Oh, by the way... anyone want to learn how to make money?

by 50 replies
Just a little break from the pantomime that appears to be playing out in some threads on the front page.

Anyone want to make some money?

A very smart person reminded me a couple of days ago that the way to make money is to:

Yes, it's that simple.

You probably know more about how to make money than you give yourself credit for. Chances are, you're just looking for "the best way" and thinking too much, in effect, talking yourself out of taking action.

The best way that you can make (more) money is by doing something RIGHT NOW that will put money in your pocket.

Here's a few things you could probably do right now:

(1) Put up a short video review of a product you're promoting
(2) Mail your list
(3) Write an article
(4) Write a blog post
(5) Write the first few pages of a new ebook
(6) Rewrite 5 pages of a PLR ebook that's gathering dust on your hard drive.

... the list goes on.

There are an unlimited number of things that you can do right now, that will take you less than an hour, in order to increase your chances of making money online.

Waiting for the "best way" is not one of them.

Now, get to it.

#main internet marketing discussion forum #learn #make #money
  • But, that instant gratification mindset should be thrown out the window...

    The reality is, yes, you need to pick a course and stick with it....but, you also have to anticipate alot of hard work....be prepared for it...it's inevitable...
  • Karl,

    I really couldn't agree more. I think all of us (myself certainly included) can be guilty of wasting time procrastinating while there is an abundance of money to be made out there through marketing efforts which are free, relatively simple and available freely for anyone to utilise.

    For your personal marketing, what methods do you find the most effective?

    What do you think is the key to breaking out of "analysis paralysis" and into the realm of hyperactivity and success?
    • [1] reply
    • The reality is...

      Every step you take towards your goal is one step closer.
      Every step you don't take towards your goal is one step further away.

      It's not about "a lot of hard work" it's more a case of "a lot of little bits of easy work"

      The more you get used to doing something, anything, on route to your goals, the more you become accustomed to it - you'll become more proficient at achieving what you set out to do, and making money will become even easier.

      For my line of work (graphics), all I have to do is ask for the business.

      I'll email my list and tell them that I've got a slot or two free at a discount.

      The key to "hyperactivity" and therefore "success" is to firstly become active. Once you're used to being active, do more (it's easier to speed up a moving object than it is to stop it)
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
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  • Thank you for injecting some sanity into this place.
  • I agree!

    The biggest reason why most people dont make it or havent made it yet is because they just dont want it bad enough and need to do more ... if you know what I mean

    • [1] reply
    • Indeed.

      The biggest reason most people don't make it is because they think that...

      Reading blogs, checking emails, reading and replying to forum posts, watching youtube videos, reading ebooks etc, basically, sitting in front of a computer screen... is productive.

      BIG TIP:

      Switch off, get a pen and paper and go sit for 2 hours at your dining room table - and WRITE the outline for your next product.

      I bet you'll get more done in those 2 hours than most people do in a week.
  • Good ideas Karl. Could i also throw in turn off your phones and turn off your TV. Work in a room with no distractions.
  • So easy to get caught up doing unproductive things. I find myself doing it all the time. I find the best way to get things done is to set a timer for a period of time and commit to the task your working on. Otherwise it's email telephone, skype...Distractions are endless and so are all the new shiny objects thrown at us each day.
  • Karl, I tried to pick up my toy and she told me to put her down.

    • [1] reply
    • Wow, I've been looking for those Real Dolls on ebay, and each time I bid on one, some dude called KLeatherman keeps outbidding me.
  • Nice Boys I lIKE iT
  • How easily forgotten. It is easy to major in the minors and minor in the majors.

  • Thank you!

    Ok now back to work people!
  • Some very goods thoughts here.
  • Many people say work hard, and really this is not the answer, a coal worker or any general laborer can work hard all of their life but not end up with a nickel, this is not generalize any profession but to highlight hard work alone will not make you rich.

    In addition to that I found in my case when first starting on line i wanted to and did work hard, hour upon hour, but I needed to soon wise up that no matter how hard i was working nor even if i put in more hours again or even doubled them until i worked myself to a withering mess i was not going to make money.

    So it may be better if people adopt smart work over hard work, and by that slowly test out everything your doing, then instead of going about a daily ritual where like sheep the same ol same ol is bleated out each day it is very important to evaluate what works, why it works and if so increase efforts in those areas while reducing other activities that are not showing return and in addition add some new mix or methods to your daily routine, and never give up regardless of how hard it may seem.

    Over time you will then start to see some results, but working just hard everyday is not the best plan unless your lucky or well versed in the ways of the cyberlands.
    • [2] replies

    • I have to agree. When I first started, I worked very hard posting FFA
      links and all this other crap that didn't do anything for me. I worked 14
      hours a day for 5 months and made $28.

      Working hard did NOTHING for me UNTIL I learned to work smart.

      That came from a lot of trial and error and some education from a couple
      of ebooks.

