If You Can't Make Money "Internet Marketing" - Then "Market the Internet"
So many people have trouble "Internet Marketing".
So why Not "Market The Internet"...? That's what this Offline Gold rush is all about... the only difference is that "There really is money in almost every square inch of them there hills".
Internet real estate is still hot.
I have seen alot of threads today of frustrated people who want to desperately know how to make money... while they are learning to "Internet Market".
Think. Just "Market the Internet". Sell somebody a website today. It's not hard. Just ask someone "Do you need a website"?
Then ask another and another... You will not fail to make money. There is a better chance of pigs flying. Most people Intellectualize the idea alot, but they never get around to actually offering anyone anything. Offer someone something today!
Make a habit of offering people something ten or twenty times per day.
You will get business.
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