So Disappointed Right Now I Could Cry
As many of you already know I have been selling my $37 site flipping product for just $3 to raise money for cancer charity.
Last night I came home and turned on my computer to find I had an email from Paypal saying they have limited my account, I'm guessing due to the large number of sales in a short period of time.
They asked me to send them some ID and other information which I did. This morning I logged on and I now have an email from them saying they have permanently deleted my account.
I am so disappointed, I had almost $200 in there that was raised for this charity that I now cannot access. I had actually transferred $110 over to my bank account and they even reversed that transfer.
This was money raised for charity, which I also explained to them, and now it is just sitting there in limbo and I can't get it to transfer through to our charity event.
I will put the money through, in fact I have already transferred some of it through to our charity event using my credit card and I will transfer the rest through and pay for it out of my own pocket.
But I just wanted to have a rant about how disappointed I am in Paypal. I honesty sat here and cried this morning when I saw their email - they disgust me the way they handle their business and do what they want, when they want. They are just a bunch of thieves.
....... end rant.
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