4 replies
my site is on the first page of google when searching: free backlinks

This seems valuable to me. However, my domain name is CommentingForLinks.com so is it worth anything to someone who would want to keep the position, but maybe not have such use for a name like that?

I'd like to sell it as opposed to just letting it go. I have over 500 people signed up for it, and the script is working fine. I just am busy with other things and can not put the needed effort to maintain and grow it anymore.

Thank you.
#domain #free backlinks #sell website
  • Profile picture of the author Peter Gregory
    Are you asking for the value of the domain name by itself or are you including the site, email list, etc?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2073031].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author SolidSolutions
    Good clarification...thanks.

    I would sell whatever is wanted...the domain, the site/pages, the database, userlist, etc.

    I was just thinking it wouldn't be worth much if the domain name is not good for what someone else would intend to use it for. I figure being on first page of google and msn for the search term free backlinks would be worth something, but not sure though because maybe the buyer could not really use commentingforlinks.com for anything.

    Please do not use affiliate links in signatures

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  • Profile picture of the author tschlotter
    It might be worth something to someone if it was functional and people could sign up to see it in action, right now it says "not accepting new members".
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2073125].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author SolidSolutions
      Originally Posted by tschlotter View Post

      It might be worth something to someone if it was functional and people could sign up to see it in action, right now it says "not accepting new members".
      Good point, I have included the join option again.

      Please do not use affiliate links in signatures

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2081438].message }}

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