How Do You Think We Found Out?

by 56 replies
I'm seeing more and more people asking questions
such as...

  • Does pinging work?
  • Should I use a squeeze page?
  • Should I bookmark my articles?

How do you think those of us that have been in this
business for a few years found out?

When there was nobody to ask... we tested, we found
out for ourselves. We got into the habit of questioning
and experimenting.

My biggest concern is that people are asking questions
and they're getting answers based on hearsay. The folks
who are answering the questions don't have the facts
and data to back up their advice, they're simply repeating
an answer that they've seen somewhere else.


What if the answers you are getting are wrong?

Things change. In fact, things change rapidly!

Instead of asking questions and following advice blindly,
I strongly suggest you make sure for yourself.

You must never take things for granted in this business.

Testing and tracking is a vital part of your business.

#main internet marketing discussion forum #found
  • I agree. I used to be one of those people that took most things I learned as Bible truth but later learned to test for myself. As a result, I was able to find out things that I could not have otherwise.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • That is great advise. It seems most folk want it free and have their hand held in the process. In truth when I began to really roll in the dough was when I broke away from the mold. I would not even consider myself a conventional aff marketer anymore.
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • What you say here is true, but everyone has to start somewhere. The answers may be based on hearsay, or on the posters own experience, or even a theory, but that doesn't make them bad necessarily.

    In the beginning, there was no one to ask about online business, so I'm sure many who were getting started turned to offline marketers and other business people to ask questions. These answers may not have been right, and may not have worked online, but at least it gave those who asked somewhere to start.

    Definitely testing and tracking are vital, but where do you start your test?
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • Chris,

      Just as in any experiment, you start with a control
      and you run a comparative test to see if the results
      are better or worse.

  • Boy am I glad I just jumped in and read this thread.

    I hemmed and hawed for the longest time. I mean, what if this thread sucks -- will I have wasted my time? Who is this John Taylor dude -- can he be trusted?

    I almost posted a new thread asking if anyone had already read Doc Taylor's thread (and if so, what they thought of it).

    Then I decided it's time I start thinking for myself. So I jumped in, read it, and formed my own opinion about this thread. (It's spot on.)

    Hopefully anyone else who's struggling with the decision of whether to read this thread or not also just jumps in and reads it rather than asking around. And then they should apply the advice -- because it's really the only way to find out for sure if this thread rocks their world or not.

    • [ 4 ] Thanks
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  • Come on guys, it's the internet! As much as you wish there was, there ISN'T a 'blueprint' method. Sure, there is helpful information available but make sure the information you are getting is in fact helpful. Find an authority source and ask for some tips.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • We have to work and figure things out for our self, that wasn't in the description... It said easy money for 1 hours work.

      Anyway, all sarcasum aside, I agree with what you say , even though I have been guilty of this in the past, I am sure many others have to but the only way to truly know if it works is if you actually do it and try it for your self.
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Should I upgrade from my 300 baud modem to a 1200 baud one?
    • [3] replies
    • It has higher numbers, it's a no brainier.
    • Scott,

      Have you still got the box it
      came in? ;-)

    • No! It's a passing fad.

      Stick with the tried and true.

      Now where the hell did my em quads go?
      • [1] reply
  • I guess I have my husband to thank for telling me exactly that marhelper; I should never take anything I read or learn in IM as the bible truth, but rather learn, test and apply.

    I guess that is what distinguishes those who succeed from those who fail. Motivation to learn, test a method, develop your own technique for success and continue to challenge yoursel.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Good topic. Along the same lines and something that makes me cringe is seeing a thread with a legitimate question or concern and seeing a string of answers that are so far off it's scary. Some posters become indignant when they don't get the fluffy answer they were seeking.
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    • Banned
      Like the complete newbies in the copywriting section passing out advice like it's Gospel. I wish there were a "head shaking" animated smiley. :p
  • Sometimes it's simply a matter of getting feedback from an expert. If someone has done it before and done it better then they are the best person to ask so I don't see a problem in it.

    But I agree that you should do your own testing and form your own opinion. I think a lot of people don't make an effort to be self-sufficient but instead rely a little too much on other people to help them through. You can only do that for so long in internet marketing.
  • I always thought the old-school IMers who are actually making real money bought some magic crystal ball that's no longer available, and for $200 an hour they'll ask the crystal ball questions and tell you what it says.

    "John, should I use PPC to increase my traffic, or try article marketing?"


    "Wait, what?"
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • Banned
      If you turn John upside down asking him questions you will get more than just one crystallized ball.
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  • Excellent post, John. The bottom line is each of is responsible for our own business and no one else. I've exhausted my thanks button for the day so you'll have to except my thanks this way.
    • [2] replies
    • Unfortunately, I'm seeing more and more who want everything guaranteed. If that's you, you really should go look up the definition of "entrepreneur" before deciding you want to be one.
      • [ 3 ] Thanks
    • I gave him one of mine for you.
      • [ 2 ] Thanks
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  • I guess that's what sets apart the real marketers from the wannabes.

    Some people are meant to work for their business as a job..
    ..and others build a business that works for them.

    But it doesn't hurt to get some advice here and there, no matter what stage you are at in your business.

    - Felix
    • [1] reply
    • Felix,

      Absolutely! It would be foolish to believe that
      we were above asking others for advice.

      It would also be foolish to take all advice as
      good without considering the source and the

      What I'm suggesting is that more people need
      to take responsibility for making the decisions
      that affect their businesses.

