a little help please?
1) How do I BAN someone from buying something from me thru Paypal? i have looked everywhere and can't find a setting that will let me set up a "blacklist".
2) I continue to have a recurring php redirect infection in a couple of WP blogs I have. Each time it recurs, I just clean the php files (the only place the infection is appearing) and reupload them and it's fine - for a few days anyway - and then it come back.
It is happening so frequently now that I just have backups of the php files on my desktop and when I see it I just reupload and overwrite the php files.
I have cleaned my computer twice and there's nothing on it so I am beginning to think it's due to the shared server hosting I have.
Any thoughts on this one?
Thanks in advance to everyone who offers assistance
ArtofBlog -
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~kev~ -
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