Newbie Tip: Set Your Minimum Affiliate Commission Payouts To $1000 - Here's why...

by KateD
59 replies
Hey Newbies,

I have a real fondness for you guys. Especially those of you that are eager enough to take consistent action. It's so cool to see newbies "take flight" and finally learn how to develop and maintain long term streams of income.

Here's a tip that really helped me out when I first started affiliate marketing:

Set your minimum affiliate commissions to $1000. Meaning, in your affiliate accounts (ie. Clickbank), you have the ability to edit the minimum amount of commissions earned before they send you a check or electronic transfer. Change that amount from the default to $1000.

Now, before you make a judgment, hear me out. When I first started affiliate marketing, I did what most newbies did and set the minimum at the lowest amount available (it was either $25 or $50).

I wanted to have those commissions in my hand asap. And do you know what happened?

I would work on projects. Make a sale eventually. Get $25 commission checks every few months. Blah blah blah. Boring, right?

And that's the key: getting those little affiliate commission checks were nice, but they weren't very exciting. Meaning, it was hard to get motivated getting those small commission checks.

Now, once you set your minimum affiliate payout to $1000, things change significantly.

What's more exciting? Holding a commission check in your hand from Clickbank for $26.27, or holding one for $1,017.93? The second one obviously.

Now, a thousand dollar check, that's exciting. That's sexy. That gets me motivated. And I know logically that $1000 is the same as 40 checks of $25. But they are much different psychologically.

Delaying gratification forces you to finish the job. You don't get those small checks to satisfy the hunger you feel. And that's critical because sometimes getting that satisfaction causes you to lose the hunger and slow down your marketing efforts.

But if you know that you have to wait until you get to $1000, you will get INCREASING more motivated the closer you get to $1000. It's like running a race. As you near the end of it, you feel totally exhausted and struggling to finish.

But once you see the finish line, you start to pick up your step. You try and finish strong. Even though you just felt totally spent, seeing the finish line causes us to run faster.

Another reason why $1000 checks are better than $25 checks: you are better able to figure out how best to use that money.

Trying to divide up a $25 check is pretty pointless. But dividing up $1000 check is totally different. Now only is it easier, but it's fun. Very fun. You could be like, "Ok, I'll take this check and divided up like this:"

- $100 outsource new articles
- $100 hosting and domain names
- $200 to buy Market Samurai
- $500 living expenses
- $100 gift for myself

A $25 check will be absorbed into your checking account almost instantly. Great, you can get a pizza, some cheap wine, and a pack of smokes. Whoopdeedoo.

But deciding what to so with a $1000 check is incredibly fun.
In the example above, half of it went to easing the burden of living expenses, almost half was re-invested back into the business, and you are still able to spend $100 on yourself guilt-free.

Anyway, that's all I got for today. I hope this thread helps a few of your newbies. Be sure to send me pictures of your $1000 checks when you get them.

Best of luck guys,

#affiliate #minimum #newbie #payouts #ste #tip
  • Profile picture of the author MJ Sterling
    I completely agree with you, I don't accept any affiliate payments below $1000.. that trip to the bank must be worth your while

    Plus here in the UK we get charged for putting them into our accounts so it makes sense to put in the largest amount possible at one time.
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    • Profile picture of the author Roy Carter
      Originally Posted by MJ Sterling View Post

      Plus here in the UK we get charged for putting them into our accounts so it makes sense to put in the largest amount possible at one time.
      You can get paid direct into your bank account now MJ
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  • Profile picture of the author Lulu Chil
    Thanks for that Kate. It's a very good idea.
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  • Profile picture of the author Shaun Lee
    Great idea, but don't forget newbies will have to wait for some time before getting a $1000 check, unless they absolutely know what to do and how to scale it.

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    • Profile picture of the author KateD
      Originally Posted by Shaun Lee View Post

      Great idea, but don't forget newbies will have to wait for some time before getting a $1000 check, unless they absolutely know what to do and how to scale it.

      Very true. But it's that waiting period that will truly motivate them to get to their goal of that $1000 check.

      The reality is that most newbies will NEVER make $1000 in their entire IM "career".

      But, by forcing them to wait, you force them to keep working. And that extra motivation can be enough to get newbies to take actions that they normally wouldn't.

      It's not that newbies are doing the wrong things. It's that they aren't doing enough of the right things in order to finding lasting success. They give up early.

