So Disappointed Right Now I Could Cry

Sheryl Polomka
Profile picture of Sheryl Polomka
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
73 replies
Begin rant....

As many of you already know I have been selling my $37 site flipping product for just $3 to raise money for cancer charity.

Last night I came home and turned on my computer to find I had an email from Paypal saying they have limited my account, I'm guessing due to the large number of sales in a short period of time.

They asked me to send them some ID and other information which I did. This morning I logged on and I now have an email from them saying they have permanently deleted my account.

I am so disappointed, I had almost $200 in there that was raised for this charity that I now cannot access. I had actually transferred $110 over to my bank account and they even reversed that transfer.

This was money raised for charity, which I also explained to them, and now it is just sitting there in limbo and I can't get it to transfer through to our charity event.

I will put the money through, in fact I have already transferred some of it through to our charity event using my credit card and I will transfer the rest through and pay for it out of my own pocket.

But I just wanted to have a rant about how disappointed I am in Paypal. I honesty sat here and cried this morning when I saw their email - they disgust me the way they handle their business and do what they want, when they want. They are just a bunch of thieves.

....... end rant.
#cry #disappointed
  • Profile picture of the author Rezbi
    Profile picture of Rezbi
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    Sorry to hear that, Sheryl. Did they give a reason?

    If not, there must be something you can do about the cash they've kept?
    • Profile picture of the author Sheryl Polomka
      Sheryl Polomka
      Profile picture of Sheryl Polomka
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      Originally Posted by Rezbi View Post

      Sorry to hear that, Sheryl. Did they give a reason?

      If not, there must be something you can do about the cash they've kept?
      The reason given:

      We have observed activity in this account that is unusual or potentially
      high risk.

      The cash is frozen for 180 days, not sure whether I can withdraw it after that period, that's a long time though.
  • Profile picture of the author Brenden Clerget
    Brenden Clerget
    Profile picture of Brenden Clerget
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    I've heard of people having this happening. It's disappointing bu remember they have a HUGE number of customers, it should get sorted out. Just provide them what they ask for and try to stay as polite as possible. Don't give up though, I think they're definitely in the wrong, that's just silly.

    Remind them they are a reputable company and you are sure they take care of their users, and that you would like them to uphold that persona with you.

    The power of argument in the correct way can do wonders sometimes.

    Keep us updated on what happens.
  • Profile picture of the author Lou Diamond
    Lou Diamond
    Profile picture of Lou Diamond
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    I have had many issues with paypal over the years and I have resolved all of them by talking to them on the phone, they have gotten better over the years.
    There have been many posts about paypal on this forum saying bad things when things go wrong but never good things when things go right.

    Something new soon.

    • Profile picture of the author Tina Golden
      Tina Golden
      Profile picture of Tina Golden
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      Definitely call them before you give up. Their email support is usually laughable, with people seemingly just picking a stock response to send you. But on the phone, I've had nothing but good luck. When my account was limited at one point, they were terrific to deal with by phone.

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    • Profile picture of the author BenBrandes
      Profile picture of BenBrandes
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      Originally Posted by Lou Diamond View Post

      I have had many issues with paypal over the years and I have resolved all of them by talking to them on the phone, they have gotten better over the years.
      There have been many posts about paypal on this forum saying bad things when things go wrong but never good things when things go right.
      Agreed, you mainly one hear about the bad stuff.

      Phone is the best way to get it sorted, you may need to go through some gatekeepers first though.

      Good luck!

      FusionHQ Affiliate Manager

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    • Profile picture of the author mcmahanusa
      Profile picture of mcmahanusa
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      Originally Posted by Lou Diamond View Post

      I have had many issues with paypal over the years and I have resolved all of them by talking to them on the phone, they have gotten better over the years.
      There have been many posts about paypal on this forum saying bad things when things go wrong but never good things when things go right.

      Okay, Lou, here's something that went right with PayPal: Yesterday I found a bogus charge (maybe erroneous rather than bogus) that had gone through my PayPal account. I complained last night, and this morning they found in my favor and are reversing the charge. So....there's something positive.

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  • Profile picture of the author Colin Palfrey
    Colin Palfrey
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    Tell them that it was for a charity, and phone them up and tell them. Also tell them you work as a reporter and I bet they do a 180 so fast it will boggle the mind.