      • [1] reply
  • Hi John,
    When you told me to outsource my off line stuff and not get to deep into the
    daily functions you never told me I should test and track stuff too! It's a
    good thing I came across this site just after I received your advise.
    Test and track for increased profits

    It was the next best peice of advise I had received and a very important part of the puzzle.

    Thanks again,
    Have a Great Day!
  • I think it's also important to note that what tends to work well in 1 niche, does not work as well (if at all) in others.

    Much of the direct IM related stuff that is golden on this forum, can't easily transfer to my wine business....although I certainty try!
  • The truth has been told... Thanks John!
  • Yes, that is the case. Practice makes perfect! You never know what you get are right or wrong unitl you test it by yourself.

    Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • It takes a lot of trial and error to grow in anything...especially in IM. I can understand wanting to eliminate error by avoiding it altogether, but that isn't very realistic. It comes by learning what works and doesn't work. You get advice from people who know what they are talking about and try and make it work for you. Learning that usually involves more finding out what doesn't work than anything else and then tweaking.

    What bothers me is that there are people who can't accept their own failures and make them work to their advantage. They want to blame their failings on the one who gave them advice. They can't own their own mistakes.
  • It's always better to get a hands-on on pretty much everything you do than rely on others. You'll know how it works and when you'll know what to do when something goes wrong. Consulting others help of course but it will always be a different experiencing it yourself.
  • Well, all facts are true, confidence on itselfs makes so important.

    But without any sharing our ideas & thoughts how we could get new inventions at all.

    Here you are the most experienced member on this forums obviously every one wants to learned from you.
    • [1] reply
    • What John said is so true.

      I am finding out that things are changing quite rapidly, at least in regard to
      many of the tactics I use.

      For example, at least for the niches I write for, EZA brings me about 70% of
      the views per article that it used to.

      That can mean one of several things including

      The niches are more competitive
      EZA is losing juice with the SERPs.

      I am now finding that I MUST use many more directories than I used to...

      To Get The Same Amount Of Traffic

      And this may or may not be true for everybody.

      One niche I write for is giving me more traffic than ever.

      Anybody who takes anything that anybody says here at face value, no
      matter how successful that person is, is a fool.

      I've actually gotten to the point where when people ask me a question,
      I'll give an answer but then at the end include this disclaimer.

      This is my own experience. Test for yourself and see what works for

      I don't know where IM is going. Things I thought I could always count on,
      I find I can't. Some methods that worked for me a recently as 3 months
      ago have dried up completely while other methods are finally taking off.

      The Internet is in a constant state of change. That's why "how to" books
      get outdated so quickly especially when it comes to traffic generation

      In fact, the books I find that stay the most constant are the ones about
      copywriting and ad writing because those things really haven't changed
      much over a very long period of time...even before the Internet.

      In a word...take nothing as gospel or you're leaving yourself open for
      some major hurt.

      And this is only my opinion.
  • Does pinging work?
    • [2] replies
    • You'll find the answer to that -- along with every other topic you ever wanted to know about -- in my upcoming WSO.

      Does pinging work?
      What's the average rainfall in the Amazon basin?
      Where to get backlinks?
      What does John Taylor wear under his kilt?
      What's the best way to get JV partners?
      Who shot J.R.?

      And much, much more. Don't miss it!

      • [2] replies
    • Only with the right hammer and hollow pipe!
  • I think some people who might be answering with rehashed answers and advice just might be trying to boost their posts.

    The forum is becoming saturated with an individual "quoting" a long answer or question and then just leaving a 3 or 4 word reply at the bottom.

    This is a great forum and I really hope we can all do our part to keep it that way
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • Its infuriating isnt it. lol

      No really though i hate sifting through those pointless posts, thats why its up to us to help report and weed out those who are not trying to really be a part of the community.

      - Felix
  • I have seen some people ask questions of late, looking for the short cut answers and then get angry because few people share what took them years to learn, its almost like some people expect the answers to be given when they snap their fingers.
  • Very true John

    Another angle on this is how a lot of noobs going the Q & A path never get a solid understaning of the big picture and how the many facets of IM can interconnect and build on each other.

    It´s like learning to ride a bike. Someone might teach you to pedal like crazy but if you don´t understand the part about steering it´s all going to be round and round in circles.

    Spoon-feeding adds knowledge but no wisdom. Someone tell the noobs!
  • Banned
  • I've seen many threads with "I did it..." or "my plan to get to $$$", etc. There were some great ideas in those threads. Until you try them out, until you put everything into practice, that is until the rubber meets the road, you'll never know what value they have for you. Don't take anyone's opinions as fact. What made millions for one person may make you $0.02. Just because it worked for someone else, doesn't mean it will work for you. It also doesn't mean you shouldn't give it a try.


    PS - For the grammar buffs, sorry for all the double negatives
  • What if the advice in this post is wrong? Has testing ever been done to see if testing really does work?

    Without googling it, I actually think I remember...Sue Ellen's sister? Actress was Kathy Crosby I think? She was having an affair with that evil JR. Sorry for ruining your WSO.
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    • Mr. Taylor (must respect one's elders, right?)...

      You are spot on. Even if someone gives you advice that is absolutely right for them, it might not be right for you. We all have different bundles of talents and experiences, and need to find out what works within those boundaries.

      At best, asking for and getting advice on some of these questions can give you the control to start testing against.

      Scott, don't be a wuss. Jump straight to 2400 baud and rock on...

      Sorry, Tony, but pinging works great with submarines and sonar, too... :p

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