Here's a Plan For Beginners To Earn Their First $100

by sirtom
74 replies
Hey all,

I like throwing out helpful threads that have actionable content people can actually use, so here's another one. This is a plan any beginner- or person who's not making any money online right now- can use to start making money online.

Quick Disclaimer: Yes I make money online, and actively implement everything I teach (including what's below). No I'm not doing this as blatant advertising or with any other intention of hidden goals. The purpose of this thread is to provide actionable content people can legitimately use to get something going and possible start making money.

With that said, a couple quick comments...

Nothing in here is difficult to do, but most of it will take some time. I'll even show you how to take most of the thought out of the process, just because it's so easy to get hung up on 100,000 little things, all of which won't even make you money. Also, this method going to cost you tons. We're talking at least $10, maybe as much as $20.

Here's the gist of it, though there's some cool twists throughout:

1. Find a niche and verify that it's worth entering.
2. Use PLR products to enter into that niche.
3. Blow up your traffic.

That's it. Now, to go a little deeper (since that effectively told you nothing):

Step 1: Find a niche and verify it's worth entering:

You've heard a million times, "find a niche". Some courses will say to make a list of things you're passionate about or topics you know more about than anyone else.

You think you got it bad? I'm a coffee-drinking artist that plays racquetball daily and eats sushi. Try monetizing THAT. Yeah, probably not gunna happen.

So, for people in my boat, here's a way to find a niche without thinking about it:
  • Go to Clickbank and look through the Categories for something of interest.
    (Note: these "categories" represent 'broad markets'.)
  • Click through the Categories to the Sub-Categories.
    (note: these "sub-categories represent 'niches', so whenever I reference 'niches' from here on out, it's in reference to a sub-category of a broad market.)
  • Browse around until you find a niche that has at least a few products from it with a Gravity of at least 15-20.
    (This indicates affiliates are making money promoting this stuff.)
That's how I find niches. You're looking at the numbers, forget what you know about the niche. You're not going to be using these products either, we're just making sure this niche has products that affiliates are making money with.

Now, we need to make sure that niche is worth going into. Here's how to do that in 3 steps:

1. Make sure affiliates are making money in that niche.
  • You do this by looking at products with decent Gravities. Gravity = affiliates promoting it, and probably making money with it if they're promoting it.
2. Make sure consumers are active and spending money in that niche.
  • Go to and search for your general niche. If you found yourself in the Dance section of Clickbank and you saw that Ballet product in there as I just did, I'd search for "Ballet" on Amazon.
  • Look for books in that niche, both how many and that there is feedback/ratings for many of them. This will indicate consumers are both active and buying information in that niche.
3. Make sure advertisers are spending money to advertise in that niche.
  • To do this, simply search for your niche in Google, using various keyword phrases. Make sure there's Adwords ads running to indicate advertisers are paying to advertise for that niche.
Done. Don't over-complicate this and do it now. Once done, on to step 2.

Time on this step: 1 hour
Total time: 1 hour

Step 2: Use PLR products to enter that niche.

I'd personally always recommend building a list in any given niche. Always. Even for ballet, yes. Here's why: are you passionate about IM? Maybe, maybe not. How many products have you bought that relate to IM? (Personally: IM is my passion and I've bought a ****load of stuff from it.) How many times did you see the last offer you bought before you bought it?

Normally it takes someone seeing something 7 times to make a buyer-related decision. That means that if they come to your site and you try to sell them on the spot, not many people will buy it. But, if you get their name and email so you can contact them again to send them cool stuff, build rapport, and/or show them your offer more a few more times, there's a much larger chance they'll buy something from you. And if it's their passion, chances are they'll buy more than one thing in the future.

You get the picture.

So now what? Now you need to find something to give away to build a list. Here's a shortcut for doing that, and one that kills like 4.5 birds with one stone:

Use PLR!

Yep, PLR is definitely in right now, and will continue to be. Why? Because nearly all the work is done for you, and we all like having things handed to us.

