I'm A Complete Failure...Or Am I?

Profile picture of BrainCopy
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
57 replies
Okay, long story short. I had recently launched my very first WSO and thought that I would make at least a decent amount of money by doing so. I mean why not? I have a bad ass product that I put my heart an soul into, and I know my system works.

So anyhow, It's Launched!! I'm totally excited and made my first sale in just a few minutes. Well little did I know, that was going to be my only sale

I wrecked my brain trying to figure out what happened. I know it's not the price of my product, there was just too much value for that to be the issue. So it got me thinking, well maybe I didn't deliver it's value in the sales copy, or perhaps it was the sales copy and thread tittle.

Anyhow, I was totally depressed and messaging some of my mentors here on the Warrior Forum & guess what?? - No one replied...these are people that I have actually looked up to, and actually BOUGHT all their products...and I couldn't receive any advice in return.

Now I'm feeling more like a jack a$$ that don't know jack sh#%. But then I realized. Am I failure because I didn't make any sales? Am I failure because my WSO didn't turn out to be the best WSO alive!?? and the answer to those questions were NO. I realized that I have achieved something way beyond failure. It was TAKING ACTION - I did something that 80% of new marketers don't do. So this all ties in with one of my favorite quotes on earth.

It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.
Theodore Roosevelt

p.s. I am in the middle of re-writing everything and re-releasing the WSO. I'm not going to give up.
#complete #failureor
  • Profile picture of the author warriorkay
    Profile picture of warriorkay
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I like that, pal. That's the SPIRIT - Never Give Up!

    I have said it to more people than I can remember,
    I think I should say it here again...

    It seems nature/God/the Universe/whatever name
    you want to call it, made the world in such a way
    that only FEW (if anyone at all) EVER truly
    succeeds at the first try. It seems everyone has
    to keep on trying again and again before succeeding.

    So, even if you did everything right re the sales
    copy, the pricing, the delivery, etc, it seems the
    same law above is happening to your WSO. So,
    instead of thinking you are no good or your WSO
    was no good, it just means you should try again
    and again until it succeeds. Thankfully you
    KNOW you are NOT the problem. That's where
    lots of people lose - when they think THEY
    are the problem. Such people simply lay down
    and play dead - never to release another WSO.

    And guess what I noticed again...

    Those who REFUSE to give up and who keep on
    trying and trying eventually succeed BIG TIME
    and keep succeeding again and again and again.

    Kingged.com Coaching and Partnership Program
    Is The ONLY Coaching Program That Does 99% Of The Work
    So they EARN while they LEARN

    • Profile picture of the author BrainCopy
      Profile picture of BrainCopy
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by warriorkay View Post

      I like that, pal. That's the SPIRIT - Never Give Up!

      I have said it to more people than I can remember,
      I think I should say it here again...

      It seems nature/God/the Universe/whatever name
      you want to call it, made the world in such a way
      that only FEW (if anyone at all) EVER truly
      succeeds at the first try. It seems everyone has
      to keep on trying again and again before succeeding.

      So, even if you did everything right re the sales
      copy, the pricing, the delivery, etc, it seems the
      same law above is happening to your WSO. So,
      instead of thinking you are no good or your WSO
      was no good, it just means you should try again
      and again until it succeeds. Thankfully you
      KNOW you are NOT the problem. That's where
      lots of people lose - when they think THEY
      are the problem. Such people simply lay down
      and play dead - never to release another WSO.

      And guess what I noticed again...

      Those who REFUSE to give up and who keep on
      trying and trying eventually succeed BIG TIME
      and keep succeeding again and again and again.

      Thank you for the kind words Kingsley, believe it or not that really
      motivated me that much more.

      Thank you again,
      • Profile picture of the author warriorkay
        Profile picture of warriorkay
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by UFG View Post

        Thank you for the kind words Kingsley, believe it or not that really
        motivated me that much more.

