Rock Solid Proof That Article Marketing Is Powerful

86 replies
Now this message is going to be very powerful and turbocharge you to take more action...

I know that there are naysayers that claim that article marketing doesn't work anymore or its lost its old touch. They claim just because they don't have the skills. The skills to get their articles noticed, rank high or generate more clicks.

Although some of us have mastered the art of getting traffic and writing articles, we seem to suffer with the sales funnel(list building).

Well I got an email from Sean R. Mize who has over 20,000 articles on EZA. Here's the email:

the thing is, I use article marketing to generate almost all of my traffic, and the really cool thing
about article marketing the way I do it, is that the subscribers
generated from article marketing are highly responsive.

As an example - each subscriber in my email campaign
is easily worth $15 - $20 in revenue, and each of my articles
generally produces around 3 subscribers.

What does that mean - well, in my case, each article is worth
between $45 and $60.

Now, I pay someone $4 each to write my articles, and someone
else $1 to submit them.

I'll let you work out the ROI on that.

And in my article marketing home study course, I teach you exactly
how to write, submit, and monetize your articles the same way I do.
$15 per subscriber and $5 per visitor on his site. And he claims that each article only gets him 3 subscribers.

So why is it working for him?

He's building a relationship with his list and has a very strong sales funnel. I know of niches that will generate more than 3 subscribers per article.

So if you really want to succeed with article marketing, study Sean R.Mize. I subscribed to him last september/october. And I have over 100s of emails in my inbox from him.

He keeps following up. So if you want to get good at IM, study Sean R. Mize. And learn as much as you can from him.

My tests will be over this week and I will study and model him completely. I'll invest in one of his products and work my way to success.

Some gold for you:
Sean R Mize - Expert Author

Plus whatever Eben Pagan did in his new launch(info product or something) is something Sean has been doing since time immemorial.

The guy is the best.

Thanks for reading.
#article #marketing #powerful #proof #rock #solid
  • Profile picture of the author ~kev~
    I never did understand the logic behind posting articles on other sites besides my own. If I'am going to put work and effort into something, its going on my own site.

    Use this example - would you go to work, get your pay check, and then give the money to your neighbor? And hope that your neighbor sends you some money back?

    When I go to work, and get my pay check, that money goes to pay my bills - my house note, electric bill,,,.

    That is the way I view my time in article writing. If I post an article on another site - they need to pay me for it. And not a one time payment either, I want a monthly check just like I would get off my own site.

    My time is just that - my time. I'am sure not going to be giving my time to someone else for free.
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    • Profile picture of the author tylerdrun
      Originally Posted by ~kev~ View Post

      I never did understand the logic behind posting articles on other sites besides my own. If I'am going to put work and effort into something, its going on my own site.

      Use this example - would you go to work, get your pay check, and then give the money to your neighbor? And hope that your neighbor sends you some money back?

      When I go to work, and get my pay check, that money goes to pay my bills - my house note, electric bill,,,.

      That is the way I view my time in article writing. If I post an article on another site - they need to pay me for it. And not a one time payment either, I want a monthly check just like I would get off my own site.

      My time is just that - my time. I'am sure not going to be giving my time to someone else for free.
      You post that article on EZA you get traffic. You are syndicating your content, period. And you are gaining backlinks. That's why we do it.

      We are not giving it away for free. We have links on that article and we can submit to any directory plus our own site even if we want to.
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      • Profile picture of the author Tina Golden

        The smart money is when you take the content that you already have on your own site (after it's indexed) and then put that same content out for syndication with a link back to your main page or another page related to the first.

        That way you aren't writing for other sites, you are sharing your content with them for a wider audience and a backlink or two. This makes your content work harder for you.

        Discover how to have fabulous, engaging content with
        Fast & Easy Content Creation
        ***Especially if you don't have enough time, money, or just plain HATE writing***
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        • Profile picture of the author Diana Gordon
          Originally Posted by TMG Enterprises View Post


          The smart money is when you take the content that you already have on your own site (after it's indexed) and then put that same content out for syndication with a link back to your main page or another page related to the first.

          Now why didn't I think of that before? Nice tip.
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        • Profile picture of the author ~kev~
          Originally Posted by TMG Enterprises View Post


          The smart money is when you take the content that you already have on your own site (after it's indexed) and then put that same content out for syndication with a link back to your main page or another page related to the first.
          How do you make money off of that?

          Do those syndication sites have some form of profit sharing, or can you put your own banners in the article?
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          • Profile picture of the author efwebm
            It's not profit sharing, it's traffic sharing.

            Ezine gets more traffic than, and when you post an article, they are letting you steal some of their traffic back to your site.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2337812].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Matt Bard
              Originally Posted by efwebm View Post

              Ezine gets more traffic than, and when you post an article, they are letting you steal some of their traffic back to your site.
              Does EzineArticles get more targeted traffic than Digg, Stumbleupon, Alltop, Reddit, Delicious, Mixx, Propeller, Twitter...?

              EA gives me a tiny little resource box while the others present my whole site.

              If you are writing a "quality" article, then it gets bookmarked, tweeted, retweeted, and picked up by other blogs in your niche.

              I also found that I get more guest posting requests from people who found my stuff from Social sites rather than Manny's Article Emporium.

              If one truly believes that their article is of a certain "quality", then why give it away.

              Submitting to a site that is "letting you steal some of their traffic back to your site" makes you look desperate.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2337874].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author efwebm
                Maybe it depends on what kinda of article you write and how viral it will be. I don't know how much long term traffic you will get from a site like digg, which probably focuses on what's new and fresh.

                I do know if I search for "how to cure acne" the number two site is an ezine article.

                I haven't been doing this long enough to argue with anyone. If you can beat article marketing, then you are probably better off. I was just trying to list why it has appeal for some people.
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                • Profile picture of the author Matt Bard
                  Originally Posted by efwebm View Post

                  I do know if I search for "how to cure acne" the number two site is an ezine article.
                  I know that if you have an article at EA for "how to cure acne", that it won't be long before it's replaced by someone else submitting a "how to cure acne" article.

                  You have to be on the Most Viewed or Most Published list because the hot topics get thousands of articles submitted to EA a day.

                  Some articles don't even last a day on the Most Recent list.

                  That means that you would have to start spending time getting backlinks and outsourcing "viewers" and "publishers" to get to stay on the Most Viewed or Most Published.

                  Then you have to work on all of the backlinks to compete with the others who are building backlinks to their articles at EA.

                  Why not do all of that work for your own site instead?

                  Lot of time, work, and or money to "steal" traffic from EA.
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2337985].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author andrewslunn
                    Originally Posted by Matt M View Post

                    Why not do all of that work for your own site instead?
                    Lot of time, work, and or money to "steal" traffic from EA.
                    You got a good point there Matt.
                    But you should also consider getting secondary traffic by working on other sites. Ezine gets a good ranking on Google search engine that's why most people would prefer to get ranked on the SE through Ezine and then point them to their own site.
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                    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
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                      • Profile picture of the author Matt Bard
                        Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

                        ...whether or not you want to limit yourself to
                        See this is a big difference in thinking. I don't think of it as "limiting" myself.

                        I view it as getting the most value out of one of my articles.

                        I can let EA gather a 1000 people from my content and then I have to work at getting some of them to my site, or I can let the Social sites gather 1000 people from my content and send it all to me.

                        You guys act like EA owns Google. Instead of spending time researching keywords and looking at how many of the listings on the front of Google are from EA or other article directories, look at how many of them are from social bookmarking sites and authority blogs.