      But setting the bar at $1000 will almost force newbies to succeed.


      P.S. And trust me, if a newbie can get to that $1000 paycheck, they are going to get to that second one MUCH faster. And the third will come even faster. Makes sense, right?
      Why Aren't You Making Money On Kindle With Erotica?

      --->I can also write other fiction (horror, romance, mystery, etc). Just ask me, I don't bite. :)
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      • Profile picture of the author Shaun Lee
        Originally Posted by KateD View Post

        Very true. But it's that waiting period that will truly motivate them to get to their goal of that $1000 check.

        The reality is that most newbies will NEVER make $1000 in their entire IM "career".

        But, by forcing them to wait, you force them to keep working. And that extra motivation can be enough to get newbies to take actions that they normally wouldn't.

        It's not that newbies are doing the wrong things. It's that they aren't doing enough of the right things in order to finding lasting success. They give up early.

        But setting the bar at $1000 will almost force newbies to succeed.


        P.S. And trust me, if a newbie can get to that $1000 paycheck, they are going to get to that second one MUCH faster. And the third will come even faster. Makes sense, right?
        The problem is that they can't make it to the first $1000.

        It's quite hard if you're blindly shooting in the dark. Otherwise, everyone would have been successful.

        However, with a good blueprint in hand, a little determination and a pinch of luck, anyone can do it.

        Besides, if they're getting the first $1000, they are probably set to get the next $1000 soon.

        But I guess it's better to get a first $100 check, THEN only setting the bars higher.

        It's like driving at night with only your car's headlights on. You can't see the entire journey, but you're going to reach it if you just take action and start driving.

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        • Profile picture of the author KateD

          Obviously newbies need to follow a plan. That goes without saying. And the Warrior Forum is filled with profitable plans, both free and paid.

          Again, the problem with newbies not being successful has more to do with not doing enough profit-inducing activities, rather than not knowing what to do.

          Here's a basic plan:

          1. Sign up with Clickbank
          2. Sign up with
          3. Choose a niche
          4. Choose a product
          5. Do somekeyword research
          6. Target "rankable" keyword phrases
          7. Start a Blogger blog in your niche
          8. Add a few well-placed affiliate links to your CB promotion
          9. Write and submit articles to EZA (targeting your keyword phrases) and link back to your blog
          10. Write and submit articles to other article directories (there are hundreds)
          11. Create web2.0 properties (using your keyword phrases) and point them back to your blog. Squidoo, Hubpages, Wordpress, Weebly, and on and on. All good choices.

          Keep adding quality backlinks and you will start to get affiliate commissions.

          So it's not that newbies don't know what to do. It's that they just aren't doing enough.

          And trust me, if they have a few hundred bucks sitting in their Clickbank account, they are much more likely to take action to get that money than someone who has less than $25 in their account.

          I never said that this suggestion for newbies was easy. It's not. Delaying instant gratification in most cases where gratification is delayed, the payout is huge.

          This is just something that worked for me when I was newer, and I know will work for some newbies now.

          It was this action that caused a change in my mindset, and it was the change in mindset that finally led me to making consistent money online.

          Much Success,

          Why Aren't You Making Money On Kindle With Erotica?

          --->I can also write other fiction (horror, romance, mystery, etc). Just ask me, I don't bite. :)
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          • Profile picture of the author ajbarnes777
            That sounds like a good idea for getting more motivation and training yourself to stay 100% consistent.

            I just thought of something else to add based around your idea:

            This idea goes for newbies and those who have been doing this business for some time.

            Why not set the minimum payout to what your realistic goal is. For example, let's say that your goal is to earn $2,000 a month. Therefore, set the minimum payout to $500 a week. This will help in staying focused and determined to reach your goal.

            This will also cause a tremendous amount of motivation. Just think, let's say that it is Monday, (two full days before the end of a Clickbank pay period), and your minimum payout is set at $500. BUT, you're only at $427.50 for the week! That would push the crap out of anyone to work hard to get that last $72.50! In fact, I think it would actually be more fun!
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          • Profile picture of the author Robert Puddy
            Originally Posted by KateD View Post

            It was this action that caused a change in my mindset, and it was the change in mindset that finally led me to making consistent money online.

            Much Success,


            You know i get members who have earned 5 or 10 bucks cancel the payment in there paypal account and then email me to cancel their subscription. (I was paying them not taking a sub from them)

            All because they go through the motions never actually expecting to get paid anything.