        Thank you again,
        You forgot to click the thanks button,

        Kingged.com Coaching and Partnership Program
        Is The ONLY Coaching Program That Does 99% Of The Work
        So they EARN while they LEARN

        • Profile picture of the author BrainCopy
          Profile picture of BrainCopy
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by warriorkay View Post

          You forgot to click the thanks button,

          How could I forget

          Originally Posted by Paul Hooper-Kelly View Post

          Hi Guys and Gals,

          There's NO such thing as failure.

          The correct word is 'FEEDBACK'.

          Thinking of it that way is vital, because you won't suffer from 'fear of failure', so you'll keep trying until you succeed.

          Remember Thomas Edison had to plow through about a 1,000 different ways of making a light bulb that wouldn't work, until he found the one way it would work.

          And I'm sure it won't take you anywhere near 1,000 attempts to make your WSO a rip-roaring success.

          So keep on keeping on.

          Warmest regards,

          Thank You Paul. I sure hope I don't have to try 1,000 times. I don't have $20k for the listing fee haha.

          Thank you once again.

          Originally Posted by efwebm View Post

          I think your WSO will get some more attention from this thread. I certainly went and checked it out. I'm sure others will too.

          Update us when the sales start rolling in
          I honestly hope others won't take this thread as "promotional"
          It is not that at all.

          Best Regards,
  • Profile picture of the author Mister Bryan
    Mister Bryan
    Profile picture of Mister Bryan
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    Hey man,

    I think it's too early to call yourself a complete failure.

    I too, am in the process of creating a WSO for a product of mine. WOuld you care to share what you think went wrong for your initial WSO?

    Good luck with the re-structuring!

    Lazy Bryan
    Frank Kern's Mass Control 2.0 For Sale! Mint Condition! Only 1 Copy! Hurry Now!!!
    The Elevator To Success Is Out Of Order...Use The Stairs Please... One Step At A Time
    • Profile picture of the author jeffster
      Profile picture of jeffster
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hi USG, it's not how hard you fall but whether you get back up again that matters. I also produced a WSO that only got 1 sale. Join the club!

      Depending on the what the product is but you may be able to use it in other ways if it doesn't come off as a great WSO.
      • Profile picture of the author Mister Bryan
        Mister Bryan
        Profile picture of Mister Bryan
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        Originally Posted by jeffster View Post

        Hi USG, it's not how hard you fall but whether you get back up again that matters. I also produced a WSO that only got 1 sale. Join the club!

        Depending on the what the product is but you may be able to use it in other ways if it doesn't come off as a great WSO.
        ...which brings us to a nice little question of: What kind of niches/products actually do sell on the Warrior Special Offer section? Any ideas/suggestions folks?

        Lazy Bryan
        Frank Kern's Mass Control 2.0 For Sale! Mint Condition! Only 1 Copy! Hurry Now!!!
        The Elevator To Success Is Out Of Order...Use The Stairs Please... One Step At A Time
      • Profile picture of the author BrainCopy
        Profile picture of BrainCopy
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        Originally Posted by jeffster View Post

        Hi USG, it's not how hard you fall but whether you get back up again that matters. I also produced a WSO that only got 1 sale. Join the club!

        Depending on the what the product is but you may be able to use it in other ways if it doesn't come off as a great WSO.
        Hi Jeff, thank you for the motivation. I think we should contact the owner of this forum and have him make us our own section in the forum - (we'll call it the 1 sale club) haha

        All we can do is try, then try harder, and when all else fails......we try even harder!

        Thank you for the response friend,
        • Profile picture of the author Paul Hooper-Kelly
          Paul Hooper-Kelly
          Profile picture of Paul Hooper-Kelly
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Hi Guys and Gals,

          There's NO such thing as failure.

          The correct word is 'FEEDBACK'.

          Thinking of it that way is vital, because you won't suffer from 'fear of failure', so you'll keep trying until you succeed.

          Remember Thomas Edison had to plow through about a 1,000 different ways of making a light bulb that wouldn't work, until he found the one way it would work.

          And I'm sure it won't take you anywhere near 1,000 attempts to make your WSO a rip-roaring success.

          So keep on keeping on.

