New UPS slogan? (I don't get it)

7 replies
I'm at my resort in Scottsdale and down below is a UPS truck making a delivery.

The truck has on the side:

"Worldwide Services"
"Synchronizing the world of commerce"

Say what?!

It reminds me of "We run the tightest ship in the shipping business", by way of contrast. That one I loved. This one doesn't mean anything to me.

Maybe it makes sense for people who ship UPS (and don't work online). Because for me the Internet "synchronizes" the world of commerce, yet I think no one has expressed that or claimed to do that well or better, because they didn't see any value in doing that.

Can anyone explain what I might be missing, or is this just a nonsense slogan that serves little or no purpose?

(Maybe it's one of those "Huh?" slogans that get people like me to talk and promote them, although I would think a "good" slogan would work more effectively.)

#slogan #ups
  • Profile picture of the author Dan Klatt
    Curiously the FedEx truck is here now dropping off more supplies or coffee makers or whatever. (I'm across from the housekeeping/maintenance area.)

    The FedEx truck has no slogan on it. Altough it does say "FedEx" in really big letters, and "Ground" in small, and there is a lot of "white space" on the bright white truck.

    The only other thing it has on it is and under that: 1-800-Go-FedEx

    It seems to me this approach of giving people the way to reach you and do business with you, by phone or computer - with no slogan - is more effective.

    It would be fun seeing the relative numbers each company gets.

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  • Fedex's classic slogan (actually I would call it a Unique Selling Proposition/USP) was something like, "When it absolutely, positively has to be there on time."

    To me, that one states the direct benefit a bit better. It was in no small part responsible for turning Fedex into the global powerhouse it is today.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dan Klatt
    Yeah, it has since become used as a model, even for an irresistible offer:

    "When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight."

    And maybe "guaranteed" was part of it, too, I forget.

    I have a feeling now they're big "FedEx" lettering is meant to trigger that slogan so we see it and think: "The overnight shipping guys" subliminally, because they have successfully associated themselves that way, at least for me.

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  • Profile picture of the author Peter Bestel

    I agree, it seems like a nonsense slogan. When you think about it, 'synchronizing' means happening all at once - I'm not sure if I'd like the world of commerce to 'happen all at once' and I'd certainly struggle to see the benefits.

    Mind you, most people won't take a blind bit of notice and will just see the brown UPS truck and say, "There goes a UPS truck!"

    Maybe we're just dumb but I'm of the mind to think, if it needs explaining then it's not communicating properly.

    A little nearer to home Dan, for example, and please don't take offence, but what does 'Outgiving the Universe' mean?

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  • Profile picture of the author promgr
    That slogan has been around for some time I thought? Notice there's no inkling of superior service in the slogan like the classic Fedex slogan someone mentioned. The long lived nickname of universal parcel smashers seems to have faded as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dan Klatt
    Hi Peter,

    LOL! ('Outgiving The Universe' is my way of testing/demonstrating that when you focus on doing all you can to help others, you get back far more than you've "Outgiven"... because "You Cannot Outgive The Universe".

    Point well taken about using slogans or names people don't immediately get, although by you bringing this up, it implies to me you're not part of the market I'm reaching with the site.

    See, "synchronizing" to me is more along the lines of "getting things to the same time", like setting watches so the Mission Impossible team is all on schedule ;-)

    It may be some latest buzz word, although I am unaware of that. It's just ambiguous to me.

    Curiously, "there is no spoon" is pretty funny. And then when I thought about what you mean by it, my first thought was "spoon bending" for some reason, as in a comment about going beyond the mind.

    Then I thought of the silver spoon, and it's meant as a commentary that no one is born with a leg up or greater advantage than others, because we can all determine how successful we want to be...

    Interesting to note all the things going on around us that can cause us to pause and reflect (and learn more about ourselves).


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  • Profile picture of the author Dan Klatt
    > The long lived nickname of universal parcel smashers seems to have faded as well.

    I had not heard of that before. I'll have to ask my girlfriend if she has. She works for the U.S. Postal Service and if she has not, she will appreciate it ;-)

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