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Sean A McAlister
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Questions on Social Media and Facebook?

I wanted to share this video with you because I think it's
pretty cool....!

Facebook Marketing - Crowd Conversion

...Google openly admitted that Facebook is the only
competitor they fear

Marketing on FB involves a slightly different mindset.

As with everything online...there is more than one way to
generate revenue with this beast. The difference is ....it
Truly is a Social Networking Site...that is taking on a life of
it's own.

Everyone is becoming savvy and in a social environment
no one wants to be sold. They want to build relationships.

Think of it like going out to a nice dinner with friends and then
the club afterward....are you gonna try and sell them a 4 week
group coaching package while your dancing...lol

The main issue is that there is a disconnect on how exactly to
monetize facebook.

The answer is becoming more and more clear. Fan Pages.

Fan Pages are becoming Hugely Popular and and
offer boat loads of creative options. You can have optins, video,
content and more.

The Big Winner here is ....the Viral Aspect. When someone
joins your fan page it shows up on their wall profile, if they
comment on your page...it shows up on their wall.

This Can Turn into some Powerful Traffic!

All of their friends see it and begin to check you out....
people keep joining, commenting etc. The creative
use of your content is what eventually directs them
to an buy button.

Some claim it's the new Adwords.. I tend to look at it as the
future of online interaction at all levels. Start building your

Just some thoughts !

Highest Regards,
Sean McAlister
#facebook #monetizing

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