          Warmest regards,

          If you want to stack the copywriting deck in your favor with tricks and hacks producing winners like: "$20K in three days" "650 sold" "30% conversion", then you might like to know I'm retiring and will spill the beans to two people. More info here.
        • Profile picture of the author Myles Sinclair
          Myles Sinclair
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          Hi Anthony,

          I notice on your WSO that you've left off the price of the product. I had to click through to the order page to get this info. I think it would be a good idea to advertise on the sales page what the normal price is, along with the discounted price Warriors can get it for.

          Also, I'm not sure that associating the product with the Mob makes it appealing. I know others have done it, but it creates a few negative thoughts. I'm sure your product is totally ethical, but the Mob connection sends out some mixed messages.

          Anyway, just my initial thoughts for what they're worth. I hope the re-launch is a big success for you.

          • Profile picture of the author BrainCopy
            Profile picture of BrainCopy
            Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
            Originally Posted by Myles Sinclair View Post

            Hi Anthony,

            I notice on your WSO that you've left off the price of the product. I had to click through to the order page to get this info. I think it would be a good idea to advertise on the sales page what the normal price is, along with the discounted price Warriors can get it for.

            Also, I'm not sure that associating the product with the Mob makes it appealing. I know others have done it, but it creates a few negative thoughts. I'm sure your product is totally ethical, but the Mob connection sends out some mixed messages.

            Anyway, just my initial thoughts for what they're worth. I hope the re-launch is a big success for you.

            I actually never thought about it like that. Thank you Myles for the suggestion. It WILL BE TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION.

            Best Regards,
  • Profile picture of the author thunderbird
    Profile picture of thunderbird
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    If you never fail, you're a failure. All human advances are the result of learning from failure.

    What was your product?

    Project HERE.

  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
    Profile picture of GeorgR.
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I had my days where i made $1000 within a few hours with WSOs, but then also where i made a (supposedly) killer WSO and didnt get one sale Can happen. I hate to say it, its gotten WAY more difficult in the last two years due to the incredible amount of WSOs going on all the time.
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    • Profile picture of the author Hanz
      Profile picture of Hanz
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      Originally Posted by GeorgR. View Post

      I had my days where i made $1000 within a few hours with WSOs, but then also where i made a (supposedly) killer WSO and didnt get one sale Can happen. I hate to say it, its gotten WAY more difficult in the last two years due to the incredible amount of WSOs going on all the time.
      And it's likely going to get harder with the way things are going. Over-saturation of the WSO Forum. Who would've thought it?
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      • Profile picture of the author Dana Forsythe
        Dana Forsythe
        Profile picture of Dana Forsythe
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        Something to keep in mind is that WSOs are not as popular as they used to be. Almost everyone is doing them now so its saturated and there are a lot of cheap products out there. It used to be that almost every WSO was a quality product but not anymore so now people are more wary about buying.

        Don't give up
  • Profile picture of the author Karan Goel
    Karan Goel
    Profile picture of Karan Goel
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    Hey "UFG"(!!???)

    Don't get disheartened. The WSO has been up for less than a day. And, I see that you do not have a link to it in your sig. Do this first. Get a sig that screams "CLICK ON ME".

    Then, use some bum marketing, free reports etc to drive traffic. Mail to your list, if you have one.

    Hopefully, that might help you boost your sales.

    Best of luck,
    Penalty Safe, Long Term, 100% Whitehat Backlinks
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    • Profile picture of the author BrainCopy
      Profile picture of BrainCopy
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      Originally Posted by Karan Goel View Post

      Hey "UFG"(!!???)

      Don't get disheartened. The WSO has been up for less than a day. And, I see that you do not have a link to it in your sig. Do this first. Get a sig that screams "CLICK ON ME".

      Then, use some bum marketing, free reports etc to drive traffic. Mail to your list, if you have one.

      Hopefully, that might help you boost your sales.

      Best of luck,
      Hi Karan, I actually did have the link in my signature, but had taken it down for obvious reason. I actually plan on putting it back when everything is re-constructed. I am actually thinking about making the course into something so much bigger. I was just releasing the wso as a "basic structure" to see if people were actually finding it useful.

