Freelance For A Living? You HATE What You Do!

30 replies
So let's just get real:

You HATE what you do.


Because if DO love what you do, it's largely because what
you say you love to do makes you money. Period.

Listen, I'm all for people who deeply...deeply love to offer
keyword research, write articles, do graphics. Whatever.

But would you love it so much if you knew it couldn't pay
the bills or put some food in your mouth?

Not likely.

I'd say your love for the service your offering (either
here or on this forum) is to the extent that you are
PAID fairly well to do it, and do it professionally.

Chances are, you wouldn't do it if there WASN'T any fina-
cial reward of somewhat substantial (better than average
from a typical 9 to 5 job) unless it was really in cards for
you to BE a professional writer and do exceptionally well
in it (choices you make).

Now, let me just say on the record:

It's respectable to give the BEST service you can give
for MORE than what they paid you for. It's awesome to go
out of your way to make sure they get the best damn ser-
vice there is.

I do it.

But don't kid yourself if you think your doing it to be a "good
freakin' Samaritan".

"Oh, I do it because I LOVE to write".

"I do graphics because it was my lifelong dreeeeam --- I've
ALWAYS been a artist"

Personally, I think it's okay to say "hey, I'm doing this as a
stepping stone to do what I REALLY love to do and enjoy
doing with my FREE time."

It's "okay" to say that. But, far too many people are trying
to convince themselves that they're doing what they do not
FOR the money, but because..."it's the right thing to do".

Do I love writing? Not really. It's very time-consuming. Takes
a lot of mental energy to do right. But I DO enjoy it. Love it?

No, I can't say I do. It's something I know I'm very good at
and would much rather prefer writing to flipping hamburgers
in the back of a some fast food join in the middle of July.

But hey. I understand. Many of us want to give the impression
that we love our freelance business (writing, graphics, offline
marketing for clients, etc). But do we REALLY is the question
I pose to you.

So, if you think you really, really love what you do...than this
doesn't apply to you. And, even if you DON'T love what you's really none of my business. What you tell yourself is
up to you and is your right to say so.

P.S. I could be wrong about all this and this is just MY opinion.
No need to get upset. But, if you feel ANY emotion about this
(because, I'm just being honest with myself), feel free to speak
on it. I promise, I won't chase you down with a spike bat.
#freelance #hate #living
  • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
    Originally Posted by WhoIsBenjamin View Post

    Listen, I'm all for people who deeply...deeply love to offer keyword research, write articles, do graphics. Whatever.
    Make outlines. :p

    It's "okay" to say that. But, far too many people are trying
    to convince themselves that they're doing what they do not
    FOR the money, but because..."it's the right thing to do".
    People in general don't understand that cause and effect doesn't go both ways. They hear:

    Do what you love, and you'll make a lot of money.

    And they simply don't understand why that doesn't mean:

    Love what you do, and you'll make a lot of money.

    And then they don't grasp how pretending you love something, and saying you love something, and trying to love something... isn't the same as loving it.

    In general, people try to weasel and connive their way around everything they encounter, because deep down they just don't want to do what they're told. We're a stiff-necked people, in general. Once you say "do this," whoever you said that to starts saying "well, I'm not gonna; I'm gonna do THAT!"

    And then they complain that what you told them doesn't work, and you just want to slap the sh!t out of them.
    "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
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  • Profile picture of the author Sandra Martinez
    Hi Benjamin,

    sorry, but I disagree with you.

    I do service because I love being in contact with other minds and learn from them. I have had the luck of working with freaking brilliant people, and just by being close to them my whole perspective about business changed. I have had the luck to work for amazingly gifted people and make their dreams come true, and that was an incredible experience too.

    I just love it when I'm able to create a full picture out of just a few words, and when I can recreate the client's personality in writing, when I can imprint emotions right in the wording in copywriting, when I take a video and create a full product out of it and it is rounded and beautiful and self contained...

    and on the other side, I can't stand to do traffic building. It hurts my soul to put repeated content out there, or spinning or spamming. i don't judge others, I really don't... it is my limitation.

