ENOUGH with the crappy WSO videos!

by 40 replies
While I haven't been apart of the forum I do know there are other video guys out there besides me, and I am sure they agree that some of these WSO videos don't help as much as they may assume.

  • You should put just as much effort and thought into the video as your sales copy, and content within your courses.
  • Remember just because it is a screencast video doesn't mean you shouldn't have some data points written down so you can ensure you stay focused.
  • Audio is 50% of video. If you can't be heard then your message gets confusing.

These are just a few things to keep in mind if you are going to make a video. Not everyone is a video expert I know. But prepare ahead of time before you make a video.

Heck. I will even help if needs be! And I am sure there are plenty of others out there willing to help too if you just ask.
#main internet marketing discussion forum #crappy #video wso #videos #wso
  • Hey! A fellow Utahn. I see that you are new to the forum. Are you knew to IM too. Or are you already doing IM fulltime?
  • Not new to IM. I have surfed through TWF but never settled down here, and now I am kicking myself because I didn't start an account here earlier.
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    • Zane, I think part of the phenomena you are seeing can be laid at the foot of several courses which advocate screen capture videos as a 'quick and dirty' method for product creation.

      They say, and people who want to believe it repeat, that quality doesn't matter; it's the content that counts. Unfortunately for some, there's plenty of quick and more than enough dirty but precious little content.
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  • Good point to make, it definitely needs to be quality video not just thrown together.
  • Everybody has to start somewhere in my opinion.

    Whats to say the people with the 'crappy' WSO videos wont be producing top quality work in a year or so?

    Andy Jenkins does better work than me, I do better work than you, you do better work than the peopel with crappy WSO videos... what does it matter. As long as everyone does the best they can and strive to do better its all good.


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  • Banned
    You're right. Good audio is VITAL. People will excuse crappy images but they won't tolerate bad audio. That's a given. And it's easily fixed with an external mic and/or turning on wind guard if your camera has it. You could also get yourself a Mic Muff to eliminate "popping" - Olsen Audio Group: WindTech Microphone Windscreen & Mic Muff Home Page
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    • Mike, the difference here is that Kennedy was recording a message (content) he had honed and practiced for a long time. The dubs were made from tapes that already had time to deteriorate, so the production value could not have been high.

      Contrast that with Joe Blow sitting down at his computer, firing up Camtasia, and aimlessly wandering all over a 5 minute topic for thirty minutes. The result is then called a finished product - in only thirty minutes! :rolleyes:
  • Very GOOD points. Yes Andy Jenkins has been doing this for who knows how long. He could blow any of my videos out of the water. But it didn't take me too terribly long to learn how to create great video for the right audiences. Much of what I have learned over the past 5 years in internet marketing actually HELPED me understand how to use video as a tool for effective powerful marketing.

    YouTube creates a connection between you and your audience that seems to cut through the time it takes to get people to trust you, but you have to PROVE your content can stand alone of it's own accord. Once you've passed through that filter you have a perfect open dialog with your audience.

    Is this new? Not at all. Same goes for Podcasting, Blogging, Email Marketing, etc. Video is not the solve all, but each marketer should investigate and determine what role video will play in their overall marketing.

    I have another thread I started recently about questions you all have about marketing with video as it pertains to YouTube etc.


    Do you all have any questions?
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • I'm not a big fan of the sale videos.
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    • Good points on both ends here.

      Actually one of the last WSOs I bought was for a video creation workshop that at $37 seemed like a good deal. The odd thing is I still bought it even though the sales video was so poorly executed I actually thought it was going to be included in the lessons as "what not to do".

      In regards to Andy's videos I took a lot of pointers from the free ones he gave away in the VideoBoss launch and improved my videos significantly after I saw just a few of his. They were waaaayyy more valuable to me than the paid WSO video course mentioned above.

      I am often surprised about how little thought goes into the audio production as well for videos, and I think it is the key component to making a great screencast. Not to mention creating a manageable and more streamlined workflow. I wrote an article about it here:
      Create your audio file first for your videos. | Video
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • I have actually done that many times too. Especially with Start Learning Joomla. I had to really think about the best way to create the audio as most computer towers sit next to you desk and it can be very loud.

    I use a Snowball mic by Blue and I LOVE it!

    If you do a screen cast you can create the audio first and then just listen to your own recording and follow along with yourself. It's great!

    It flirts a lot with the line of video editing witch is a TOTALLY different animal, but if you have some time you can use all free software.

    I-Movie... is that what mac uses?
    Windows Movie Maker

    You don't have to have a mic like mine either. Recording in a closet or a car in the garage are great places to record audio. A simple headset mic can work just fine. It's more about the ambient sound.
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    • Hey Zane. I have the Blue Yeti now and find it good for my BlogTv channel, but for screencasting, I still find my cheap Plantronics headset does a better job of reducing background noise. (Condensor mics WILL pick up too much background, and are designed for controlled rooms).

      For the Mac I use Screenflow, Keynote and GarageBand. I am trying to learn more about using After Effects, but find the training a little daunting for my schedule right now. I still hope to add that into my skill-set for some better use of effects.

      Great that someone else is actually taking about video production in this forum. Thanks for bringing this up.
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  • I'm just about to release something, I may just have to take you up on that .
  • I wanted to make a video response because of all the cool points that were brought up.

    This is only a 4 minute video, so don't sweat the length. I also recommend that you watch it fullscreen at 720p.