      Thank you for the support,
      • Profile picture of the author xiaophil
        Profile picture of xiaophil
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        I think that's a winning attitude you have there.

        Here's an idea for eliminating the word 'failure' completely.

        Thinking in terms of 'success' and 'failure' can often be very divisive and only enable two possible outcomes.

        Instead, by thinking in terms of 'feedback' then the results you get can be transformed into varying degrees of success, because any feedback is good and useful feedback.

        So I think far from being a failure, what you actually experienced with your WSO was some degree of success.

        Does that make sense?


        EDIT: I just noticed Paul's similar reply. Thanks Paul, and long live NLP!
      • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
        Profile picture of CDarklock
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        Originally Posted by UFG View Post

        Hi Karan, I actually did have the link in my signature, but had taken it down for obvious reason.
        You almost had another sale, but "OFFER CLOSED" got in my way.

        There is no way to know whether I will ever go look for your WSO again.

        Think about that.
        "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
        • Profile picture of the author BrainCopy
          Profile picture of BrainCopy
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by CDarklock View Post

          You almost had another sale, but "OFFER CLOSED" got in my way.

          There is no way to know whether I will ever go look for your WSO again.

          Think about that.
          I did think about that, but I didn't want to make any sales off warriors just because of this thread. I didn't intend on this to be "promoting" my WSO.
          I know my product is good, I just simply didn't deliver that into the copy.
          Thank you though, and I will keep that in mind.

          Best Regards,
        • Profile picture of the author M_Zec
          Profile picture of M_Zec
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by CDarklock View Post

          You almost had another sale, but "OFFER CLOSED" got in my way.
          Same here.

          I am very interested in your way of make money.

          When WSO go out again i think i will purchase it.
    • Profile picture of the author efwebm
      Profile picture of efwebm
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I think your WSO will get some more attention from this thread. I certainly went and checked it out. I'm sure others will too.

      Update us when the sales start rolling in
  • Profile picture of the author webcreationuk
    Profile picture of webcreationuk
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    Hey, you have to hit the walls first to enjoy success later.

    Stay positive though!
    Web Design by WebCreationUK - The UK's fastest growing web designers

    Keep ahead of the latest web news on our official web design blog!
  • Profile picture of the author MassiveMarketer
    Profile picture of MassiveMarketer
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Don't call yourself a failure. Think of it as an opportunity for improvement. Try to figure out what you can do to make it better and then try again. That's really cool of you, not giving up! You just got to find the right strategy then you'll get there.
  • Profile picture of the author BonganiS
    Profile picture of BonganiS
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You are not a failure because you have not given up. Someone who has failed is one who quits after some few attempts. If it happens that you are not successful during the first or second attempt, you have a chance to learn as to where you went wrong. You seek advice and apply it accordingly.

    Good luck.
  • Profile picture of the author Buzzin
    Profile picture of Buzzin
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    As long as you never give up, you can't fail.
  • Profile picture of the author theemperor
    Profile picture of theemperor
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    UFG - I have a new philosophy which helps me when sales are LOW.

    It is to realise that you did SELL, that your product can SELL and it's just that the sales volume is low. Even just one sale proves there is demand and you can tweak to get more sales:

    Here are some ideas for you:
    • Where else can you sell?
      • Your own site (+article marketing, SEO etc)
      • Digital Point
      • Other forums
      • Build a list using a freebie
      • Recruit Affiliates
      • JVs (e.g. promote to their list, they promote to yours)
    • How can you improve the WSO?
      • How to get more response to keep it bumped up
      • How to improve the copy? E.g. Buy books on sales copy.
      • Do a new WSO each month to keep the message coming throguh
      • WSO link on your sig + dozens of helpful posts
    • Can you improve the product
      • Market research
        • Get feedback from the one buyer
        • Give samples to other warriors (e.g. friends you have added who you like based on their posts)
        • Look at the competition, why is yours better? Why should I buy yours
        • Look at other WSO's that do well. What do they do . Which WSO's get all of the "I Love You" type responses.
    Learn to code faster, and remove the roadblocks. Get stuff done and shipped! PM me and I can help you with programming tutoring, specialising in Web and the following languages: Javascript ~ HTML ~ CSS ~ React ~ JQuery ~ Typescript ~ NodeJS ~ C#.
  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Profile picture of sbucciarel
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    I think WSOs have a far better chance of success if you've taken the time to build up a reputation in the WF first. As a new member, no one really knows you. You haven't built up trust. Perhaps that's why you didn't receive responses to your pms.

