ClickBank Customer Email Question...

6 replies
Hey Guys,

Thanks (in advance) for your help with this.

I am about to start selling a new product on
ClickBank and I'm curious to find out how you
go about collecting customer emails after they
have purchased the product?

I wanna collect the emails to use them for up-
selling etc. with my auto-responder.

Any ideas, tips, thoughts?

Thanks again.
#clickbank #customer #email #question
  • Profile picture of the author dave147
    You can put your code on your download page to give your customers a chance to opt-in for updates and stuff.

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  • Profile picture of the author RGallowitz
    Sign up to a service like or and set up a autoresponder account (they have easy to follow tutorials) and then get your subscription form from the setup.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jenna Paulson
      Get them to opt-in on your download page, and give them a great bonus for doing so. In fact, make them want to be affiliates.
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  • Profile picture of the author Stuart Turnbull
    Hi Kat

    The first page that my buyers see after the CB payment page is headed;

    "Thank you for purchasing, you will be forwarded to the download screen in a moment"

    I then have an opt-in box with the text "It is extremely important that we have your email address so we can send your free lifetime updates"

    The 'submit' button text is "submit and go get my book"

    I then use aweber to send the download link.

    This way I capture the email of every buyer.

    Of course they are free to unsubscribe at any time and 16% of them have but this means I've captured the emails of 84% of my buyers which I reckon would be very difficult to match with any other approach.

    Oh, and I haven't had a single complaint.
    Signature - NOT your run of the mill marketer
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    • Profile picture of the author Kat Fuschillo
      Hey guys,

      Thank you so much for all of your great advice.
      It's really helped me out.


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