    I love to do unique things.

    do I get paid? you bet! Am I expensive? definitely!

    but I found a way to do what I love and get paid for it. I'm not rich, but I have a nice life and I'm close to my kids.

    It doesn't get better than that for me.

    I'm a girl so don't need the girl in bikini in my pool... I never go over the speed limit because I have kids, so the fast car is not for me either.

    Freedom to be there when I'm needed and to be able to provide for my family is what rings my bell.

    and yes, there are people happy with just that.

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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    I actually do love what I do and have loved what I do for over 10 years. Naturally, I'm glad I can also earn a living from it, but I have had corporate jobs and hated every moment from the time I arrived to the moment I left that office and dreaded going back each day. My life isn't anything like that anymore.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kenwrites
    Respectfully, disagree. Put down the spike bat. No, really put it down. Step away from the bat... ok lol

    No, really I do enjoy writing. Some of it I enjoy more than others. I would much rather write web content or creative articles than boring manuals. But I do love writing.

    What I don't love:

    Sitting in a cubicle looking out the big plate glass window wondering why I am sitting in a cubicle looking out a big plate glass window.

    Getting asked what I do for a living and then getting the look. Example: "What do you do for a living?" "I write", "Oh, anything I've read before?" "Probably not", "Oh I you make money doing that?" " Did I ask you for a loan?"

    Traveling one hour in traffic to go to a job I hate just to work there for 10 hours, staring out the big plate glass window, and then traveling back home for an hour in traffic.

    What I love:

    The traffic jam is merely the dog sitting in between the kitchen and the den waiting for her breakfast as I am getting my first cup of coffee.

    Being able to turn my computer on and seeing a email from PayPal.

    Sitting at my computer for two hours writing articles before waking my wife up with breakfast.

    Enjoying two hours first thing in the morning with my wife as we sit on the front porch, drinking coffee, talking and watching the world without the big plate glass window.

    I love the fact that I can sit here at my computer and create articles and content that either pay me directly or indirectly.

    Do I love earning money doing this? Oh most certainly I do. Do I love writing? Yes, because each day I learn and I grow. It is exciting to create pictures with the written, or typed, word that gets people to take action. I don't believe that everybody truly loves what they do. But when you get that rare moment to be able to create an income based around something you do love, well sir that is bliss...even with the headaches that come along with business.

    Tried and true method to make money from home. Click here for the method that continually brings me $100s daily. (Excellent for Beginners)
    Information on content writing sites and making money with your writing at The Freelancer Today.

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    • Profile picture of the author mcmahanusa
      Originally Posted by Kenwrites View Post

      Respectfully, disagree. Put down the spike bat. No, really put it down. Step away from the bat... ok lol

      No, really I do enjoy writing. Some of it I enjoy more than others. I would much rather write web content or creative articles than boring manuals. But I do love writing.

      What I don't love:

      Sitting in a cubicle looking out the big plate glass window wondering why I am sitting in a cubicle looking out a big plate glass window.

      Getting asked what I do for a living and then getting the look. Example: "What do you do for a living?" "I write", "Oh, anything I've read before?" "Probably not", "Oh I you make money doing that?" " Did I ask you for a loan?"

      Traveling one hour in traffic to go to a job I hate just to work there for 10 hours, staring out the big plate glass window, and then traveling back home for an hour in traffic.

      What I love:

      The traffic jam is merely the dog sitting in between the kitchen and the den waiting for her breakfast as I am getting my first cup of coffee.

      Being able to turn my computer on and seeing a email from PayPal.

      Sitting at my computer for two hours writing articles before waking my wife up with breakfast.

      Enjoying two hours first thing in the morning with my wife as we sit on the front porch, drinking coffee, talking and watching the world without the big plate glass window.

      I love the fact that I can sit here at my computer and create articles and content that either pay me directly or indirectly.

