Do I post all spun articles on my blog?
I have read a nice portion of this Article Marketing thread and quite frankly I was blown away about how advanced some people's knowledge level has become about the subject.
I'm not trying to re-invent the wheel by any means, I just have one question about posting your own articles on your own website.
When spinning articles (i.e. 10 separate articles) manually do I post all of these individual articles on my website's blog, or just one of them?
The reason I ask is because if you have 10 articles that are extremely similar spins of the initial article it might look like spam in your own blog to post all of these articles. But if you don't post them in your blog and don't make a giant link page pointing to each individual article (i.e. Six Ways To Make Ice Cubes 1, Six Ways To Make Ice Cubes 2, Six Ways to Make Ice Cubes 3 etc...) I don't know how the robots will find them so you are likely listed higher in the search engine results for the article than someone else?
Do I just post the primary I'm thinking and let others benefit from the spun versions since it will ultimately still help generate traffic?
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