    The last thing they need is public stories about how they refused to hand over charity money. Seriously push this one and you will win. They cannot steal, as that is illegal regardless of who they are. Just think of how a few well placed press releases could cripple them, well they have already considered it.

    I write articles and eBooks - PM me for details!
  • Profile picture of the author rondo
    Profile picture of rondo
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    Sheryl are you authorised to raise money for charity? Usually you need to be. Maybe that's got something to do with it.

    • Profile picture of the author Sheryl Polomka
      Sheryl Polomka
      Profile picture of Sheryl Polomka
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      Originally Posted by rondo View Post

      Sheryl are you authorised to raise money for charity? Usually you need to be. Maybe that's got something to do with it.

      Yes this is an official charity that I have registered with and have my own official fundraising page.

      I will phone them today and see if I can get anywhere.
      • Profile picture of the author Dan C. Rinnert
        Dan C. Rinnert
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        Originally Posted by Sheryl Polomka View Post

        It is only a personal account, I don't use it for my business at all, I opened this account specifically to use for this fundraising effort.
        Originally Posted by Sheryl Polomka View Post

        Yes this is an official charity that I have registered with and have my own official fundraising page.
        I think you just highlighted the problem. You're using a personal account to collect money for a registered charity.

        The charity should have probably had its own business account under the charity's name.

        Raising money for a charity and sending the money into a personal account is likely what raised red flags at PayPal.

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      • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
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        Originally Posted by Sheryl Polomka View Post

        Yes this is an official charity that I have registered with and have my own official fundraising page.
        Sheryl, I'd show them the WSO page and point out just how active this forum is.
        "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
      • Profile picture of the author rondo
        Profile picture of rondo
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        Originally Posted by Sheryl Polomka View Post

        Yes this is an official charity that I have registered with and have my own official fundraising page.
        And that official page uses their payment processor to collect funds.

        But you're also fundraising on your own using your Paypal account and I suspect this is the problem.

  • Profile picture of the author Imran Naseem
    Imran Naseem
    Profile picture of Imran Naseem
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    Sheryl I am so sorry to hear that.

    Send them all the info etc and then contact them. I hope you get your account back.

    Did they inform you how long it will take?
    • Profile picture of the author Elle Holder
      Elle Holder
      Profile picture of Elle Holder
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      Another thing. When you call, and I suggest you do, make sure you talk to someone with some authority. If you call and talk to whatever CS rep answers the phone, you may just end up spinning in circles. You'll likely need a note in your file from a manager or supervisor.

      Whatever happens, I'm sorry that you've had to deal with this. It sucks when you try to do something good and get kicked in the butt for your efforts.

  • Profile picture of the author E-supreme
    Profile picture of E-supreme
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    Any problems with paypal you should be calling them, there can be a long wait sometimes but you can get it sorted there and then!
  • Profile picture of the author bgmacaw
    Profile picture of bgmacaw
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    Originally Posted by Sheryl Polomka View Post

    This was money raised for charity, which I also explained to them, and now it is just sitting there in limbo and I can't get it to transfer through to our charity event.
    There's your problem. They have very strict rules about raising money for a charity, such as filing non-profit paperwork and so forth with them. For legal liability reasons, they can't allow the kind of activity your were doing, even if it was for a good cause.
  • Profile picture of the author Colin Palfrey
    Colin Palfrey
    Profile picture of Colin Palfrey
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    As many people have mentioned, you need to talk to them on the phone. By email you get a group of semi-trained chimpanzees, but on the phone they seem intelligent and helpful.

    Phone them and I bet they fix it for you, and if not then make a fuss on here and I bet you get lots of people that can make an impact and cause them problems until they do, me included.

    I write articles and eBooks - PM me for details!
  • Profile picture of the author InternetM39482
    Profile picture of InternetM39482
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    Damn, that sucks. I've had my account limited more than once, but they are usually very co-operative when you get them on the phone.

    I don't know about complete ban though... one of my friends had it, and even after trying multiple times on the phone and e-mail, he couldn't get it back. Just a cookie cutter response about Paypal's policy etc.
  • Profile picture of the author CurtisN
    Profile picture of CurtisN
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    I don't think it could've been from a high volume of sales. At $3, I'm guessing you made roughly 80 sales (+/-), which, after fees, would probably equal around $200ish.