            Most wont do this Kate for all the sorry reasons given above, but the few that do will mostly make it past the finishing line just like you did

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            • Profile picture of the author KateD
              Originally Posted by Robert Puddy View Post

              Most wont do this Kate for all the sorry reasons given above, but the few that do will mostly make it past the finishing line just like you did

              I appreciate the positive feedback. I was just trying to share a tip that worked for me. I didn't expect so much resistance to the idea.

              Why Aren't You Making Money On Kindle With Erotica?

              --->I can also write other fiction (horror, romance, mystery, etc). Just ask me, I don't bite. :)
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  • Profile picture of the author opportunites
    With all my respect, I totally disagree with this idea.

    First of all, it is not likely for someone who just start in this industry to make $1000 in the first month; that will take some time to happen.

    Having to wait, will decrease their motivation. They have never make any money online, they need these $26, $33.33 checks to prove themselves that it is possible FOR THEM too to make money online. This will motivate them to work harder and do better!

    Then, they can start to upgrate it to whatever they want...

    Just my 2 cents,
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1929213].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Shaun Lee
      Originally Posted by opportunites View Post

      With all my respect, I totally disagree with this idea.

      First of all, it is not likely for someone who just start in this industry to make $1000 in the first month; that will take some time to happen.

      Having to wait, will decrease their motivation. They have never make any money online, they need these $26, $33.33 checks to prove themselves that it is possible FOR THEM too to make money online. This will motivate them to work harder and do better!

      Then, they can start to upgrate it to whatever they want...

      Just my 2 cents,
      Yes, that's why I'd recommend setting it to $100, then only set it higher. It's like a trophy to them, a real, solid proof that making money online is possible.

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    • Profile picture of the author KateD
      Originally Posted by cjmo75 View Post

      Don't you lose some commission on some sites if you don't cash them out within a certain time? This could be a bad idea. The newbie might get so frustrated and just throw in the towel (which is what most of them do anyway).
      Actually, they start to take money out of your account for inactivity, not because you have money in your account. If you are getting sales, your money will be fine.

      The newbies will never "lose" the money. I mean, if he had a few hundred bucks in CB and just wanted to quit IM (or absolutely needed that money), they could also change the payout back to the minimum and get their money in the next pay cycle.

      But trust me, if a newbie has a few hundred dollars in his CB account, chances are he's far from throwing in the towel.

      Why Aren't You Making Money On Kindle With Erotica?

      --->I can also write other fiction (horror, romance, mystery, etc). Just ask me, I don't bite. :)
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1929359].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author opportunites
      Originally Posted by cjmo75 View Post

      Don't you lose some commission on some sites if you don't cash them out within a certain time? This could be a bad idea. The newbie might get so frustrated and just throw in the towel (which is what most of them do anyway).
      As you said, they will get frustrated and give up... and think IM marketing is not for them, or it is not working... why? because they never make any money online.

      Imagining a newbie, having to wait 3, 4 months (if it is not more) before receiving their first check? what will keep them motivated and continue and face the difficulties? Their $1000 goal?

      I don´t think so, they need to be sure that they can make money too...
      And this is a game with REAL money!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1929448].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author KateD
        Originally Posted by opportunites View Post

        As you said, they will get frustrated and give up... and think IM marketing is not for them, or it is not working... why? because they never make any money online.

        There is a HUGE difference between not making any money online and making money online but just disciplining yourself enough to let those commissions build.

        Obviously if you don't make any sales you will be frustrated. I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about creating a real goal to shoot for. Something to get you excited.

        I'm not saying that this tip benefits ALL newbies. If you have the motivation to consistently take action, that's reat. But that's the exception to the rule.

        Newbies need all the help that they can get, and this is especially true when it comes to generating enough motivation to continue on the IM road.

        Why Aren't You Making Money On Kindle With Erotica?

        --->I can also write other fiction (horror, romance, mystery, etc). Just ask me, I don't bite. :)
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    • Profile picture of the author johnmags
      Originally Posted by opportunites View Post

      With all my respect, I totally disagree with this idea.

      First of all, it is not likely for someone who just start in this industry to make $1000 in the first month; that will take some time to happen.

      Having to wait, will decrease their motivation. They have never make any money online, they need these $26, $33.33 checks to prove themselves that it is possible FOR THEM too to make money online. This will motivate them to work harder and do better!