Did you know that if you go to Google and search for "PLR ebooks", you can find thousands of complete, niche-related ebooks waiting for you to slap your name on them and make money selling them?

Oh, and also- try searching for "PLR minisite package" or "PLR niche site package". You can find pre-made products, with sales letters, articles, reports, copy, autoresponder sequences, and more... All included! I recently did such a search for a niche and found one that contained:
  • 1 whole ebook
  • a 4-part audio book companion
  • a free complimentary report
  • the sales letter with custom order buttons
  • professional graphics (+ source files)
  • 7-day autoresponder follow-up series
  • matching custom Wordpress theme (+ header graphics)
  • 30 PLR articles
  • a pre-written squeeze page
  • affiliate banners (+ source files)
  • affiliate, contact, terms, and disclaimer pages (in HTML)
  • a custom Thank You page for downloading the ebook
  • ...and ecover/report graphics
Not bad... for $5.95!!

Seriously, all that would cost you probably hundreds of dollars to create, and I got it all for under $6. That's ridiculous, but it's also the reality, and there's thousands of packs exactly like that out there.

So when you find your niche, search for "[your niche] PLR ebook". You're mainly looking to find a PLR ebook from your niche so you can restructure it and use it to build your list. If you want to get the whole sha-bang, you can search for: "[your niche keyword] PLR niche site package" (example: "ballet PLR niche site package") to find a whole site package.

Either way works, but since I'm just going to show you how to structure a list-building campaign, I'll stick to the "[niche] PLR ebook" search.

Alright, so you find a PLR ebook from your niche. Now what you want to do is take a couple chapters out of it, and use those chapters as bait to get opt-ins. I'd take the 2 best chapters out of the ebook, either the ones that have the best titles, or the ones that contain information people are searching about (which you'd find by going to your niche-related forums/blogs and see what topics in that niche people are discussing).

Note: In this step, you'll need to set up a squeeze page and autoresponder, which between the 2 could run you as little as $1.90 ($0.89 for a ".info" domain at Godaddy, $0.01 for hosting for your first month using a coupon code at Hostgator, $1 trial to Aweber). High-converting squeeze page templates can be found by Google-searching "free squeeze page templates".

If you download the ones here (not an affiliate link), it's nearly all fill-in-the-blank, taking a lot of the thought out of it. And if you use NVU or Kompozer to edit the HTML files, it's also completely free.

Give away the chapters you took out of your PLR ebook to the people that opt in. Then, you already have either even more content to give them, or you have a product you can sell them (usually for around $27-$47). And if you found a niche site, you already have all the sales stuff, too. Otherwise, you know there are other Clickbank products in your niche that affiliates are making money with... Why not be one of them?

Next, make a series of at least 7-10 autoresponder emails. The first (on Day 0) should give them the link to download their report/chapters. The second (on Day 1) should check to make sure they got that link. The third (on Day 2) should check to see if they have any questions. The fourth (on Day 4) should send them more free content (YouTube videos, more chapters from the ebook, free PLR reports, etc). From there on out, you can start promoting things, spacing out the emails by 2-3 days.

This step CAN get a little technical, but it shouldn't take too long. That will depend on your experience with squeeze pages, websites, etc, but the whole 'buying a product, taking a couple chapters out' part doesn't take long at all... Under a couple hours, even.

The purpose of everything we're doing here with this funnel we're setting up is to:

1. build a list
2. establish some rapport with that list
3. promote products to that list (either your own or as an affiliate)
4. Make money (ideally, your first $100)

Time on this step: up to 4 hours (depending on if you know anything about setting up squeeze pages, websites, etc)
Total time: up to 5 hours

At this point, you should have an offer structured and ready to send traffic to. Now comes the traffic, which is the one thing that will actually MAKE you money...

3: Blow up your traffic.

Here's the hardest part for some. They'll have no problems making their offer, but when it comes down to the mysterious and ominous 'traffic generation', people shut down.

Well here's a little traffic-getting secret I'd like to share:

You can get as much traffic as you want to work for.