    I think far too many new people sign on here, don't contribute much to the WF and think they're going to make bank with a WSO. I haven't checked your WSO, so I don't know what it's about. There may be problems there as well, but never underestimate the power of networking and contributing on this forum.
  • Profile picture of the author sohoney
    Profile picture of sohoney
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    There is something called over-expectation.It is not bad but it can be crunching to the ego.I llike your spirit though.Just do as you said.Improve on it.
  • Profile picture of the author mary_k
    Profile picture of mary_k
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    you're not a failure dude. i think the only WSOs that do really well are the ones that fill peoples' heads with fluff. my first WSO, which I was really convinced was an awesome one, only sold one copy. but that person also ended up joining my site.

    so don't give up. i personally don't understand why people are still going crazy in the WSO section, when most of everything you need can be found in the war room or elsewhere for free.
    "Spend your time working on what you love."
  • Profile picture of the author Jude.A
    Profile picture of Jude.A
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by UFG View Post

    But then I realized. Am I failure because I didn't make any sales? Am I failure because my WSO didn't turn out to be the best WSO alive!?? and the answer to those questions were NO. I realized that I have achieved something way beyond failure. It was TAKING ACTION - I did something that 80% of new marketers don't do. So this all ties in with one of my favorite quotes on earth.

    It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.
    Theodore Roosevelt

    p.s. I am in the middle of re-writing everything and re-releasing the WSO. I'm not going to give up.

    That's the spirit my friend. I'm happy you are not giving up.
    I find this post very inspiring and i thank you. Infact, I'm gonna hit the 'thanks' button to show you my appreciation.
    I wish you success in your re-launch.


  • Profile picture of the author BrainCopy
    Profile picture of BrainCopy
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I wasn't expecting this much support from the forum. I must say, that it inspires me to know that I have your guy's support.

    • Profile picture of the author DeadGuy
      Profile picture of DeadGuy
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I cringe to think of the mountain we would create if all of us threw in our products and ideas that didn't work. Mine alone would be a significant pile.
      Forge ahead. You've only identified one concept that didn't work the way you anticipated.

      You are making this work at home stuff way harder than it is. Ready for some sanity? Clear your head and start over.

    • Profile picture of the author davidjames42973
      Profile picture of davidjames42973
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      I've been told by several successful Warriors that your first product isn't going to be the one that does well. It'll be the 3rd product, the 4th product, etc. Eventually you'll have multiple products that do OK and that will all add up $ wise...
      • Profile picture of the author Hanz
        Profile picture of Hanz
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        Originally Posted by davidjames42973 View Post

        I've been told by several successful Warriors that your first product isn't going to be the one that does well. It'll be the 3rd product, the 4th product, etc. Eventually you'll have multiple products that do OK and that will all add up $ wise...
        That's quite interesting. My first product did very well and some of the forum's most experienced/established marketers loved it, asking for more. I think it comes down to sales copy and being able to market yourself and your WSO as something really special. First thing though is to establish a reputation and participating in forum discussions.
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  • Profile picture of the author Andy Money
    Andy Money
    Profile picture of Andy Money
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    Originally Posted by UFG View Post

    Okay, long story short. I had recently launched my very first WSO and thought that I would make at least a decent amount of money by doing so. I mean why not? I have a bad ass product that I put my heart an soul into, and I know my system works.