      Do I love earning money doing this? Oh most certainly I do. Do I love writing? Yes, because each day I learn and I grow. It is exciting to create pictures with the written, or typed, word that gets people to take action. I don't believe that everybody truly loves what they do. But when you get that rare moment to be able to create an income based around something you do love, well sir that is bliss...even with the headaches that come along with business.
      Sounds like your head is in about the same space as mine. Everything's relative, though, isn't it? At least you had a window. Some people have only bare walls. Some people have steel bars. But enjoying what you do, reaping financial rewards from it, and having the freedom and time to enjoy it? Paradise!

      Success is not to be pursued; it is to be attracted by the person you become - Jim Rohn

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      • Profile picture of the author cindybidar
        I don't always love to write. Some days I don't even like it. But I do love having a marketable skill that enables me to earn a good living without being dependent on an employer.
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  • Profile picture of the author Matt.Lake
    I think it's fair to say there are many people that would do what they do anyway, even if there was no faniancial reward. That's when you truly love something.

    There are many writers that if they weren't writing for a living, would still be writing something else anyway, without regards to any financial reward.

    While I agree with what you're saying to a point, this seems a bit of a pointless point.
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  • Profile picture of the author Debbie Allen
    My guess is that anyone that is passionate about his or her work loves doing it and would do it with or without the pay --- BUT, I certainly appreciate getting paid for what I do.

    I love to write, but my passion is not writing for money, it's about the joy of writing. Once I'm in the 'zone' it's as if I am on a magical high that I don't want to end. So would I write even if money was not in the equation - yes. Would I volunteer my time and services routinely without pay - no.
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  • Profile picture of the author onemind
    You forgot the reason why most people do this type of work. The freedom of working from home in comfort! That's probably the number one thing to me; the ability to make money from my own base of operations. That's what I "love" so I don't mind if I even work 18 hours a day because I know that I am in control 100%.
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  • Profile picture of the author vj2131
    Most freelancers I know are freelancers BECAUSE they love what they do. They love designing / writing / etc. so much that they would rather take the instability and uncertainty that sometimes comes along with freelancing rather than drive everyday to a traditional job doing something they hate.

    One must make money in order to eat and pay bills. Is it really so bad that some people choose getting paid to do what they love over getting paid to do something they don't love?

    Just a thought...
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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      But hey. I understand. Many of us want to give the impression
      that we love our freelance business (writing, graphics, offline
      marketing for clients, etc). But do we REALLY is the question
      I pose to you.
      You've been selling your writing here on the WF - so you can speak to how you feel about what you do.

      Trying to project that into what "many of us" want or think or feel is just your guess and nothing more. I enjoy the writing I do - but I'm not emotionally attached to it. My focus is on doing quality work that is worth the fees I charge. If I didn't like what I do - I'd do something else.

      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
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    • Profile picture of the author cindybidar
      Originally Posted by vj2131 View Post

      They love designing / writing / etc. so much that they would rather take the instability and uncertainty that sometimes comes along with freelancing
      I disagree with this. True instability and insecurity is when your future is totally dependent on the company for which you work. Having a marketable skill you can use to generate an income when your company goes belly-up is the only true security there is.
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  • Profile picture of the author Marat007
    In fact I don't see any contradiction here. Why is it wrong to love writing while you are getting money for it? All things we love in this world are things that give us a reward. Woman? Think about it. Children? Yes. Good work? Nobody likes the work just for the work itself. It is about rewards, financial, moral, social etc. it gives.

    Humans like rewards. Onine writing is full of it. Why to not love it?
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  • Profile picture of the author swilliams09
    Hate what you do? No. I disagree. If that was the case I would go back to working in a call center every afternoon like I was before I found IM. I hated getting cursed at every day and getting hung up on and working for barely a bit more than minimum wage. Working with a bunch of druggies and weirdos (and that was just the management).

    I've made more money here doing something I love doing (video production/animation) than doing something that I hate. Plus I get to sit at home in my pajamas every evening and work.

    The next step is learning how to really do IM and make a more passive income!