                        The authority blogs don't go to EA looking for content. They go to the social networking sites and other authority blogs.

                        If I'm going to spend time working hard on a high quality piece of content, I want the opportunity to have it presented on more powerful sites than EA.

                        Yes I get the pen names and submitting all over the place. Why not try getting your pen names some authority too?

                        Despite the little EA widgets and banners that they give you calling you an "expert author", most (powerful) authority sites don't value an article that has been submitted to a free directory to steal your readers.

                        Again, that looks desperate. Because it is. You are the one with the limiting beliefs about your content. Not me.

                        Just because people are making a living off of this kind of article marketing does not mean that they can't make more money doing it a different way.

                        If you are a free lance writer and you charge $1 an article you made a $1. Yes you made money.
                        But you know that there are free lance writers here in this forum that charge $25 an article and more.

                        Just because there is an opportunity to sell more articles, should the higher priced writers drop their prices? If you said no. Why not?

                        Isn't that the argument we are having here?

                        Write as much as you can as fast as you can and throw it all over the Internet and make some money.

                        Well I have spent enough time here on this thread.

                        I'm off.
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                        • Profile picture of the author WebMarketeer
                          Originally Posted by Matt M View Post

                          See this is a big difference in thinking. I don't think of it as "limiting" myself.

                          I view it as getting the most value out of one of my articles.

                          I can let EA gather a 1000 people from my content and then I have to work at getting some of them to my site, or I can let the Social sites gather 1000 people from my content and send it all to me.

                          You guys act like EA owns Google. Instead of spending time researching keywords and looking at how many of the listings on the front of Google are from EA or other article directories, look at how many of them are from social bookmarking sites and authority blogs.

                          The authority blogs don't go to EA looking for content. They go to the social networking sites and other authority blogs.

                          If I'm going to spend time working hard on a high quality piece of content, I want the opportunity to have it presented on more powerful sites than EA.

                          Yes I get the pen names and submitting all over the place. Why not try getting your pen names some authority too?

                          Despite the little EA widgets and banners that they give you calling you an "expert author", most (powerful) authority sites don't value an article that has been submitted to a free directory to steal your readers.

                          Again, that looks desperate. Because it is. You are the one with the limiting beliefs about your content. Not me.

                          Just because people are making a living off of this kind of article marketing does not mean that they can't make more money doing it a different way.

                          If you are a free lance writer and you charge $1 an article you made a $1. Yes you made money.
                          But you know that there are free lance writers here in this forum that charge $25 an article and more.

                          Just because there is an opportunity to sell more articles, should the higher priced writers drop their prices? If you said no. Why not?

                          Isn't that the argument we are having here?

                          Write as much as you can as fast as you can and throw it all over the Internet and make some money.

                          Well I have spent enough time here on this thread.

                          I'm off.
                          I think Alexa explained things pretty well, but I guess you didnt understand that she may be getting "some" traffic from eza (traffic that you do not see at all), for very little amounts of effort.
                          How do you still not get the picture that this is just another form of getting traffic, and a good one at that. Perhaps you should give it a try, I am sure you will think differently when there is money being made from that traffic. But hey, if you do not wish to make more money, why are you here anyway.
                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2343962].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author Matt Bard
                      Originally Posted by andrewslunn View Post

                      Ezine gets a good ranking on Google search engine that's why most people would prefer to get ranked on the SE through Ezine...
                      But a lot of people here that have been article marketing for any length of time will tell you that you need backlinks to your EA article to keep it there.

                      Why not send those backlinks to your own site?

                      ...then point them to their own site.
                      Ea makes you work to get those folks to your site. You get two links in your "resource area".

                      So you have to devote part of your writing to moving the readers along toward your links to your site.

                      At my site, I can work on moving people along towards my product or affiliate links.
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                • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
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                  • Profile picture of the author mlord10
                    Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

                    But to me the advantage of places like EZA is that others will syndicate my work there for me, sending me future targeted traffic, and that's where the real money is in article marketing.
                    Exactly. It took me a long time to realize this, but once I did it started making a tremendous difference with regards to traffic, signups, and sales.
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2338044].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author TimG
                    Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

                    But to me the advantage of places like EZA is that others will syndicate my work there for me, sending me future targeted traffic, and that's where the real money is in article marketing.
                    Exactly, using the leverage created by EZA to further your content is where the real money gets made.

                    EZA is no different then a stock that pays out a dividend.

                    1 - You make an initial purchase (article submissions).

                    2 - The stock appreciates and makes you a bit of money (the article generates traffic).

                    3 - A dividend is paid out which buys you more stock which in turn increases your dividend the next time which buys more stock...etc You have your money working to create more money.

                    The article on EZA contniues to generate traffic but other webmasters pick it up and syndicate it which in turn drives more traffic.

                    The power behind this concept of EZA leverage is extremely powerful.

                    Sean Mize is highly content to receive just 3 subscribers per article because he has thousands of articles and the ROI for per subscriber is huge based on the info provided in the original post.

                    Article Marketing Soldiers - The Best Selling Article Marketing Product On The Warrior Forum Is Now Looking For Affiliates! Make Over $25 Per Sale With This High Converting Product.

                    Make More Money And Spend More Time With Your Family By Becoming A Scentsy Consultant - I Provide Personal Assistance And Help With Growing Your Business.
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2338068].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author Matt Bard
                    Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

                    But to me the advantage of places like EZA is that others will syndicate my work there for me, sending me future targeted traffic, and that's where the real money is in article marketing.
                    Wouldn't you rather have someone "syndicate" your article title (which links to your site) than your whole article?

                    If I want to read an article on "how to cure acne" and I see it at EA or another site and read it there, why do I need to go on to anything in the resource box?

                    Now the resource box has to "sell" me on doing something that I didn't start out looking to do.

                    But if I wanted to read an article on "how to cure acne" and someone on Digg says "here is a good article on that" they have to come to my site to read the article.

                    If someone is setting out to read an article, what makes you think they want to do anything else?

                    So if they are not going to do anything else but read my article, I would rather they read it at my site than yours.

                    At least I am getting some branding if the reader is not going to do anything else.

                    They know where to come next time they want to read more about curing acne. My site. Not EA.

                    If someone wants to publish my article, they have to contact me and now I can start building a relationship with them. If they have a crappy site, they don't get my article and make me look bad.

                    EA doesn't care who takes your article and they end up on crappy blogger blogs that can damage your image.

                    If your article is a well written "quality" article then treat it like it has some value.

                    I read posts that use language like "dump content", "a little traffic is better than none"...this is your "quality article" you are talking about.

                    If you treat it like garbage than why should I put it on my authority site?

                    If you don't even see the value it has, then how can I?
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                    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2338438].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author Matt Bard
                        Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

                        So do I. When they publish my article from EZA, I contact them to thank them and ask if they'd like additional content for their site...
                        Maybe I have been missing something, but where do you get that information from?

                        Does EA show you who has published your article? Do they give you their email?

                        Also, if I see your article on a Blogger spam link farm blog, I'm going to assume that you approved it right?
                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2338473].message }}
                        • Profile picture of the author TimG
                          Originally Posted by Matt M View Post

                          Maybe I have been missing something, but where do you get that information from?

                          Does EA show you who has published your article? Do they give you their email?