      Then, they can start to upgrate it to whatever they want...

      Just my 2 cents,

      I agree. One step at a time; otherwise, you might end up depressed for not achieving way too high expectations at the start. It is not bad to aim high and reach high; as long as you have the right motivation. But, it is best to make realistic projections.

      Aiming to reach the moon in 1900 was impossible at that time; but it is possile today ever since the early 60's.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ruka
    dividing up $1000 check is totally different. Now only is it easier, but it's fun. Very fun. You could be like, "Ok, I'll take this check and divided up like this:"

    - $100 outsource new articles
    - $100 hosting and domain names
    - $200 to buy Market Samurai
    - $500 living expenses
    - $100 gift for myself
    I'm interested - don't you pay any tax?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1929301].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author KateD
      Originally Posted by chickenlittle View Post

      I'm interested - don't you pay any tax?
      I think that you are missing the point. I just gave a quick example. Sure, you should claim the correct amount when you file your taxes.

      The point is that it's much more exciting to divide up a $1000 check as opposed to a $25 check.

      Why Aren't You Making Money On Kindle With Erotica?

      --->I can also write other fiction (horror, romance, mystery, etc). Just ask me, I don't bite. :)
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1929311].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mjbromley
    Another one who disagrees here. I think that it is better to set it to $50. If I had waited until I hit $1000 it would have severly impacted on the growth of my business. I don't understand why anyone would want to slow down their own cash flow! When I started as soon as I hit the threshold of $50 I wanted it in my account to re-invest in the business.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheKeys
    I agree with what you have to say.. or I mean I get your concept. I guess the hard part for developing IM'ers is that the cash they make they need back for other expenses.

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  • Profile picture of the author PLRwithAlex
    Excellent motivation idea. I think seeing sales add up in your affiliate account is motivation enough to keep you active. It shows success.
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  • Profile picture of the author petelta
    Raising the bar is always a great way to push yourself to the next level. Great advice KateD. It's simple small things like this that can really change your motivation to get you where you want to be.

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  • Profile picture of the author Lilach
    This is an interesting concept and should technically work. But will it?

    My actual opportunity is a high ticket one where most of my commission checks are minimum of $2000. But and here is the big but, I chose my opportunity for that very reason, plus I invested money into it so it was in my interest to make it back pretty sharpish.

    An affiliate, and a newbie at that matter hasn't invested money, or if they have its not a huge amount. But what they are investing is their time.

    How much time are they spending a month? How much is each commission worth to them? Are they working part time? full time?

    How many Warrior members are earning $1,000 a month as an affiliate? How many $2,000 +

    Motivation is good and needed, particularly for newbies. But withholding money they have earnt, whether it's $100 or $900 is mean and unfair and the only person who wins in this situation is the company as they are keeping the money the person has earnt until they reach the goal of $1000.

    What happens if that person doesn't reach that goal or finds a better product and makes more money from that?

    Respect your affliates, pay them what they are due. Motivate them by paying them. Give them bonuses, help them with marketing their products by providing them with an excellent affiliate programme with helpful emails they can send, website copy etc. Don't punish them because they haven't got to $1000.

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    • Profile picture of the author stayfocused

      I think you missed the point Kate was trying to make. She was suggesting you set your own payout threshold at $1000. Not the threshold to pay your affiliates.

      Originally Posted by Lilach View Post

      This is an interesting concept and should technically work. But will it?

      My actual opportunity is a high ticket one where most of my commission checks are minimum of $2000. But and here is the big but, I chose my opportunity for that very reason, plus I invested money into it so it was in my interest to make it back pretty sharpish.

      An affiliate, and a newbie at that matter hasn't invested money, or if they have its not a huge amount. But what they are investing is their time.

      How much time are they spending a month? How much is each commission worth to them? Are they working part time? full time?

      How many Warrior members are earning $1,000 a month as an affiliate? How many $2,000 +

      Motivation is good and needed, particularly for newbies. But withholding money they have earnt, whether it's $100 or $900 is mean and unfair and the only person who wins in this situation is the company as they are keeping the money the person has earnt until they reach the goal of $1000.

      What happens if that person doesn't reach that goal or finds a better product and makes more money from that?

      Respect your affliates, pay them what they are due. Motivate them by paying them. Give them bonuses, help them with marketing their products by providing them with an excellent affiliate programme with helpful emails they can send, website copy etc. Don't punish them because they haven't got to $1000.

