My Gift To One Lucky Warrior - I'm Paying It Forward.
Hi Warriors,
It's that time again - I'm going to pay it forward and thank the forum for everything I've benefited by giving one warrior member some freebies.
There's no catch. (if you've been a member here for any length of time you'll have seen me do this before - it's not a gimmick or BS).
All you have to do to enter to win is - post in this thread what the best thing you've learned in this forum is, and what your best tip for a new member is.
Here's what the winner (chosen by me) will get:
1 - War Room Membership - if you don't already have it.
2 - $50 via Paypal to use as you wish to help your IM business
3- Up to 1 hour Skype chat with me where I'll answer any questions you have about IM and your business.
So there you have it - all you have to do is share your best lesson and best tip for other warriors.
I'm looking for real, genuine comments that you honestly believe will help your fellow warriors.
A lot of new people come here and don't realise what a community this is - so I want your comments to help a new member get some quick insights into how this forum helps others.
In case you're wondering - no-one has asked me to do this. I'm not associated with the forum apart from being a member and there's no ulterior motive for offering this apart from that I hope some useful comments will come from it and one happy warrior will get some goodies they weren't expecting.
I'll leave this up for at least 2 weeks to give it enough time for people to see it and think about their answers and then pick a winner no later than 1 month time.
Thanks for caring and sharing.
Dan's content is irregularly read by handfuls of people. Join the elite few by reading his blog:, following him on Twitter: or reading his fiction: but NOT by Clicking Here!
Dan also writes content for hire, but you can't afford him anyway.
nothing to see here.
Dan's content is irregularly read by handfuls of people. Join the elite few by reading his blog:, following him on Twitter: or reading his fiction: but NOT by Clicking Here!
Dan also writes content for hire, but you can't afford him anyway.
Founder of JVZoo. All around good guy :)
Founder of JVZoo. All around good guy :)
Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.
nothing to see here.
Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.
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nothing to see here.
nothing to see here.
nothing to see here.
nothing to see here.
I see Pride. I see Power. I see a Bad ass mudda who wont take no crap off of nobody!
nothing to see here.
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