    So anyhow, It's Launched!! I'm totally excited and made my first sale in just a few minutes. Well little did I know, that was going to be my only sale

    I wrecked my brain trying to figure out what happened. I know it's not the price of my product, there was just too much value for that to be the issue. So it got me thinking, well maybe I didn't deliver it's value in the sales copy, or perhaps it was the sales copy and thread tittle.

    Anyhow, I was totally depressed and messaging some of my mentors here on the Warrior Forum & guess what?? - No one replied...these are people that I have actually looked up to, and actually BOUGHT all their products...and I couldn't receive any advice in return.

    Now I'm feeling more like a jack a$$ that don't know jack sh#%. But then I realized. Am I failure because I didn't make any sales? Am I failure because my WSO didn't turn out to be the best WSO alive!?? and the answer to those questions were NO. I realized that I have achieved something way beyond failure. It was TAKING ACTION - I did something that 80% of new marketers don't do. So this all ties in with one of my favorite quotes on earth.

    It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.
    Theodore Roosevelt

    p.s. I am in the middle of re-writing everything and re-releasing the WSO. I'm not going to give up.
    I spent hundreds on posting and bumping WSO's before I "got it"--good luck, you'll get it. Just watch what people are doing and replicate it with your own twist.
  • Profile picture of the author Mukul Verma
    Mukul Verma
    Profile picture of Mukul Verma
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Dude, WSO is way too small for your thinking. I have tried it, I thinking like you and the returns were not worth it compared to running a serious, bigger online business, Yes some instant cash, but small. You have the most powerful tool in succeeding online and thats mindset. Most people dont get that far, so congrads on that.

  • Profile picture of the author Russ Emrick
    Russ Emrick
    Profile picture of Russ Emrick
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    Sorry for being the contrarian in this thread. However after reading the idea "there is no such thing as failure" so many times I had to speak. I understand why we say that to our children and perhaps to ourselves. Children need to be protected. Rationalizing feels really good. However it doesn't win fights or the blood sport called selling, called business.

    Time to put our big boy pants on and admit failure. We learn from failure - often more than we do from our successes. Nieche said that which doesn't' kill us makes us stronger. Failure isn't wrong. In fact it is inevitalble. The only people that don't fail are the people who don't do anything.

    It is all about what you do after failing that matters. I believe that is what most of what you are saying. However fuzzy words and concepts really don't help IMO. I've never seen a lost sale, a closed business, a failure of any sort that didn't have a large measure of rationalization and willful ignorance involved. Jack Welch said that brutal honesty with yourself and the business is absolutely essential for success. It starts with the fact that in any venture, any sport, any competitive encounter there will be winners and losers, failures and successes. The difference isn't in the event but on what you do afterward.
  • Profile picture of the author lynnw196
    Profile picture of lynnw196
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Great View To Have! We learn from our mistakes or analyze what we could have done better and employ that the next time around. I would bet 90% of the people on this forum failed at least a couple of times initially.

    My greatest place to look when things aren't going right (no personal connection what so ever, just kind neat): They Did Not Give Up
  • Profile picture of the author johnben1444
    Profile picture of johnben1444
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    We are yet to see people who just come on board and start raking in hundreds of dollars. It takes a lot of nerve to hit the nail in the right spot.

    But am glad you have adopted a motto. "NEVER GIVE UP" cos you never know how close you are to success.

    Truth is, making money online takes time, effort and patience. It's requires lots of skills than most people think.

    Keep trying. Maybe you got yourself the wrong mentor.

    There is nothing a mentor can teach you that will work, success all depends on you. How to absorb and apply the things you have learnt.
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    • Profile picture of the author sylviad
      Profile picture of sylviad
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      Yup. Know the feeling. It's a good quality product, why isn't anyone buying?

      From what i've heard, there are so many things that can cause it, not the least of which is that people just don't get drawn into your copy. Since the gurus keep saying that you have to hit them where it hurts, I've made "emotion" my first goal. Hit them in the emotions - show them the problem and how much it hurts, and then show them the solution and how well and how quickly it makes the hurt go away.

