intermediate, where they already know how to write, but now need to know SEO, more sales pitches, psychology and whatnot else, till we get them really good at writing.

    This could further go into the copywriting branch, where after they know how to at least write for the online world, they can start to learn how to write sales letters, sales pages, emails (for lists) and everything else. This of course, gets a bit more complex, and of course could start to be offered at a price after that point, since this system keeps getting more complex.

    Idea #3 for video tutorials- Making videos- We already have that sitting at the top of the forum, where people are joining the forum and are going in for those tutorials and that program, so it's obviously something people are interested in learning, and once again, let's go back to the basics...

    Some people don't even know the basics, so we could start off with that, explaining the basics.


    This whole noob thing can branch off with all kinds of video tutorials, and even if you don't personally make them, the whole point is having them in ONE PLACE organized, so that they start from the UTTER basics, and move on to the basics, to the intermediate steps, to the advanced levels. Also, having this free, or next to free, is important for everyone, I believe.

    Also, the reason I say videos, is because it not only TELLS them what to do, it shows them as well. Information products, like Ebooks, may just get thrown back into the hard drive somewhere, because it doesn't truly engage the person always, which is why I suggest a compilation of videos and tutorials that tell and show people how it's done.

    Intermediate Requests:

    Things people really want to learn about? As mentioned, people are frequently asking "noob" type questions, but people are also CONSTANTLY ASKING ABOUT the following:

    • Social networking- People want to know what that is, how it works, where it can be done, if they can find someone to do it for them, why it's important, and the best tools related to that.

    • Back linking-People want to know why that's important, what it does, how many they need, how to do it so they get ranked, where to find the back links, how to submit the back links, etc etc etc...

    • Article marketing- as we have seen with the tons of threads in the main forum on this, people want to know if it should be on the site or EZA first, to spin or not to spin, good resource boxes and titles, ranking with articles, etc etc etc
    • Landing pages/websites-people like to ask for feedback on the websites, they want to know what's best, how to increase the ctr, keep people captivated, and other related issues. People also want to know about urls (short or long and this and that), keywords, website flipping, and so many things here.
    • Product creation- some people have yet to create a product, because they don't know how, so they want to know how to create a product. Others want to know how to launch a product, when's the best time to do that, how long should it be, what kinds of products are the best etc etc etc...

    • Outsourcing- we see tons of questions on this as well, outsourcing for a virtual assistant, for writers, for copywriters, for website developers and everything else. We also see tons of people asking about how to start getting hired as an outsourced employee as well. People want to know how much to charge or how much it costs, how to find good people, what websites to go to, what payment methods to use, and other issues.

    • Advertising- some people have yet to get into advertising. They want to know if they should try google or yahoo or facebook or bing, or if they should use CPA, PPC, or even something else. They want to know which ones will cost the least, yet work the best, and how campaigns work and whatnot else.

    • Affiliate marketing- People want to know how to choose a niche, how to know if a product converts well, how to find the best affiliate programs, how to know if a niche is profitable or not, how to do keyword research even... People want to know this as well!

    And the list goes on and on and on.


    What I STRONGLY suggest then, after carefully watching the behavior and trends of this forum, is that you COMPILE together things that answer these questions.

    As with the videos, my suggestion was to COMPILE them together and organize them INTO ONE PLACE, so that people don't have to search all over the place just to get it or find it.

    People really appreciate that kind of stuff, when everything is organized, in one place, and is COMPLETELY on topic to the issue at hand.

    Every single time I see a thread doing just that, it has tons of thanks and responses (good feedback), and answers alot of questions.

    Another idea:
    That being said, what you could also do is host a conference where a few warriors get together and answer questions.

    This could be done once a week or during a certain part of the day, where people come in, things get addressed (professionally and strictly business related), and then the things discussed and answered get compiled as well into PDF's or some other way, so that people can access it after too, if the same questions come up again.

