Wacky sales page and a lesson in viral marketing

3 replies
This has to be one of the wackiest shopping sites I've seen.

HEMA - online winkelen

It's also a superb exercise in viral marketing. It's not even in English and it doesn't stop people from sending it to everyone.

Are there any more out there that we can learn from?

#lesson #marketing #page #sales #viral #wacky
  • Profile picture of the author Clark
    That's an oldie but a goodie Peter.

    Here's a creative use for a 404 redirect for ya - 404 Doodoo Error

    I also remember a site that had two dudes resizing windows within a webpage... totally awesome... maybe someone has the link if its still live.
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    • Profile picture of the author Peter Bestel
      An oldie? Ah, well. It's not the first time I've been out of the loop and it won't be the last.

      Nice 404. That's probably been around for a while too, hasn't it? Oh, I must get out more. Oh, wait, make that I should stay in more.


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