Can someone confirm this?

Mister Bryan
Profile picture of Mister Bryan
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
7 replies
Yesterday, I got an email from another marketer about some shiny new thing called Profit Instruments. I opted-in cos' I was pretty interested in what was going on.

The thank-you and freebie delivery page was at Profit Instruments Training Introducing Profit Instruments.

Now, would someone here be kind enough to tell me whether or not, the above page, or the pre-launch for that matter, is done using a Wordpress blog?

If so, what are the techie/software/script requirements needed to use Wordpress for a pre-launch and even a launch? Where do find a theme like that?

I've noticed that many GUrus are doing their pre-launches and launches in this manner. Some use Kajabi which is not publicly available yet, but what about the others? I suspect it's good ol' Wordpress.

Suspicion awaiting confirmation...over and out.

Many Thanks,
Lazy Bryan

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