Can 'outside the box' thinking be learned?

Matt Morgan
Profile picture of Matt Morgan
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52 replies
Do you think that phrase and skill of 'thinking outside the box' be learned and taught using examples?

or it depends on the person, whether they are willing to learn and adapt new options in marketing?

I know some people who are fairly clever but they dont show any outside the box thinking, and they dont seem the type to ever pick it up. Or is it one of them things that you can gain with experience?

This type of thinking is good for your marketing strategies.
#box #learned #thinking
  • Profile picture of the author Neil Morgan
    Neil Morgan
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    I think it has a lot to do with whether you're a leader or a follower.

    Do you copy what others are doing or are you creatively looking for your own solutions?

    For me, that's the difference.

    Can you learn it? Probably, because of you try to be creative instead of watching what others are doing, you're kind of forced into it.

    That's my take anyway.



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  • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
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  • Profile picture of the author Don Schenk
    Don Schenk
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    Two books by Dr. Roger Von Oech -

    "A Whack On The Side Of The Head" and "A Kick In The Seat Of Ther Pants"

    They were large paperback books 8x11 - on the market 20+ years ago. Still available at Amazon and elsewhere.

    His website is I am not an affiliate.

  • Profile picture of the author KenThompson
    Profile picture of KenThompson
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    Hey Matt,

    Good questions. There are different experiences that can be described
    in the terms you expressed. I also feel there are many paths that can
    lead to an 'outside the box' thinking moment.

    To try and answer your question of can it be learned... I believe a person
    can create the internal environment that will have a higher likelihood of
    producing that kind of thinking.

    Here are some qualities that I feel contribute:

    open mind
    mental/intellectual flexibility
    ability to relax both physically and psychologically
    sense of curiosity and wonder
    being less judgmental
    willingness to go against the norms
    sense of confidence

    Those are just a few qualities that come to mind.

    Another powerful behavior is the desire to create even if that
    creativity involves solving business problems. Creativity occurs
    in many forms.

    It seems to me the primary determinant results from many qualities
    that can occur naturally in a person's personality. Some are more
    naturally inclined to exhibit that kind of thinking. But I also believe
    the mind is extremely powerful. A person can decide they want to
    cultivate that kind of thinking, and then proceed to do things that
    can make it happen.

  • Profile picture of the author ~kev~
    Profile picture of ~kev~
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    From the time that kids start school, we are taught to "Sit Down and Shut UP!!!!!" This type of mental conditioning suppresses free thought and creative thinking.

    If you can get past the bonds that society has put on you, your good to go.

    As for learning "out of the box" thinking, first, I think you have to be de-programmed.
    • Profile picture of the author Matt Morgan
      Matt Morgan
      Profile picture of Matt Morgan
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      Originally Posted by ~kev~ View Post

      From the time that kids start school, we are taught to "Sit Down and Shut UP!!!!!" This type of mental conditioning suppresses free thought and creative thinking.

      If you can get past the bonds that society has put on you, your good to go.
      That is so true.

      They education system never teaches outside the box thinking.

      If everybody was taught that, the level of conscious thinking in the world would shift higher, and we would progress much faster, by also helping each other out too.
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      • Profile picture of the author KenThompson
        Profile picture of KenThompson
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        Originally Posted by Matt Morgan View Post

        That is so true.

        They education system never teaches outside the box thinking.

        If everybody was taught that, the level of conscious thinking in the world would shift higher, and we would progress much faster, by also helping each other out too.
        The education system doesn't do a good job of teaching
        people to think.

        As for society suppressing this kind of thinking...

        There's a certain amount of 'programming' that is necessary to maintain
        the fabric of any society.

        Beyond a certain point, it becomes less a matter of external programming
        and more a matter of personal limitations that resulted from prior indoctrination.

        • Profile picture of the author ~kev~
          Profile picture of ~kev~
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          Originally Posted by KenThompson View Post

          There's a certain amount of 'programming' that is necessary to maintain
          the fabric of any society.
          Please do not interrupt the class, if you continue to do so, you will be sent to the office.

          "If" we have enough time at the end of class you may voice your opinion at that time - but you will have to raise your hand and wait to be called on.

          If we do not have enough time today, you may be able to ask your question of voice your opinion tomorrow. But I doubt we will have enough time tomorrow, because we have a lot of material to cover.

          On second thought, maybe its best that you keep your opinion to yourself and let the teacher teach the class.


          I do not see where school teaches a "certain amount" of social programming. Children are told to "sit down, shut up, pay attention, and do not ask questions.