                          Also, if I see your article on a Blogger spam link farm blog, I'm going to assume that you approved it right?
                          She might just have something setup in Google alerts that lets her know when her content has been published or a keyword phrase she can search for that is specific to her respective articles. That's what I initially used track my articles a few years ago.

                          Not much that can be done about a Blogger spam link farm blog but if it results in additional traffic to your site is that a bad thing?

                          I agree with your earlier comments on quality content and like your method for getting your content virally syndicated based on the actual merits of that quality.

                          Of course with that said, I'll never turn a potential source of traffic down as long as it is not illegal, unethical or immoral so EZA (based on not falling into any of those categories) is a bonafide place to submit articles and a directory that Google still favors to some degree.

                          The question on whether an author submits low quality or high quality content is for each individual author to ask and then decide for themselves.

                          Article Marketing Soldiers - The Best Selling Article Marketing Product On The Warrior Forum Is Now Looking For Affiliates! Make Over $25 Per Sale With This High Converting Product.

                          Make More Money And Spend More Time With Your Family By Becoming A Scentsy Consultant - I Provide Personal Assistance And Help With Growing Your Business.
                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2338533].message }}
                          • Profile picture of the author Matt Bard
                            Originally Posted by TimG View Post

                            Not much that can be done about a Blogger spam link farm blog...
                            Yes there is if I control my content.

                            Then when I want to spend time using Copyscape and other means that Alexa uses to find my content published, I have the right to tell them to take it off the hooker blog.

                            Not so if I let EA or any other directory hand it over.

                            The bottom line is if you are trying to establish or brand yourself then don't you care about where your name ends up?
                            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2338595].message }}
                            • Profile picture of the author TimG
                              Originally Posted by Matt M View Post

                              Yes there is if I control my content.

                              Then when I want to spend time using Copyscape and other means that Alexa uses to find my content published, I have the right to tell them to take it off the hooker blog.

                              Not so if I let EA or any other directory hand it over.
                     it. I see what you're getting at now. Also, just noticed your in Southern California. I'm up near the Victorville area in the High Desert.

                              Article Marketing Soldiers - The Best Selling Article Marketing Product On The Warrior Forum Is Now Looking For Affiliates! Make Over $25 Per Sale With This High Converting Product.

                              Make More Money And Spend More Time With Your Family By Becoming A Scentsy Consultant - I Provide Personal Assistance And Help With Growing Your Business.
                              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2338610].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author ~kev~
                        Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

                        Ah, I see ... sorry, had overlooked that little detail. Yes, I take your point, of course. Mind you, that does make sense from their perspective when they're paying 90% of the AdSense earnings, or whatever. Anyway, good luck with it.
                        I went ahead and signed up on infobarrel and submitted a small article along with an embedded youtube video. Since its my first article, it has to be reviewed before its published.

                        infobarrel wants around 400 word articles, which aint nothing to make.

                        But what I'am really after is exposure for my youtube videos. As long as I can throw something together, and get my videos out there, then everything is fine.

                        ~~ edit ~~

                        I just got the rejection email from infobarrel - since my article came from my blog, it has been rejected.
                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2338481].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author Matt Bard
                        Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

                        I want them putting my entire article, with my resource-box link, on their sites, so that I can qualify and pre-sell their targeted readers. The fact that they're publishing it in front of their targeted audience lends it an authenticity and I'm hoping their regular readers will read it. Anyone who clicks the link at the end is coming straight to my site anyway (though not to another copy of the same article they just read, obviously), and anyone who doesn't I don't want on my list, really. I'm writing my articles to attract the ones I want.
                        When someone at Digg sees the title link I am referring to, they are not reading the entire article at Digg. They click on the link that takes them to your site to read the article.

                        My question is, would you rather have your article read at EzineArticles (or any other place) or have them read it (for the first time) at your site?

                        So you would rather that they read your article at another site and then try to get them to your site from within the article? Presell them on your site as you say.

                        See, that does not make sense to me.

                        I say, let them start at my site first.

                        Targeted traffic is targeted traffic. Traffic going to EA looking for an article on "how to cure acne" is the same targeted traffic that is looking for an article on "how to cure acne" at Digg, or Twitter, or any other Social networking site.

                        The difference is that the targeted traffic from Twitter does not read my article at Twitter. They read my article at my site.

                        If the traffic starts reading your article at Ezine Articles you are not going to get 100% conversions to your site. No factual errors there. That's a fact.

                        If the traffic starts reading my article at my site, I already have 100% of that traffic at my site. Another fact.

                        I don't see how that can be a gross misinterpretation, but maybe you can. I don't know how you see things.

                        Because from your perspective, the end of the article (and remember that you don't know where the article ends and the resource "box" begins because it isn't actually a "box" at all) says "But all of this is really only the second-best cure for acne. The best one is <here>".

                        (And then maybe underneath that there's another one-line paragraph which looks like a "resource box").

                        If you don't click that, you're arguably not going to buy what I'm promoting anyway.
                        That may or may not be true but it doesn't matter to me because I'm not trying to get them from EA to my site. They are already on my site when they read my article.

                        Again, no factual errors there. It's a fact that 100% of the people that wanted to read my article are on my site.

                        if I've done my job even remotely well, the resource-box sells you on what you were specifically looking for. The article just gets you to the resource-box. After the title gets you to the article, of course.
                        Again, I don't have to worry about resource boxes, preselling, moving people along to the link to my site or any of that. They are already on my site.

                        What makes you think that the people who read and click and join my list and eventually buy were specifically "setting out to read an article" at all? I think they were setting out to "find a new cure to try for their acne".
                        I agree. Since they are already on my site, I can do an even better job at trying to sell them on my products or affiliate vendors than EA would.

                        EA is trying to sell your readers on the Google ads on the EA page that your article is on.

                        Wouldn't you agree that EA is not trying to sell your readers to go to your site?

                        Again, I don't think I made a major misunderstanding or a factual error in stating that you are much better off trying to presell someone from your own page over EzineArticles.

                        Although, it could be a factual error if you in fact have a harder time converting people from your site and it is easier for you to convert them from EA. I could be factually wrong there.

                        That's why it's so important to publish them on my site first and get them indexed there before submitting them to EZA.
                        I agree with publishing them on your site first and then deciding on if you want to relinquish control over your content to an article directory.

                        A matter of preference and not a fact. Therefore, can't be a factual error.

                        But the traffic I'm getting from EZA is often extra traffic, additional to the traffic I get at my own site.
                        I agree. Never said I didn't agree with this. I was just expounding on the possible cost and compromise one could make in return for the additional traffic.

                        If you'll excuse the observation, you seem to be labouring under the misapprehension that it's "one or the other". It isn't. It's "one or both".
                        This is the part that confused me. Not sure I understand. Both of what?

                        I can decide to keep some of the content from the directories and only on my site. Or I can decide to give some of my content to the directories. Yes you're right, I can do one or both.

                        Confused because I never said you couldn't choose to.

                        So do I. When they publish my article from EZA, I contact them to thank them and ask if they'd like additional content for their site (it's content I've already published and had indexed on my site, just like the first one they published, so for me it's all gain and no cost).
                        Yes that's great. I said I wanted to contact anyone that wanted to use my material too.

                        The difference is that you have to go track them down and I don't have to. Even though you tried to express to me how easy the task and not that difficult, I still believe my method is easier. They contact me.

                        Another opinion and not a fact, so no factual errors there.

