You Have A New Sale...

31 replies
Do you get lots of these types of subject headlines in your inbox? They are usually followed by something along the lines of

" you could be getting messages
like that in just a couple of hours from now".Of course this is then followed by the latest usually over hyped instant get rich quick,no effort needed product.

I am just sick of these devious tactics. It causes me to lose any trust or respect I may have had in the sender.
I immediately turn to the unsubscribe box. Surely these emails are counter productive in building a list or does anyone think otherwise? Does anyone admit to sending them and if so what is your experience?

I'm interested to hear the thoughts of fellow warriors on this
  • Profile picture of the author andrewpearson
    I get them in my inbox all the time and they quickly get deleted, it's been happening for years and you just get used to it and filter it out.

    Unfortunately in this game we are in, it's par for the course.

    I dont worry about it anymore, I have bigger fish to fry.

    Kind Regards,
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  • Profile picture of the author Lou Diamond
    I do find them very annoying, I usually unsubscribe from the mailing list and I tell them why as well.
    They never do get the point.

    Something new soon.

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  • Profile picture of the author yommys01
    I don't even open this type of emails. I have got so many "notification of payments" emails when the said email address is linked to no paypal account.
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  • Profile picture of the author PerfectedWeb
    This of email is really annoying and I usually instant unsubscribe from the list as well as all the others of the same sender I'm subscribed to.
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  • Profile picture of the author Underground SEO
    Yeah, I also get flooded with them, it is highly annoying, or at least is was to start with, I've sort of learnt to live with it now!
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  • Profile picture of the author John Atkins
    Yeah, I do get some e-mails with that subject from time to time. I don't
    see how they could possibly benefit by writing a title like that. You'll
    get more open rates but I doubt that you're going to get more
    sales with a subject like that. I never used misleading titles
    & never will.
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  • Profile picture of the author TeddyKasche
    I find that people tend to get desensitized to these types of subject lines. Its clear from the responses above that no one is really falling for them and only a small number of people are actually opening the emails to read the copy - either way, these emails seem to cause an 'immediate unsubscribe' reaction.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jay Jennings
    It's like the subject line "personal from Joe."


    Personal means you're writing to ME, not your freakin' list.

    Jay Jennings
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  • Profile picture of the author Dave d
    Yes I find it very irrating and I unsubcribe straight away. Lately I got a couple along the longs the lines of "Where Do I Send Your Commission" or "I need Your Pay Pal Address"

    Also I hate when they put the RE: in front of the subject, though I have got used to that one now
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  • Profile picture of the author TheMagicShow
    This type of junk mail, got played out like 2-3 years ago. Old tactics like this don't fool, the smarter people.

    " You can either give a man a fish and feed him for a day OR teach him how to catch a fish and it will feed him for a lifetime"

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  • Profile picture of the author Shaun Lee
    These emails get my attention, but they just don't get opened when they are sent by other marketers.

    I don't unsubscribe though, I like to see what other people is up to, what they are currently doing, what am I missing out, etc.

    It helps to be up-to-date.

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    • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
      Most of these emails aren't even from lists I've subscribed to and have no
      way of unsubscribing. That's the most annoying part. I report them as spam
      to their ISP, for all the good it does as I keep getting them anyway.

      The sad part is, there are lots of new people out there who see these and
      get all worked up hoping it's money and then when they find out it's not,
      they eventually get sucked into the scam.

      And is it any wonder that IM gets a bad rap?
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      • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
        I had one this morning, and guess what? It was really a sale.

        "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    I automatically delegate these to the spam box.
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  • Profile picture of the author Zabrina
    I've only gotten that kind of email once or twice, because I'm only subscribed to a very few valuable lists, none of which send out those kinds of emails. :p
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  • Profile picture of the author E. Brian Rose
    Very funny that I saw this thread, because I just received my first "You've Sold a Product" spam email today and was thinking what a BS strategy that is.

    Founder of JVZoo. All around good guy :)

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  • Profile picture of the author MarkSherris
    they are very anoying those emails, I'd never personally use this tactic with my list - if you want to build trust with you're list this is a sure fire way to kill that trust level!

    Another very anoying tactic is when people put RE: (Subject line)
    to make it seem like it's a response from something you've sent!
    "I've Banked Over $350k Online With This..." - Click here to see my no.1 recommendation!
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  • Profile picture of the author LilBlackDress
    Damn. For a minute there my heart fluttered and I was thinking I had a sale. I just love making a genuine sale

    The other week I got an email telling me I had made a sale. It came from a no reply email. When I opened it, it simply said You Have Made a Sale. Thank you!
    I have no idea what that was.

    Pen Name + 8 eBooks + social media sites 4 SALE - PM me (evergreen beauty niche)

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  • Profile picture of the author birddog200
    The sad thing is that I have to click them because I get several from paypal ect.. per day. It really ticks me off that at the end of the day 20 are real and 30 are spam.
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  • Profile picture of the author Pradeep Bhagwat
    It is very shocking experience for newbies, when they open these type of messages, But after receiving some of messages they know the trick and after that they defenately delete the message and before deleting they spam it or unsubscribe it. I think this is not the good tactics for experienced internet marketers. By doing this they are losing customers.

    - Pradeep
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  • Profile picture of the author VilPietersen@
    It's stupid coz; fair one, when you get the message, providing you've been doing this kind of thing for about a minute, you may actually get excited and open the email.

    The problem is; there is a "open rate" feature in your autoresponder, but not a "yep you pissed another subscriber off" one.

    It does grip my sh*t, it's fun though - to see which email titles you actually "fall for" and what's in them.

    Personally I hate the FREE GIFT emails
    I build and deploy smart AI "customer service" ChatBots
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  • Profile picture of the author Angela Wills
    People who resort to this tactic are NOT on my radar for marketing advice so I just dont' get them.

    I'm on very few email lists to begin with and the people I've chosen to follow just wouldn't do that kind of thing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jon Tees
    I know its bogus as soon as I receive it. Any notice of payments/referrals in my primary affiliate program come from a very specific sender. Anyone other than that sender sending me any notifications is bogus.

    The fact that in my case all of these come from viral list builder programs is a tip off as well.
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    • Profile picture of the author Angela Wills
      Originally Posted by Jon Tees View Post

      I know its bogus as soon as I receive it. Any notice of payments/referrals in my primary affiliate program come from a very specific sender.
      That's a good point since anyone who wants to physically separate the pain in the butt emails from the real payment notifications could then use that separate email address and subject line to create a filter since they are always the same for a legitimate payment notification.
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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Guilfoyle
    I just got a new J/V invite. Included in their swipe email was one of these subject type headlines.

    Because of this I won't be getting involved with a J/V with this particular marketer now ( or probably ever).

    All the best,

    Easiest, fastest way I know, and working for countless others to create an online income.
    Click Here to Watch Free Video and start learning how to really profit from the internet

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  • Profile picture of the author grafx77
    Honesty is the best policy. Messages that are untrue, misleading or coaxing are a complete put-off to me. I reach for the unsubscribe button immediately too.

    List building is a slow cordial affair. Seduction should be crafty but realistic and true, not a bunch of lies. For example, if you offer a free product to induce people to sign up, give it. Then use your own skill to sell your main products.
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