          Our modern school system takes children with a developing mind with endless possibilities, and stomps on their mind with boredom and repetition until there is nothing left but mush.

          And we have to wonder why we have such a high rate of high school drop outs.


          For most people, they did more "thinking out of the box" when they were 5 years old, then they did at 50 years old.

          When we grow, we learn what is accepted and what is not accepted. And we accept that without question.

          Such as - you vote Democrat or Republican. People who vote third party are throwing their votes away. Very few people can "think outside the box" and change the way the vote.

          If someone can not change the way they vote, change the types of music they listen to, dress differently them other people, or even cut their hair differently, how can they be expected them to "think" for themselves.
          • Profile picture of the author GerryMedia
            Profile picture of GerryMedia
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            I find it easier to think outside the box -- by being outside the box.

            The more I stay inside the box, the more I think like others in the box.

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          • Profile picture of the author KenThompson
            Profile picture of KenThompson
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            Originally Posted by ~kev~ View Post

            Please do not interrupt the class, if you continue to do so, you will be sent to the office.

            "If" we have enough time at the end of class you may voice your opinion at that time - but you will have to raise your hand and wait to be called on.

            If we do not have enough time today, you may be able to ask your question of voice your opinion tomorrow. But I doubt we will have enough time tomorrow, because we have a lot of material to cover.

            On second thought, maybe its best that you keep your opinion to yourself and let the teacher teach the class.
            Marginally cute, kev... just.

            Don't assume I'm disagreeing with you.

            While a tremendous amount occurs in school. It does not all occur in
            the school setting.

            And if we have to disagree, then we do.

            • Profile picture of the author ~kev~
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              Originally Posted by KenThompson View Post

              Marginally cute, kev... just.
              Thank you, I was hoping that nobody took offense and that readers could see the real meaning of the post.

              And its not only school, its influences from other kids, social and religious conditioning,,,,, just all kinds of stuff.

              When the theory of bacteria and viruses came about, people laughed because nothing could be that small.

              When the theory that the world was round started to develop, people thought it was stupid.

              When the theory that the earth is not the center of the universe came out, there was a lot of people that got in trouble over that one.

              To think differently, you have to free yourself from the bonds that have been put on you. Whether they are social, economic, religious,,,,, or whatever else.
      • Profile picture of the author KatyaSenina
        Profile picture of KatyaSenina
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        Originally Posted by Matt Morgan View Post

        That is so true.

        They education system never teaches outside the box thinking.

        If everybody was taught that, the level of conscious thinking in the world would shift higher, and we would progress much faster, by also helping each other out too.
        The education system is teaching us to be sheeps and OBEY, it's brainwashing. Have you ever heard your school teachers back then talk about how to really make money or about the right mindset? They don't teach stuff like that and there is a reason for that.Because everything you'll learn is like poison to your mind and it's only purpose it to keep you in the box. That's why I quit school in the first place.

        'They' will never diverge from that system into one that let's us decide for ourselves and think more freely as it's not what 'they' have planned for us. But that's a whole different subject and I will not get into that in this thread.
    • Profile picture of the author romolo
      Profile picture of romolo
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      outside the box thinking can be learned and can be taught with examples.

      To learn it just find something that you are not comfortable with, like as an example filming yourself and watching it, or going door to door trying to sell something (I give this two example because this are two things that I had to do and made me uncomfortable at first) and keep doing it until you get used to it...

      To teach it just use the examples I gave you above and explain them and let people feel what it would feel like to do something they are not comfortable with...

  • Profile picture of the author jennypitts
    Profile picture of jennypitts
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    I agree with some here, learning to think out of the box really depends on your ability to lead and/or follow. Sure, it can be learned, but not everyone will have the capacity to fully comprehend or apply thinking outside the box.

    It is sort of like looking at the micro and macro aspects of economy. There are many who specialize in the micro aspects and how each individual influences a city's economic structure. Those economists may not fully grasp the complete macro picture.

    An even easier comparison is looking at a glass half empty as oppose to half full. In my book, all of these analogies overlap and help shape a leader, one who CAN think outside the box instead of looking at the micro aspect of things.

    Uff... Did I just complicate myself a little too much? LOL... Well, at least that is the way I describe thinking outside the box. It is these types of questions that really get the best out of the expert IMers... Thanks for making us think outside the box.
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    • Profile picture of the author mcmahanusa
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      Learned, yes, to a certain degree. Developed, absolutely. With practice and attitude: practice looking at anything popular or interesting; then say to yourself, "What would be another way to do that?" Think of the wildest scenarios possible, and before you know it, "Voila!" You have developed the habit of thinking outside the box.

