Secret Strategy To Skyrocket Your Sales

16 replies
I was going to put this in a little report and sell it as a wso
but what the hek. I love the warrior forum and I'm guessing
that a lot more people can benefit from it if I make a short
post and get to the point instead of a wso report.

You can fill in the blanks as this is very easy to implement
if you sell a product of any type even if it's a physical product.

First of all you need to be willing to give a discount on your product
to a limited number of people.

If you have a list then this can be very powerful, obviously you don't
want to tell people about this who have purchased your product
already at the regular price.

You could also use this with video sites like youtube.

The process is simple, somewhere on your sales page you need
to select a piece of text or an image and put a link where when
clicked on people can get your product at a special price.

Don't make the link obvious (at all) meaning make it look like all
the other text in your sales page.

Now simply make a video showing people that if they click on this
specific text they will be taken to a page where they can get
a special discount on your product.

Then send the video out to your subscribers and post it on video

You'll be amazed at the response the money that comes in.

Why does this work so well, becuase people understand that nearly
everyone else who buys your product is paying full price and they're
getting a discount.

If you've got testimonials on your page from people who paid regular
price and they are raving about it then people are going to be
thrilled to get it at a discount.

By going about it this way shows people that this truly is a special offer
that you're letting a limited people know about.

I'll post in a couple days how you can grow your profits even more with
this method.

Enjoy the extra profits (if you're willing to take about 10 minutes out of
your busy schedule of course)

#easy #sales #skyrocket #tip
  • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
    Hi Mike,

    You know what? I really like that tip. Thanks for sharing.

    Now, to put it to use!


    "Ich bin en fuego!"
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  • Profile picture of the author craigraphael
    Interesting strategy Mike. I like that is simple enough to implement or test without eating up much time. Nice post and I'll be trying this sometime for myself.


    Craig Raphael
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  • Profile picture of the author Kevin Riley
    I'll vouch for this. I've done it with images on a sales page. In fact, I think there's still one out there that I forgot about LOL. I still see the occasional discount sales coming through from it.

    When you're promoting it, it's a flurry of sales, because people love getting in on something that not everyone is in on. Getting that special price when everyone else on the same sales page is paying more is very alluring.
    Kevin Riley, long-time Warrior living in Osaka, Japan

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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Montgomery
    Glad you guys like it. I actually have a friend
    who was struggling in his internet business.

    He wasn't following through with the basics
    and was about to give up - obviously his own

    I told him about this strategy and the first day
    he used it he generated more than $200 in sales.

    That was the confidence boost he need and his
    business is nowing doing over $500 a day, obviously
    not all from this method but this method kept him
    from giving up which ultimately changed his life.

    It's amazing what a small tweak in your business
    can do in your heart and ultimately in your business.

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    • Profile picture of the author Lance K
      Did you learn that from J-Mo?
      "You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want."
      ~ Zig Ziglar
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      • Profile picture of the author Mike Montgomery
        came up with it from a similar idea I had
        with offering a discount on a different page.

        This worked much better

        Originally Posted by Lance K View Post

        Did you learn that from J-Mo?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[179053].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Lance K
          Originally Posted by Mike X. View Post

          came up with it from a similar idea I had
          with offering a discount on a different page.

          This worked much better
          Indeed you're right. Moffatt is the first one I learned it from.

          On a different note, I've been looking for something like what's in your sig for some time now. Will have to check it out.
          "You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want."
          ~ Zig Ziglar
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          • Profile picture of the author davemiz
            good idea, but you're not the first person to do this...

            JMO's been teaching this for years now.

            “Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.”
            ― Dalai Lama XIV

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            • Profile picture of the author Mike Montgomery
              well I've never purchased any of Jason's products
              and I'm sure many others haven't either so I'm guessing
              there's going to be at least one other person besides
              me that will benefit from this

              Originally Posted by davemiz View Post

              good idea, but you're not the first person to do this...

              JMO's been teaching this for years now.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[179094].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author brockbraddock
    This is especially effective right after you raise the price of an existing product. Send your list of prospects an email telling them you just raised the price but you wanted to give them one more chance to get the old price so you put in a "secret door" (great subject line by btw) just for them that allows them to take advantage of the old price for a limited time.

    I do this all the time and my sales go through the roof everytime.

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  • Profile picture of the author JordanFrancis
    Yeah, I like this tip. Nina linking?...

    Naturally OTHER people have thought about doing the exact same thing ...heck is there much else left out there yet to be discovered?... well maybe

    Ultimately, every time this is repeated, a ton of new fresh eyes will catch it for the first time ...and you'll make their day.

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  • Profile picture of the author stevecl
    nice idea, has anybody tried offering a discount to people if they join your list, they can buy the product from your salespage at $27 or have it for $17 for signing upto your list. even if they unsubscribe after purchase your still making the sale.


    I started with nothing and still have most of it left!

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    • Profile picture of the author David_Thompson
      It's a great tip but it has Moffat man name all over it...
      Nice one Mike X

      It's a good reminder

      JV partnership wanted, Lets grow your list for free. Nothing to do with giveaways. PM Now
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[179253].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Chris Lockwood
    I've seen this done a few times, but not really explained in detail.

    I wonder if anyone has split tested this against sending people to a special discount page that makes the discount obvious (and links back to the regular price page)... I'd love to see the results, since in either case you are telling them how to get a discount that others don't.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bruce NewMedia
    Thanks Mike - I like this idea alot.

    One question- The link to the special video on the sales page: is THAT link just like a text link (underlined) or what?
    And then the video in turn sends them to a special order page? Have I got this right?

    sorry, no coffee this morning, so I'm a bit slow.:-) Thanks!
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    • Profile picture of the author Lance K
      Originally Posted by brucerby View Post

      Thanks Mike - I like this idea alot.

      One question- The link to the special video on the sales page: is THAT link just like a text link (underlined) or what?
      And then the video in turn sends them to a special order page? Have I got this right?

      sorry, no coffee this morning, so I'm a bit slow.:-) Thanks!
      On your regular sales page (or a blog post, etc.), you would edit something (like a comma) into a hyperlink which takes them to the sales letter with the discounted price.

      Then you send a video to your list explaining why there's a discount and where to find the special link.
      "You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want."
      ~ Zig Ziglar
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