    80 sales, especially totaling under $200, shouldn't have raised any red flags.

    That said, I don't know much about Paypal, so I could be totally wrong. Do you have a business or premier account? Maybe it's related to the type of account you have and the limits/restrictions imposed on them. Just throwing ideas out there
    Curtis Ng (blog) - Product Launch Manager
    • Profile picture of the author Colin Palfrey
      Colin Palfrey
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      Originally Posted by CurtisN View Post

      I don't think it could've been from a high volume of sales. At $3, I'm guessing you made roughly 80 sales (+/-), which, after fees, would probably equal around $200ish.

      80 sales, especially totaling under $200, shouldn't have raised any red flags.

      That said, I don't know much about Paypal, so I could be totally wrong. Do you have a business or premier account? Maybe it's related to the type of account you have and the limits/restrictions imposed on them. Just throwing ideas out there
      I think you could be spot on with the account type.

      My theory is that she has done these sales through a personal account, and they have objected that a personal account shouldn't get this many sales.

      I write articles and eBooks - PM me for details!
    • Profile picture of the author Sheryl Polomka
      Sheryl Polomka
      Profile picture of Sheryl Polomka
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      Originally Posted by CurtisN View Post

      I don't think it could've been from a high volume of sales. At $3, I'm guessing you made roughly 80 sales (+/-), which, after fees, would probably equal around $200ish.

      80 sales, especially totaling under $200, shouldn't have raised any red flags.

      That said, I don't know much about Paypal, so I could be totally wrong. Do you have a business or premier account? Maybe it's related to the type of account you have and the limits/restrictions imposed on them. Just throwing ideas out there
      Exactly, there was around $200 raised, not a lot at all compared to what many people bring in through their paypal accounts.

      It is only a personal account, I don't use it for my business at all, I opened this account specifically to use for this fundraising effort.
      • Profile picture of the author Colin Palfrey
        Colin Palfrey
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        Originally Posted by Sheryl Polomka View Post

        It is only a personal account, I don't use it for my business at all
        That is the problem. Their bots have found someone that claims they don't run a business, making 80 sales in a short period of time.

        Phone them up and they will fix it for you. If they don't then let me know and I am sure many will follow me to war LOL!

        Colin Palfrey

        I write articles and eBooks - PM me for details!
      • Profile picture of the author Rich Struck
        Rich Struck
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        Originally Posted by Sheryl Polomka View Post

        It is only a personal account, I don't use it for my business at all, I opened this account specifically to use for this fundraising effort.
        I would guess that this is also part of the problem. A new account suddenly getting tons of activity is going to get their attention but you would think that $200 or so would slip under their radar. Go figure. I hope you can get your account back, keep us posted.

      • Profile picture of the author Bronwyn and Keith
        Bronwyn and Keith
        Profile picture of Bronwyn and Keith
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        Hi Sheryl

        We picked up a copy at the $3 and are disappointed that they have done this to you. The problem appears to be the "personal account".

        80 transactions in a short time will do that.

        Ring them up and ask to have it upgraded to business and that should sort it out.


        Bronwyn and Keith
        Originally Posted by Sheryl Polomka View Post

        Exactly, there was around $200 raised, not a lot at all compared to what many people bring in through their paypal accounts.

        It is only a personal account, I don't use it for my business at all, I opened this account specifically to use for this fundraising effort.
  • Profile picture of the author Mary Green
    Mary Green
    Profile picture of Mary Green
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    I got an email today telling me that they are holding money from sales for 21 days, that too is a pita, most of the info was discussing information about eBay which I hardly ever use.

    I agree Paypal is a pain, but they are the monopoly for online payment, I would keep trying to work with them and stay patient.
  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Profile picture of sbucciarel
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    I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully Paypal will straighten it out for you on the phone rather than via email.
    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      Kay King
      Profile picture of Kay King
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      Having the charity registered is definitely right thing to do - but paypal requires paperwork and charitable bank account before taking money for charitable purposes. Got to be frustrating.

      There was a fuss about this issue after Hurricane Katrina and then an FTC crackdown last year adding more regulations to acceptable money for charities. I think paypal is doing what has to be done to stay within the laws here. Since the charity is registered, hope you can get it straightened out.

