Your BIGGEST Marketing BreakThrough

14 replies
A pretty well known marketing in the MLM/Direct Sales industry had an interesting contest that entry's had to be a video about your biggest breakthrough when it comes to building a business online.

So I got to thinking. WWWS What Would Warriors Say?

So what was your biggest breakthrough when it comes to make making money.

Ill Start of with mine.

" Consistancy, When I first got started I was doing a LOT of things a little and very inconsistant. I finally had my Ah Hah moment one day and decided to focus on a select few task. As I continued to work those specific task I started finding more success and those task became easier.

Therefore when those tasks became easier, I was able to add additional tasks and increase my business even more.... "

Jeff Mitchell

P.s I hope to hear some good ones.
#biggest #breakthrough #marketing
  • Profile picture of the author JoshuaG
    Thinking big.

    Why get paid pennies for clicks when you can get dollars for sales?

    Why get dollars for sales when you can get thousands of dollars from offering your own product/service?

    Why develop a product/service that appeals to 100's of people when you can think a product that appeals to 100 000's of people?

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  • Profile picture of the author Big Al
    I'll go with your consistancy (and add) with one project ... and that happened when I started building a list because there was something I could always be working on.

    A couple of minutes here, a new message there and the odd blog comment if I had 5 minutes. Then it all accumulates.

    Especially if you've got other work commitments and struggle with time.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lou Diamond
    my biggest marketing breakthrough came along when I really started to listen and use other peoples opinions.
    I would always listen but never fully understood that I could be wrong.
    I also used opinions from people from different age groups and from newbies to advanced marketers.
    Lou Diamond

    Something new soon.

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  • Profile picture of the author Peggy Baron
    My AHA moment came when I figured out that just because something was easy for me, it wasn't easy for everyone. That lead me to create a successful product that helped people.

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  • Profile picture of the author rr1958
    I wish I had one, I'm a newbie working to read as much as possible, trying different things, hoping for my Aha moment!
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  • Profile picture of the author sdentrepreneur
    Changing my mindset, being proud of the fact that I am Internet Marketer. Taking my online marketing skills to offline businesses that want more web traffic.

    Learn Digital, Internet and Social Media Marketing For Your Business
    Click here to learn more - Digital and Social Media Marketing Training Course

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  • Profile picture of the author VilPietersen@
    My biggest breaktrough came when I stopped putting things off i.e. building a list, learning something I didn't know, learning how to develop myself as a person.

    Once I tackled those things I kept putting off, all of the little breakthroughs added up to form an Uber breakthrough. "Pull your frigging finger out your a$$ and start doing something!"
    I build and deploy smart AI "customer service" ChatBots
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  • Profile picture of the author rawservices
    Definitely agree with OP, consistency is the only way to see results in internet marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author badboy_Nick
    Originally Posted by JeffMitchell View Post

    So what was your biggest breakthrough when it comes to make making money.
    Mine has been when I switched from sales based commission to LEAD GENERATION, which means I get paid everytime someone fills out a contact form instead of taking out his credit card and buying something.

    This is much easier to do and pays higher in certain verticals, Debt management for example (I get up to £95 a lead now). That was the reason for my breakthrough, really.

    Any questions just let me know

    Read my incredible story:
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    • Profile picture of the author Alminc
      I didn't make any real breakthrough yet, but I had a few 'aha'
      moments when I realised that my natural way of thinking is
      far away from how you must think and act in order to build
      your presence on the internet and make money.

      For example I would normally never state that the knowledge
      about certain techniques/processes is 'my knowledge' if it is
      something that anybody can learn about from books or in any
      other way that is publicly available. WRONG!

      Internet logic is exactly the opposite. If you want to build
      your online reputation and brand yourself as knowledgeable
      you must present any piece of useful information you find
      in books, e-books or elsewhere as your own knowledge,
      insights and advices to others, by writing articles, blog posts
      and similar. That's exactly what all those successful bloggers
      do every day. They just write a solid post on certain subject
      as it where something that comes from their own head, while
      the information they present actually comes from ebooks,
      articles and other websites that they read. Nothing new,
      nothing revolutionary, nothing original, but they write it
      as their own post on their blogs and everybody who reads
      it posts a comment like ' Wow, great post, very useful, fantastic,
      thank you sooo much...blah blah'. Unbelieveable, but that's
      how it works.

      After two dozen or so such posts they become recognised
      as experts and leaders and they become very popular.
      Their following buys any kind of 'report' or 'ebook' they
      announce later on.
      That was one of my recent 'A-HA!' moments.
      No links :)
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  • Profile picture of the author Sarah Russell
    I'd say that learning to focus was a big one for me. After messing around and jumping from promotional strategy to promotional strategy for a few years, I finally feel like I'm at the point where I have a clear, concise vision for each project I'm working on. Like, I know what my next steps are and what I have to do for each one without being distracted by the "latest and greatest" big thing.

    That, and recognizing that adding value for visitors is absolutely critical for a long-term business. Putting crap out there just to make a quick buck isn't the most stable way to build up a business empire
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  • Profile picture of the author Nick Brighton
    First, learning how to sell effectively, which is all that really matters in this business.

    And then quitting my day job, despite not making enough money yet, so I could actually make progress, make money, and have a real pressure applied to my actions.
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  • Profile picture of the author Vanquish
    Focus on what works

    Scale It up
    Nothing to sell, only value to give and new knowledge to learn.
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  • Profile picture of the author Fitnessdad
    My AHA was learning to focus on one product that has a high enough payout to make me money than to keep jumping from product to product.
    Website building for small businesses, an online marketing agency that provides expert services and advice to small businesses and local shops to help them succeed in the digital age.
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