    People like real time feedback, such as when they post their websites on here asking people what they think, what should be changed and whatnot else.

    It could be like a Dr.Phil sortof thing going on, wherein things are addressed very directly, quickly, and as efficiently as possible, and then move on.

    This of course could be time consuming at best, but still, this is something that I have seen warriors talk about and ask about before.
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  • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
    I'm not sure I want another article tool. I'm thinking more along the lines of information or guidance that people feel they need rather than a strategy specific tool. I want people to be able to move forward in their business rather than focus on a particular detail.

    nothing to see here.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1925975].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author acrasial
      Originally Posted by Andyhenry View Post

      I'm not sure I want another article tool. I'm thinking more along the lines of information or guidance that people feel they need rather than a strategy specific tool. I want people to be able to move forward in their business rather than focus on a particular detail.

      Hold on, am going to add a ton of ideas. I see ideas and request on here all the time, I'm adding more relevant ideas as we speak.
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  • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
    Don't add too many or I might as well just pick something myself. I'm not trying to solve every question that's ever been asked - just give people with some knowledge a boost that will make a difference rather than just something interesting to read that they'll have seen before.

    nothing to see here.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1926004].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author JayXtreme
      Originally Posted by Andyhenry View Post

      Don't add too many or I might as well just pick something myself.

      You ask a very "open-ended" question...

      And then proceed to reject answers based on criteria that we didn't know existed.... lolz

      Let the girl speak, she's got her finger on the pulse, and I'm sure Acrasial won't be the only one knocking ideas around.



      Bare Murkage.........

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      • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
        Originally Posted by JayXtreme View Post


        You ask a very "open-ended" question...

        And then proceed to reject answers based on criteria that we didn't know existed.... lolz

        You've confused me now - I'm not rejecting anything - I just got more than I bargained for.

        I was expecting that individuals would have a suggestion for what they needed, rather than someone suggesting a whole bunch of stuff.

        But it's all good - I suppose I must have asked for a kick in the teeth if you felt I needed it

        nothing to see here.

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        • Profile picture of the author acrasial
          Originally Posted by Andyhenry View Post

          You've confused me now - I'm not rejecting anything - I just got more than I bargained for.

          I was expecting that individuals would have a suggestion for what they needed, rather than someone suggesting a whole bunch of stuff.

          But it's all good - I suppose I must have asked for a kick in the teeth if you felt I needed it

          Well what I suggested is what people have individually asked for since the time I have joined this forum, I have just generalized it, so that it could be useful to the majority, should you decide to take up any one of the ideas.

          Because what is the point of doing something that will only help one person, if you could do the same thing for at least 10+ people?
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    • Profile picture of the author acrasial
      Originally Posted by Andyhenry View Post

      Don't add too many or I might as well just pick something myself. I'm not trying to solve every question that's ever been asked - just give people with some knowledge a boost that will make a difference rather than just something interesting to read that they'll have seen before.

      My suggestion is to compile things based on the sections I have listed. Take everything that's sitting around everywhere, that you know is definitely useful and works (since you have experience), and then put it in order so that it becomes a real encyclopedia.

      YOU can start with one topic, as you are talking about now, of course, but this is something that I believe warriors are looking for, and would love, since they are always asking for something like that in one way or another, especially when they mention that they searched but couldn't find it, or that they are "confused because there is so much information".

      At least this way you can take what you already know, and what's already there, quickly get that together, and then it will save a lot of people a lot of work, confusion, frustration, and many other things.

      There are tons of topics discussed. But the MAIN topic discussed in this forum, from what I can see, is ALWAYS article marketing. You may want to go for that topic, since it's always coming up in one way or another, even from experienced warriors.

      But I'm sure others will have suggestions. I'm guessing that you are asking about the one topic that most people would want to know more about? And then you would offer something or rather related to it?
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  • Profile picture of the author DennisM
    Hey Andy,

    If one wants to build a REAL online business that can sustain itself you must have your own products. Sure, CPA, starting a service (article writing, etc.) could work but there's so much more with your product.