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  • Profile picture of the author Sheryl Polomka
    Sheryl Polomka
    Profile picture of Sheryl Polomka
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    Thanks guys, I'll give them a call and see how I go. Although I'm thinking I might wait until later this afternoon, the way I'm feeling at the moment I'm likely to say something I shouldn't, so I will wait until I am feeling a little more relaxed.
  • Profile picture of the author Matthew Iannotti
    Matthew Iannotti
    Profile picture of Matthew Iannotti
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    Sorry to hear that, I had my account restricted last week and got it lifted the same day by calling them...give them a call!

    Wish ya luck!

  • Profile picture of the author williamrs
    Profile picture of williamrs
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    I movement relatively high amounts of money with Paypal (CPA networks pay me through Paypal, all of them!) and I have never had problems with them. However, today I was talking to another Warrior by email about a campaign that I'm setting up to promote an offer for one of his clients and I asked him to pay me through Paypal instead of wire transfer. He said that it's very risky because Paypal have been deleting many accounts recently without decent reasons.

    For security reasons, I have more than one Paypal account (I use the name of my parents) and always cash out the money when my balance exceeds $1K. It protects me not only from hackers, but also from Paypal!

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    • Profile picture of the author TimG
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      Originally Posted by williamrs View Post

      For security reasons, I have more than one Paypal account (I use the name of my parents) and always cash out the money when my balance exceeds $1K. It protects me not only from hackers, but also from Paypal!

      I do the same thing whenever my balance gets too high I transfer the money out in oder to prevent any funds getting tied up should an issue ever come up with my paypal account.

      Sheryl - good luck in getting this resolved for you and your charity.
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  • Profile picture of the author pugsy
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    Originally Posted by Sheryl Polomka View Post

    Begin rant....

    As many of you already know I have been selling my $37 site flipping product for just $3 to raise money for cancer charity.

    Last night I came home and turned on my computer to find I had an email from Paypal saying they have limited my account, I'm guessing due to the large number of sales in a short period of time.

    They asked me to send them some ID and other information which I did. This morning I logged on and I now have an email from them saying they have permanently deleted my account.

    I am so disappointed, I had almost $200 in there that was raised for this charity that I now cannot access. I had actually transferred $110 over to my bank account and they even reversed that transfer.

    This was money raised for charity, which I also explained to them, and now it is just sitting there in limbo and I can't get it to transfer through to our charity event.

    I will put the money through, in fact I have already transferred some of it through to our charity event using my credit card and I will transfer the rest through and pay for it out of my own pocket.

    But I just wanted to have a rant about how disappointed I am in Paypal. I honesty sat here and cried this morning when I saw their email - they disgust me the way they handle their business and do what they want, when they want. They are just a bunch of thieves.

    ....... end rant.
    sorry to hear that sheryl, i hope you can resolve it soon.
  • Profile picture of the author Sheryl Polomka
    Sheryl Polomka
    Profile picture of Sheryl Polomka
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    Just an update after speaking to Paypal on the phone - basically they can't help because it is with the resolution centre and apparently the resolution centre doesn't have phones or do not accept phone calls.

    After asking to speak to a Supervisor, he was at least able to take the hold on funds down from 180 days to 45 days and so will release the funds to me after 45 days, which is good as that is before the Relay to Life date for our fundraising event.

    As far as having the limitation removed on my account, he said the same thing, that it is dealt with through the resolution centre and they don't take phone calls.

    Grrrrr - still angry, upset, but at least I can get hold of the funds in 45 days - better than nothing!
    • Profile picture of the author TimG
      Profile picture of TimG
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      Originally Posted by Sheryl Polomka View Post

      Just an update after speaking to Paypal on the phone - basically they can't help because it is with the resolution centre and apparently the resolution centre doesn't have phones or do not accept phone calls.

      After asking to speak to a Supervisor, he was at least able to take the hold on funds down from 180 days to 45 days and so will release the funds to me after 45 days, which is good as that is before the Relay to Life date for our fundraising event.

      As far as having the limitation removed on my account, he said the same thing, that it is dealt with through the resolution centre and they don't take phone calls.

      Grrrrr - still angry, upset, but at least I can get hold of the funds in 45 days - better than nothing!
      It's a good start and hopefully they will take your case forward for you and have this mess cleaned up sooner vs later.