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      • Profile picture of the author mikebrooks
        Profile picture of mikebrooks
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        Test, Test and Test.

        Don't go changing everything. Of course I say this without looking at it.

        But if you feel you've got a good product and good copy, start tweaking and test the results. Don't test too much at once.

        You now have a baseline. So go from there and see what happens.

        I would also reach out to your buyer for feedback. why did he/she buy? did she like it after buying it?

        Mike Brooks
        Affiliate/JV Manager for Job Crusher

  • Profile picture of the author Igor Kheifets
    Igor Kheifets
    Profile picture of Igor Kheifets
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by UFG View Post

    Okay, long story short. I had recently launched my very first WSO and thought that I would make at least a decent amount of money by doing so. I mean why not? I have a bad ass product that I put my heart an soul into, and I know my system works.

    So anyhow, It's Launched!! I'm totally excited and made my first sale in just a few minutes. Well little did I know, that was going to be my only sale

    I wrecked my brain trying to figure out what happened. I know it's not the price of my product, there was just too much value for that to be the issue. So it got me thinking, well maybe I didn't deliver it's value in the sales copy, or perhaps it was the sales copy and thread tittle.

    Anyhow, I was totally depressed and messaging some of my mentors here on the Warrior Forum & guess what?? - No one replied...these are people that I have actually looked up to, and actually BOUGHT all their products...and I couldn't receive any advice in return.

    Now I'm feeling more like a jack a$$ that don't know jack sh#%. But then I realized. Am I failure because I didn't make any sales? Am I failure because my WSO didn't turn out to be the best WSO alive!?? and the answer to those questions were NO. I realized that I have achieved something way beyond failure. It was TAKING ACTION - I did something that 80% of new marketers don't do. So this all ties in with one of my favorite quotes on earth.

    It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.
    Theodore Roosevelt

    p.s. I am in the middle of re-writing everything and re-releasing the WSO. I'm not going to give up.
    Don't give up dude. It's not that anyone who launches
    a WSO makes a ton of money.

    The WSO I'm running right now in my sig file, although
    it has generated quite a response ever since, has totally
    failed and generated only 2 sales on launch day.

    I too thought it was a bad idea and that I was a total newbie, although
    I have been marketing well over 1.5 years...

    To create a powerful WSO-you have to gain trust first, that's why
    in order to launch a successful WSO that is going to make you
    $$$ in 24 hours, you'll have to create couple of products first and
    slow but steady gain TRUST of the community.

    Don't worry, you'll be just fine, as we all

  • Profile picture of the author SyndicateMarketing
    Profile picture of SyndicateMarketing
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Don't give up buddy! Everything will be alright
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  • Profile picture of the author ASK4life
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  • Profile picture of the author Jack Duncan
    Jack Duncan
    Profile picture of Jack Duncan
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    Let me see if I can give you some really practical advice for your upcoming launch.

    Question #1: How many people visited your WSO?

    If you don't have the EXACT number...you're missing one of the most important pieces to the puzzle.

    Question #2: Did you try Split Testing your WSO Threadline...It makes a HUGE difference.

    Question #3: What time did you post your WSO?

    Question #4: How long was your WSO in the first 10 spots?

    Question #5: Did you split test your WSO copy?

    Question #6: What was your CTR% to the order page?

    Question #7: Did you test your price?

    A WSO offer is just like any other offer...it takes a lot of testing and tracking to get them to work.

    And if we don't test and measure, we cannot improve.

    It's funny, I just heard a well known IM'er the other day, talking about a BILLION dollar company that sells info products...and their success rate for products is still only 20%...so, 8 out of every 10 products they release are DUDs...

    And they have some of the greatest copywriters and staff in the world...

    But they know when/how to cut their losses and improve, because they eat, drink, and sleep testing.

    To your next WSO success,
    • Profile picture of the author Bill Farnham
      Bill Farnham
      Profile picture of Bill Farnham
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      Originally Posted by Jack Duncan View Post

      It's funny, I just heard a well known IM'er the other day, talking about a BILLION dollar company that sells info products...and their success rate for products is still only 20%...so, 8 out of every 10 products they release are DUDs...
      This is also true of physical products. I spent a good deal of my career working in the Industrial Design field and witnessed approximately this same ratio of success to failure.

