Thunderbird Alternative?

35 replies
Hey guys,

I've been having problems with Thunderbird for quite a while and it's finally just not really working at all and I'd prefer to use something else. I just need something basic where I can monitor 15-20 email addresses all from the one place.

Are there any other good alternatives to Thunderbird?

#alternative #thunderbird
  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
    I've tried Pocomail, Eudora, and the Bat, in addition to Outlook Express and Thunderbird. Can't remember why, but I didn't like Poco. Eudora didn't have the main feature and seemed clumsy to use, and the Bat kept freezing up.

    So, I'm using Thunderbird. Have you tried deleting old mails and compacting the folders? I have about 5,000 emails in my Inbox but I'm not having any problems with it, so I don't know if that becomes a problem at some point. What kind of problems are you having?

    Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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    • Profile picture of the author halfpoint
      Originally Posted by Dennis Gaskill View Post

      What kind of problems are you having?
      It has been a bit buggy for a while and now when I start it up it says "connecting" as it usually does but it doesn't go anywhere or do anything. It just goes on a continual loop and nothing ever gets downloaded.

      The connection settings are all fine and there is nothing wrong with the email accounts.

      I uninstalled it from my computer and downloaded a new copy but this must be a new version because it's different to the one I had installed. Regardless, I'm getting the same issue. This new version just says, "Determining which messages to index" down the bottom but nothing happens.

      Ideally I would like to keep using Thunderbird as it's easy, but I'm at a loss as to why it won't work correctly.
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      • Profile picture of the author contentwriting360
        Hello halfpoint,

        Have you tried emptying your temp, %temp%, cookies and prefetch folders yet? We had the same problem in our department. We used this ATFCleaner to empty all those garbage bins, restarted our computers, and everything went fine. Try to find and download ATFCleaner. It worked for us.

        Originally Posted by halfpoint View Post

        It has been a bit buggy for a while and now when I start it up it says "connecting" as it usually does but it doesn't go anywhere or do anything. It just goes on a continual loop and nothing ever gets downloaded.

        The connection settings are all fine and there is nothing wrong with the email accounts.

        I uninstalled it from my computer and downloaded a new copy but this must be a new version because it's different to the one I had installed. Regardless, I'm getting the same issue. This new version just says, "Determining which messages to index" down the bottom but nothing happens.

        Ideally I would like to keep using Thunderbird as it's easy, but I'm at a loss as to why it won't work correctly.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Hunter
    Is there a way to schedule emails to be sent with Thunderbird?

    I mainly use Gmail online. Works for me!

    Ok, sure. You can follow me on Twitter - ;)

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  • Profile picture of the author Lloyd Buchinski
    MS Outlook! I'm not serious. It's just that you hear the question and the recommendation the other way around so often, thought it'd be fun to reverse them.

    I understood that with gmail you can forward email to it from other accounts. Then when you answer it will answer as if it is from that account. But I just tried it out and it didn't work. It answered as if it was from my primary gmail addy, not from my site.

    So guess I'm looking for a solution too.

    Outlook does have some serious capabilities. One person mentioned that she had over 200,000 emails on hers and it still worked fine.

    Do something spectacular; be fulfilled. Then you can be your own hero. Prem Rawat

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  • Profile picture of the author SuzanneH
    I actually went back to Outlook after using Thunderbird for a long time. Believe it...or not... ;-)

    Suzanne (but seriously, I did!)
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  • Profile picture of the author Curt7
    I've been using Tbird for a few years. The newest version works okay, but it's really hard to change the order of the accounts. Folderpane Tools used to work great, but it hasn't been updated. My Yahoo emails no longer work in Tbird, either.

    It seems like I've had a couple other issues, but can't remember them right now. Others have complained in the Tbird forum about features that went missing with the latest version. All in all, I'd like something that worked better.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jesus Perez
    I check around 10 accounts. I went completely cloudbased after I left Thunderbird.

    I created Google Apps accounts for each domain.
    I uploaded all the emails using the Google Apps Uploader tool.
    I installed "Webmail Notifier" plugin for Firefox that checks every 5 minutes.

    Now I get notifications inside Firefox. All my email is available online...anywhere in the world. Less load on my server=happier customers. Everything is safe on Google's servers. Deliverability increased. Spam is greatly reduced due to Google's filters.


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    • Profile picture of the author Loren Woirhaye
      Originally Posted by BlueSquares View Post

      I check around 10 accounts. I went completely cloudbased after I left Thunderbird.