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  • Profile picture of the author The Copy Nazi
    The Copy Nazi
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    Sheryl, I recently had $1000 of funds frozen for two months on my business PayPal account. I tried redressing it through their Support system and got nowhere. It was only when I was able to talk to a human bean on the phone that the problem was solved. The help desk is run by drones in India - all graduates of The School of No Idea. I bet a phone call will sort it out sharpish.
    • Profile picture of the author Votoshka
      Profile picture of Votoshka
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Oh, I hope you get it sorted out. How can their resolution centre have NO PHONES???? That is insane!

      I am often intrigued when I see IM people showing screenshots of their Paypal accounts with tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars in the account. No way I would want to leave that much there!! Imagine if it got frozen!

      I always keep some money in my Paypal account to pay for stuff online, but most of my income that goes in there is transferred to my bank straight away. I will never keep large sums there in case they do something freaky to me too!
    • Profile picture of the author Sheryl Polomka
      Sheryl Polomka
      Profile picture of Sheryl Polomka
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      Originally Posted by Metronicity View Post

      Sheryl, I recently had $1000 of funds frozen for two months on my business PayPal account. I tried redressing it through their Support system and got nowhere. It was only when I was able to talk to a human bean on the phone that the problem was solved. The help desk is run by drones in India - all graduates of The School of No Idea. I bet a phone call will sort it out sharpish.
      Well my phone call got the money down to just 45 days before I can access it but that is about all. The people I spoke to sounded like they were in USA, but they just told me that the resolution center don't take phone calls, it can only be resolved via email - which is almost impossible since I don't think they actually read what you write in emails!
  • Profile picture of the author abednego
    Profile picture of abednego
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    High risk activity ~ $200 ?


    *rolls eyes*


  • Profile picture of the author abednego
    Profile picture of abednego
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    They should be ashamed of themselves to hold up a fundraiser like that.

    Have you looked at eBay/PayPal's balance sheet?
    They're rich.

    There's no point in acting like a jerk over $200.

    I'm sure there are plenty of other auctions they should be looking more closely at... instead of what you're doing.

  • Profile picture of the author brettb
    Profile picture of brettb
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    Hope you got this sorted out.

    At the risk of being a spoiltsport I will say that most countries have fairly strict rules regarding collecting charity money. I used to work at the UK's regulator of charities and got to hear of some pretty bad scams, so the regulations are there for a reason.
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  • Profile picture of the author EndGame
    Profile picture of EndGame
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    I worked for an info product company last year that use clickbank and paypal to accept payments.

    Our paypal account (the company;s) got shut down really quickly after buying a high-volume sales website from flippa. The account was doing a lot of money, and one or two disputes didn't get picked up, and the account got locked. I don't want to get into the specifics too much as it is private, but I will go into what we had to do to try and resolve the situation.

    I phoned them and got through to some absolute special-cases who really didn't want to help me out, despite my polite and humbled tone. I even went to the lengths of calling their UK HQ. I got through one gatekeeper or two to get through to yet more gate keepers who were pretty shy about giving me their names. It was a pointless exercise.

    My boss found a personal home address of the UK Director of paypal and found a business address to reach him at after searching several forums online for several hours. He sent a letter and a copy of it to his home address highlighting how much business he had done with paypal, and how gutted he was that he was getting brick-walled, and his funds held for 180 days.

    Paypal eventually wrote back to us, and we had a contact directly with some one in the resolution centre. We had their name and personal email address. We communicated with them for almost a year. I am not sure to this day the situation was properly resolved (even though they promised to re-instate the account next month, and then next month and then next month). I left the company before it all got resolved.

    It was a frustrating problem, but paypal can afford to treat people like us this way, because 1) we signed up to their terms and conditions and agreed to play by their rules 2) they are covering themselves, and Lord knows, there are a lot of questionable operators out there who have given this kind of business a bad name 3) they have millions of users/customers, and losing a few hundred or even thousand of us will not too dramatically affect their bottom line.

    They are a huge company, and there are info marketers complaining everywhere about them on forums. Paypal doesn't even blink at that kind of stuff because it doesn't really have any profound affect on their business.