True story. With traffic generation, rule of thumb when you're first getting going is typically the more and harder you work, the more traffic you'll get. That doesn't mean you shouldn't work smart though, which is something I'm going to cover here as well.

It's common knowledge article marketing is awesome and can be very rewarding, partly because it pre-qualifies visitors to your site in a way, while also semi-establishing you as an authority figure in your niche.

Here's what I'd do for this step, to once again take most of the thought out of it:
  1. Buy a pack of PLR articles on your niche (for next to nothing).
  2. Download the cool free software I just recently found called Article Reviser (not affiliated or any way, nor is that an affiliate link). This is a free software that helps you rewrite articles fast as hell. Using this, it will take a very short time to rewrite all the PLR articles you bought, making them all completely unique content and able to be submitted to article directories.
  3. After you have your own unique articles, download the free article-submitting software by Brad Callen. Use this to syndicate your articles to every article directory you can.
I don't want to get too much more into traffic beyond that here, since there's a ton of threads already covering it. If you want all the traffic you can handle, Travis has an incredible thread here that covers all you'll ever need: 28-Day Plan for Traffic.

Time on this step: all you have, after you register to the article-submitter software sites.
Total time: 5 hours, plus all you have to spend driving traffic

Total cost: $1.90 + any PLR you buy (on average, under $10), then roughly [$19 + $9.95]/month after that for Aweber and HostGator.

And that's pretty much it you guys. I'll probably be adding little things to this here and there, but that's really all there is to this. Don't over-complicate this stuff, as it's not too hard. Some of it may be technical and time-consuming, but it's certainly not hard. If I can do it, you can.

The goal of this thread is to show beginners a way to get something up and running and make their first $100, which is totally possible. And I show you how to get running for under $10. Quit getting stuck on all the little steps. You don't need your own product or to spend hours and hours writing articles. I've shown you shortcuts for those, so take action and GO.

Make it happen, since I know you can. And feel free to PM me, email me, or Skype me with any questions or if you need any help with anything

#$100 #beginners #earn #plan
  • Profile picture of the author neodarth
    Sound like a good plan to me, absolutely doable for any newbie that want to make his first $100.

    Great Job Tom
    ==> Negocios Estables en la Web Internet marketing en español.

    ==> Internet Marketing Newbie Created for IM virgins
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    Originally Posted by sirtom View Post

    Quick Disclaimer: Yes I make money online, and actively implement everything I teach (including what's below). No I'm not doing this as blatant advertising or with any other intention of hidden goals. The purpose of this thread is to provide actionable content people can legitimately use to get something going and possible start making money.
    Some people never made a single dime online yet they come up with a product, fake income screenshots, and claim that they made $$$THOUSANDS online and how they can teach others.

    I am not saying this about you....

    Thanks for sharing this and showing others how simple it is.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2461359].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author smarks70

    Thank you for the excellent post. I always appreciate when fellow warriors take the time to draw back the curtain on something so many of us make complicated and show us how with some WORK & ACTION you can make money online. Will you become the next Bill Gates with this info, probally not. But I bet you can make enough to make that car payment or pay your regular bills with this info.

    Thanks again Tom....


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  • Profile picture of the author Searchedterms
    Thanks for the info,i have bookmarked it and will certainly take action.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
    There you go! For those who are wondering where to start, you now have a plan. A workable plan. However, you have to actually do it.

    This post reminds me of something I see all too often. Somebody reads a plan, and then starts coming up with all kinds of questions about what to do. The problem is that they are identifying problems BEFORE they encounter them.

    Don't fall into that trap!

    Instead, step out on faith and APPLY the 1st step. Once you do, you will most likely find that the problems you thought would be there, are NOT there. If they are, then feel free to ask for more information. In other words, a lot of imagined problems are cured by taking action.

    All the best,

    "Ich bin en fuego!"
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2461990].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author petelta
      Originally Posted by Michael Oksa View Post

      The problem is that they are identifying problems BEFORE they encounter them.