                        Their readers, who see it on their site, are people I didn't have on my own with my site. Here again you're comparing it very differently. You're comparing "my site" and "their site" on an either/or basis. I'm getting both. You're comparing "something that looks good" with "something that looks bad". I'm getting people from both.
                        Yes you could potentially get visitors from both. I agree. But again, at what cost?

                        Using my Russian hooker blog as an example, out of all of the people that go to that blog how do you know how many people decided not to go to your site because they were put off by the hookers?

                        So yes you can get some traffic, but how many of those that didn't go to your site now have a bad impression of you?

                        They naturally think you at the very least have approved your article to appear on that horrible blog. Are the few that trickle through worth the unknown amount that left with a bad taste in their mouth?

                        And anyway, my site's much better than theirs. Once they see my site they may not go back to the other one at all.
                        As I just stated, they may not get to your site at all. And, they may decide to never read anything from you again. Not if they just associated you with the offensive site.

                        You're not doing anything that I'm not doing, in short: I'm doing what you're doing and something else in addition (at no cost and with very little effort), and I'm getting extra off-page SEO done for me by others with targeted audiences.
                        I'm controlling my content so I am not associated with Russian hookers and spam.

                        You, after researching and tracking down your article on that horrible blog I just described, can do very little about it. Depending on how much control you gave over to the directories.

                        I can have them remove my article from their site.

                        This is the underlying basis of article marketing. Well, it's how I'm making a living, anyway.
                        Of course, and it's possible to make a better living at it by keeping your content more valuable.

                        No factual errors in this or my original post or invalid comparisons.
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                        • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2340595].message }}
                          • Profile picture of the author Island Girl
                            Okay, visited the long thread on this topic, got all my answers. Love this forum.
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        • Profile picture of the author Rus Sells
          I really wish more people would grasp this most simple of concepts!

          Its not about, omg my article is doing something for the site its on, and nothing for me site.

          The whole web is referral based! The more digital properties you occupy the more referrals you get!

          Originally Posted by TMG Enterprises View Post


          The smart money is when you take the content that you already have on your own site (after it's indexed) and then put that same content out for syndication with a link back to your main page or another page related to the first.

          That way you aren't writing for other sites, you are sharing your content with them for a wider audience and a backlink or two. This makes your content work harder for you.

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          • Profile picture of the author Matt Bard
            Originally Posted by Rus Sells View Post

            The whole web is referral based! The more digital properties you occupy the more referrals you get!
            Of course that's true but I guess the way I look at it is that those readers that want to read my article are my potential customers and I am sharing them with EA. Not the other way around.

            If 1000 people want to read my article why should I send 500 of them to EA or any other directory first?

            I can get referrals from Twitter (which does not take any of my readers), Digg (does not take any of my readers), and hundreds of other social sites that "share information" that they find (like my article) with others.

            Directories use your content to sell their products to your readers.

            Social sharing sites find interesting and informative content (like my article) and share it within their networks.

            The current way to look at it is there are thousands of people looking for articles on subjects and I have an opportunity to get some of those readers by putting my content on a directory.

            But with all of the social "sharing" sites out there, why not gather your readers from places that are not going to try and keep them. They are going to send them to your site to read your article.

            They will send your potential customers to you.

            The old directory way is to let EA gather them up for you and take as much of them as they can get.

            I'm just saying that I believe that I have the marketing abilities and that my content is valuable enough,that I don't need to "pay" EA to gather my readers for me.

            EA and other directories "bill me" (by making my potential customers read my content at EA) for finding people interested in my content while social networking sites find them for me and send them to my site (to read at my site) for free.

            LOVE that this has become the 'Russian hooker blog' thread.
            LOL while that hasn't happened to some newbies on this thread yet, people stealing your content happens all of the time. Just read some of the threads talking about sites being banned by Google because their content was scraped and used on spam blogs and link farms.
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    • Profile picture of the author Premium Wordpress
      Originally Posted by ~kev~ View Post

      I never did understand the logic behind posting articles on other sites besides my own. If I'am going to put work and effort into something, its going on my own site.

      Use this example - would you go to work, get your pay check, and then give the money to your neighbor? And hope that your neighbor sends you some money back?

      When I go to work, and get my pay check, that money goes to pay my bills - my house note, electric bill,,,.

      That is the way I view my time in article writing. If I post an article on another site - they need to pay me for it. And not a one time payment either, I want a monthly check just like I would get off my own site.

      My time is just that - my time. I'am sure not going to be giving my time to someone else for free.
      I have always just put my articles on my own sites right after submitting them to directories and have never noticed any "penalties" for duplicate content. Plus they are good for both backlinks and traffic.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2337384].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author freudianslip27
        Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

        Same here. Of course.

        But, exactly as Tina explains above ...

        After I've published them on my own sites and had them indexed there first, I can submit all of them to EZA, and after they're published there I can submit them all to half a dozen other article directories too. With links to my own sites in the resource-boxes. It's all extra traffic and extra backlinks. The essential thing is to do that only after putting them on your own site(s), though. That way it's all extra mileage/profit for very little extra work.

        That makes sense but I thought that EZA doesn't allow an article to go through if it is first indexed somewhere else, or does that only apply to other article directories? I've always done it in the reverse order because I thought EZA wouldn't approve it do to duplicate content.



        WarriorForum Rules!

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2338046].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author kingprosperity
          Originally Posted by freudianslip27 View Post


          That makes sense but I thought that EZA doesn't allow an article to go through if it is first indexed somewhere else, or does that only apply to other article directories? I've always done it in the reverse order because I thought EZA wouldn't approve it do to duplicate content.


          That's exactly what I want to know. Once my account also blocked because of that but reopened after my little flirting with them.

          anyway, can anyone answer this question?
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2338712].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author TimG
            Originally Posted by kingprosperity View Post

            That's exactly what I want to know. Once my account also blocked because of that but reopened after my little flirting with them.

            anyway, can anyone answer this question?
            Provided a detalied answer so I wanted to just add that if you submit an article to one directory or even on your own site and then submit the same article to EZA using a pen name it will become flagged until you can prove you are the actual writer of the article.

            You can publish your content anywhere you want first and then submit it to EZA as long as you are receiving credit for it elsewhere and EZA can clearly see that you are the owner of the content.

            So moral of this post is don't post the same article under different pen names to various article directories. Instead develop a pen name for a specific niche and then post your niche related articles under the same pen name to various article directories.

            Article Marketing Soldiers - The Best Selling Article Marketing Product On The Warrior Forum Is Now Looking For Affiliates! Make Over $25 Per Sale With This High Converting Product.

            Make More Money And Spend More Time With Your Family By Becoming A Scentsy Consultant - I Provide Personal Assistance And Help With Growing Your Business.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2338898].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author kingprosperity
              Originally Posted by TimG View Post

              Provided a detalied answer so I wanted to just add that if you submit an article to one directory or even on your own site and then submit the same article to EZA using a pen name is will become flagged until you can prove you are the actual writer of the article.

              You can publish your content anywhere you want first and then submit it to EZA as long as you are receiving credit for it elsewhere and EZA can clearly see that you are the owner of the content.

              So moral of this post is don't post the same article under different pen names to various article directories. Instead develop a pen name for a specific niche and then post your niche related articles under the same pen name to various article directories.

              I think that's where I done mistake. Thank you Tim.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2338939].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author bigleaf
        Thanks, Alexa. Good explanations, clearly communicated.
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    • Profile picture of the author jhornung

      If you are using wordpress as the backbone of your site, you can get the ezine plugin. Write your post in your blog and you can simultaneously submit it to ezine and publish it on your blog.