      As the mama skunk said, "Just my 2 scents worth."

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  • Profile picture of the author Anonymous Affiliate
    Anonymous Affiliate
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    "Thinking outside the box" cannot be trained, like many other personal skills: either you have them or you don't. That's one of the reasons as of why not everyone is cut out to be an entrepreneur.
  • Profile picture of the author CurtisN
    Profile picture of CurtisN
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    It can be learned by some people.

    It definitely cannot be taught. You can't force a way of thinking onto someone else, no matter how great it seems.

    Some people genuinely don't want to leave the box because it seems unsafe on the outside, so what can you do right?
    Curtis Ng (blog) - Product Launch Manager
  • Profile picture of the author tryinhere
    Profile picture of tryinhere
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    Thinking outside of the box requires the ability to discover failure, feel frustration, be disappointed with your 100th attempt at fixing a problem but not beat yourself up over it to much and because that big F (failure) word is closely related many people are scared to work outside of the box. who wants to be a failure right ? yet you can not achieve greatly with out being prepared to fail greatly.

    Once people understand it is OK to fail / get things wrong then living outside of that box becomes easy, i would say that 90% of the stuff i do is outside of the box, and i accept that will make many mistakes with this path, but it also keeps life interesting.

    If you are prepared to say i got it wrong then yes you can do it.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    John Durham
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    I think our style of thinking is the result of our environment in large part... so yeah it can be learned if you are around it enough. If you dont have it naturally you gotta hang around people who do... and like a southern accent... you will pick it up.
  • Profile picture of the author cozmokramer
    Profile picture of cozmokramer
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    Its an inherent gene, you are either born with it or not.

    However there is about 1% of the population that can learn to develop such an aspect, however it requires intense training and usually a life event to make someone think or act differently.
  • Profile picture of the author Lee Wilson
    Lee Wilson
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    I think most of the time it's just a bi-product of passion. Sometimes you might come up with a great idea, almost by luck, but when you are passionate about something your brain don't switch off much. Creative thinking is in everybody as long as they are interested in a subject enough.

    Over time you have so much going on in your head that you have regular little epiphanies, most of them don't seem so good when you give them some thought but once in a while a good idea pops out.

    If you are fairly new to something then you don't have a lot of experience or information to work with so your chances of that happening are slimmer, but when you do, IMO, thinking outside the box is basically a one person brainstorming session that almost never stops, on autopilot. Every now and then something pops out that's worth persuing.

    I think if you never stop wanting to learn more and seek out new things, that might be the only requirement ... but you need to love it!
    • Profile picture of the author KatyaSenina
      Profile picture of KatyaSenina
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      Originally Posted by L Wilson View Post

      I think most of the time it's just a bi-product of passion. Sometimes you might come up with a great idea, almost by luck, but when you are passionate about something your brain don't switch off much. Creative thinking is in everybody as long as they are interested in a subject enough.

      Over time you have so much going on in your head that you have regular little epiphanies, most of them don't seem so good when you give them some thought but once in a while a good idea pops out.

      If you are fairly new to something then you don't have a lot of experience or information to work with so your chances of that happening are slimmer, but when you do, IMO, thinking outside the box is basically a one person brainstorming session that almost never stops, on autopilot. Every now and then something pops out that's worth persuing.

      I think if you never stop wanting to learn more and seek out new things, that might be the only requirement ... but you need to love it!
      You've hit the mark on this one. I was reading this book a while ago.. can't remember the name and basically it said... You should always EXERCISE your mind. You should always try to come up with solutions to any problem you face. You should always be brainstorming. Every challenge in life exercises your mind and keeps your mind involved. That's how you expand your thinking.

      People really use a small capacity of their mind. Imagine what's still possible.
  • Profile picture of the author King Shiloh
    King Shiloh
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    I think if you keep your mind open and not restrict it to one rigid/old strategy/idea, you will definitely start thinking outside the box.

    However, you have to make sure that your mind has a "spam filter" that separates the weed from the wheat so that you don't end up thinking "offside" the box.
  • Profile picture of the author Kezz
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    This reminds me of an old joke:

    Q. How many psychologists does it take to change a light bulb?

    A. One, but the light bulb has to
    want to change.

    I believe that with enough dedication and perseverance one can adopt any mental quality they choose to.

    This may not reach as far as becoming a great mathematician, but learning ways or modes of thinking is within anybody's reach.