      Instead, step out on faith and APPLY the 1st step. Once you do, you will most likely find that the problems you thought would be there, are NOT there. If they are, then feel free to ask for more information. In other words, a lot of imagined problems are cured by taking action.
      One of the best points brought up in the WF today...that is so true Michael.

      It's he who fails the most in the shortest time who grows the most in the shortest time.

      Pretty sure that's a quote from Tim Ferris' book, but can't remember. That quote has always stuck in my head though.
      TEESPRING Student Rakes In Over $116k In Less Than 3 Months
      Niche Pro Profits - How I raked in OVER $120k in 9 months with authority niche sites...

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      • Profile picture of the author sirtom
        Originally Posted by talfighel View Post

        Some people never made a single dime online yet they come up with a product, fake income screenshots, and claim that they made $$ online and how they can teach others.

        I am not saying this about you....

        Thanks for sharing this and showing others how simple it is.

        I totally agree, and it can be very deceptive. The first thing beginners (or easily-swayed readers) don't see past is the screen shots and income claims. You look at almost any product's sales page out there and you'll see these wild claims and $xx,xxx/week Clickbank screenshots. And if you're new or desperate, they all look like the next best thing and answer to your prayers.

        It's so unreliable because what most of the sales letters don't include is how much money was spent getting that amount, what kind of experience was required, or the 'journey' it took to get there. And it leads to false hopes, in many cases.

        Not to mention I once found the same Clickbank screen shot used a second time by a 'guru' for a completely unrelated product as the first. Really?

        The goal of this is merely to spell out a clear way to get the first $100. By then, you'll have something going and even seeing what works and what doesn't. I'd say getting the first $100 is WAY harder than the second, so when you hit the first benchmark, just keep doing what works.

        Originally Posted by smarks70 View Post


        Thank you for the excellent post. I always appreciate when fellow warriors take the time to draw back the curtain on something so many of us make complicated and show us how with some WORK & ACTION you can make money online. Will you become the next Bill Gates with this info, probally not. But I bet you can make enough to make that car payment or pay your regular bills with this info.

        Thanks again Tom....
        Thanks for the words, Steve. And heck yeah, this is a solid way to make enough to pay off a bill each month. And for those not making money online YET, once you start seeing results, it's going to change the way you see things, hands-down. I definitely did for me.

        Here's the cool thing though: if you make a sale or two, or even $100 a week, that's awesome. But the secret is to take that $100 and reinvest it. If you're writing your own articles and driving your own traffic, then use that money to have other people do it for you.

        That's how I scaled up my business. I did something for as long as I needed to start making money with it, then once I could use the profits have someone ELSE do it for me, I broke it up into a system and paid other people to do it. You may not be making $1,000 a week at first, and the profit margins may be small or zeroed out, but as you continue to put more out there and grow your business, the profit margins begin to grow as well. The key is to reinvest everything though.

        Just because you make $100 one day doesn't mean you have $100 to spend on sushi or something. It means you now have $90 to spend on your business (assuming you pay yourself first and put 10% of that away in your Wealth account, as dictated in Richest Man In Babylon).

        Originally Posted by Vogin View Post

        I don't really know what makes me think you actually know what are you talking about. Maybe it's that if I were making something and wanted to add value, I'd write in a very similar tone.

        Thank you.
        You're right, and thank you back. It's a good thing for you that I'm actually talking from experience, my friend

        Originally Posted by View Post

        Thanks for the info,i have bookmarked it and will certainly take action.
        Awesome! Let me know how I can help you.. Just Skype me or PM me or something.

        Originally Posted by Michael Oksa View Post

        Instead, step out on faith and APPLY the 1st step. Once you do, you will most likely find that the problems you thought would be there, are NOT there. If they are, then feel free to ask for more information. In other words, a lot of imagined problems are cured by taking action.
        Ah so true! Before I got going (a number of times), I tried to make everything perfect to combat problems I didn't even know would arise.