    Here's what one can do with their own product.
    • Sell for 100% of the profits (obviously)
    • JV with another marketer
    • Build a list
    • Sell as PLR

    So much more that can be done with your OWN PRODUCT.

    The biggest challenge is putting together a product that has a half a chance in selling. The problem is there's so much of the SAME type of product being sold in this IM niche it's crazy. It just has a different name. I mean, how many different KW tools do you need? Google tricks? Etc.

    The biggest barrier to getting started in this business is having your own product. Some type of quick and dirty way to create a products) would benefit pretty much everyone here regardless of what niche we're all in.

    Thanks for reading,
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    • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
      Originally Posted by DennisM View Post

      Hey Andy,

      If one wants to build a REAL online business that can sustain itself you must have your own products.

      So - what was the question? I'm not sure I follow what you're suggesting.

      nothing to see here.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1926079].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author acrasial
        Originally Posted by Andyhenry View Post

        So - what was the question? I'm not sure I follow what you're suggesting.

        They are suggesting that you make something that helps people create their first product or even a product in general.

        "The biggest barrier to getting started in this business is having your own product. Some type of quick and dirty way to create a products) would benefit pretty much everyone here regardless of what niche we're all in."
        So a way to create a product fast, especially one that would be rather unique, is what I think he is suggesting....or something that would work no matter how saturated any niche was...
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      • Profile picture of the author VeitSchenk
        this one is not for me personally, but talking to my list, probably the biggest thing is something they can take and make some money with inside a week.

        There are plenty of courses out there that have great potential to make money in the medium to long run, but: there are just too many distractions, the good ol' fear of failure/success and before you know it, another magic bullet has come along.

        this thing has to be so fast that they don't even see the next magic bullet by the time they've made their first $.

        if noone else creates such a thing in the next month, I'll be doing it myself. Seriously, there is HUGE demand for this.

        another one would be to look slightly outside the WF, again, same information but presented in an even more "non-tecchie" way.

        step-by-step, but again, in a way that helps people have a success very very quickly.


        Connect with me on FB:

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  • Profile picture of the author JonInTexas
    I would love to see an experienced outsourcer tell me how they found their sources (trial and error or referrals and a source for that information), what triggered them to turn to outsourcing and what part of their business are they comfortable outsourcing and what parts they would NEVER outsource. I am a control freak and outsourcing is like that first trip down an unmarked trail. I know it needs to be done, but I fear that it will not be worth it or it may cost me more than what it was worth.
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    • Profile picture of the author acrasial
      Originally Posted by JonInTexas View Post

      I would love to see an experienced outsourcer tell me how they found their sources (trial and error or referrals and a source for that information), what triggered them to turn to outsourcing and what part of their business are they comfortable outsourcing and what parts they would NEVER outsource. I am a control freak and outsourcing is like that first trip down an unmarked trail. I know it needs to be done, but I fear that it will not be worth it or it may cost me more than what it was worth.

      Some people just know it. They have been in their niche for such a long time, that they know the tips off of the top of their head, and know so much about it, that they can generate new ideas related to that.

      Others have to do the research with search engines (and if they are really good, using physical books and other resources). I think what you are looking for, is simply to ask them how they do what they do, and you could easily do that yourself.

      You can always ask your writers to cite the sources of any tips they do use, so you can see where they are getting things from, although that would definitely make things tedious for them.

      If you are really that worried with outsourcing, you should go for people who have a track record in the niches you are in. Such as writers who have already written at least 2000+ articles in your niche, that way they have it down pact by then. There are outsourcing websites that give this kind of feedback and tell you the nature of their previous projects.