    Learn how to make videos that sell. Special $1 Offer for Warriors Only.

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  • Profile picture of the author tyroneshum
    No. Actually, most of the freelancers that I know and have worked with LOVE what they're doing and thus, would always ensure with quality output even if clients have stated the expected salary or not. If it's their passion, they wouldn't have any problems with sustaining the job but fairly enough, they should also be PAID WELL as they also work professionally the way they love it. I understand that some people too wouldn't work too long enough for you if you don't pay them on time but there's nothing wrong in loving what you do to keep working on it as well and make a living.
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  • Profile picture of the author n7 Studios
    I really enjoy my freelance web design / development.

    It's what I've wanted to do for a while, and have never looked back since making the step into self employment / freelancing a couple of years ago.

    It's the new challenge, being your own boss, having real responsibility and the range of work that sets it apart from being an employee.

    I'll agree - getting paid well to do it makes it better, because it means I know I'm able to pay the mortgage, put food on the table, and don't need to worry about these things. In turn, I can therefore concentrate on delivering the best solution for my client.
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  • Profile picture of the author Leslie B
    I believe it depends on how you came to do freelancing. I didn't start freelancing from the start, I started offering my services, because I loved setting up WordPress blogs and I hated working on them beyond that. The best solution for me was doing it for someone else, which, then again, lead me to be able to outsource the stuff I don't like myself. So, yes, I love what I do, although sometimes working for clients can be a pain. But that's another matter all together

    Taking it one day at a time!
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  • Profile picture of the author Reverb
    Well, I know some people LOVE to write because there are a ton of blogs out there that are constantly posted on and are not monetized at all. And some people love being creative whether they sell what they produce or not. Take Vincent Van Gogh for example. He produced more than 2,000 artworks (around 900 paintings and 1,100 drawings and sketches) and they say he only sold ONE painting in his lifetime. I'd say, the guy LOVED what he did. Period.
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    • Profile picture of the author Votoshka
      Hmm not sure I agree 100%...

      I don't mind writing, in fact I love fiction writing, but I don't particularly love writing articles for other people on subjects that aren't that interesting or that I don't know much about. I prefer writing for myself than for other people!

      BUT errm I don't make MORE money doing freelance writing than I would from having a regular job. In fact, I make a fair bit less

      Still, I would rather work from home as a freelance writer than have a 9 to 5 job! I much prefer having control over my own hours and not having to be in a particular place at a particular time, and I'd trade extra income to do that!

      However, when I make enough from IM to quit freelancing I'll do it in a heartbeat, and keep my writing for my own sites and my own pleasure.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ben Bergmann
    I don't agree completely. I DO love graphic design and creating graphics and of course I now get paid for a job that I'm really interested in and love. But even before I started this business I loved creating graphics, sometimes even just for the fun of it, and believe it or not, there are so many people out there that feel the same.

    This doesn't even necessarily only includes the graphical part of my freelance business.

    If you read some testimonials people left me they also mention my customer support, and yes, it can sometimes be a pain in the backside if you have a client who is very demanding, but even that is still part of the job... and since I love my job, I even love this part of it, believe it or not
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  • Profile picture of the author kiopa
    Do I love sitting behind my computer, typing source code, and getting endless modification requests, bug reports, and so on from everyone? Of course not, who would?

    However, I do love the challenge. I love being able to take a figment of my (or someone else's) imagination, and be able to turn that into a reality. Then with additional time & effort, turn it into a thriving online operation. Just simply putting all the pieces in place, developing everything into a fine-tuned machine, and watching it grow as the weeks and months tick by. That's why I love.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joe Benjamin
    That was awesome. I've read EVERY single one of these posts
    thoroughly, and I must say that I'm in "awe".

    Although I don't have the time to reply to each post the way
    I would like do to work, there is a general consensus for the
    REAL reason most of you LOVE freelancing...

    it's because it set's you FREE

    It set's you FREE from dealing with rush-hour traffic (fortunate
    to NOT have to deal with it for over 8 months now) and sitting
    there in the middle of a busy intersection or freeway for several
    minutes at a time.

