Duh!! - How to switch off date stamping in Wordpress

12 replies
Hi Guys

Being dumb today, I can't find in the options where to switch off time+date stamping for my blog posts within Wordpress, don't want it too look like I've done all my posts in one day, know what I mean? ;-)

#date #duh #stamping #switch #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author Diana Lane
    Look for something like <?php the_time('F jS, Y') ?> in your theme files and delete it. Back up first.

    Plot short fiction, long fiction, even outline non-fiction * Edit the question prompts to suit your genre * Easily export text and image files for use with your word processor or Scrivener.
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    • Profile picture of the author abednego
      Originally Posted by Diana Lane View Post

      Look for something like <?php the_time('F jS, Y') ?> in your theme files and delete it. Back up first.
      Thanks a bunch !!

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      • Profile picture of the author Hoopatang
        Don't forget you can also backdate those posts, so instead of having no dates at all, they make it look like the blog has existed for a while.
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  • Profile picture of the author phil.wheatley
    Ah, thanks Diana, so it seems it was a bit more than just un-ticking a box somewhere. Thanks for your help.


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  • Profile picture of the author Diana Lane
    I've just found you a plugin, but since you have to edit the plugin's php file in order to get it to work it seems a bit pointless to me - you may as well just edit your theme Here it is anyway, just in case it's any use to you...

    Date Exclusion WordPress Plugin

    Plot short fiction, long fiction, even outline non-fiction * Edit the question prompts to suit your genre * Easily export text and image files for use with your word processor or Scrivener.
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    • Originally Posted by Diana Lane View Post

      I've just found you a plugin, but since you have to edit the plugin's php file in order to get it to work it seems a bit pointless to me - you may as well just edit your theme Here it is anyway, just in case it's any use to you...

      Date Exclusion WordPress Plugin
      I have also installed this plugin. It did remove the date stamp. The issue I found was that it left a small reference.

      In my case it just shows under the post title the following
      "by Admin on"

      Notice the "on" that previously came before the date stamp.

      How can I edit this text?
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      • Profile picture of the author Diana Lane
        Originally Posted by Private Label Ebook Shop View Post

        I have also installed this plugin. It did remove the date stamp. The issue I found was that it left a small reference.

        In my case it just shows under the post title the following
        "by Admin on"

        Notice the "on" that previously came before the date stamp.

        How can I edit this text?
        Search your theme files for the text and then edit it in notepad and upload again. You're unlikely to go wrong doing this, but back up first just in case. You could take the date code out too while you're at it (mentioned in a previous post on this thread), then you won't even need the plugin.

        Plot short fiction, long fiction, even outline non-fiction * Edit the question prompts to suit your genre * Easily export text and image files for use with your word processor or Scrivener.
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        • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
          Originally Posted by Diana Lane View Post

          Search your theme files for the text and then edit it in notepad and upload again. You're unlikely to go wrong doing this, but back up first just in case. You could take the date code out too while you're at it (mentioned in a previous post on this thread), then you won't even need the plugin.
          Diana, you raise a great point. So many people will spend hours looking for and asking about plug-ins that accomplish the same thing as modifying a line or two in the theme files.

          By modifying the theme files, you reduce the overhead of loading the page rather than adding it.

          Folks, the Wordpress forums (WordPress › Support) are your friends. Lots of really bright people volunteering their expertise (sound familiar?). In many cases, they'll even give you copy and paste code for making your themes behave the way you want them to.
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  • Profile picture of the author phil.wheatley
    Oh cool, thanks again Diana, fellow UKer!!

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  • Profile picture of the author Jolly Loh
    Hi Phil,
    You just need to install the Date Exclusion Wordpress Plugin and active it
    I hope it can solve your problem
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  • Profile picture of the author phil.wheatley
    Thanks very much Jolly, I'll give it a go.


    It's still not working for you??? Need direction?...
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  • Profile picture of the author pube12
    Thanks for this. I was looking for the same thing. Warrior pulls through.. again. Thanks!
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