        And I wasted more time than I care to admit. Perfection is such a killer.. Always get something out there first, then worry about perfecting it later!

        Thanks Michael

        Originally Posted by petelta View Post

        One of the best points brought up in the WF today...that is so true Michael.

        It's he who fails the most in the shortest time who grows the most in the shortest time.

        Pretty sure that's a quote from Tim Ferris' book, but can't remember. That quote has always stuck in my head though.
        4 Hour Work Week is such a great book... And that quote is spot on. You'll never really know what NOT to do until you DO something to begin with. Try to get something out there. You're going to fail hard, most likely, but you'll also learn what doesn't work so you don't do more of that in the future.

        And enough of that will help you understand what does work, which won't be the same for everyone but rather unique to your own failures and successes.
        [WSO] Fitness/Weight Loss PLR Package like you've never seen before (and outlandish reviews!) - check it out here
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  • Profile picture of the author ActionToCash
    Interesting Information - Thanks Warriors.

    Happy Marketing!!!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2463222].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Johnny O
    Originally Posted by sirtom View Post

    [*]Download the cool free software I just recently found called ArticleTrafficPro (not affiliated or any way, nor is that an affiliate link). This is a free software that helps you rewrite articles fast as hell. Using this, it will take a very short time to rewrite all the PLR articles you bought, making them all completely unique content and able to be submitted to article directories.

    Hi Sirtcom,

    Thanks for giving a nod to my software. Just FYI, the software itself is actually called Article Reviser. But it's all the same really

    If you ever have any questions about it just PM me.

    Thanks again.

    Great plan by the way! I'm sure many will benefit from this thread.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2463588].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author AHM1990
    Great Information..
    Thanks TOM
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  • Profile picture of the author jlake316
    Wow what a great post! Thanks so much for this. I plan to put this to good use.
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    • Profile picture of the author sirtom
      Originally Posted by Johnny O View Post

      Hi Sirtcom,

      Thanks for giving a nod to my software. Just FYI, the software itself is actually called Article Reviser. But it's all the same really

      If you ever have any questions about it just PM me.

      Thanks again.

      Great plan by the way! I'm sure many will benefit from this thread.
      Thanks John! Changed it in the post.. I emailed you from your blog too, which I'll be getting back to your reply soon. Good times

      And yeah, @everyone: the software is so convenient. It also fits perfectly with PLR and this method.

      Originally Posted by jlake316 View Post

      Wow what a great post! Thanks so much for this. I plan to put this to good use.
      Thanks! If you need help with it, let me know.
      [WSO] Fitness/Weight Loss PLR Package like you've never seen before (and outlandish reviews!) - check it out here
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  • Profile picture of the author vishalduggal
    It;s a good plan for newbies.If they try it and they have Enough money and persistence to spend.
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  • Profile picture of the author JGK
    Thanks very helpful Tom.
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  • Profile picture of the author rawservices
    Great simple information Tom. Bravo!
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  • Profile picture of the author Hobo82
    Thanks for taking the time and explain everything in detail. This should be a great motivating thread to all.


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  • Profile picture of the author Gclunis
    I really like this plan, I'm not exactly a beginner but this is the basics at work and to be honest, once I get free time in october I will probably do this myself and get a few of them set up each making a certain amount per month. It's that simple not to mention its a VERY quick set up and very cost efficient.

    thanks man
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  • Profile picture of the author thebitbotdotcom
    $30 buck a month is about as cheap as you can get for a business and it is actually fun if you enjoy your niche. Nice post on the fundamentals...
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  • Profile picture of the author Sparhawke
    Going to bookmark this
    “Thinking is easy, Acting is difficult
    And to put one's thoughts into action is the most difficult thing in the world ~ Goethe”
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  • Profile picture of the author roy chambers
    very good info.i also want to thank you for your sincerity...
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  • Profile picture of the author Anup Mahajan
    Sounds like a great plan.. You have broken down the plan into steps which is simply great. I'm sure all beginners would learn something from your post


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  • Profile picture of the author JOSEPHRAJ
    Great information for any newbie!
    Thanks for spending time to write this useful, step by step guideline.
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  • Profile picture of the author cpace32
    Excellent tips, thanks for posting all of that. Some of those tips can be applied (such as blowing up your traffic) to ventures other than affiliate marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Worner
    Hate to bust your balls but basing your decisions on a product's Clickbank gravity is silly since it is not an indication of how good it is.

