Making my site better.

Profile picture of SmartyD
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
6 replies
Ok so a couple of weeks ago I put my site up for a review and got some great help from the warriors here. I did most of the things said that needed to be done and now im back for more tweaking.
the site is Learn how to get pregnant Blogrev is working with me now so I have to give much Thanks to her. My goal is to get sales and income. I am getting better traffic but no sales. So hopefully the warriors here can give me another push.
#making #site
  • Profile picture of the author ~kev~
    Profile picture of ~kev~
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I recommend you change the authors name to something besides "admin". It looks more personal when you have a real name as the author.

    The meta description might be a little shorter

    <meta name="description" content="Learn all about how to get pregnant with these great tips." />
    Maybe something like "how to get pregnant".

    An articles index would be nice, because I do not see a way to browse the articles in a certain section.

    Related blogs - I suggest you put them in the side bar instead of at the bottom of the articles.

    Links to external sites should always open in a new window or tab. If they dont, your just giving your traffic away.
  • Profile picture of the author Neil Morgan
    Neil Morgan
    Profile picture of Neil Morgan
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Here are my thoughts after a quick browse round:

    1. The "copyright 2009" at the bottom makes it look like it hasn't been updated for a while.

    2. I definitely agree on the "Admin" thing. By definition this subject is very personal and "admin" flies against that.

    3. I would not have given such prominence to the "Disclaimer", "Privacy Policy" and "Site Map". Those top tabs could be used to much better effect - reviews of books and products with affiliate links etc.

    4. I hate the side ads. They cheapen the site by the way they look. Why not dump them and display some quality products or books there (reviewed by you?) from which you make an affiliate commission.

    5. There's scope here for a forum where people in the same situation could discuss the issue. That would be a great way to make your site extra sticky.

    6. Your subscription sign-up box has too low prominence. It needs to be further up or at the top or in a popup or some such. Where it is will convert poorly.

    7. I'd get rid of the RSS link. You're business model seems to be ads which you need people to click on. Well, if you give people your content by RSS, they're not going to visit your site to click on those ads.

    They're just some initial thoughts.



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  • Profile picture of the author Neil Morgan
    Neil Morgan
    Profile picture of Neil Morgan
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You might also want to consider giving people an incentive to join your list - maybe a free ebook or report on the topic. Oops, just noticed you do! I didn't even read that little green heading - worth thinking about! And subscribe? You don't tell them what they're subscribing to. Nor do you mention that you won't sell their email address.

    And do you *really* need to know their last name? Thought not

    Easy email marketing automation without moving your lists.

  • Profile picture of the author eaglechick
    Profile picture of eaglechick
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi - well done - you've achieved a lot - Just one thing, I would make the header graphic a bit smaller - you want to put your affiliate links "above fold" so that visitors see it when they open your site. Nice graphic by the way. Don't see the aff links?

    You should really thoroughly research this niche and make sure the info you provide is correct. I'm just pointing this out, not saying that you didn't do it.
  • Profile picture of the author Freddie Crossberg
    Freddie Crossberg
    Profile picture of Freddie Crossberg
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Here's how I would do it:

    I would change my entire approach.

    1. Do research to uncover the most PRESSING need would be mothers have.

    2. Write a short report giving a solution.

    3. Create a direct response style squeeze page to capture contact details.
    Once they optin, they receive the report.

    4. Drive traffic to that squeeze page and build a list of prospects.

    5. Sell the product to that list.

    If that works, roll out full campaign.


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  • Profile picture of the author SmartyD
    Profile picture of SmartyD
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I want to thank everyone again for all there input. I am definitely going to be tweaking this site until I get it right. Thanks guys.

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