      No, sadly, working hard without the proper kind of work behind it is only
      going to leave you frustrated and broke.
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • VERY very good point! Thanks!
  • I'm confused...

    it appears that some people are equating: DO SOME WORK

    I'm saying: DO SOME WORK
    Instead of: DO NO WORK

    If you do nothing, you will always be where you are now. If you do something, you won't.

    You can't analyse results until you perform the actions required to get those results. Analysing BEFORE you take those actions is just hypothesising.
    • [1] reply

    • Which is why I tell people that instead of busting your head open trying
      to figure this crap out, which could take months, get yourself a mentor
      and have them lay out a plan for you so that at the very least, you're
      on the right track.

      THEN, work hard at it and you'll see results.

      I've done it the other way and it wasn't fun. If I had it to do over again,
      I would have taken 2K or 4K or whatever it would have cost me, hired
      somebody like Willie Crawford to train me and save myself the hell that
      I went through for 5 months.
  • Good gosh almighty people. Read what Karl said and stop over thinking it.

    Just do something for your business now. I was in on the conversation he had the other night with that smart person and he is right. Work now.

    • [ 2 ] Thanks
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    • LOL -- bingo!

      I was reading this thread and I was thinking, thinking, thinking. I had ideas about which posts I was going to reply to. And then I got to Ken's post.

      Thanks Karl and Ken.

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  • It was Albert Einstein that said:

    The fact is, you realised what you were doing wasn't productive - and, you changed what you were doing - but, had you not taken the first steps and done something, and worked at it, you'd still be at square one.

    Common sense prevails when it comes to making money...

    If what you're doing doesn't make you money, try doing things slightly different, don't necessarily do something altogether different.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • Sometimes people study, go to forums, read ebooks, etc because they want to find that golden nugget of information that will launch their business into the stratosphere.

      But what they fail to realize is more often than not that knowledge comes from doing. Are there little gems that you can get from others? Sure, but you need to know how they fit, if at all, into the way your business operates.

      Sometimes people try to over complicate things. Internet marketing surely can't be this simple. It feels good being in the "know". Having a "strong grasp" of many complex internet marketing strategies but what isn't said is those complex strategies usually don't work and if they do only in very narrow circumstances. Keep it simple and soon you'll be able to realize what will work for you and what won't.

      Just my .02
      • [1] reply
  • Karl, you forgot to mention "drink coffee"....how else do you think I can crank out a gizzillion words of content and sales copy in such a short time frame?


    p.s. In all seriousness, coffee has nothing to do with, Dragon Naturally Speaking is my not-so-secret content-generating weapon!
  • Thanks for the info.
  • Here's another way to think about it...

    You might want to print that out and stick it on your bathroom/bedroom mirror.
    • [4] replies
    • Or, "Is what I am doing right this minute going to help me make money, or am I avoiding doing the important stuff?" And maybe more importantly..."WHY do I avoid doing the important stuff?"
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • (Or on a sticky note attached to your monitor)

      Then, after you're done with that question you can always ask yourself...

    • another one:

      Because you need a plan and do the right things --> EFFECTIVENESS! Not waste time doing things where its questionable/uncertain there is a ROI.

    • The one I have on my computer is:

  • Oh yeah, I too quite agree with you Karl.

    Most online marketers are looking for the "best" way or solution to make a
    quick buck, and fail to implement the knowledge they already probably have!

    Slow and steady wins the race.. So start acting now, and stop waiting and thinking for so long!

    Best success!
  • I have been guilty of buying products working half way through, getting board and moving on to the next one never really getting anyhting done.. I am now finally seeing some results with sticking with one thing and working my a** off
  • i always love a check list of powerful actions.

    how many of the listed actions should be executed in a marketers average day?
  • Now thanks to you I have to stop what I was doing and get back to work.

    Thanks alot...Karl
  • Really good information. excellent ideas for a good online business
  • If you REALLY want to make money online (or anywhere), you can't be timid by any means....doing IM usually means networking and interacting....refine and develop your social skills....be patient and courteous and professional to others, and more often times than not, others will return the same to you...
  • Simple and straight to the point. Really, it is as simple as that.

    Thanks for bringing us back to the reality - away from land of forums and social networks ;-)
    • [1] reply
    • Sometimes we just need to hear the truth...

      Heck that even motivated me to keep at it ion my business!

      Great encouragment and completly true forever.
  • I probably should read this post a few times a day, I get off task and distracted not only by this forum but plenty of other stuff as well. I try to write down goals for the day and make sure I get them done before I do anything else.

  • Really? Where?

    I'd have thought that the first thing you did when you came to this thread was look at the number of view, and then come to the conclusion that it would be a good one to spam.

    Thanks... for the laugh, but, your post has been reported as spam
    • [1] reply
    • Well, it took quite a lot of time for me to realize that!

      But hopefully I'm on the right track now

      Thanks for the reminder!

  • Karl, you have very good analogy! Thanks!

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