    Gravity is quite deceptive for a number of reasons,

    first of all, Clickbank allows people to purchase products through their affiliate links, a lot of people do, which inflates the gravity(Cough Mobile Monopoly cough)

    Second, the gravity score includes those who made a sale or two then gave up because it was too hard or they got bored.

    Third, a lot of IM guides actively advise the readers to only promote high gravity products due to the same false assumption you are making that it means it is a profitable product to promote. This goes hand in hand with the above point.

    Fourth, you do not know what the refund rate is since the gravity score only counts the number of affiliates who have made 1 sale.

    Other than that, nice post.


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  • Profile picture of the author Matthew Iannotti
    The Power of PLR is LEVERAGE
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    • Profile picture of the author sirtom
      Originally Posted by vishalduggal View Post

      It;s a good plan for newbies.If they try it and they have Enough money and persistence to spend.
      Thanks.. As for the money factor, I get initial expenses down to $1.90 for the first month, and under $30/month after that. Plus PLR, if they decide to buy it of course. Pretty reasonable, I'd say

      Originally Posted by millionairenewbie View Post

      nice thread and the headline was even catching.... though it was going 2 b free without spending a dime. anwyays, av copied it and wud go and check it out later.
      Thanks on both accounts.. As I just mentioned, I DO show you how to do this for cheap, no doubt about it lol.. Hit me up if you need anything, when you go to apply this stuff.

      Originally Posted by cpace32 View Post

      Excellent tips, thanks for posting all of that. Some of those tips can be applied (such as blowing up your traffic) to ventures other than affiliate marketing.
      Heck ya! Traffic is traffic, and the methods can usually be templated out to any kind of affiliate promotion. Or in this case, your own promotion via PLR.

      Originally Posted by skyfox7 View Post

      Hate to bust your balls but basing your decisions on a product's Clickbank gravity is silly since it is not an indication of how good it is.

      Gravity is quite deceptive for a number of reasons,

      first of all, Clickbank allows people to purchase products through their affiliate links, a lot of people do, which inflates the gravity(Cough Mobile Monopoly cough)

      Second, the gravity score includes those who made a sale or two then gave up because it was too hard or they got bored.

      Third, a lot of IM guides actively advise the readers to only promote high gravity products due to the same false assumption you are making that it means it is a profitable product to promote. This goes hand in hand with the above point.

      Fourth, you do not know what the refund rate is since the gravity score only counts the number of affiliates who have made 1 sale.

      Other than that, nice post.

      Thanks for the comments and feedback man. You raise an awesome point about this, and I'll cover it from my perspective.

      I know gravity can be deceptive, I've encountered that personally. But, with the way I talked about, I'm using it a little differently.

      I mentioned in the OP that you're not promoting the products you find in Clickbank, you're just using the gravity as a general indication as to what's selling. Not necessarily a bestselling product, but you can get a general notion of which markets have products that people are buying information from. Because of this, the return rate wouldn't matter since you're not promoting those products anyway.

      From a niche-research perspective, it can be a good indicator of which niches to check out. It doesn't mean that a niche is definitely worth entering, as I also said in the OP, but it does help to take some of the thought out of the process. I also mentioned other factors for verifying whether a niche may or may not work, all of which go beyond gravity.

      And honestly, so many people get stuck on the "finding a niche" step. There are better ways to find a niche, true, but this is one anyone can do. As long as they follow the rest of the plan and check the other qualifying factors, that is.

      Thanks again man, I'm glad this point was addressed.

