**FREE** Wordpress Membership Plugin...

2 replies

Here is a list of features of MemberWing membership plugin:
  • SEO Optimized from the ground up. Allows you to use teasers (short snippets of text) visible to anyone, including search engines, while keeping your main contents protected and accessible only to members.
    This feature allows your membership site to be found by potential members on search engines
  • Supports 4 levels of membership - Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum.
    Allows you to open different contents to different classes of members and charge accordingly. You may use all 4 or just 1 if wanted.
  • No site redesign or any changes are necessary - you may add it to already existing blog or brand new site.
  • You may protect already existing articles as well as add member protection to the new ones.
  • You may selectively protect articles.
  • Supports Wordpress 2.5+
  • No other software installation required.
  • Supports any webserver, works on any hosting account or space that supports Wordpress (which is probably all of them)
  • Fast and lightweight.
Awww..I just realized they haven't integrated Paypal payment yet. I guess I will be waiting a bit more.
#free #membership #plugin #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author John Sullivan
    Sounds interesting, I will give it a try when I can. Any testing been done as to the security for this plugin??


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