Good Theme for an Amazon Autoblog?

Profile picture of bettersocial
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
1 replies
I recently made an Amazon autoblog (using WP-Robot) that has shown some promising results.

The conversion rate, though, is abysmal and I suspect my theme has a role to play in this.

Can someone please point me to a theme that works well with Amazon autoblogs? I don't want anything fancy - just a simple theme that draws attention to the Amazon links and doesn't distract with too much noise.
#amazon #autoblog #good #theme
  • Profile picture of the author Leslie B
    Leslie B
    Profile picture of Leslie B
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I have a few sites that are amazon autoblogs and all have themes I created myself with Artisteer. They do quite well.

    Taking it one day at a time!

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