Freelance For A Living? You HATE What You Do!
You HATE what you do.
Because if DO love what you do, it's largely because what
you say you love to do makes you money. Period.
Listen, I'm all for people who deeply...deeply love to offer
keyword research, write articles, do graphics. Whatever.
But would you love it so much if you knew it couldn't pay
the bills or put some food in your mouth?
Not likely.
I'd say your love for the service your offering (either
here or on this forum) is to the extent that you are
PAID fairly well to do it, and do it professionally.
Chances are, you wouldn't do it if there WASN'T any fina-
cial reward of somewhat substantial (better than average
from a typical 9 to 5 job) unless it was really in cards for
you to BE a professional writer and do exceptionally well
in it (choices you make).
Now, let me just say on the record:
It's respectable to give the BEST service you can give
for MORE than what they paid you for. It's awesome to go
out of your way to make sure they get the best damn ser-
vice there is.
I do it.
But don't kid yourself if you think your doing it to be a "good
freakin' Samaritan".
"Oh, I do it because I LOVE to write".
"I do graphics because it was my lifelong dreeeeam --- I've
ALWAYS been a artist"
Personally, I think it's okay to say "hey, I'm doing this as a
stepping stone to do what I REALLY love to do and enjoy
doing with my FREE time."
It's "okay" to say that. But, far too many people are trying
to convince themselves that they're doing what they do not
FOR the money, but because..."it's the right thing to do".
Do I love writing? Not really. It's very time-consuming. Takes
a lot of mental energy to do right. But I DO enjoy it. Love it?
No, I can't say I do. It's something I know I'm very good at
and would much rather prefer writing to flipping hamburgers
in the back of a some fast food join in the middle of July.
But hey. I understand. Many of us want to give the impression
that we love our freelance business (writing, graphics, offline
marketing for clients, etc). But do we REALLY is the question
I pose to you.
So, if you think you really, really love what you do...than this
doesn't apply to you. And, even if you DON'T love what you
do...it's really none of my business. What you tell yourself is
up to you and is your right to say so.
P.S. I could be wrong about all this and this is just MY opinion.
No need to get upset. But, if you feel ANY emotion about this
(because, I'm just being honest with myself), feel free to speak
on it. I promise, I won't chase you down with a spike bat.

Tried and true method to make money from home. Click here for the method that continually brings me $100s daily. (Excellent for Beginners)
Information on content writing sites and making money with your writing at The Freelancer Today.
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