      Why wouldn't you want the double duty?

      Personally, I've had over 2500 clicks from ezine articles straight to money sites and squeeze pages I own over the last 3 months. I've built a list of over 500 subscribers as a result of that and it just keeps growing.

      You do a little SEO work on your article urls after they are published and you can get those babies to rank much easier that you'll ever get your site to rank. And the traffic is free...

      And yes, this traffic results in sales!

      Want to double your sales in the next 30 days... WITHOUT spending another penny on marketing? Click here to find out how

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2337433].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mlord10
    I am starting to get smarter with my article marketing, but it definitely works very well. I have written and submitted over 800 articles to, and it continues to give my various websites/blogs targeted traffic on a daily basis.

    However, I will agree with the other people who say you need to post articles on your own website as well. After all, why not post the articles both places?
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  • Profile picture of the author ivanadee
    write it. submit it in article directory. syndicate it.
    the most important is=value of your content.
    Good content will invite more people
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  • Profile picture of the author Matt Bard
    I found that my best articles get retweeted and bookmarked like crazy (link bait) if I don't dilute their impact by submitting them all over the Internet.

    My site is the only place to find the article, so they have to come to my site to read it.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2337522].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Ian Jackson
      I'm a staunch submitter to EZA. I have a f/t job so cannot get as many to them as I'd like. However, I've seen this idea of publishing to one's own site before. Seems to be a very logical idea.

      My question is... for those who have hundreds or thousands of articles - how do you arrange them into your site, whether it's a conventional site, or WP? Is it correct to assume you have one page of your site for each article? - if so that's a huge amount of pages...?

      For the sake of KWs or titles, I'm assuming you wouldn't have several articles per page.

      How do you manage your website structure and planning?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2337798].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author ~kev~
        Originally Posted by Ian Jackson View Post

        How do you manage your website structure and planning?
        On my blog I use wordpress - the articles are put into main categories and they have tags. Each page displays up to 10 articles, each article has its own URL.

        On my forum, the articles are put in the category that best suits them. And I have wordpress installed in an articles sub folder under the forum.

        Originally Posted by efwebm View Post

        It's not profit sharing, it's traffic sharing.
        Money talks - everything else walks. Unless their willing to talk money, I'am not interested.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2337817].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author KathyK
          Originally Posted by ~kev~ View Post

          On my blog I use wordpress - the articles are put into main categories and they have tags. Each page displays up to 10 articles, each article has its own URL.

          On my forum, the articles are put in the category that best suits them. And I have wordpress installed in an articles sub folder under the forum.

          Money talks - everything else walks. Unless their willing to talk money, I'am not interested.
          Here's a list of some that do pay I Googled and that site came up and all the clickable stuff on the list appears to be affiliate links, so take recommendations with a grain of salt or too.

          They don't pay very well, you get some ad revenue - and I've never heard of most of them. I don't see how it could hurt to dump some content on ones that let you backlink, maybe summarizing something you have in greater detail on your site... Make a dollar or two from them here and there.

          I'm none too thrilled about submitting articles just for backlinks either. I figure if someone wants to syndicate my articles from my site, they can do it via RSS feed.


          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2338036].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author bigleaf
            Originally Posted by KathyK View Post

            Here's a list of some that do pay. I Googled and that site came up and all the clickable stuff on the list appears to be affiliate links, so take recommendations with a grain of salt or too.

            They don't pay very well, you get some ad revenue - and I've never heard of most of them. I don't see how it could hurt to dump some content on ones that let you backlink, maybe summarizing something you have in greater detail on your site... Make a dollar or two from them here and there.

            I'm none too thrilled about submitting articles just for backlinks either. I figure if someone wants to syndicate my articles from my site, they can do it via RSS feed.
            Thanks for the list Kathy. Here's another to consider. I run a new article site called (sorry, can't link - newbie). It pays 50% of AdSense and I am adding affiliate promotion for ClickBank/PayDotCom. One unique feature of Helioza is built-in SEO features that let you optimize an article for one keyword phrase.
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    • Profile picture of the author David Jackson
      Originally Posted by Matt M View Post

      My site is the only place to find the article, so they have to come to my site to read it.
      Well, then your article marketing universe is tiny indeed!

      David Jackson

      Powerful, Free Marketing Tips to Help Grow Your Business!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2338257].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Matt Bard
        Originally Posted by David Jackson View Post

        Well, then your article marketing universe is tiny indeed!

        David Jackson
        No it isn't.

        Just last week I had a post (article) that got retweeted 64 times in less than three hours. Was bookmarked by several people in several social bookmarking sites which resulted in over 133 unique visitors in a day and half.

        From those, I got 28 subscribers to my email list. From one article that is still collecting people.

        All before EzineArticles would have even looked at my article for approval.
        I didn't have to share my traffic with EA.

        If you write "quality articles" as everyone here suggests, and you know how to market ( I would hope a few people in a marketing forum know how to do that) then you don't need to rely (beg) on a third party to allow you to "steal" some of your traffic back.

        My articles serve a purpose. To get people to see my offers not your site or EA's.

        If you want a huge "article marketing universe" where your hard work is reduced to more Google pollution, then be my guest.

        I've been doing this for over 16 years and I learned a long time ago that when you start relying on Google, EA, and others to pay your bills, it's a job.

        It's funny how many "marketers" actually work for EA.

        Has anyone figured out how much they are making an hour? Or your ROI (Return On Investment) when outsourcing your articles?

        What does each article at EA pay you? Does it cover the cost of backlinking?

        See, I don't have a problem with this if your goal is to write less than top quality articles. Write some quick content to "dump" on the directories like throwing sh*t on the wall and seeing what sticks.

        Yeah I get it.

        My problem is with these folks telling everyone to write "quality" content and then treating it like garbage by throwing it against the EA wall to see what sticks.

        If it is in fact a well written article with "quality" content, then don't give it away to EA where it will end up on a Blogger link farm.
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  • Profile picture of the author ~kev~
    Thank everyone for their replies - but I just do not see the logic in posting my content on other sites, so they can put banners next to my article and make money off my work.

    If those sites did some kind of profit sharing, then I would consider it. If any of yall know of an articles site that does profit sharing - let me know.

    As for traffic - the search engines rank my forum and blog very well.

    I make videos for my articles - the videos are hosted at youtube and then embedded into the article. If I could submit the article, and it keep the embedded video, then that might be ok.

    What about my watermarked images, do the article sites keep the images in the articles? So that when someone reads the article, they see my website logo in the image.

    I guess it might boil down to 3 issues:

    I want to get paid for my work - profit sharing would be nice
    I want my videos embedded in the articles
    I want my images in the articles
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  • Profile picture of the author sparkingproducts
    Thanks for sharing this is great stuff
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  • Profile picture of the author ~kev~
    I do not like infobarrels terms of service

    (ii) shall have not been previously publicly published, in whole or in part, on the Internet or in any other media
    In other words - I can not publish my article on my own blog, and on infobarrel? Bah.

    What I really want is a place to submit my youtube videos - in other words, a place where I can submit my videos and articles.

    Over the past 3 1/2 years I have posted over 360 videos on youtube. Its much easier to redistribute those videos then to re-write an article.

    I see a lot of people talking about traffic in this thread. Well, how targeted is that thread. In other words, whats your bounce rate from an article site?

    Lets say you submit an article, and over the course of a month that article gets you 10,000 hits. If that traffic has a 95% bounce rate, that traffic is almost useless.