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      • Profile picture of the author CurtisSWN
        Sorry but I think the OP is egotistical blather. I need a couple hundred dollars to make it for the next few weeks. If I placed my efforts in the irrealistic goal of only a grand, I would sink into debt, have to find another job (fat chance) and neglect my kid until I reach that goal. I think I would be so frustrated that I would take 2 or 3 times the time to actually get there. You don't have to make the big payoff just to assuage your feelings of inadequacy. Let's get real.

        That kind of "I only go for the big money" sentiment doesn't do anything for me except turn me off. Sure I have big plans, but I know what I can do right now and what I have to do. If I was comfortable maybe i would try that, but it seems to me that the key is reinvesting your profits for the business to grow, not get the big score. Some people are the type A personality and that is their thing though, go for it but don't think your way is the only way. I could go on but I think I better stop before I really speak my mind.
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        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1931361].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author KateD
          Originally Posted by CurtisSWN View Post

          Sorry but I think the OP is egotistical blather.
          Ah Curtis,

          You certainly do live up to your forum title. And you missed the point as well.

          All I am suggesting is a mental trick to help you expand your mindset and discipline yourself enough to get the job done. If you have no problem motivating yourself enough to take consistent action, good for you.

          But most newbies don't. That small $25 commission check isn't sexy enough to really get them motivated.

          I'm totally shocked by how many people think that having a few hundred dollars sitting in your affiliate account would REDUCE your motivation. If you feel that way, I'm guessing that you have never had the experience.

          The more money I see in my account, the more motivated I get.

          Why Aren't You Making Money On Kindle With Erotica?

          --->I can also write other fiction (horror, romance, mystery, etc). Just ask me, I don't bite. :)
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  • Profile picture of the author Sue McDonald
    Interesting arguments to and fro. The idea of $1000 is great but for the struggling newbie $100 would look great too. Maybe if they had a lower amount for the first three months and then pushed it to $1000. We all love to see the money and sometimes the smaller amount is what keeps the newbie focused.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tsnyder

    I'm with you. All I've seen from the naysayers in this thread
    is a bunch of reasons why something can't be done.

    No surprise... that's how most people think. They think small
    so, naturally, they get small results.

    The people who win in life never ask IF something can be done... they ask HOW.

    I say if a person doesn't start out with a new business BELIEVING they
    can earn $1000 they should really just keep their day job.

    If you knew what I know you'd be doing what I do...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1931885].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Christian York
    I agree but I also disagree.

    Because a lot of marketers will give up well before they ever reach the $1000 threshold. Think about it- if you have worked for 3 months without any kind of reward then you are more likely to give up than if you got a check for $25, then a check for $50 then a check for $100 etc.

    In other words I would recommend starting off small but then raising the limit each time. That way your checks are always for more money but they will be consistent so that you stay motivated also.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sagar Mehta

    A really good idea.

    I've done something similar with PayPal. When I first began freelancing online, I used to get these measly payments for little 'errands' that I did for clients. Seeing the small amounts add up in my PayPal account was motivating enough for me to keep going and take it to $1000.

    I even attached a bigger motivation to taking it to $1000. I wanted to gift my mom a check of $1000 to on her birthday. Then, that $1000 (and each $1000 after that) didn't seem like much. It was a challenge and I was on a mission which I DID complete

    So, this works. And it's true that people will give up somewhere in the middle. If so, they always have the option to withdraw whatever amount they have in their account.

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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Manetzke
    I think that this is a great idea. Most people including me when I started did not think big like this. Now I set goals like this for myself and I make steps that it will take to reach these goals.

    I will do whatever it takes to reach this goal then make a new goal. So I would suggest that you set a time frame to reach your $1000 and then do whatever is necessary to reach this goal in your set time. Even if you don't make it to a $1000 you would have a great start and have already gotten further than most people do.

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  • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
    Hey Kate,

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I'm sorry to see you got such resistance but I'm sure you understand why it happens.

    You have the mindset you're advocating so it seems natural to you that you want to share it and other people will 'get' it, but if you look at where they're at - many people haven't made $1000 yet and have been trying for a long time (sometimes years) and they've adopted a mentality of scarcity and thinking that anything you make online is a bonus not to be expected. So to suggest to someone like that that they should stop taking payments that are less than $1000 just has a massive disconnect with their reality.