      All you have to do is ask or look for that.
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    • Profile picture of the author DeonKrey
      Originally Posted by JonInTexas View Post

      I would love to see an experienced outsourcer tell me how they found their sources (trial and error or referrals and a source for that information), what triggered them to turn to outsourcing and what part of their business are they comfortable outsourcing and what parts they would NEVER outsource. I am a control freak and outsourcing is like that first trip down an unmarked trail. I know it needs to be done, but I fear that it will not be worth it or it may cost me more than what it was worth.
      Since you asked, I thought I might help to share a good resource for you. I've started outsourcing because I wanted to pull off enough time for me to enjoy my revenue while I see my business growing. That was also when I have discovered how will it be possible to work as little as 4 hours a week because you've got an affordable and reliable staff in place working on your admin, programming and designing tasks plus a project management system which works as an organizer of all projects.

      Luckily for me, I've discovered Tyrone Shum of MassOutsource training videos and after watching it I wanted to finally hire my first virtual staff and do the split testing. The moment I have tested their skills, I was very excited to train them and get them through my business systems and definitely, until now, I can see how my business grows while I'm earning more than I spend for their wages (these staff I hired are from the Philippines) and also enjoying a lot of time to travel around places I like.

      That's the power of letting money work for your business and seeing how it grows with outsourcing. Everyone can take a look at those videos too at!
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  • Profile picture of the author Tina Golden
    Some people just know it. They have been in their niche for such a long time, that they know the tips off of the top of their head, and know so much about it, that they can generate new ideas related to that.
    Others have to do the research with search engines (and if they are really good, using physical books and other resources). I think what you are looking for, is simply to ask them how they do what they do, and you could easily do that yourself.

    You can always ask your writers to cite the sources of any tips they do use, so you can see where they are getting things from, although that would definitely make things tedious for them.
    You have misread the post, I believe. What he's asking is to find out how those who outsource find the workers to outsource to - whether they used trial or error or if they had a resource to turn to. He also wants to learn which parts of his business to outsource first and is having a hard time giving up any control.

    That would be a good product but I'm pretty sure there are a couple good products already being offered on the WSO forum. JonInTexas, try searching the WSO forum with the term "outsourcing" and then check the feedback on the products you find.

    Discover how to have fabulous, engaging content with
    Fast & Easy Content Creation
    ***Especially if you don't have enough time, money, or just plain HATE writing***
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  • Profile picture of the author MarketingSPY
    Bottom Line is this: There are so many intricate facets to Internet Marketing it's difficult to ask what is needed. It all depends where people are on their journey. Where are they stuck? Even with this question - you'll get a zillion questions and a zillion answers.

    However, I think we all will agree the most popular question and task would be . . . "How to Bring In More Traffic with the Least Amount of Effort and Expense In Order to Earn a Zillion Dollars?"
    The most OUTRAGEOUS secrets of the Gurus ever created. Pick up a FREE copy of my FREE 64 page report today. "The Ugly IM Truth". It's Shocking, but True! Grab it now!
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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
    Andy, forgive me for coming at this from another angle.

    Given the title of your thread fed up with the same old crap, I am going
    to assume that you're not talking to newbies. After all, newbies don't even
    know what the same old crap is yet because it's all new to them.

    So I'm going to assume you're addressing those of us who maybe have
    been around a while but feel that maybe there are some things missing.

    To that, I bring up a thread that Paul Myers started a long time ago. Too
    bad I can't find it.

    He asked members to name things related to Internet marketing that are
    really, truly new.

    Nobody could really come up with anything. Almost everything in some
    way was no different from marketing in the offline world back in the days
    when Joe Karbo was raking in the bucks with his Lazy Man's Way To

    Do you realize that today, that material would be considered a scam?

    Think about what he was selling. He was essentially telling people to do
    the same thing he was doing...more or less.

    But that's not the point.

    The point is, marketing itself has not really changed much. Sure, we have
    more sophisticated tools than we used to have. Better autoresponders,
    easier ways to create websites...almost at the push of a button...and
    other nice toys.

    But marketing?