    Ultimately learning the think outside the box comes down to one major thing: Courage

    The reason I say this is that it's nice and safe inside the box. You know exactly where the walls are and there's plenty of shelter.

    But outside the box you don't know where the walls are, where the shelter is, and you have to accept you might fall off the edge at any time.

    You have to be willing to say the magic words:

    "I was wrong"


    "I don't know"

    These magic words often stick in the throat, but exploring new ways of thinking requires the acceptance of mistakes.

    If you can take that in your stride and be prepared to challenge yourself, you can learn to think in any way you choose.
  • Profile picture of the author Aira Bongco
    Aira Bongco
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    I think that it can be learned through experience.

    Let me make myself as an example. When I started online, I simply follow what other people are doing. When they give me a guide, I just do it step by step. I will not say that it did not work. It did but it is so much better when I learned to think outside the box.

    In each guide, there is always something that people are not saying. This is usually where their creativity kicks in. Usually, they will not reveal their niche or the specific things they have done. So if you can fill these gaps with your own ideas, that will make the process complete.

    So this is thinking outside the box for me. It is like testing and tracking and eventually stumbling upon a unique method that works.
  • Profile picture of the author RevenueBuilder
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    Honestly, some people just 'get it' and others dont.
  • Profile picture of the author Bruce Wedding
    Bruce Wedding
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    Of course it can be taught. Unlike DeBono, this book is full of practial, how-to techniques: Pop!: Stand Out in Any Crowd (9781615595563): Sam…
  • Profile picture of the author John Wilkes
    John Wilkes
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    "Thinking outside the box" is really finding solutions to problems, other than the first solution that comes to mind, especially if that same solution readily comes to the minds of other people you discuss the problem with.

    The society you grow up in affects the way you respond to problems. As most people feel a need to belong (tribe), they tend to follow the path of least resistance and to seek agreement and confirmation, to use "safe", tried and tested methods.

    To think outside the box you must follow the example of those "outsiders" in society. Now this may sound a little bit strange, but please bear with me and try this for yourself.

    Normally our problem solving is dominated by the brain's logic functions. To think outside the box you need to bring them in balance with the more creative right brain processes. One way the ancients (Druids) used to bridge this gap was by the use of poetry. I said this was going to sound a little bit strange!

    Now although you may feel a little bit silly, write a poem about the problem you are trying to solve. You do not have to write a poem about the solution, just the the problem itself. This will shift your thinking away from the logic dominated parts of the brain, you have been conditioned to use and let you start using the more creative parts of your mind. As your thinking becomes more free, you will be surprised to find creative solutions just popping up into your mind. Do not choose one but make a list of as many as you can. Then work through the list, using your "logic" to evaluate the best solution.

    Okay it sounds a bit silly but try it and see. Anyway, getting used to feeling "silly" is another way of breaking your conditioning and learning to think outside the box!

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    • Profile picture of the author Matt Morgan
      Matt Morgan
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      Originally Posted by John Wilkes View Post

      "Thinking outside the box" is really finding solutions to problems, other than the first solution that comes to mind, especially if that same solution readily comes to the minds of other people you discuss the problem with.
      The society you grow up in affects the way you respond to problems. As most people feel a need to belong (tribe), they tend to follow the path of least resistance and to seek agreement and confirmation, to use "safe", tried and tested methods.

      To think outside the box you must follow the example of those "outsiders" in society. Now this may sound a little bit strange, but please bear with me and try this for yourself.

      Normally our problem solving is dominated by the brain's logic functions. To think outside the box you need to bring them in balance with the more creative right brain processes. One way the ancients (Druids) used to bridge this gap was by the use of poetry. I said this was going to sound a little bit strange!

      Now although you may feel a little bit silly, write a poem about the problem you are trying to solve. You do not have to write a poem about the solution, just the the problem itself. This will shift your thinking away from the logic dominated parts of the brain, you have been conditioned to use and let you start using the more creative parts of your mind. As your thinking becomes more free, you will be surprised to find creative solutions just popping up into your mind. Do not choose one but make a list of as many as you can. Then work through the list, using your "logic" to evaluate the best solution.

      Okay it sounds a bit silly but try it and see. Anyway, getting used to feeling "silly" is another way of breaking your conditioning and learning to think outside the box!
      Yes the society has a big part, so does the people you grow up around.

      Imagine if 95% of the people in the whole world could think outside the box. The worlds average Q level would raise, and everybodies lives would be more productive.
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  • Profile picture of the author kcorps
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    Originally Posted by Matt Morgan View Post

    Do you think that phrase and skill of 'thinking outside the box' be learned and taught using examples?

    or it depends on the person, whether they are willing to learn and adapt new options in marketing?