    Also, if someone is struggling month to month just to stave off financial problems they may well need that $300 they've made to pay their bills, so naturally it's not going to make sense to leave it with CB just to motivated themselves - their debt might actually be a stronger motivator anyway.

    However - you're still right to raise the idea and let anyone who can benefit from it take it and try it out.

    Why people feel the need to tell you you're wrong when it obviously worked for you is not a reflection on you.

    It's also ok for people to not accept the suggestion as perfect for their situation and I don't believe anyone who try to force such an idea on someone who's not ready for it, so the only reason for any negative feedback is just to raise the issue that it's not necessarily right for everyone - which I'm sure we're all aware of anyway.

    To Curtis - where you see egotistical blather others see someone sharing something that worked for them. No-one really expects that everyone will agree but to respond in such a melodramatic and negative/insulting way says a lot about you and nothing about Kate. You made a bunch of assumptions that were not in here statements and jumped on the negativity bandwagon with them.

    Thanks for sharing and caring Kate.

    nothing to see here.

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  • Profile picture of the author Tomwood
    I had an enormous shock when I cashed my first affiliate check for $52 dollars my bank charged me 10 pounds that's about 30%.

    I soon discover that the same 10 pound charge applied to every check for $ no matter the amount and increased all my minimum payouts immediacy.

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  • Profile picture of the author Fraggler
    Delayed gratification is one of the best motivators going around.

    It does depend on you cash flow obviously and the type of account you are delaying but generally I think it is a great idea.

    I also think the gift for yourself is also important. You need to separate yourself from work at some stage.
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  • Profile picture of the author theemperor
    Im in the UK, and I have found to get the best exchange rate back to GBP:

    Set the payout value as high as possible. How high depends on how soon you need the cash and how much you earn per month. Aim for 6 months earnings if you can.

    When you get the cheque pay it into a DOLLAR account run by a bank. The once cashed in transfer the balance to your GBP account.

    You'll be charged about $20 by the processing company and $10 by the bank (in my experience) for the privilege, however on say $10000, that is 0.3% and the exchange rate is not far off the official spot rate, i.e. the best rate possible.

    Using the automated payments, paying into a GBP account or having a low threshold will cost you more money in transaction fees so avoid them if you can.
    Learn to code faster, and remove the roadblocks. Get stuff done and shipped! PM me and I can help you with programming tutoring, specialising in Web and the following languages: Javascript ~ HTML ~ CSS ~ React ~ JQuery ~ Typescript ~ NodeJS ~ C#.
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  • Profile picture of the author dany1987r
    Yes i agree i will change my commission to 1,000 as soon as i get on clickbank

    Take MY Two Free Master Resell Rights Books And Start Building Your List

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    • Profile picture of the author onuel
      Very good idea in general. But I think it's still base on individual circumstances. What I mean is, instead of that money sitting at Clickbank for a long long time, I would take what I can get to re-invest to my venture. The earlier I can use the money to work for me the better and will multiply faster and maybe reach that $1000 sooner. Now, this only works if you have the descipline and a good plan like mention above. But then again this is just me, use whaever works for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve Ranger
    I disagree strongly. This is terrible money management. Get your
    money as quick as you can at the most efficient amount. Then you,
    rather than them, can earn interest on it.
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    • Profile picture of the author theemperor
      Originally Posted by Steve Ranger View Post

      I disagree strongly. This is terrible money management. Get your
      money as quick as you can at the most efficient amount. Then you,
      rather than them, can earn interest on it.
      Hmm depends, it takes an hour of my time to visit and queue at the bank to pay the cheque in, so there is a higher cost of my time with repeated cashing in of cheques, plus the fee I pay per cheque. Unless you're earning $100,000's the interest is negligible in most countries that have a low interest rate.
      Learn to code faster, and remove the roadblocks. Get stuff done and shipped! PM me and I can help you with programming tutoring, specialising in Web and the following languages: Javascript ~ HTML ~ CSS ~ React ~ JQuery ~ Typescript ~ NodeJS ~ C#.
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  • Profile picture of the author arklove
    Great idea change your mindset and change your bank balance...will make those suggestions over at click bank thanks for the advice...ark
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  • Profile picture of the author Will Edwards
    I have always done this, but my main reason was to minimise the cheque clearing fee.

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  • Profile picture of the author Tyson Faulkner
    Hey that's a great tip! The trick is to become patient enough to do so.

