Outsourced articles

Profile picture of Izerman
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
11 replies
I recently outsourced a few articles.
Can i just put them up on my site as they are or do i have to mention the writer?

#articles #outsourced
  • Profile picture of the author PatriciaJ
    Profile picture of PatriciaJ
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by Izerman View Post

    I recently outsourced a few articles.
    Can i just put them up on my site as they are or do i have to mention the writer?

    It depends upon your agreement, but generally when you outsource articles they are for your sole use and you can do what you want with them whether it be put them on your site or submit to directories.

    If you are pleased with your writer's work then a recommendation and link back to their site is a good way to show appreciation.
  • Profile picture of the author Izerman
    Profile picture of Izerman
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Ok thanks for the quick replies
  • Profile picture of the author Alfred Shelver
    Alfred Shelver
    Profile picture of Alfred Shelver
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Yes "all yours" as said above, Just a question, should the article writer expressly give any rights ... I.e should it be written anywhere or is it Okay for the writer to assume that all rights have been transferred when sending an email?
  • Profile picture of the author Trucker
    Profile picture of Trucker
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

    I like the words you ppl expressed here.

    By the way, why don't you go for publishing that articles to go premium & to be used again & it will let you earn good number of dollars in hand.

    Writing articles & publishing them in directories, blogs is in itself a promoting factor that leads to distribute your thoughts in a written presence, they move through the readers eye's & catch attraction if are written by heart
  • Profile picture of the author jackgm
    Profile picture of jackgm
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    It would be extremely difficult (to understate it considerably) for any article-writer to attract customers not wanting and expecting complete rights to the work commissioned, because s/he would be almost the only one doing so. There are nearly as many people trying to make some money by writing articles as there are customers for them.
    Fully agreed..


    You will have a tough time attracting long term customers if you don't give them 100% rights. In most cases, you shouldn't even have any use for the articles that were intended for a customer.

    If you want to show them as samples to a new prospect, you can do that with permission from the client.

    As an article writer, you should just forget about the articles you wrote for clients. Simple as that. Give them 100% rights. Keep things easy for them.
  • Profile picture of the author contactscape
    Profile picture of contactscape
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    If you've settled with the actual writer that you will have the rights to it, otherwise, might just be a good idea to check with the writer, though I'm fairly certain you will still own rights to the material as you paid for it.

    Just make sure you run them through CopyScape. I've been burned in the past with something like that and had a few writer accounts blacklisted because one of my copywriters plagiarised existing content.

    Originally Posted by Izerman View Post

    I recently outsourced a few articles.
    Can i just put them up on my site as they are or do i have to mention the writer?

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