Keyword Domain or Catchy Domain?

Profile picture of kenny5
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17 replies
So I'm trying to figure out a domain name and I was wondering do you think it is better to have a catchy domain name or a domain name that contains your target keyword?

I am thinking about a blog that gives fitness tips, mostly involving exercising outside and avoiding gyms and equipment.
#catchy #domain #keyword
  • Profile picture of the author CurtisN
    Profile picture of CurtisN
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    Depends what you're trying to do. We can't give you a definite answer unless we hear more about what you plan on doing
    Curtis Ng (blog) - Product Launch Manager
  • Profile picture of the author ErnieB
    Profile picture of ErnieB
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    If your trying to build a "brand" or large authorative type site, I would say a catchy name. If your putting up some quick adsense/amazon/affiliate type sites then i would go with keyword domain. This is just my opinion.
  • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
    Profile picture of CDarklock
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    Originally Posted by kenny5 View Post

    So I'm trying to figure out a domain name and I was wondering do you think it is better to have a catchy domain name or a domain name that contains your target keyword?


    Let's say you manage to get some premium domain that you would never in a million years get, like "" - what are people going to do?

    They're going to tell their friends "hey, I found this site, it's like... um... or or something like that."

    Now let's say you get some nonsense word like "" instead. You hammer on that name in every promotion you do, and people start going to their friends and saying "" without fail.

    Keyword domains are generic. Nobody remembers them. You have to be strange and distinctive and stick in their memory.

    My tuppence, anyway.
    "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
    • Profile picture of the author JohnWiz
      Profile picture of JohnWiz
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      It really depends on your goals.

      If say you're planning to create a set-and-forget type niche site that ranks high up for your keywords in the search, you'd want to go with a keyword domain.

      And as ErnieB mentioned... if you're trying to build a brand, then having a catchy, stick-in-your mind domain name would probably be a much wiser decision.
    • Profile picture of the author Irnes Jakupovic
      Irnes Jakupovic
      Profile picture of Irnes Jakupovic
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      Originally Posted by CDarklock View Post



      Let's say you manage to get some premium domain that you would never in a million years get, like "" - what are people going to do?

      They're going to tell their friends "hey, I found this site, it's like... um... or or something like that."

      Now let's say you get some nonsense word like "" instead. You hammer on that name in every promotion you do, and people start going to their friends and saying "" without fail.

      Keyword domains are generic. Nobody remembers them. You have to be strange and distinctive and stick in their memory.

      My tuppence, anyway.
      These are my thoughts exactly. Look at the most successful bloggers and websites on the internet. Many have their own brand name like Google, Yahoo, Perez Hilton, etc. Exact domains usually only work for small sites unless you have a domain name like
  • Profile picture of the author AshtonWebb
    Profile picture of AshtonWebb
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    Hey Kenny,

    If you are only going to use it for SEO, then I would say Keyword domain...

    If you are going to use it for PPC, or other paid traffic trying to get "the sale" then a call to action KW... like "" or ""

    If you are building a niche blog and going to spend some time building on it, and also building your "brand" a catchy KW phrase is always good.

    Hope this helps.

    - Ashton

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  • Profile picture of the author dave147
    Profile picture of dave147
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    I would use a catchy name for a "multiple products" blog and a keyword domain for a "one product" blog

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  • Profile picture of the author JustinDupre
    Profile picture of JustinDupre
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    Be creative and create a trend. It might indeed takes sometimes but I agree with most people here. Find target and promote it with some content or a meet up discussion. Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author Quentin
    Profile picture of Quentin
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    Me I usually get two.

    One with a catchy name and then a cheaper one like a .info.

    I do this for two reasons. I promote my catchy site with a blog and post system to drive traffic to the main site.

    Of course I am mainly doing it for business so this is why I use this strategy.

    I also do the same things for my customers and it works like a treat.

    Lets face it a domain name is the cheapest advertising you will ever do and will last forever if you keep renewing it.

  • Profile picture of the author affilorama-portal
    Profile picture of affilorama-portal
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    When my purpose is to build a brand, then I go for the catchy domain name, preferably one which is not really a word in any language and is unique to boot, so that it sticks in the minds of people who come across it.
    When my purpose is to market to a particular niche as an affiliate, I go for the keyword domain.
  • Profile picture of the author Always-A-Warrior
    Profile picture of Always-A-Warrior
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    Ask yourself what would you type into the browser to get what you really want then check out the website listed in organic searches. If there's some advertisers in sponsor column of your search then its ok and if there's a lot then its good. You probably know this already.

    Now open Google's Keyword tool and instead of keywords, use the website links in the organic search to find what keywords they are using. Take all the keywords and find which .com's are available.

    There may be other ways but this is how I do it.

    Go catchy if you have the content to back it up. Go keywords if you want better seo or ranking.
  • Profile picture of the author jim90677000
    Profile picture of jim90677000
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    Whether it is a keyword domain or catchy domain, so long you register with the 2 key points in mind :
    (1) Is your domain one that many visitors can type in under search engine if they want to look up for information in your product area ?
    (2) Does your domain name (even if it is a catchy domain) contain the key words of high traffic ?
    If answers to (1) and (2) are both yes, then it does not matter whether your domain is catchy or keyword dominated.

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    • Profile picture of the author theultimate1
      Profile picture of theultimate1
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      Originally Posted by jim90677000 View Post

      Whether it is a keyword domain or catchy domain, so long you register with the 2 key points in mind :
      (1) Is your domain one that many visitors can type in under search engine if they want to look up for information in your product area ?
      (2) Does your domain name (even if it is a catchy domain) contain the key words of high traffic ?
      If answers to (1) and (2) are both yes, then it does not matter whether your domain is catchy or keyword dominated.
      LOL, that would be a catchy, keyworded domain. :p
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      • Profile picture of the author HCLee
        Profile picture of HCLee
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        If you are targeting a very small niche then keyword in the domain (3 word keyword or less) is very important. It helps you rank much faster even before you do any link building.
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  • Profile picture of the author NK
    Profile picture of NK
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    It really does depend on what you plan to do with it. If this is going to be some long-term project that you will dedicate yourself to, then go for catchy.

    If it's a micro niche type site, go for keywords.

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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Profile picture of sbucciarel
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    I'd choose both. A great brandable domain name for the main site and a keyword domain to channel traffic to it.
  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Deegan
    Daniel Deegan
    Profile picture of Daniel Deegan
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    As has already been said it really depends on the goal of your site or campaign. Personally for an authority site I would try to get a domain that is somewhat catchy yet has one of my core keywords in there somewhere.

    On the whole I think having a brand based domain is more important, but ideally you want to somehow convey what your site is about or what problem it solves within the domain if possible.

    This is different then the strategy of picking an exact match domain for seo rankings. What I'm talking about is not worrying about the SEO benefit but trying to convey what your site is actually about in the domain it self.

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