    ~~ edit ~~

    I submitted my first article to info barrel - lets see how it goes.
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    • Profile picture of the author TimG
      Originally Posted by ~kev~ View Post

      Over the past 3 1/2 years I have posted over 360 videos on youtube. Its much easier to redistribute those videos then to re-write an article.
      No argument from me with you on that point. Video marketing is something I've yet to really sit down and fully implement but it does seem to be a very viable traffic generating option.

      Kev, you may have posted this elsewhere in the forum and I missed it but how is your traffic from those 360 videos? Are you seeing some good levels of visitors and are they farily targeted?

      I'm asking because if the results are good then it is something that I personally need to expand upon and leverage further.

      Article Marketing Soldiers - The Best Selling Article Marketing Product On The Warrior Forum Is Now Looking For Affiliates! Make Over $25 Per Sale With This High Converting Product.

      Make More Money And Spend More Time With Your Family By Becoming A Scentsy Consultant - I Provide Personal Assistance And Help With Growing Your Business.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2338174].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author ~kev~
        Originally Posted by TimG View Post

        Kev, you may have posted this elsewhere in the forum and I missed it but how is your traffic from those 360 videos? Are you seeing some good levels of visitors and are they farily targeted?
        Bounce rate on youtube traffic is about 10% - 15% lower then generic search traffic through google.

        Youtube is one of my top 5 or 6 sources of traffic - it floats around. One week it might be number 5, the next week number 6. At one point it was my number 4 source of traffic.

        If all your worried about is the traffic, your missing some LARGE pieces of the puzzle.

        Youtube has allowed me to build a personal relationship with my community. And by the word "community", I dont mean just the youtube subscribers. I have a forum where I embed the youtube videos. I have my youtube subscribers, then I have my forum membership - the 2 groups go back and forth between the 2 sites. Some of my forum members have the same username as they use on youtube.

        On top of that, some of my forum members have started producing their own videos. Unlike most forums where you only see an avatar, and read the text, my members use youtube videos to convey ideas, suggestions and every day life issues back and forth.

        One of my members had some of his chickens killed by dogs. He made a video about it - posted it on youtube, and embedded it in the forum.

        Youtube has allowed my community to move forward into the 21st century. And by that, I mean that we use videos on a scale that a lot of people dont.

        What I'am doing with youtube may not be for everyone. But its worked pretty good for me and my community.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2338282].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author TimG
          Originally Posted by ~kev~ View Post

          If all your worried about is the traffic, your missing some LARGE pieces of the puzzle.
          Well, truthfully speaking that for the moment is all I would be after from Youtube. Not because I don't care about building relationships and such but mainly due to the fact that it wouldrepresent a small part of my overall marketing campaign.

          I like what you've done and how you structured it so clearly there are some very tangible benefits to making the videos outside of just doing them for traffic generating purposes.

          Appreciate your sharing some of your behind the scenes information as it has given me something to further consider in the realm of video.

          Article Marketing Soldiers - The Best Selling Article Marketing Product On The Warrior Forum Is Now Looking For Affiliates! Make Over $25 Per Sale With This High Converting Product.

          Make More Money And Spend More Time With Your Family By Becoming A Scentsy Consultant - I Provide Personal Assistance And Help With Growing Your Business.
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  • Profile picture of the author matty-81
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    • Profile picture of the author TimG
      Originally Posted by matty-81 View Post

      I think this is an absolutely fantastic post and it's just what I needed to rejuvenate me and my article campaigns.

      Although I have to disagree with each subscriber being worth $15-$20. I think that's definitely pushing it, but the theory is sound.

      Lately, I've been looking for other ways to generate traffic and I've even been paying for it.

      Out of all of the methods that I tried, the best is buying expired domain traffic. It's semi-targeted, and converts pretty well.

      The good thing about it is that the company I go through charges $9.00 for 10,000 hits. I direct all of the traffic to an MRR product sales page that I sell for $37. All I need is one conversion and I've made 4X my money back.
      That's great - You are actually one of the few folks that I know who have found a way to make that traffic work for them.

      Are you able to select the topic or theme that the traffic was initially looking for? I would assume so which is how you are able to capitalize on it by showing them a semi-related product.

      Heck, if it converts as you suggest (1 sale per 10,000 hits) then you are actually making money based on the low initial cost.

      Article Marketing Soldiers - The Best Selling Article Marketing Product On The Warrior Forum Is Now Looking For Affiliates! Make Over $25 Per Sale With This High Converting Product.

      Make More Money And Spend More Time With Your Family By Becoming A Scentsy Consultant - I Provide Personal Assistance And Help With Growing Your Business.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2338599].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Matt Bard

    How much time does it take you to do all of that research? To track down all of your articles all over the Internet?

    How much is your time worth?

    The Blogger question.

    If I, Joe Blow, type in "how to cure acne" and come across your article on a crappy free spam blog with tasteless photos and blinking banners all over the place, then it would be safe for me to assume that you are either connected to that blog in some way, or you approved the use of your article yes?

    What if I am turned off by the ads for Russian hookers, blinking purple banners, and the audio that started automatically trying to sell me acne cream.

    Do you think I'm going to read your article? Do you think that I will want to read any of your other articles?

    So do you believe in the old saying that "any publicity is good publicity"?

    Now let's say that you do your research and track down your article on that Russian hooker blog and don't like what you see. You can't tell them to not publish your article because they got it from EA, not you.

    You don't get to control who publishes your article and who doesn't when you agreed to the EA terms.
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  • Profile picture of the author Matt Bard
    Again, I'm not against article marketing. But use a pen name and don't spend a ton of valuable time on writing a high quality piece of content just to turn it over to EA.

    Write something that is passable for the directories and save your "good stuff" for authority blogs and social sites.

    There are huge authority sites that have never heard of EA and could send you more traffic from a single post on their site than several articles at EA.

    Don't hand over valuable content to people that will allow it to end up on hooker blogs.

    If it's valuable, then treat it like it is.

    p.s. Tim G, I just bought a house in Northern Cal in the San Francisco area around Napa. So I need to change my profile location
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2338673].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Matt Bard
        Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

        Well, since you seem determined neither to acknowledge this point nor to respond to it, I'll just leave you to it. Good luck.
        What point is that?

        I'm not trying to be flippant, but you quoted so many sentences that I don't know which one you are talking about.

        If you are suggesting that it is a good idea to post on your site first then submit to the directories, I would say that depends on how valuable your post is to you.

        Your site first? Yes. Then submit to the directories? How valuable is the content to you?
        If you don't mind it ending up on hooker blogs then go ahead.

        If you want to have more control over your work then I wouldn't submit it to places that will hand it over to anyone without your approval.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2338683].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Matt Bard
    While we're on the subject of Article Marketing, if you guys don't already have one of Tim G's products about Article Marketing, then go out and get some now.

    I own a few of Tim's products and he knows what he is talking about.

    I was just making a point about "quality articles" vs. passable.

    Yes you can make money from article marketing and Tim G is the man to see
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2338668].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author jasonl70
      Originally Posted by ~kev~ View Post

      What I really want is a place to submit my youtube videos - in other words, a place where I can submit my videos and articles.

      Over the past 3 1/2 years I have posted over 360 videos on youtube. Its much easier to redistribute those videos then to re-write an article.
      I would be posting those videos to the other video sites out there. In terms of ranking in google, in my experience youtube consistantly get's out ranked by the others.