    It hasn't really changed. Sure, Google has made it tougher for PPC
    marketers by demanding better landing pages, but the mechanics of
    the method itself haven't changed. Get yourself some finely targeted
    keywords and create an eye catching ad.

    It's not rocket science.

    Truth is, what most people need to learn more than anything else, is how
    to communicate better. I don't care what kind of method you use to
    promote your product. If you can't write an ad that pushes the write
    buttons, can't create an autoresponder series with content that gets
    people excited, can't even reply to an email that somebody sends you,
    loaded with questions, and reply like a professional, you're sunk.

    Communication is without a doubt the most important skill in all of this.

    Are there some SEO things that are different today than years ago that
    maybe make some traffic generation tactics not as effective? Sure, but
    those are the little things.

    The main stuff, generating content for the Internet, building a list and
    having an offer that people can't pass up, has been the same since long
    before we ever had an Internet.

    My point is this. If you already have some tactics that work, you don't
    need anything new. I'm using the same things today that I was using in
    2006. And I'm making more money now than ever.

    Newbies...learn basic marketing principles from a reputable source.

    Non Newbies...if you have something that's working just do more of it.

    You don't need to learn any new tricks.

    At least that's my 2 cents on the subject.
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    • Profile picture of the author Shaun OReilly
      I'm inclined to agree Steven.

      There's a reason that a lot of stuff gets regurgitated.

      Because some of it, in fact a lot of it, actually works.

      Some people should stop regurgitating the useless crap

      There are certain fundamentals in Internet Marketing
      that simply need to be mastered before moving on to
      the latest and greatest 'new' thing.

      There are very few new things under the sun.

      To move onto the new, without practicing the fundamentals
      is a bit like throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

      As Jim Rohn wisely said:

      "Quit looking for the exotic, until you follow the basic"

      So yes, let's look at the new, but make sure you're doing
      the basics first.

      That said, I'd be interested in hearing Andy's approach to
      organizing his business and structuring his time. That would
      be interesting and instructive.

      Dedicated to your success,



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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
    I don't know why some of you have to make this so difficult. Andy isn't looking to summarize things, or find yet another way to express what's already been said. This isn't for newbies, it's for those who have some experience in marketing.

    In short, we all have weak points in our business. A glass ceiling, so to speak, that keeps us from taking things up a notch. As I read it, Andy is looking to help you break that glass ceiling. That's a golden opportunity for you! Just tell him what would help YOU grow YOUR business. That's all.

    Andy, for me, I've never done a big product launch. I just add new products to my website and introduce it to my list. I'd love to see something by you that was a step-by-step plan for launching a new product.

    And yes, I'd be willing to pay for it.

    Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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    • Profile picture of the author JayXtreme
      Originally Posted by Dennis Gaskill View Post

      I don't know why some of you have to make this so difficult.
      The questions we ask, or more importantly, the way in which we ask the questions... often dictate the responses we get

      Maybe the "difficulty" started elsewhere?....

      Just Sayin'



      * a little off-topic - The same old stuff that is being regurgitated for the past 20 years, is the stuff that showed me how to turn a huge income, into an explosive one in short time... ignore that stuff, and you ignore the fundamental basics of selling stuff..

      Bare Murkage.........

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    • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
      Originally Posted by Dennis Gaskill View Post

      Andy, for me, I've never done a big product launch. I just add new products to my website and introduce it to my list. I'd love to see something by you that was a step-by-step plan for launching a new product.

      And yes, I'd be willing to pay for it.

      Jeff Walkers PLF or get Dean Shainin's simplified version of it.

      That's all you need.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1926472].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
        Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

        Jeff Walkers PLF or get Dean Shainin's simplified version of it.

        That's all you need.
        Thanks for the recommendations, Steven. I know who those guys are, but know a lot more about Andy from his activity here. I'll wait to see which direction Andy goes, and if he goes in another direction I'll look into your suggestions. I've got plenty on my plate for the next month or so anyway.

        Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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    • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
      Originally Posted by Dennis Gaskill View Post

      In short, we all have weak points in our business. A glass ceiling, so to speak, that keeps us from taking things up a notch. As I read it, Andy is looking to help you break that glass ceiling. That's a golden opportunity for you! Just tell him what would help YOU grow YOUR business. That's all.
      THANKS Dennis!!

      I thought I was going mad and that no-one had really got what I meant.

      I've already created products for many specific areas already mentioned, and while I know that some people still need that - I'm more interested in changing peoples lives that just showing them basic IM information, so your comment is exactly what I meant.

      Selling information to beginners is a big market and there are lots of people focused on it, so while there are lots of questions someone could answer, they've pretty much all been said before - even by me in many cases. I've probably answered most questions that come up somewhere in my 6000 posts.

      What I really want to do now is focus on the key things that will actually take someone to the next level in their business.

      I have my own ideas of what can do that based on people I've already helped and how I've helped myself, but it's just as important to me that I do it for people that want help so that I don't end up having to try and 'sell' them the help.

      Jay - Maybe you're right, maybe it's my fault that you didn't get the same meaning from my message as Dennis did - but really, do you need to play the pendantic game just because you want to make sure I feel the blame? I thought you were bigger than that.

      nothing to see here.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1928265].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author JayXtreme
        Originally Posted by Andyhenry View Post

        Jay - Maybe you're right, maybe it's my fault that you didn't get the same meaning from my message as Dennis did - but really, do you need to play the pendantic game just because you want to make sure I feel the blame? I thought you were bigger than that.

        I got exactly the same meaning as Dennis..

        Fully appreciate where you were going with this. And also appreciate you offering your time to others like this... it's more time than I have to spare... And whilst I don't need anything like this, I can see how others would benefit greatly from your experience!

        I didn't want you to "feel the blame"..

        Was just airing my opinion about your first reply in this thread

        The WF can be an intimidating place for anyone... we don't wanna silence them with answer criteria before they even get to speak



        Bare Murkage.........

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1928304].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author acrasial
          Originally Posted by JayXtreme View Post

          The WF can be an intimidating place for anyone... we don't wanna silence them with answer criteria before they even get to speak
          Don't worry, there is ALWAYS criteria on me when I speak! LOL, and I speak regardless! And if it was all that intimidating, I wouldn't continuously come back here from time to time. Challenging people don't scare me, boring people do!

          Besides, he said if there was going to be too many suggestions, he was probably going to just pick something himself. So perhaps his mind was already made up before he even made this thread, and just needed someone to come along and agree with him, so that he knew it was the right thing to do. That's what I think, could be wrong, but heck, if you are going to do something, just do it!

          ...Especially if one has been on the warrior forum since 2004, it can't be all that hard to come up with something people frequently want to know about or need for their business, after 6 years of watching them?
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1928323].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
            Originally Posted by acrasial View Post

            Don't worry, there is ALWAYS criteria on me when I speak! LOL, and I speak regardless! And if it was all that intimidating, I wouldn't continuously come back here from time to time. Challenging people don't scare me, boring people do!

            Besides, he said if there was going to be too many suggestions, he was probably going to just pick something himself. So perhaps his mind was already made up before he even made this thread, and just needed someone to come along and agree with him, so that he knew it was the right thing to do. That's what I think, could be wrong, but heck, if you are going to do something, just do it!

            ...Especially if one has been on the warrior forum since 2004, it can't be all that hard to come up with something people frequently want to know about or need for their business, after 6 years of watching them?
            Hi - Thanks for sharing your fantastic thoughts on all of this.

            It's weird being referred to as 'he' on my thread

            FYI - I hadn't made my mind up at all....... That's the exact reason I posted this thread - I don't want to waste my time creating information which I think is useful if it's not what anyone believes they need/want.

            I'm sorry that Jay has also started you questioning my motives too.

            I really enjoyed your extensive responses and am really grateful that you took the time to care, to post and to consider what people want enough to post in this thread.

