Your Thoughts On This?

6 replies
I received this email from a marketer claiming I could get 1 million free hits.
Curiosity got the better of me so I visited the site.
It turns out to be one of those sites where you have to first click on 6 adverts, and then your advert gets added to the general rotation that other people will see.

So my question is:
Has anyone ever used something like this with effect? I am aware that a lot of the traffic will be rubbish with people merely clicking the link so they can sign up to the course, but if I send them to my opt-in page, they will have the option of either closing the page, or signing up.
I was wondering if perhaps this wasn't a bad idea since I can at least market to them if they have joined my list?

Your thoughts?
  • Profile picture of the author Colin Theriot
    Try it. See what happens. I wouldn't buy anything from these folks though. Seems dubious. Wagenhiem will be along shortly to disagree with me.

    Fair warning: It's possible I'm arguing with you because I have nothing better to do.
    Join my free copywriting group on Facebook:

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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      There are a couple of different variants.

      One is the digital equivalent of a chain letter and works about as well. You might find a few suckers, but it's doubtful.

      The other setup lets you earn ad credits by clicking on other ads. I've heard of people building lists with these, but I was never able to pull it off. Most of the ad exposures seemed to be other advertisers 'clicking for credit' or using some kind of bot or script to simulate real clicks.
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  • Profile picture of the author Colin Palfrey
    Hi Pete,

    I have tried those sites before, and you usually have to promote their website to get your advert shown. Then your sign ups have your advert in their position 1 etc...

    I have tried this sort of thing in the past, and found it awful. The problem is that while I did have people start using their own version of the page, they all gave up quickly. Like me they discovered it was easier to promote their own stuff than a pyramid scheme advertising system.

    Possibly what you are referring to is unlike the system I tried way-back-when, but I doubt it.

    My 2c
    Colin Palfrey

    I write articles and eBooks - PM me for details!
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  • Profile picture of the author Louise M.
    I tried it before, complete waste of time in my opinion. No targeted traffic, just people wanting to increase their own traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author Melanie Mendelson
    That's junk.

    Free lunch is only found is mousetraps
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  • Profile picture of the author KathyK
    Pyramid schemes don't work - except possibly for the first few people that start one. Don't bother.


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