      I created Google Apps accounts for each domain.
      I uploaded all the emails using the Google Apps Uploader tool.
      I installed "Webmail Notifier" plugin for Firefox that checks every 5 minutes.

      Now I get notifications inside Firefox. All my email is available online...anywhere in the world. Less load on my server=happier customers. Everything is safe on Google's servers. Deliverability increased. Spam is greatly reduced due to Google's filters.


      That sounds like a great solution. I'm going to look into that.

      I don't use Thunderbird or Outlook anymore. I use Seamonkey, which
      combines a browser and email client and doesn't hog as much resources
      as Firefox and Thunderbird running together - though it has the same
      Mozilla code-base.
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    • Profile picture of the author doorkicker13
      Originally Posted by Jesus Perez View Post

      I check around 10 accounts. I went completely cloudbased after I left Thunderbird.

      I created Google Apps accounts for each domain.
      I uploaded all the emails using the Google Apps Uploader tool.
      I installed "Webmail Notifier" plugin for Firefox that checks every 5 minutes.

      Now I get notifications inside Firefox. All my email is available online...anywhere in the world. Less load on my server=happier customers. Everything is safe on Google's servers. Deliverability increased. Spam is greatly reduced due to Google's filters.

      Any more info on how this works?
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  • Profile picture of the author aandersen
    regularly compacting in thunderbird does make a huge difference.
    you can resolve a lot of issues by forcing a reindex of the mailbox as well

    but you didnt come here to ask for a fix you came asking for another mail app. personally i love the bat!. that program is awsome but it is far from basic. a lot of people find themselves puzzled by it and most people i know do not properly utilize it. however it can do almost anything.

    as far as basic windows based free apps i would say thunderbird is the best
    then opera mail
    the eudora
    then pegasus

    oh there is the free one built in to windows too, i think its just called mail now days (formerly outlook express)

    theres a bunch more too

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  • Profile picture of the author kick bad ass guy
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    • Profile picture of the author halfpoint
      Has anyone tried Windows Mail?

      I've been using it for my primary email account and then Thunderbird for the rest until Thunderbird started giving me headache.

      I didn't think I could add additional accounts within Windows Mail, however, it appears you can. I found a tutorial that says it will seperate the different email accounts into folders, however, I can't figure out how.

      I just added a new email address to it and it tried to download all of the emails from both accounts into my main inbox folder which obviously isn't going to work.

      Any Windows Mail users out there that know how to set up multiple accounts within it?
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      • Profile picture of the author ThomM
        Originally Posted by Pat Jackson View Post

        Has anyone tried Windows Mail?

        I've been using it for my primary email account and then Thunderbird for the rest until Thunderbird started giving me headache.

        I didn't think I could add additional accounts within Windows Mail, however, it appears you can. I found a tutorial that says it will seperate the different email accounts into folders, however, I can't figure out how.

        I just added a new email address to it and it tried to download all of the emails from both accounts into my main inbox folder which obviously isn't going to work.

        Any Windows Mail users out there that know how to set up multiple accounts within it?
        I recently started using windows live mail.
        I just got this machine with windows 7 on it and was having the same problem with tbird from the start.
        I'm only monitoring one email account with it but so far it's not bad.

        Life: Nature's way of keeping meat fresh
        Getting old ain't for sissy's
        As you are I was, as I am you will be
        You can't fix stupid, but you can always out smart it.

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        • Profile picture of the author akiimski
          Go web-based. Google Apps is one way to do it.

          Or you can get a paid service like Fastmail.
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          • Profile picture of the author rosetrees
            Be careful if you use Windows Live Mail or the new version of Thunderbird (v3) - and many other, newer, email clients.

            They all use email synching - in other words, they no longer remove your incoming mail from your mail server. If you don't watch what's happening you will start getting full mailbox warnings - or your incoming emails will start to bounce.