    By following this advice you'll also be saving on their check processing fees they charge you when they send out a check.

    Think about this:

    If you got $1000 paid to you in $25 increments, you would pay $40 in fees!

    If you get it all at once you pay $2.50.

    Those $2.50 hits really add up. Yikes.
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  • Profile picture of the author DarrenTodd
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    • Profile picture of the author KateD
      Originally Posted by DarrenTodd View Post

      hey guys,

      Forget about clickbank for a while...

      Alex Jeffreys has just gone live with his MarketingWithAlex3.0 coaching course
      i have just signed up, amazingly excited now!!

      He is going to start a business from scratch while we watch, without using his former online leverage and show exactly how to start and by the end make $10000 MONTHS

      I cant wait you should all sign up going to be so cool!!
      Thanks for spamming my thread. Much appreciated.

      Why Aren't You Making Money On Kindle With Erotica?

      --->I can also write other fiction (horror, romance, mystery, etc). Just ask me, I don't bite. :)
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  • Profile picture of the author Delane Krause
    Not a bad idea But I wanted my first check so bad that I cashed out at $30 .I didn´t bring it to the bank throu,I put it in a frame and hung it by my work desk.I always like looking at it!
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  • Profile picture of the author Texjd
    Good idea but maybe just too high a figure for some. Holding up to 1000 in clickbank may mean 50 sales or more, that's maybe over the top for beginners. I don't even pay attention to my balance, when I get my check I'm always surprised but I don't really do much in affiliate sales.

    It's a good idea to set goals, maybe just out of reach. And it doesn't have to be money, it can be related to the many tasks that need to be completed to be successful. I do a work list every day knowing that I won't get everything done but it helps me set priortities and finish what has to be done.
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  • Profile picture of the author MichaelHiles
    Plus you get big check amounts to use for posting proof of earnings on WSOs.
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    • Profile picture of the author LetsGoViral
      I disagree. It's a risk to lose the check and much safer to bring in small sums each month not one big sum every 6 months lets say. Less attention from bank and authorities as well.

      Also - if you get banned by the time you have almost reached the large sum it will hurt much more than with a small sum. Also - companies are more reluctant to pay out larger sums.
      Time of thinking is over.
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      • Profile picture of the author Ray Erdmann
        and lets not forget that with Clickbank, even if a "newbie" earned a sale in their 1st day of being in business for themselves, they still WILL NOT GET THAT CHECK until they've:

        1. Have had sales made with 5 or more different credit card numbers...


        2. Sales made with two different payment methods (either Visa, MasterCard, or PayPal).

        Note: PayPal purchases do not count toward the minimum 5 different credit card numbers.

        And this is straight from the CB website...

        Now, I know that not all affiliate networks have such requirements, but at least remember this when you newbies set your 'threshold' over at Clickbank.

        Jut my thoughts though regarding the matter! ;-)

        "Whether you think you can or'll always be 100% right!" |

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  • Profile picture of the author Ashley Gable
    I did this too, but I set it to $500. And I agree, getting a payment of $500 or $1000 is very good.

    But also as one pointed out at the very beginning, when you very first start, is nice to get those little amounts so you know it is working.

    So I would say get those small amounts until you are convinced with the idea that you can make an income and then bump up the payout to $1000 or whatever.

    This way you get the best of both worlds.
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  • Profile picture of the author mr2monster
    Don't forget that part of the motivation that keeps a newbie going is actually reaping the reward of their hard work. If that's a $25 check, then so be it.

    It's hard to keep going when you don't see any improvement to your bank account. Especially because it's not like a normal 9-5 where you can count on being paid in 2 weeks.

    On top of this, you bring in problems with cash-flow. I'd rather have the $25 now so that I can reinvest it and turn it into $50, then reinvest that.
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    • Profile picture of the author Robert Puddy
      Originally Posted by mr2monster View Post

      Don't forget that part of the motivation that keeps a newbie going is actually reaping the reward of their hard work. If that's a $25 check, then so be it.

      It's hard to keep going when you don't see any improvement to your bank account. Especially because it's not like a normal 9-5 where you can count on being paid in 2 weeks.

      On top of this, you bring in problems with cash-flow. I'd rather have the $25 now so that I can reinvest it and turn it into $50, then reinvest that.

      Oh god i just know how much flak i'm going to get for this...