      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2338734].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author ~kev~
        Originally Posted by jasonl70 View Post

        I would be posting those videos to the other video sites out there. In terms of ranking in google, in my experience youtube consistantly get's out ranked by the others.
        I have accounts on about a dozen different sites - youtube, break, yahoo video, metacafe, dailymotion, revver, vimeo, veoh,,,,,,,.

        This is not about ranking, I need places to embed my videos.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2338756].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author jasonl70
          Originally Posted by ~kev~ View Post

          I have accounts on about a dozen different sites - youtube, break, yahoo video, metacafe, dailymotion, revver, vimeo, veoh,,,,,,,.

          This is not about ranking, I need places to embed my videos.
          I guess I didn't uderstand this.. aren't your videos embedded in video sites? doesn't ranking well bring traffic to those videos?

          Are your video's dependent on being wrapped with your article/content? That would be cool - but I am not aware of any hybrid article/video sites. Might be a market for such a thing - the article portion would only need to be an extended "description".


          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2338797].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Ian Jackson
          Open question, so hope this isn't seen as thread-hijacking...

          how do you operate your system of uploading articles to your website?

          ...what is your modus operandi for uploading 100s or 1000s of articles to your website (or web pages)? Is you website a WP Blog, conventional website, or otherwise? Don't you run into 100s or 1000s of individual .html pages in order to accommodate each article?

          (I'm asking with respect my model, which is by using Hostgator cPanel and DWeaver 8 editor. I've dipped into WP (Fantastico) on occasion, so am semi-familiar with it).
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2382603].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author tylerdrun
            Originally Posted by Ian Jackson View Post

            Open question, so hope this isn't seen as thread-hijacking...

            how do you operate your system of uploading articles to your website?

            ...what is your modus operandi for uploading 100s or 1000s of articles to your website (or web pages)? Is you website a WP Blog, conventional website, or otherwise? Don't you run into 100s or 1000s of individual .html pages in order to accommodate each article?

            (I'm asking with respect my model, which is by using Hostgator cPanel and DWeaver 8 editor. I've dipped into WP (Fantastico) on occasion, so am semi-familiar with it).
            Wordpress blog. It's quite difficult to update content with html sites.You have to change sitemaps,links and stuff on all pages. And then upload the whole site.

            A blogging interface with a theme of your choice is the best. Using a blog is way better for your business...

            If you don't want a blog, you can use Content Management Software like Joomla and stuff. But Wordpress is by far the best.

            So drop html and use wordpress/ You can create your own design and also put up static html pages if u know how to. Just use youtube to find out Wordpress hacks.
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  • Profile picture of the author ~kev~
    Ok, I signed up on infobucket and submitted 2 articles - each with a video.

    Article 1 was rejected because it was copied from my blog.

    Article 2 was rejected because it was too short. They said the article needs to be at least 350 words and 400 words to appear in the index - but I did not see a word counter in the text editor.

    All of this article submission stuff is just beyond me. I see no reason to post a 30 minute article on someone eleses site when I could be creating content for my own site. The whole time I was typing the article, it just felt "wrong". I'am having to play by someone elses rules, and I'am having to conform my article to what they expect - forget that!

    That is the thing about posting stuff to my own site - if I want the post to be 100 words, so what. If I want it to be 1,000 words - so what. I'am free to post what I want when I want.

    This posting articles on other peoples sites aint for me.

    Originally Posted by TimG View Post

    Appreciate your sharing some of your behind the scenes information as it has given me something to further consider in the realm of video.

    Your welcome - and what I posted is just part of a bigger picture.

    We have not even talked about my blog, and how I link youtube, my blog, and my forum to provide a wide array of information.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2338699].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author TimG
      Originally Posted by ~kev~ View Post

      Ok, I signed up on infobucket and submitted 2 articles - each with a video.

      Article 1 was rejected because it was copied from my blog.

      Article 2 was rejected because it was too short. They said the article needs to be at least 350 words and 400 words to appear in the index - but I did not see a word counter in the text editor.

      All of this article submission stuff is just beyond me. I see no reason to post a 30 minute article on someone eleses site when I could be creating content for my own site. The whole time I was typing the article, it just felt "wrong". I'am having to play by someone elses rules, and I'am having to conform my article to what they expect - forget that!

      That is the thing about posting stuff to my own site - if I want the post to be 100 words, so what. If I want it to be 1,000 words - so what. I'am free to post what I want when I want.

      This posting articles on other peoples sites aint for me.

      Your welcome - and what I posted is just part of a bigger picture.

      We have not even talked about my blog, and how I link youtube, my blog, and my forum to provide a wide array of information.
      I'll be the first to admit it can be a pain but once you have a handful of directories down pat and know what they require for their article submissions it becomes a much easier and quicker process.

      Info Barrel is interesting because you can get traffic from them and if you don't receive any traffic it could be because they clicked on an adsense link which you receive a percentage of what is earned so really a decent deal for a quick article.

      Do you provide any info on your blog on how you weave everything together that you do in terms of your strategies? Fell free to PM me so we don't have this thread shutdown for self promotion.

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    • Profile picture of the author WebMarketeer
      [QUOTE=~kev~;2338699]Ok, I signed up on infobucket and submitted 2 articles - each with a video.

      "This posting articles on other peoples sites aint for me."

      But you do understand that people are making a living off of this right....
      It is not a fad, or something that might work, it is a way to get significant amounts of traffic if it is done right. I use it as part as my marketing strategy amongst many other sources, video being one of them. If i take the time to build a site and you better believe I want to get the most traffic I can to that site.
      You shouldn't take it off your list, take a little time to learn about it, do it the right way and you will see results.
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  • Profile picture of the author jasonl70
    kev - maybe some of the web 2.0-ish "quasi"-blogging sites like weebly would give you another way to get your videos out there?


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  • Profile picture of the author Matt Bard
    Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

    Well, since you seem determined neither to acknowledge this point nor to respond to it,
    I'm still waiting to hear the "point" you are referring to.

    But since you now seem determined neither to acknowledge nor to respond to my reply, I'll take it that I answered in a way that satisfied your question.
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  • Profile picture of the author Island Girl
    This thread is extremely interesting. I submit to EZA and then publish them on my own site because of the original content clause. I read that I should submit articles to the directories and put them on my own site. I've got some questions now though.

    How do I know when Google has indexed my own site content then if I want to submit there before EZA?

    If I am going to publish the same content which will be indexed by Google, when people search for certain keywords I use, won't they find my sites then? Why should I then submit to EZA?

    Is EZA's purpose then just to send extra targeted traffic to my sites then but not really necessary?

    I'm sure I'll have more questions.

    Thanks in advance.
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  • Profile picture of the author freudianslip27

    Thank you so much for clarifying that we do not need to first publish content at EZA, I had no idea that it could be on our own sites first. That makes sense that we just need to prove that we are the owners of the content, that's all


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    • Profile picture of the author CMCarlin
      Originally Posted by thegreenninja View Post

      LOVE that this has become the 'Russian hooker blog' thread.
      I was thinking the exact same thing. Pretty funny, actually.
      I can help your business grow. Spend less time backlinking and more time focusing on your clients. Skype me anytime for more details. Custom packages available.
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  • Profile picture of the author Black Hat Cat

    So...where's the rock solid proof?

    And in my article marketing home study course, I teach you exactly
    how to write, submit, and monetize your articles the same way I do.
    Ahh, there it is.
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  • Profile picture of the author Matt Bard
    Ok Alexa, why don't we do this, let's not make it about me and what I think.