            The newest version of Thunderbird actually sends ALL emails you have sent to your online outbox - and there is no way of stopping it. (At least, not that I could find - it was an option in v2)
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  • Profile picture of the author aandersen
    yes you can do it but it is not ideal. basically you set all your accounts up and they will all come in to a unified mailbox

    then you set up sub-folders under that inbox for each mail box

    then you create a rule (tools > rules > mail) that says :
    Where to line contains address1
    Move it to the specified folder folder for address1
    apply this rule after message arives
    name it something significant

    then create another one for each address you plan to use
    this will cause it to sort your incomming mail based on the TO: address and put them in their designated folder

    this is the only way to do it in Windows Mail, it will work but the app was not designed to handel multple accounts the right way

    signature goes here

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    • Profile picture of the author halfpoint
      Originally Posted by aandersen View Post

      yes you can do it but it is not ideal. basically you set all your accounts up and they will all come in to a unified mailbox

      then you set up sub-folders under that inbox for each mail box

      then you create a rule (tools > rules > mail) that says :
      Where to line contains address1
      Move it to the specified folder folder for address1
      apply this rule after message arives
      name it something significant

      then create another one for each address you plan to use
      this will cause it to sort your incomming mail based on the TO: address and put them in their designated folder

      this is the only way to do it in Windows Mail, it will work but the app was not designed to handel multple accounts the right way
      Thanks, but I just found an easier alternative. Windows Live Mail will sort them into separate folders automatically.

      I'm having a play with it now and it seems like it'll do the job.
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  • Profile picture of the author aandersen
    oh ok, i actually have never used windows live mail i guess its pretty new. maybe i check it out later

    my instructions were for Windows Mail, not the live one but the one build in to windows. honestly i didnt know this live one existed but it looks like it will have no problem with multiple accounts.

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    • Profile picture of the author halfpoint
      Yep, I use Windows Mail for my main email address. I didn't know Windows Live Mail existed, either, until about an hour ago.

      I've just set up about 10 emails within it, they each have their own folders and it seems to be working good.

      A solid Thunderbird replacement, I think!
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  • Profile picture of the author AverageGuy
    I use opera browser which comes with an email feature. I like it because email and browser are in the same app. you can setup multiple accounts.

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  • Profile picture of the author Steve MacLellan

    Website building Discussion and Hosting

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  • Profile picture of the author statquo2010
    There is an application called postbox ( that may work for you. It's not free though ($40 USD). It was created by some of the same developers that created Thunderbird.

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  • Profile picture of the author TheSystemsVault
    Hi everyone,

    I was using outlook for years and upgraded to 64bit Windows 7 and had big issues with Windows mail. Would only allow about 6 different email accounts, Thunderbird I just couldn't get configured properly to send emails.

    Anyway, eM Client 3.0 solved my problems and is working great!

    It came 2nd overall in this years (2011) PCmag tests. See their list of email clients below:

    The Best Free Software of 2011 - E-mail/Collaboration |


    Steve Gilruth
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  • Profile picture of the author Charlotte Jay
    Windows Live Mail for the win! I really like it, even more so than Outlook. I can have multiple email address accounts in there too, which makes life easier for me
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    • Profile picture of the author focusedmind
      I personally use incredimail. It's got great graphics and is really fun! You should check it out.
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  • Profile picture of the author Major Success
    Check out Inbox2. I've used it precisely as a TB alternative and haven't looked back
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  • Profile picture of the author joeulman
    Thunderbird is a good product
    But it also has some drawbacks
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  • Profile picture of the author oclseo
    eM Client is a good thunderbird Email Client alternative, it is also good for skype, outlook, mns and facebook, massage synchronizer.
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  • Profile picture of the author UMS
    I've been using Thunderbird for about the last 4 years and never had any major problems with it.

    I have multiple accounts, tons of folders, filters and thousands of emails. Never had an issue with any of them.
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  • Profile picture of the author easygreen
    Does anyone know if it's possible to export emails from TB? They don't seem to offer that option.
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  • Profile picture of the author tamalee
    I have a question for you thunderbird users ... I just started using it ...

    But it seems to just delete all my emails at any random time ... I haven't been able to find how I can change settings to keep them from disappearing into oblivion... aside from archiving them but doesn't always work either

    thank you for any advice you can give
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  • Profile picture of the author webdesignnomad
    One word. Gmail. You can set up your mail account IN Gmail.
    A lot of online businesses use Gmail, and Thunderbird is really only viable if you are already massive, on top of being a real pain in comparison to set up.
    With Gmail you can easily forward many email address's to the one email address, (It can be done with most, I even do it with hotmail)
    But Gmail has a lot of cool features, like calendars, and file hosting, and it can integrate nicely with many marketing ideas.
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    • Profile picture of the author cashp0wer
      I use Gmail for everything. I have a personal Gmail account set up and then I have Gmail accounts set up for my businesses. It has always worked perfect for me and I've never had a problem with it.
      My Internet Marketing Blog - Warts And All!
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