      If $25 is going to make or break you then you really shouldnt be doing this at all.

      And think of kates plan as a saving plan your putting money away for a rainy day, or a special occassion.

      invest $25... make $50 leave it in the saving plan

      next week invest another $25 make $50 leave it in the saving plan

      etc etc

      Get a huge warm feeling about the sum mounting up. you might just find the means to invest $50 the next month and make $100

      Its just a saving plan with 100% interest

      If you found a bank that gave you 100% interest you would find money to put in the damn thing from all sorts of places wouldnt you?
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      • Profile picture of the author mr2monster
        Originally Posted by Robert Puddy View Post

        Oh god i just know how much flak i'm going to get for this...

        If $25 is going to make or break you then you really shouldnt be doing this at all.

        And think of kates plan as a saving plan your putting money away for a rainy day, or a special occassion.

        invest $25... make $50 leave it in the saving plan

        next week invest another $25 make $50 leave it in the saving plan

        etc etc

        Get a huge warm feeling about the sum mounting up. you might just find the means to invest $50 the next month and make $100

        Its just a saving plan with 100% interest

        If you found a bank that gave you 100% interest you would find money to put in the damn thing from all sorts of places wouldnt you?

        Cashflow is king

        A person that takes that $25 and turns it into $50, then takes that $50 and turns it into $100 will compound their money significantly faster than someone that takes $25 and makes $50, then takes $25 and makes another $50.

        Turn around time is also very important.

        A newbie could very well take a couple of MONTHS (or even longer) to make the $1000 threshold. Whereas the person that took their $25 and compounded it biweekly, in addition to continuing to earn at a linear rate, would end up at a significantly higher $ at the end of the same amount of time.

        I understand the point of the original post, because the bottom line is that most newbies make $25 bucks online, and then spend $25 on life and $0 on their business. And THAT is why most newbies never make their online endeavors a full time gig. But without a solid grasp of cash flow and how it affects your business, upping the threshold to $1000 is just a deferred spending account... It'll just get blown on "life" in larger quantities.
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        • Profile picture of the author KateD
          Originally Posted by mr2monster View Post

          Cashflow is king

          A person that takes that $25 and turns it into $50, then takes that $50 and turns it into $100 will compound their money significantly faster than someone that takes $25 and makes $50, then takes $25 and makes another $50.
          That's true in a perfect world. But in reality, very few newbies (who actually make some affiliate sales) reinvest their profits back into their businesses.

          Look, for those rare newbies who truly treat IM like a business from the start, there may be no reason to modify the minimum commission payout.

          But from my personal and business experience (after having worked with hundreds of "newbies" on freelance projects), most of them just don't take it seriously enough to have lasting success.

          So although the idea may not be right for you, it doesn't make the idea itself bad. It worked for me and I have gotten lots of PMs from other newbies who have really taken hold of the idea and it has changed their online business actions.

          I respect your opinion. But this tip still has value.

          Much Success,

          Why Aren't You Making Money On Kindle With Erotica?

          --->I can also write other fiction (horror, romance, mystery, etc). Just ask me, I don't bite. :)
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  • Profile picture of the author NovaPublications
    I am afraid i disagree as well. Having been with Clickbank for years, I put the lowest in, get the three checks and then opt for the direct debit. The checks are usually well over threshold anyway, hold on to the checks, get them all in the bank at once, only one charge then in the U.K. Then opt for direct debit once every two weeks. Seemples!
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  • Profile picture of the author humbledmarket
    Excellent mentality, I see you put a lot of thought into this but when you starting off you want to see some rewards for your work to be motivated. I do agree that the mental motivation would be greater with a $1000 check but if your sales aren't as high it could take a bit long and imagine the wait how demoralizing it is in those moments. Although once you get going on your sales this would be something good to look into.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mohammad Afaq
    I agree and disagree!

    It's true that big $$$$ affiliate checks will motivate you but it is also true that many newbies need to have their money on their hands to keep up with their expenses.

    BTW, my first ever money on the internet was 8cents and it motivated me like hell and my first ever affiliate sale was on clickbank and it was $15 and it also motivated me like crazy. So I was the kind of newbie who doesn't need to see big money to actually do something. I made small commissions and I knew that I can multiply my sales and make these commissions even greater.

    All I'm saying is that it depends on the type on person a newbie is.

    “The first draft of anything is shit.” ~Ernest Hemingway

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