            For some reason, it's not easy around here to have normal discussions without people jumping in and trying to warp your motives to fit your agenda with their view of you.

            Anyway - thanks for your input - it's very much appreciated despite what you or anyone else might think.


            nothing to see here.

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1928378].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author acrasial
              Originally Posted by Andyhenry View Post

              For some reason, it's not easy around here to have normal discussions without people jumping in and trying to warp your motives to fit your agenda with their view of you.

              Welcome to MY world. Now we share the same pain. LOL. Oh, and just because I give input, or anyone else gives input, it doesn't have to be regarded as useful. Maybe what I said isn't all that useful, and it's PERFECTLY fine for you to be able to express that, and I get that.

              because how else will we specifically target EXACTLY what you are looking for, unless the discussion is revised more anyways? I actually like the fact that you said it's exactly not what you are looking for. That's better than saying "oh thankyou, that was soo helpful, omg wow....really appreciate it... so on target....". (LOL)

              I mean come on....better to be a straight shooter with these kinds of things, because as you said, the reason you asked in the first place was so you could actually know what to do/make, instead of just going out there and making something which you think would help people, but might not in the end.

              Discussions are really good for these kinds of things, and the only way that is going to happen, is if we have people who ALSO disagree on things. So let's get some other warriors giving some ideas now!
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1928399].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author thriftgirl62
                Andyhenry!! You are talking to me!! Did you get my message on Twitter?!! I know exactly what you're talking about in all your posts especially about helping people who simply cannot be helped. It took me years to realize people are happy being who they are, living the way they choose to live.

                People do what they WANT to do whether they admit it or not. It takes years of practice just to face your own fears and stop lying to yourself and living without peace of mind according to the Laws of the Universe and Karma. Here's another example - a true story of how things always work out for the best, one way or the other. They just do and I believe that.

                Just last week, my daughter, 18 and her 17 year old girlfriend were missing in my son's car. I didn't hear from her for 3 days and I knew something was up - didn't know for sure - yet. Eventually she turns up in another city, her friend, 2 boys and the car were missing.

                My son picked her up and reported the car stolen. I made a few phone calls and just waited for the other girl to show up with car. Two days later she did and the car had a brand new dvd player installed in it. Why worry when you can't change a thing after it's too late. The time to do something is NOW, before the ripples take effect on everything and everyone around.

                That's what we all need. To DO something constructive. Not read about
                it or talk about what we already know over and over again like spinning the
                same information for ourselves!! Here's my proposal:

                1. Start getting used to being "the purple cow" wherever you go...if
                you don't know what that is, google Seth Godin, purple cow and look
                at the #1 spot - simple.

                2. Look in the mirror and laugh at yourself so you can finally ADMIT
                what you like and what you WANT and then come back and post it
                here wherever Andyhenry takes this discussion.

                3. No matter what it is, I'll lay some pretty good odds, I've got all the
                information you need to make a business out of it. I've got an Exabyte
                of S3 cloud front full of programs waiting to be finished and put to good use.

                MY PROBLEM? I'm not a LAUNCHER!! I cannot do the final jump!! So I put it away and start something else...this has been going on for years!! And that is why Andyhenry is my new best friend in all the world!! He is going to LEAD the way just like he talks about, litterally take control...and the cost? It's a high price and most people can't do it - but not YOU Warriors - you do it every day. The truth is all you need. Money takes care of itself. Always does.

                Guess what this is?
                Most would say it starts with an "S" ends with an "M" For those who cannot spot a shady plot to empty your wallet out can see what it looks like up close with the affiliate link REMOVED and replaced with xxxxx. Hot JV JV with Us

                Then go here and you'll see the exact same programs (see products) and oh so much value for $10 bucks...up above, over there it's a WHOPPING, are you sitting down? $2,497 and it isn't really a "scam" either because it's all there fully disclosed in the fine print.