      And many times the budgets for the projects were in the millions of dollars. The market research said the products would be a hit with consumers, the trade publications praised the products, and yet the marketplace couldn't be moved to buy the products.

      Something else I noticed along these lines is that "timing" appears to be a lot more critical in the success of any given product than is generally acknowledged. You may think you have everything constructed properly to ensure the success of the product, but in fact, your timing can be a bit off for any number of reasons.

      This could be your tenure on the forum, as has been brought up, or more generally speaking it could be the competition has rendered your product stale in the minds of your target buyers (down trending), or your product is so new a hungry market hasn't had time to form yet, as examples.

      One thing to keep in mind is that everytime you see someone touting a 'formula' to follow it is generally something they had success with (not always), and many times they attribute that success to factors they believed they controlled, when if fact their success may have been serendipitous.

      Just look at all the failures Google has racked up with some of their products. So you're in good company...

  • Profile picture of the author Sparhawke
    Profile picture of Sparhawke
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    Originally Posted by UFG View Post

    [CENTER]It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.
    Theodore Roosevelt[SIZE=3]
    You may also like the quote in my signature
    “Thinking is easy, Acting is difficult
    And to put one's thoughts into action is the most difficult thing in the world ~ Goethe”
  • Profile picture of the author CpaApp
    Profile picture of CpaApp
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    WOW I really like reading all the positive feedback from the members and moral support for UFG. Glad it see it.

    The only other thing I could say to UFG is thats it show through in your post that you "know" you product is the best. Write up a few more sales copies and pour that love onto the page, it will come through there too.
  • Profile picture of the author Imran Naseem
    Imran Naseem
    Profile picture of Imran Naseem
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    I think people should understand that the WSO marketplace is a place where you can test the market. Of course your aim should be to make a lot of sales but I can remember my first ever 2-3 WSOs flopped....so I rewrote my copy, added more information and gave more value to my WSO..

    • Profile picture of the author Mukul Verma
      Mukul Verma
      Profile picture of Mukul Verma
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      Originally Posted by Imran Naseem View Post

      I think people should understand that the WSO marketplace is a place where you can test the market. Of course your aim should be to make a lot of sales but I can remember my first ever 2-3 WSOs flopped....so I rewrote my copy, added more information and gave more value to my WSO..

      Well said Imran.
    • Profile picture of the author BrainCopy
      Profile picture of BrainCopy
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      Originally Posted by Imran Naseem View Post

      I think people should understand that the WSO marketplace is a place where you can test the market. Of course your aim should be to make a lot of sales but I can remember my first ever 2-3 WSOs flopped....so I rewrote my copy, added more information and gave more value to my WSO..

      It's funny that you mentioned that. I actually just finished "re-constructing" everything. It will be back up soon. Thank you for the advice Imran.

      Best Regards,
  • Profile picture of the author harro1
    Profile picture of harro1
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    Reviews and reputation is what makes the difference. People don't care about the product they just see the person selling the product, if he has high reputation than anyone will purchase wso's, even if they are selling s**t products.
  • Profile picture of the author juansaldivar
    Profile picture of juansaldivar
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    You are what you think you are, reality is a battle of perceptions.
  • Profile picture of the author M_Zec
    Profile picture of M_Zec
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    Hey Anthony,

    is link in your signature course about make money being middleman?

    • Profile picture of the author BrainCopy
      Profile picture of BrainCopy
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by M_Zec View Post

      Hey Anthony,

      is link in your signature course about make money being middleman?

      Pm me & i'll answer all your questions. I don't want this thread to be "promotional" I'm most likely going to close this thread as well.

      Best Regards,
  • Profile picture of the author M_Zec
    Profile picture of M_Zec
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    Sorry i cant send Pm, i dont have 50 posts.

    Will you be so kind to send me Pm regarding my question?



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