    I know some people who are fairly clever but they dont show any outside the box thinking, and they dont seem the type to ever pick it up. Or is it one of them things that you can gain with experience?

    This type of thinking is good for your marketing strategies.
    I believe, this skill is like a special gift.

    We can share this special gift with others but the sense will be different. Others may get the benefits from the gift physically, but they will get nothing for the mind satisfaction since it was given specifically for us
  • Profile picture of the author DubDubDubDot
    Profile picture of DubDubDubDot
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    Outside the box thinking is probably tied in with intelligence. We are born with a potential intelligence range that varies from person to person. This is a scientific fact that won't be going mainstream anytime soon since society likes to believe that everyone is created equal.
    • Profile picture of the author ExRat
      Profile picture of ExRat
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      Hi Matt,

      Originally Posted by KatyaSenina
      Yep, that's exactly what they want. If only you knew the 'whole story' behind our society and government. The world or should I say they are really against us.
      Please feel free to explain the real story.
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      Can 'outside the box' thinking be learned?
      Yes, of course but as mentioned above it's easier if you 'live' outside of it and look to learn from those who have already done so and made the change. Look into alternative lifestyles, such as living off grid, or just turn off the TV and avoid online state controlled 'news' and fearmongering as a great starting point. Or simpy get determined to establish 'the truth' - look through the smokescreen.

      It's difficult to get outside of the box if you habitually expose yourself to the bleating of the sheep within it. It's also difficult to do this if you still subscribe to the consumerist rat-race system and take the bait-trap called 'debt'. You have to initially reject the notion of 'society' and 'the state' otherwise it will suck you back in to it's idiocy, confusion, it's violently enforced monopolistic system and ultimately your enslavement.

      Roger Davis

      • Profile picture of the author Jacksprat
        Profile picture of Jacksprat
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        I'm sure it can be learned. The question is, are you willing to do waht it akes to learn. i think if you focus on thinking of unique ways to do things for at least 30 days, it'll become 2nd nature to you.
  • Profile picture of the author Anonymous Affiliate
    Anonymous Affiliate
    Profile picture of Anonymous Affiliate
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    I really like the quote: "you must live outside the box to be able to think outside the box". It equally applies to life and business...
  • Profile picture of the author David Louis Monk
    David Louis Monk
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    It is like someone who is completely untrained in engineering coming across a bunch of engineers trying to solve a problem and this unknown making a suggestion which solves their problem.

    It was "outside of the box" thinking because the person was already outside the box. To think outside the box, you have to completely remove yourself from the problem. Outside of closed environment of your thinking when in the box, then you have to look at the problem afresh.

    Until you actually remove yourself from the problem the chances are you will always be stuck on the inside.


    • Profile picture of the author MichaelHiles
      Profile picture of MichaelHiles
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      Originally Posted by David Louis Monk View Post

      It is like someone who is completely untrained in engineering coming across a bunch of engineers trying to solve a problem and this unknown making a suggestion which solves their problem.

      It was "outside of the box" thinking because the person was already outside the box. To think outside the box, you have to completely remove yourself from the problem. Outside of closed environment of your thinking when in the box, then you have to look at the problem afresh.

      Until you actually remove yourself from the problem the chances are you will always be stuck on the inside.

      This is why it's important for business owners to get away from their business for a while on a regular basis. The downtime allows you to look at your current issues from a distance, outside of the box.
  • Profile picture of the author MarkSherris
    Profile picture of MarkSherris
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    I think it's a qualtiy that can be learned but would work better being taught from an early age.

    On the other hand though I do think that certain people can "think outside the box" better than others!

    From an early age though people are taught to get a great education...go to college...go to university...get a good job...and work their way through a business until they can finally retire.. so many people just think that this is the normal and right thing to do and don't really see/want any other options.

    I believe it's often why a lot of the richest people in the world have little education/are drop outs because they are forced to "think outside the box" and be different to "the normal"

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    • Profile picture of the author Doolder
      Profile picture of Doolder
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      I believe that in order to be able to think "outside the box" you first need to know your subject very well. When you are aware of everything that's being done in the area you specialize in or focus on, then you're in a much better position to generate new innovative ideas based on your experience and knowledge.

      Then, it also very much depends on your personality. As it's been said already in a few posts above mine, it all comes down to whether you're more of a leader or a follower. Some people do have great knowledge in some areas but have learnt so much by following other people's work (as opposed to self-education with the "trial & error" method) that they're unable to think for themselves...

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