Need Outbound Call Center (for membership retention)

4 replies
Does anyone have anybody good?

There used to be a membership retention service that got paid only when they successfully "down" sold your cancellations.

Can't remember the name...

I am also considering changing over my inbound call center as well.

I need a call center with a "sales" focus

Right now the one I am using is affordable, but they are based in the Philippines

Thanks in advance for your help

#call #center #membership #outbound #retention
  • Profile picture of the author CurtisN
    Here's one you may be interested in. I've never used it...have no need for it, but heard about it from Ryan Lee:

    Retention Calls - Make Customers Happy, Save Money, Perfect For Membership Sites, Digital Products, Coaching Programs and Physical Products Too!
    Curtis Ng (blog) - Product Launch Manager
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  • Profile picture of the author khanhdom
    that retention center looks like it might help with my business, but I'm also looking for a call center to do cancellation and support, but that can also do retention calls
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  • Profile picture of the author CurtisN
    The site is called Retention Calls lol...they do retention calls.

    Besides, if your customers are happy from the start, you won't need to worry too much about too many people canceling.

    Look at it from the customer's POV: if you wanted a refund for a product because you didn't like it or didn't need it anymore, how would you feel if the support staff devalued their product in order to get you to buy more of their stuff?
    Curtis Ng (blog) - Product Launch Manager
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  • Profile picture of the author khanhdom
    lol sorry, I reread my post and it didn't make sense. I'd revise it a bit, hopefully it's more clearer
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