    I think this is a horrible situation that you are in, and I wish you all the best. It is excellent they are only holding your funds for 45 days, and that is a better outcome than my ex-employer got! I truly wish you all he best with it. I agree the phone is the best way to handle it, but expect to be given the run around. I really feel for you, especially since it was for charity.

    To those using paypal, my message to you would be; diversify! Paypal is excellent, and I do like their product, but operating in the finance industry, they are a little over zealous with their policies, and they can afford to be. They don't care if they lose your business, or the business of your friends or customers.


  • Profile picture of the author Icanwrite
    Profile picture of Icanwrite
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi. This was so nice and generous of you Sheryl and you are right to rant about Paypal the way you have.
    This happened with me as well some time ago and I searched and searched and ranted on and on till I found a way out.
    I have helped many people sort out their Paypal issues since then. Would you be kind enough to drop me a PM with your email id and I can share my story and further details with you .
    Basically, when Paypal was 'torturing' me, I had over $2000 in my account. I had to get it out, any whichever way. I was frantic and desperate for a solution.
    Luckily, I found many people to help me and offer advice and I tried many different things but I thing worked for me. I now have a huge list of paypal email id's - from their customer care to their executive office and practically everyone on their staff. I sent my documents and my entire history of transactions and within 2 days my account was restored. I can share the list with you and more details on how to solve this.
    Let me know if you need my help and I am just a PM away
    Hope this brings a smile to you face, Sheryl.

    - Jo
    Adventure travel blogger & outreach expert -
    • Profile picture of the author JennyBizz
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      Originally Posted by Icanwrite View Post

      Hi. This was so nice and generous of you Sheryl and you are right to rant about Paypal the way you have.
      This happened with me as well some time ago and I searched and searched and ranted on and on till I found a way out.
      I have helped many people sort out their Paypal issues since then. Would you be kind enough to drop me a PM with your email id and I can share my story and further details with you .
      Basically, when Paypal was 'torturing' me, I had over $2000 in my account. I had to get it out, any whichever way. I was frantic and desperate for a solution.
      Luckily, I found many people to help me and offer advice and I tried many different things but I thing worked for me. I now have a huge list of paypal email id's - from their customer care to their executive office and practically everyone on their staff. I sent my documents and my entire history of transactions and within 2 days my account was restored. I can share the list with you and more details on how to solve this.
      Let me know if you need my help and I am just a PM away
      Hope this brings a smile to you face, Sheryl.

      - Jo
      Hi ICANWRITE, I am having problems as well, with my account limited. I cannot PM you, though. Would you be willing to send me some info? Thanks.
  • Profile picture of the author THK
    Profile picture of THK
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I don't get it! They say the funds will be held for 180 days but after 1 year the issue is not resolved? This is not the first time I am hearing it, but never asked before.

    So the idea behind it is to come up with a new slang after 6 months and give the customer a run around until they get tired and give up so paypal can keep their money? I sure hope that is not the case.

    sorry to hear your situation. I am sure you will sort it out soon. All the best.

  • Profile picture of the author ivanadee
    Profile picture of ivanadee
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I am very sorry to hear that.
    Hope you can get it soon
  • Profile picture of the author gcintermed
    Profile picture of gcintermed
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    First, from their point of view, you are using a personal account to sell stuff with the claim that the money goes to charity. That probably violates all kinds of rules. They don't know you, don't know that you are sincere and so assume the worst.

    Still, to seize your funds without warning and close the account without due process is the kind of arrogant action only a quasi-monopoly with deep pockets and a staff of lawyers would do.

    But all is not lost...
    I had a similar thing happen to me a few years ago. I had an account closed and funds put on hold not because of anything I did but because a number of the people who had paid me had done so fraudulently (with stolen accounts). They figured that made ME high risk, so they took my money and basically put me out of business.

    After getting nowhere with email and phone reps, I went to a conference where a Paypal exec was giving a presentation trying to sell businesses on their merchant account product. After his talk, I went up to him and explained my situation. He promised to look into it, and within days my account was reactivated and the funds released.

    The lesson is that you need to escalate until you get someone who will help you. In your case, I would let the charity know that Paypal is holding their money and have one of THEIR execs contact Paypal.

    If all else fails and no one is paying attention to you, you might consider issuing a news release, "Paypal seizes funds from volunteer raising money for Cancer", tell your story, and distribute it widely. That will get their attention. Just make sure you get the facts right. You don't want to open yourself to a lawsuit for libel.