    It set's you FREE from the strangleholds of a manager who can
    at the snap of his finger get rid of your arse in a mili-second...
    for any reason.

    It sets you FREE from the boring tasks of a normal 9 to 5 job
    and from behind a corporate desk.

    But I ask you all...

    Do you REALLY "LOVE" WHAT you do...or the FREEDOM what
    you do gives you?

    That's the difference. It's a fine line, but it IS there. You can
    love the BENEFITS of what you do, but the work
    know? it because the contrast from a 9 to 5 and freelancing
    is so strong, that HATING a 9 to 5 job and being able to free-
    lance makes you love freelancing even more?

    I personally really thought about this, and I knew it was the
    contrast of working a 9 to 5 job that made me ENJOY free-
    lancing...but not LOVE it...but I HATED a 9 to 5.

    I don't hate freelancing...and I don't LOVE it either...I love
    it more for the benefits of what it does, but the PROCESS
    of writing can be more tiring and draining than a 9 to 5 job
    (i.e. less thinking involved)
    **How I FLIPPED $80 into $690 Pure Profit With ONE EASY Method...2 to 3x Per Week...Only 30 Minutes Per Day (and how YOU can COPY my RESULTS, too!) **CLICK HERE FOR VERIFIED VIDEO PROOF**
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    • Profile picture of the author Sandra Martinez
      Originally Posted by WhoIsBenjamin View Post

      the PROCESS
      of writing can be more tiring and draining than a 9 to 5 job
      (i.e. less thinking involved)
      you feel it like this because you are not a writer, you are someone who can write. There is a big difference... and please don't take it the wrong way, there is nothing wrong with it, except that you don't enjoy it.

      for me the process of writing is empowering.

      Ok, the small print... I don't love everything of it. I don't like writing articles for example, unless it is something fun (like personality writing, or hard core technical writing). I like to write ebooks and books, I like to start a line of thinking and follow it.

      It is a discovery path where I grow during the process, and the person who reads it later grows as well.

      did it ever happen to you? to start writing and lose track of time, and follow what you are writing as if you where reading it because you have no idea where the heck all this is coming from?

      well... there is no coming back from there. It is pretty cool.

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      • Profile picture of the author Joe Benjamin
        Originally Posted by Sandra Martinez View Post

        you feel it like this because you are not a writer, you are someone who can write. There is a big difference... and please don't take it the wrong way, there is nothing wrong with it, except that you don't enjoy it.

        for me the process of writing is empowering.

        Ok, the small print... I don't love everything of it. I don't like writing articles for example, unless it is something fun (like personality writing, or hard core technical writing). I like to write ebooks and books, I like to start a line of thinking and follow it.

        It is a discovery path where I grow during the process, and the person who reads it later grows as well.

        did it ever happen to you? to start writing and lose track of time, and follow what you are writing as if you where reading it because you have no idea where the heck all this is coming from?

        well... there is no coming back from there. It is pretty cool.

        you feel it like this because you are not a writer, you are someone who can write.

        :rolleyes:...yep. 100% right about that. I'm very good at it and know
        I CAN do it, but if I had a choice between writing or marketing
        or real estate...that's what I love in terms of business.

        And, that is in no way a reflection of what other people should
        feel like. I'm sure there were jobs we all held where we were
        good at it and got praises for it, but didn't personally LOVE it.

        By the way, I use the word "hate" on purpose as a good head-
        line to get these responses on purpose...but I don't hate what
        I do. I just "enjoy" it. I don't LOVE it. It's just...somewhere in-

        Almost like a "Love/Hate" relationship with freelancing. I certainly
        prefer OTHER ways of doing business, and I'm doing just that...

        but that's just me, and this thread isn't about me.

        did it ever happen to you? to start writing and lose track of time, and follow what you are writing as if you where reading it because you have no idea where the heck all this is coming from?