      Originally Posted by EfitnessNYC View Post

      The Power of PLR is LEVERAGE
      Heck yeah it is . When you grasp that, you can do awesome things with it. I avoided it like the plague for a long time, just because I had a negative connotation with it, but then I learned how to use it effectively.
      [WSO] Fitness/Weight Loss PLR Package like you've never seen before (and outlandish reviews!) - check it out here
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  • Profile picture of the author brada7x
    Thanks for taking the time to share something like this and also go into pretty good detail about it as well. So many people struggle to get those first sales and often times many give up before they ever hit the success that they could potentially have.

    For the noobs reading this...take it to heart. This stuff might not work for you overnight but if you are persistent about it, you'll see your share of money come in. It takes time.

    Traffic is for sure one of the hardest things to figure out how to get but the link given in the OP's post is a great read to learn more about driving traffic.

    Thanks again for sharing.
    Need Quality Content without Breaking the Bank? LET'S CONNECT! DM me for details.
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  • Profile picture of the author Phill77
    I never thought of it this way. Basically you can create or outsource one of these on a daily basic... The links at the end were really useful, I'm using that software now. Thanks OP.
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  • Profile picture of the author jvjoe
    What a timing thread, THANKS ALOT love it
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  • Profile picture of the author venkyiyer58
    I notice that the post talks about the first $100. Do we stop at that or does our effort keep bringing in money? Or do we need to more than the 3 steps outlined here to set up a continual income source? Obviously, any newbie would be interested in an effort that brings in $100 (a little bit this way or that is OK, I suppose) on an ongoing basis, say every day/ week/ month. Once the first $ 100 source is steady, more $ 100 sources can be set up.
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    • Profile picture of the author sirtom
      Originally Posted by Phill77 View Post

      I never thought of it this way. Basically you can create or outsource one of these on a daily basic... The links at the end were really useful, I'm using that software now. Thanks OP.
      Yeah that's the awesome thing. These can be set up really quick, including research, offer, and funnel. Given that, if you have the money you can just outsource the rest of the operations as you go. If you don't, then put in the time until you make enough money to outsource what you're spending your time doing.

      Very scalable in my opinion and experience.

      Originally Posted by venkyiyer58 View Post

      I notice that the post talks about the first $100. Do we stop at that or does our effort keep bringing in money? Or do we need to more than the 3 steps outlined here to set up a continual income source? Obviously, any newbie would be interested in an effort that brings in $100 (a little bit this way or that is OK, I suppose) on an ongoing basis, say every day/ week/ month. Once the first $ 100 source is steady, more $ 100 sources can be set up.
      Oh no, your efforts that bring in the first $100 won't stop there. By that time, you've already built up some momentum, started building a list, getting content out there that drives traffic back to your site, and have seen what works from actually doing it.

      The purpose of this method is to build a list in a given niche, so the ways you'll monetize that list is to either:
      1. Promote your own products (that you've made by restructuring PLR)
      2. Promote other peoples' products (via Clickbank, etc)
      3. Survey the list to see what information they want, find the answer and sell them that.
        (To do this, ask your list what they want to know more about, go find an expert in that niche on eLance and interview him/her, asking him/her all the questions people sent you from their survey, record it and transcribe it, then finally promote it as an ebook + audio book.)
      This, by the way, is typically the basis for almost any list-oriented online business, using some combination of the above.

      This method is meant to eventually make you much more than that, but the first $100 has to come before the second (or hundredth). Instead of making outlandish claims as to how much people COULD be making, I wanted a small number easily achievable so people would actually take the first step instead of waiting around for it to happen by itself.

      With IM, I think it's best if you go as far as you can see, then when you get there you'll see farther. I didn't really talk about outsourcing or anything more advanced in the post because if you're not making anything online yet, then quite frankly I don't think you need to worry about it.

      But to address one of your other points, you could template this strategy out and set up several sites, each making money. How much would depend on the list size, how much rapport/trust you have with that list, and how responsive it is. Then obviously how much the product is you're promoting.