                It clearly says you should not assume what they claim on their site is true and they will indeed share, sell or rent all your info, based on whatever they decide is necessary...including credit card, phone numbers, address and all you optin leads or referrals too.

                Free Text Host - The Anonymous Text Hosting Service <<--- My masterpiece reply to a "personal" email request inviting me to follow quietly along with the rest of the herd. The only problem is I like being the Purple Cow and that doesn't blend in very well. I'm still waiting for a response?? I think he figures I'll go away if he pretends with all his might that I don't exist.

                So before I go any further - what do you think?? What's next? DON'T buy anything else until you check check in the clouds. It's most likely already there, still zipped up.

                I retired in 2005 at 43 and now I give away websites like these for FREE [hosting excluded]

                When you make at least $100+ per month, we split the profit 80/20 and YOU get the 80% Until then, you keep 100% and I'll help you drive traffic, get backlinks and put the domain in your name too!
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1953199].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Kay King
                  Andy -

                  I've read most of this thread and have to admit I have no idea where some of the folks are going with it.

                  My own simple suggestion is this:

                  It's not that info is regurgitated because often the info IS THE info and bears repeating. The problem is every regurgitation adds another layer of minute details (and upsells and side sells, etc).

                  If you have new marketers in mind perhaps a condensed version of "how to" do the basics would be useful.

                  One page on the basics of bookmarking - one page on the basics of how to use social sites to get traffic - one page about keyword searches that makes common sense rather than providing strict number parameters - in other words cut out the crap and put the basic knowledge in one short report. When people have the basic info only I think it encourages them to add their own brain power to the mix.

                  Or take one area where you can see on this forum that people are going round and round - and provide a simple explanation/how-to/blueprint for it.
                  Simple, concise information rather than overly long blather.

                  Or - I guess you could just create every piece of information imaginable as listed above:p

                  Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
                  One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
                  what it is instead of what you think it should be.
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1953280].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
                  Originally Posted by thriftgirl62 View Post

                  MY PROBLEM? I'm not a LAUNCHER!! I cannot do the final jump!! So I put it away and start something else...this has been going on for years!!
                  Looks like two votes for product launches and not much else.

                  Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1953353].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
          Originally Posted by JayXtreme View Post


          I got exactly the same meaning as Dennis..

          Fully appreciate where you were going with this. And also appreciate you offering your time to others like this... it's more time than I have to spare... And whilst I don't need anything like this, I can see how others would benefit greatly from your experience!

          I didn't want you to "feel the blame"..

          Was just airing my opinion about your first reply in this thread

          The WF can be an intimidating place for anyone... we don't wanna silence them with answer criteria before they even get to speak


          No worries - thanks for that. I was starting to think I'd upset you somehow and this place is harsh enough without thinking that a nice guy like you also had a grudge for some reason.

          nothing to see here.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1928382].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author thriftgirl62
      I've never done a big product launch. I just add new products to my website and introduce it to my list. I'd love to see something by you that was a step-by-step plan for launching a new product.

      And yes, I'd be willing to pay for it.
      Is Paul Galloway supposed to be a secret? If you want a great product launch, he's the guy, hands down the best of the best. He was the back end Programmer behind Stomper Net, Jeff Walker and many other big names. He's not cheap but that's irrelevant when you consider the huge return. He includes custom affiliate software too so your affiliates will be paid without the usual tracking problems. He won't take the job if he doesn't think it will bring in enough to make it worth his while and still give you enough of a return too.

      I retired in 2005 at 43 and now I give away websites like these for FREE [hosting excluded]

      When you make at least $100+ per month, we split the profit 80/20 and YOU get the 80% Until then, you keep 100% and I'll help you drive traffic, get backlinks and put the domain in your name too!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1953350].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Deegan
    Those looking for a really solid yet low cost product launch guide check out the follow.

    (no affiliation) - The Smartest Strategy For Selling Your Ebook - A Product Launch


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