        Yes. Last night I was finishing a rough outline on a possible
        future WSO on listbuilding. It was 6 pages of hardcore stuff
        and my experiences building a list online with over 500+ ppl
        a week to my auto-responder.

        It just flowed and I didn't have to worry about research,
        grammer, personal preference...just me and the pages.

        I didn't have to worry about being "PERFECT".

        In this case, I am grateful for my writing ability because I
        can put into words my a marketer without
        struggling to find words to express what I want to say.

        P.S. Another example of someone who was a master at what
        they did, but gave it up to do something else, was a friend of
        mines who made thousands of dollars a month in real estate...

        and quit.

        It came naturally to him, and the guy was living a great life,
        but it juse wasn't for him.

        I was confused, given that I've done real estate and LOVE
        it...and at first, I was angry at him for quitting because he
        was so good. Now, I understand why doing something your
        good at and loving it are 2 different things.
        **How I FLIPPED $80 into $690 Pure Profit With ONE EASY Method...2 to 3x Per Week...Only 30 Minutes Per Day (and how YOU can COPY my RESULTS, too!) **CLICK HERE FOR VERIFIED VIDEO PROOF**
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        • Profile picture of the author Sandra Martinez
          Originally Posted by WhoIsBenjamin View Post

          you feel it like this because you are not a writer, you are someone who can write.

          :rolleyes:...yep. 100% right about that. I'm very good at it and know
          I CAN do it, but if I had a choice between writing or marketing
          or real estate...that's what I love in terms of business.
          Real estate is pretty cool. I like it, just not too much to be out there all the time.

          we can all do much more than what we love, and some don't even know themselves enough as to find out... so you are probably right in general with this thread. I have found that most of the people who write are not writers.
          But is is ok, at least to do it for a while.

          And then you have people like me, who push the odds and make it happen, even when English is not my home language and I need an editor for each single piece I put out there. But I love it.

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  • Profile picture of the author BlazingSwitch
    I still produce content in my preferred niche of choice. I get others of similar interest to finance my hobby and make a good living on it. So for me, it is not like a job most of the time. It is a paycheck for my personal hobby. Not everyone can be that lucky.

    However, I think most people need to try and pick niches or markets they are passionate about. That will help not only the daily grind, but also will show your passion in the end result.

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  • Profile picture of the author Rose Anderson
    I do love writing, but some topics are more fun to write about than others.

    But the worst day of writing beats the best days of being a bookkeeper. (my old job)
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  • I personally dislike any activity in which I directly exchange time for money. If I, as an entrepreneur, put an hourly rate to my time (be it $10 or $1000, doesn't matter), I am fundamentally making a mistake.

    I like to be paid on my savvyness, or my business skills, or my system implementation, etc, not on a hourly rate.
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    • Profile picture of the author Sandra Martinez
      Originally Posted by Anonymous Affiliate View Post

      I personally dislike any activity in which I directly exchange time for money. If I, as an entrepreneur, put an hourly rate to my time (be it $10 or $1000, doesn't matter), I am fundamentally making a mistake.

      I like to be paid on my savvyness, or my business skills, or my system implementation, etc, not on a hourly rate.
      So far I have found three types of mindsets approaching IM:

      the red mindset: passion for business itself. "Please, give me a product I can sell." This seems to be you.

      the blue mindset: passion for creation. "I need to find a market for my product". That is where I am.

      the yellow mindset: "I just want to stay home and make a leaving anyway". This is usually a transitional stage. And make the best general purposes outsourcers.

      Each one of the three mindsets is very useful to the others... How would you put deals together without a product, without outsourcers to work over the different tasks?

      the passion for marketing is great and it is an art too, I have been as lucky as to be close to some big players, and the way their brains are wired is different from anybody else.

      And I love learning and being there, but i wouldn't be able to do some of the things they have to do to make things happen.

      and on the other side, I am willing to do other things most of them wouldn't stand doing...

      we are all wired different, and it is great that way.

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