    Good luck, and don't lose faith. You'll most likely get the money and the account back, although it may take some effort.
  • Profile picture of the author tristen
    Profile picture of tristen
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You should inform paypal regarding the up-coming sales event / product launch before that to avoid been banned by paypal.
    • Profile picture of the author a2zmac1
      Profile picture of a2zmac1
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Its happening everyday to hundreds of people that are in business, Not just IM.
      The problem is we deal with an outfit that is nothing more than a third party gateway and as such are not governed by any banking rules.
      Anyone can start one up tomorrow.
      I am led to believe that the way through paypal is to notify them before you start passing funds through them , And inform of exactly what you are doing and for them to expect an influx of funds for xyz. Everytime you expect an influx.
      This has worked for me. So far?
      Why we all use them and continue to use them defies logic.
      But we do.
      Sorry to here of your problems.
      As it is against the law for them to hold funds unless they know it is from criminal activity.
    • Profile picture of the author JayJ
      Profile picture of JayJ
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Try Google Checkout.

      It has less features, but is just as GOOD, if not even better than Paypal.

      Less hassle too.
    • Profile picture of the author EBiz81
      Profile picture of EBiz81
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      That sucks! I heard of paypal freezing accounts that had very large amounts of money in them but this sounds really strange. If you are doing nothing wrong you should not be punished, keep on their butts until you get justice. If you earned that money you should have access to it.
    • Profile picture of the author waterotter
      Profile picture of waterotter
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Sorry to hear about this, and wish you the best.

      Just for future reference, Paypal likes to be informed ahead of time that money will be flooding into your account. I have read about people contacting Paypal prior to their product launches....thus avoiding many issues.

      Keep up the fight and keep your chin up!
  • Profile picture of the author alsmith1
    Profile picture of alsmith1
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Sheryl, if you don't mind me asking, what type of account do you have? They have 3 different classifications of accounts with different sets of rules for each.
    • Profile picture of the author Sheryl Polomka
      Sheryl Polomka
      Profile picture of Sheryl Polomka
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by alsmith1 View Post

      Sheryl, if you don't mind me asking, what type of account do you have? They have 3 different classifications of accounts with different sets of rules for each.
      Allen it was a personal account, I know I probably should have upgraded it to a business account.
      • Profile picture of the author Alfred Shelver
        Alfred Shelver
        Profile picture of Alfred Shelver
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Sheryl just looking at your Stats you have been around for a while and would have learned alot about IM in your time. ( I am a bit of a post count groupie )

        I just think it is great of you to tell your story because we all use Paypal and if someone with experience like you can nake mistakes and get in trouble how easily could any of use newer newbies do worse.

        How many of you read The TOS of you particular paypal account? Well I did not but you bet i will soon.

        Originally Posted by Sheryl Polomka View Post

        Allen it was a personal account, I know I probably should have upgraded it to a business account.
  • Profile picture of the author ankur sharma
    ankur sharma
    Profile picture of ankur sharma
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    Sheryl, this is not big issue. Trust me, you want to call them everyday for next one week.

    They will definitely restore your account.

    Trust me this is not big issue, justcall them and tell them, i want to talk to your manager or something.
  • Profile picture of the author TristanPerry
    Profile picture of TristanPerry
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This sums up PayPal fully, unfortunately. I know some people claim they are trying to change etc, but the truth is that they still act in this (in my opinion) almost illegal way on a daily basis.

    Am very sorry to hear about this

    As mentioned above, try ringing them at least once per day and hopefully you'll have some joy.
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  • Profile picture of the author kishorem
    Profile picture of kishorem
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by Sheryl Polomka View Post

    Begin rant....

    As many of you already know I have been selling my $37 site flipping product for just $3 to raise money for cancer charity.

    Last night I came home and turned on my computer to find I had an email from Paypal saying they have limited my account, I'm guessing due to the large number of sales in a short period of time.

    They asked me to send them some ID and other information which I did. This morning I logged on and I now have an email from them saying they have permanently deleted my account.

    I am so disappointed, I had almost $200 in there that was raised for this charity that I now cannot access. I had actually transferred $110 over to my bank account and they even reversed that transfer.