    I could very well be an idiot that can't understand what you are so patiently trying to explain to me.

    How about these guys: Frank Kern, John Reese, Dan Kennedy, Jay Abraham, Seth Godin, Chris Brogan, and Guy Kawasaki.

    Surely these guys are not as stupid as me right?

    They are considered to be the top, cream of the crop, most knowledgeable Internet Marketers on the planet.

    How come none of them have a single article at EA? How come none of them syndicate their work all over the web?

    Do you think that they don't understand your "free extra traffic" source?

    Is it possible that all of the most knowledgeable marketers made a mistake and overlooked your free traffic?

    Do you think they have decided that they have too much traffic? They don't want any more traffic?

    Is it too difficult for them to submit any of their content after they have posted it?
    Too much trouble for them to deal with? They never thought of outsourcing it?

    Why would they let all of this "free traffic" get by them?

    If there is absolutely nothing negative that could come from syndicating your content all over the web then why have these top marketing geniuses decided to pass up "extra traffic"?

    Sure I would because I'm an idiot, but why would they?

    Don't say that they don't need it because it's extra traffic for very little effort.

    Heck imagine if Frank Kern decided to submit articles at EA. He could totally dominate the Business and Marketing category.

    Any one of them could. They could have their stuff picked up at EA, Article Base, Go Articles...just think of all that free traffic that they are missing out on.

    Are they missing out on it? Or have they made a decision to not syndicate their content?

    Why do you think that they have passed on all of this free extra traffic?
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    • Profile picture of the author TimG
      Originally Posted by Matt M View Post

      Heck imagine if Frank Kern decided to submit articles at EA. He could totally dominate the Business and Marketing category.

      Any one of them could. They could have their stuff picked up at EA, Article Base, Go Articles...just think of all that free traffic that they are missing out on.

      Are they missing out on it? Or have they made a decision to not syndicate their content?

      Why do you think that they have passed on all of this free extra traffic?
      Just wanted to say that I'm really enjoying reading everyone's views on this topic and what is being posted.

      Matt, did want to address your comment above. In a way I do think that Frank Kern's content does get syndicated just not in the traditional article marketing format.

      His syndication comes from the massive amount of folks that are his disciples (not meant in a derogatory manner) that spread his content/word for him.

      Additionally, he has the power of a sizeable list and clout within our industry to sell products at will without resorting to writing articles.

      Heck, if I could write a single email that generated thousands upon thousands of dollars I would probably do a lot less article marketing but that wasn't the path I initially chose.

      Was Frank able to do this when he first started or did he initially rely on article marketing to some degree? That's hard to say.

      What Frank did is what we all really should be doing and that is, he built a list and he made money for the people on his list who then become his biggest supporters and promoters of every new product he released.

      There are so many threads in this forum that focus on where articles should be published first and whether or not article marketing is effective when truthfully more attention should be turned towards using our content to do the same thing Frank did, which is build a relationship with a sizeable list, make them money by what we teach them and then turn them loose to promote our products for us.

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      • Profile picture of the author CMCarlin
        Originally Posted by TimG View Post

        There are so many threads in this forum that focus on where articles should be published first and whether or not article marketing is effective when truthfully more attention should be turned towards using our content to do the same thing Frank did, which is build a relationship with a sizeable list, make them money by what we teach them and then turn them loose to promote our products for us.

        Thank you for this perspective. That's the kind of thinking that that can make you lots of money, with plenty of action, of course.

        Sometimes this bickering back and forth about the minor details lets us lose sight of whats really important and that is bringing value to our customers.
        I can help your business grow. Spend less time backlinking and more time focusing on your clients. Skype me anytime for more details. Custom packages available.
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        • Profile picture of the author TimG
          Originally Posted by CMCarlin View Post

          Thank you for this perspective. That's the kind of thinking that that can make you lots of money, with plenty of action, of course.

          Sometimes this bickering back and forth about the minor details lets us lose sight of whats really important and that is bringing value to our customers.
          Thanks - It is the kind of thinking/action plan I'm implementing in order to get other folks (along with myself) generating lots of income.

          I'm finding that the study of relationship marketing is very interesting and the folks that master it along with the traditional traffic generating methods and their own special secret sauce strategies stand to do very well with their IM/online business.

          Article Marketing Soldiers - The Best Selling Article Marketing Product On The Warrior Forum Is Now Looking For Affiliates! Make Over $25 Per Sale With This High Converting Product.

          Make More Money And Spend More Time With Your Family By Becoming A Scentsy Consultant - I Provide Personal Assistance And Help With Growing Your Business.
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  • Profile picture of the author freudianslip27
    Wow, I thought this was put to rest yesterday.

    Matt, I don't think it's fair to say that just because the "super" internet marketers aren't using EZA, it isn't a good idea.

    I think we are all at levels. If I had thousands upon thousands upon thousands of IM'ers waiting in the wings for me through endless JV relationships like the "bigwigs", I certainly wouldn't bother with EZA either.

    Those people are just in a position where it makes more sense for them to focus on other avenues.

    This does not mean however, that EZA won't help us. Most of the people in this forum are somewhat new, or moderately successful internet marketers, and in a position to at least consider the benefit of EZA.

    And who's to say Frank Kern isn't using EZA to dominate a niche other than internet marketing, under a pen name perhaps?

    Alexa is obviously very successful, and has the experience to back up what she says. I also understand that your methods have worked for you. That's great for both of you.


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    • Profile picture of the author Matt Bard
      Originally Posted by freudianslip27 View Post

      I certainly wouldn't bother with EZA either.
      What's the bother? I thought it was no effort to just submit. Heck, they even make software that the virtual assistant could just push a button and have it submitted for them all over the web.

      And who's to say Frank Kern isn't using EZA to dominate a niche other than internet marketing, under a pen name perhaps?
      He probably is. But why would he not do it for his main Internet Marketing niche? If he already sees how easy it is to get free traffic from EA using a pen name, then surely he knows how easy he could do that with his real name too right? Why wouldn't he?

      Those people are just in a position where it makes more sense for them to focus on other avenues.
      So do you feel that at some point in your career as an Internet marketer, you don't need any "extra traffic"?

      Or when you say
      "focus on other avenues"
      Do you mean that there could be other ways to get traffic without the hassle of submitting to EA? That's interesting. Even though there are other ways, why would you pass up the free traffic from EA?

      Remember that this is "extra free traffic" that you don't have to do anything to get.

      Why would you decide to not "bother" with getting free traffic?

      I thought that was the point of this whole discussion. It's free extra traffic with no "bother".

      You would pass up free traffic? Maybe my stupidity is starting to rub off on you
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
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  • Profile picture of the author freudianslip27

    If I was in a position where I was as well connected as say...Frank Kern I would not deal with EZA because it would be more cost effective for me to focus my energies elsewhere.

    This does NOT mean that EZA is a waste of time, far from it. It's just that if I was in a position where I could make thousands of dollars an hour just from pursuing JV relationships (again, something I can't do myself, but if I was Frank Kern of course I could), it wouldn't be the best choice to focus on EZA.

    You have to remember that most of us are not Frank Kern, and I can see the benefit from working with EZA.

    Asking why Frank Kern wouldn't do these things, is kind of like saying "Frank Kern doesn't sell stuff on ebay, so ebay must be a waste of time".

    On the contrary, many people have become quite successful from ebay. Does that make sense?


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