Grrr!!About to pull my hair out, help??

10 replies
Okay, here's the deal-I use Ezine for my articles, but the approval time is killing me!In the meantime, I figured I'll step it up & go with some other sites while I'm waiting for Ezine...I really want to go join articles in a click, because Daniel Molano recommends them on his blog.Am I missing something here??I keep trying to join, & all I keep getting is some kind of saleslettet?Is there some kind of trick to joining?Do you have to buy whatever it is on the salesletter?
#grrrabout #hair #pull
  • Profile picture of the author aandersen
    no trick, just go here
    Member Registration:

    its easy

    signature goes here

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  • Profile picture of the author SmallFry
    Thanks, but that's GoArticles :-) I mean
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  • Profile picture of the author aandersen
    oop, i read your post you said

    "want to go join articles"

    and my brain read

    "want to join go articles" does not appear to be free.

    signature goes here

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    • Profile picture of the author SmallFry
      Originally Posted by aandersen View Post

      oop, i read your post you said

      "want to go join articles"

      and my brain read

      "want to join go articles" does not appear to be free.
      Okay, that's what I was thinking...thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author jonat2005
    I have gone through the site and think its a wordpress autoposter blog....or what do you think?
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    • Profile picture of the author laurenceh
      Just a quick question Smallfry, how comes you are only using Ezine articles for your articles (if I have read your post right)?

      As well as Go articles, article alley, buzzle to name just a few, you can also use your own sites to rank for your articles, building page rank and traffic to your own site rather than somebody elses.

      Don't forget the power of using content syndication sites as well if you are looking for a way of getting your content spread about.

      I certainly would not rely on Ezine as a long term traffic solution.
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      • Profile picture of the author SmallFry
        Originally Posted by laurenceh View Post

        Just a quick question Smallfry, how comes you are only using Ezine articles for your articles (if I have read your post right)?

        As well as Go articles, article alley, buzzle to name just a few, you can also use your own sites to rank for your articles, building page rank and traffic to your own site rather than somebody elses.

        Don't forget the power of using content syndication sites as well if you are looking for a way of getting your content spread about.

        I certainly would not rely on Ezine as a long term traffic solution.
        I guess I never really thought of it that way!I'm still pretty new at this :-) Thanks for the advice, though, I'll definitely give those a try :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author laurenceh
    Hi Smallfry,

    Definately have a look at the other directories available. There are many good ones out there as well as Ezine. Think there is a list in a thread somewhere. Maybe someone will come along with a link if they find it before me!
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  • Profile picture of the author NicoleBeckett
    Here is a link of the top 50 article directories, ranked by page rank and traffic. I love this list because it gets updated very regularly (no old information! ) As you can see, there are plenty of great sites besides EZA. Sure, they might be the biggest, but EZA is definitely not the only game in town.

    Start submitting content to several of the top directories on the list, then see who gives you the best results. Personally, I like Go Articles, Amazines, Articles Base, Idea Marketers, and Article Snatch. They each give you a profile page (where you can put your link in for another, separate backlink). Plus, they let you check the stats of each article, so it's easy to see how you're doing.

    I've never heard of Articles in a Click, but if they want you to pay, that's crazy. There are plenty of great FREE article directories out there.
    Sick of blending in with the crowd? Ready to stand ahead of the pack? The right content writing services can get you there...
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    • Profile picture of the author SmallFry
      Originally Posted by NicoleBeckett View Post

      Here is a link of the top 50 article directories, ranked by page rank and traffic. I love this list because it gets updated very regularly (no old information! ) As you can see, there are plenty of great sites besides EZA. Sure, they might be the biggest, but EZA is definitely not the only game in town.

      Start submitting content to several of the top directories on the list, then see who gives you the best results. Personally, I like Go Articles, Amazines, Articles Base, Idea Marketers, and Article Snatch. They each give you a profile page (where you can put your link in for another, separate backlink). Plus, they let you check the stats of each article, so it's easy to see how you're doing.

      I've never heard of Articles in a Click, but if they want you to pay, that's crazy. There are plenty of great FREE article directories out there.
      Thank you sooooooooooo much!!! :-)
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