    This was money raised for charity, which I also explained to them, and now it is just sitting there in limbo and I can't get it to transfer through to our charity event.

    I will put the money through, in fact I have already transferred some of it through to our charity event using my credit card and I will transfer the rest through and pay for it out of my own pocket.

    But I just wanted to have a rant about how disappointed I am in Paypal. I honesty sat here and cried this morning when I saw their email - they disgust me the way they handle their business and do what they want, when they want. They are just a bunch of thieves.

    ....... end rant.
    As I know, when you are using Paypal in charity payment or charity fund raising, you need to inform them before you applying that Paypal account.

    They have a special account type for you. So most likely you need to apply a new account for only charity purpose & paypal will request you to give some proof. (if you already own & registered a charity organization, the registration proof itself could be sufficient)

    Anyway, normal paypal account could not be used to do charity. I think Paypal has this to protect scammer from raising so called "charity" money for their personal use.

    Best Regards,
    Kishore M

    Brand New 2015 Product Launch on Clickbank
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  • Profile picture of the author med
    Profile picture of med
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This is a sad situation..but an eye opener to others. Hope everything will goes well soon.

    It's so disappointing that is so sudden that you can be shut down without due diligence by this multicorp. So ironic that you're on the mercy of them even tough they are earning from your source/money...
  • Profile picture of the author raydp
    Profile picture of raydp
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I do hope you can get this resolved Sheryl. Please, please try not to let it get you down. I'm sure you'll get it resolved.

    The problems often arise from the activities of the automatons who deal with such issues. The personal account status is most likely the cause though.

    Someone once said "No good deed goes unpunished. Life is so unfair that one is more likely to get into some sort of trouble than be rewarded if one attempts to do a good deed."

    Best wishes and my hopes it's resolved soon.


  • Profile picture of the author Siyoko
    Profile picture of Siyoko
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    This is the problem with paypal.. they can be some heartless b*st*ds some times. So sorry to hear about this....
  • Profile picture of the author Quentin
    Profile picture of Quentin
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    When we raise money for charity we have to send in all our non profit information etc so I imagine you may have been black banned for this.

    Also did you have a premium account as doing all this through a personal account is why most get this type of action as it should not be used for business.

    Anyhow I am sorry to hear your problems and hope it gets resolved soon.

    • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Kelsall
      Jeremy Kelsall
      Profile picture of Jeremy Kelsall
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Quentin View Post

      When we raise money for charity we have to send in all our non profit information etc so I imagine you may have been black banned for this.

      Also did you have a premium account as doing all this through a personal account is why most get this type of action as it should not be used for business.

      Anyhow I am sorry to hear your problems and hope it gets resolved soon.



      We were going to do a charity deal for a local battered Woman shelter, but after PayPal told us what they would require to do it legitimately we decided to just make the donation ourselves without having a sale...
  • Profile picture of the author DogScout
    Profile picture of DogScout
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    A press release about how Paypal stole $200 from a charitable organization... Well, try to be more 'political correct than I am.
  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Profile picture of ryanbiddulph
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Just wanted to thank everybody for the advice on this thread.

    I'm relatively new to paypal so should anything arise I will call them by phone to sort it out.

    Ryan Biddulph
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
  • Profile picture of the author briankoz
    Profile picture of briankoz
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    They deleted your account probably because it looked very similar to a lot of fraud that goes on. Having a bunch of low priced amounts (like $1 to $3) is one of the first signs of stolen credit cards and paypal accounts. If you don't have an account with a lot of prior activity, it makes it look even worse.

    So stay away from only having super low charges with nothing else, newer accounts, and (one that I learned myself) multiple products at the same price point in your upsell chain.

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  • Profile picture of the author Sheryl Polomka
    Sheryl Polomka
    Profile picture of Sheryl Polomka
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thank you everyone for your kind words. I do realize the mistakes I made here in not using a business account and not going through the correct channels of Paypal for a charity fundraiser.

    I am over my initial disappointment and will wait the 45 days. We are fundraising up until the 20th November for this (that is the day of the actual Relay for Life event) so as long as I can get hold of the money before that date is the main thing.
  • Profile picture of the author Chirpy
    Profile picture of Chirpy
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hi Sheryl

    Can you direct me to some more information about your "site flipping product for just $3".


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