    YouTube - Video Response Warrior Forum
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    • Zane,

      Very useful topic, and it could hardly be more timely.

      Thanks to everyone for the input and tips. Once again, proof positive that the WF is the place to go for ideas, information and guidance.
    • As a video marketing expert I would have thought you would know to lower your screen resolution so the text on your screen is readable without the need to pan and zoom all over the place.

      I would also have thought that your youtube channel would be optimized to increase the subscriber rate.

      I think this is a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

      Dont criticize the quality of production and then prove your worthiness with a crap video and youtube channel that is amateur at best.

      • [ 3 ] Thanks
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  • Good! I really like being here and helping out in any way I can. I REALLY wish I had an account when I really needed more education and confidence in what I do. I see how great you all are with each other and realize I wasn't ever alone... just in the wrong place.
  • default user, you make some good points and I wish marketers everywhere on the net gave more attention to quality audio/video.

    However, I would also say that I have viewed tons of very slick professional videos that gave you zip as far as useful content. I personally would rather see poor quality video with good substance than a well crafted video that wasted my time.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Yes! You can over produce and focus on the wrong things. But I know I can be much more open here because I am talking to other marketers that understand quality content and when they recommend something it is because they have APPLIED it instead of the fact that they will get a commission out of it.

    Great point JMS!
  • Hi Defaultuser, are you talking about a sell video like I have here: The Conduct KNOCKOUT Broadcast Interviews System or the product itself being a video? In any event I agree with you. Thanks, Ed.
  • Yes. That is a great example! You seem to really understand your audience. I never thought about being a talkshow host as an information product. But I can see how it also can be a perfect video product as well.

    Not everything HAS to be video. That's just how my brain works. My solutions may not be the best for some. You can always investigate other options. I'm not getting paid per view or anything.

    Darren [/quote]HA HA! Yeah probably should change that. Not too pleasing to the eye. But meh. I'm testing. Thanks for the feedback.

    While I do view myself as a YouTube expert. I do not consider myself the most polished and suave speaker or marketer. But if everyone NEEDED to be like that they would find themselves out of business quick. I wish I could state something wise and thought provoking to your post, but I honestly got nothing.

    There is a difference between a video post I make for Warrior Forum, Unlisted YouTube Tips, and professional screencast videos. It's true. As long as there is good content you don't need to worry as much about quality. But higher quality will have greater longevity.

    That is really cool that you can look at what keywords I use on my YouTube channel! How do you do that?

    Bottom line. I appreciate you calling me out on that. I never want to think I am the end all beat all of any niche. There is always more I can learn. And that’s why I am here.

    Enjoy the show man. We’re all friends here.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • A very respectable reply, you'll do well here.

      • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Hey thanks Darren! Coming from a guy who has been here awhile and offers a lot of help to many people that really means a lot.

    Oh and I changed the YouTube channel to 'clean'.
  • Listen... I do not mean to be harsh, but as it was stated above, everyone needs to start somewhere. However, I do agree with you to a point. Most of the WSO videos are crap because they are made by people who are trying to teach people how to make money online, when in fact, they have no clue how to do it themselves.


    PS - This is my newest channel... http://www.youtube.com/user/f2wvids I have many others in different niches. But just take a look at mine and then look at yours. The difference is I do not claim to be a Youtube expert.

  • Well thanks Shannon. I am most certainly not immune to being schooled, but that's why I like to question as much as possible. If I get p'wned I know I have more to learn. Forums likes this NEED guys like you to tell em like it is. You've got some REALLY cool stuff in your channels, sites etc. and I am absolutely astounded at how you command your audience. On top of that an MMA fighter? Epic!

    And you and your wife are basically Shannon (2)? Shannon squared? Both named Shannon? How awesomely random!

    I would love to pick your brain at any time.
  • I know that personally, when I click on a YouTube video, for instance, it the image is blurry and remains that way....I'm gone. It makes me wonder whey they even bothered to upload such crap. Who can benefit from something that is out of focus? It is so weird.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • I will remember that. Because they seem informal I don't put as much effort... but that is a bit of kettle calling really.

    From now on. Any videos I post will be much easier to watch etc.

    This feedback is awesome guys! Thank you very much!
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • lmao

      WTF is that????
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    • If that was for the chocolate kinder eggs i used to eat as a child then that ad has just mentilly scared me for life.
  • I'll get back to you in PM DU, just don't have enough posts to respond yet .
  • LMAO. That was hilarious.

    On the original post... preparation is everything in video creation. The first videos I made took forever to edit because I just winged it and didn't prepare what I was going to say or anything...

    but then I started creating an outline of what I was planning on saying and editing time was cut in half.

  • CDarklock, YOU are my hero. Thank you for blessing us with such awesome YouTube fodder!Outlines keep me on track for sure. If not I ramble... a lot. FOR HOURS. Ask Maverick, we had a Skype chat a little while ago. I ranted... and he laughed. It was good times.

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  • 49

    While I haven't been apart of the forum I do know there are other video guys out there besides me, and I am sure they agree that some of these WSO videos don't help as much as they may assume. You should put just as much effort and thought into the video as your sales copy, and content within your courses. Remember just because it is a screencast video doesn't mean you shouldn't have some data points written down so you can ensure you stay focused. Audio is 50% of video. If you can't be heard then your message gets confusing.