You already have 100's of unique articles

14 replies

I'm going to throw out a tip that just occurred to me. You want to write some articles. You have writers block, or you are just feeling lazy.

Here is what you do:
  1. Go through every forum membership you have - Warrior Forum + all other forums you have ever belonged to.
  2. Log in and go to the control panel
  3. Look at your previous posts going back to your very first post.
  4. Each post is pure article content
  5. You may have to expand on a post to get the word count up, or merge posts you have done.
Have fun!
#100 #articles #unique
  • Profile picture of the author glynlafferty
    Great idea another thing is go to other article site's and pick bits of articles and put it all together and rewrite it so that it makes sense.

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  • Profile picture of the author iamobama
    Haha! Good guy!
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  • Profile picture of the author 24 by 7
    Nice idea, i think i have made 100s of unique article right there.
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  • Profile picture of the author ninjawarrior
    Exactly, theemperor!

    The advantage you get with your forum posts is you kind of run a test on how effective what you wrote is, too. If you can get people to respond to you with your forum posts, then most likely you'd get responses in your articles too.

    Not only that. You can also grab other people's posts that you find interesting, have your rewriter run through them, maybe merge posts here and there, and voila, more instant content!

    Good no?
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  • Profile picture of the author olapeju
    you spurred me up
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  • Profile picture of the author theemperor

    You are spot on - yes you can see what people really care about. I am no just talking about making money forums either. I belong to other forums on other niches and there is a lot of articles to dig up.

    Another idea I also had is that if you are stuck, look at a question in a forum - and then reply into a new notepad session instead of the forum. Keep going till there is 400 words and redraft. Voila an article!

    I find more motivation to post on forums than to write articles - but essentially they are the same thing :-)

    Of course on forums you get the excitement that people might reply, whereas in article marketing they wont - but you might make money.
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  • Profile picture of the author ContentMarquee
    Forum posts are gold mines when it comes to fresh ideas, and I tend to rely on them quite heavily especially when writings topics that have been extensively written about. It is nice to know that we share the same "tendencies."
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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      Just a caution - if using forum posts that were not YOUR contributions, use them only to generate ideas to write about.

      I've seen people here who have taken posts and used them on blogs as their own writing - and that is not acceptable (think copyright).

      Just mentioning this as new marketers may think it's ok to just take what you want to use from a forum - and it isn't.

      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author AngelMira
    LOL, very off the wall thinking, I love it. I'd love to see some of my original posts haha
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    • Profile picture of the author c.t.coburn
      great simple idea. thanks.

      I'm finding yahoo answers is good practice ground also.
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  • Profile picture of the author George Wright
    You are right.

    I made $1,000 + off of an ebook I compiled off of my posts and some extras.

    There is a very nice eBook out right now that is a compilation of Posts.

    So, our posts can be articles and much much more.

    George Wright
    "The first chapter sells the book; the last chapter sells the next book." Mickey Spillane
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  • Profile picture of the author tristen
    Thanks for this creative ideas.
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