      When do you move on to the next site? When your profits from the first site are enough to outsource your daily operations and sustain traffic to that site without hardly any further work.

      But as I said before, go as far as you can see (your first $100), and when you get there you'll see farther.
      [WSO] Fitness/Weight Loss PLR Package like you've never seen before (and outlandish reviews!) - check it out here
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  • Profile picture of the author cashmagnet
    Fantastic post for a good start as well as being able to learn the core skills along the way

    If your looking for fast success with low failure get a coach/consultation, DM for skyp bookings.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2470918].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author dohfiddle
    brilliant post
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    • Profile picture of the author sirtom
      Originally Posted by cashmagnet View Post

      Fantastic post for a good start as well as being able to learn the core skills along the way
      That's what it's all about. I see so many people buying expensive courses on conversions and copy and all these more advanced things, when they have nothing 'out there' up and running to use it on.

      It's the basics that need to be in place first. When you have a squeeze page or website with traffic coming to it, THEN worry about your conversion rate.

      Beginners tip: Buying information that doesn't immediately move you forward toward making money or correlate to what you're currently working on can wait. Especially if you have to pay for it and MORE especially if you don't have anything on which to apply that new information.
      [WSO] Fitness/Weight Loss PLR Package like you've never seen before (and outlandish reviews!) - check it out here
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  • Profile picture of the author Adam_MW
    That's great post, usefull for beginner and for sure I will learn from it.

    Thank you..

    All the Best

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2473022].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author PeterDunin
    Thanks that was a great post!
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  • Profile picture of the author Maro
    Hey Tom

    Do I got it right? After the opt in through the squeeze page and reciving about five autorepsonder mails the sixt email will provide a link to a sells page on which they can buy the whole ebook?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2474736].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author peechdogg
      Thanks for addressing the point about CD gravity.
      Using it the way OP suggests makes it a quick way to discard a niche that might be appealing to me, but doesn't necessarily make it a good choice for marketing.

      However, I do wonder: if a CB product has a really high gravity is it likely to be a a more difficult niche because there is a lot of competition? Probably not something to be concerned with, is it??
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  • Profile picture of the author Patriarch
    Long read, will give it a spin. A lot of good stuff on this forum i must say...
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    • Profile picture of the author sirtom
      Originally Posted by Maro View Post

      Hey Tom

      Do I got it right? After the opt in through the squeeze page and reciving about five autorepsonder mails the sixt email will provide a link to a sells page on which they can buy the whole ebook?
      Hey Maro,

      I usually start promoting things on or around email 5. It can depend on if your subscribers are responsive to the emails you send them as well. But, after providing the initial value, then answering questions for them, then giving them more free value, I usually start promoting things.

      Originally Posted by peechdogg View Post

      Thanks for addressing the point about CD gravity.
      Using it the way OP suggests makes it a quick way to discard a niche that might be appealing to me, but doesn't necessarily make it a good choice for marketing.
      So true, and that's one of the reasons I suggest people use this method. Not all markets are worth going into, so following this plan you can possibly weed those out before spending time going into them trying to make it work. Less work= awesome .

      Originally Posted by peechdogg View Post

      However, I do wonder: if a CB product has a really high gravity is it likely to be a a more difficult niche because there is a lot of competition? Probably not something to be concerned with, is it??
      The awesome thing about how I recommend doing things is that you bypass SEO. Because we're content driven (articles and/or videos), typically the bigger the niche the more people there are searching for it, and the more traffic you'll get from content.

      Also, don't get discouraged by competition. That's a very good thing; it means people are making money in that market. If you can tap into it, that's also money in your pocket. And using PLR, it's pretty easy money
      [WSO] Fitness/Weight Loss PLR Package like you've never seen before (and outlandish reviews!) - check it out here
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  • Profile picture of the author rahimaffandi
    Thanks Warriors. Basics for beginners but if taken into action, marvelous results could happen. The problem for beginners is actually the courage to jump off the starting block. Its' not the matter- everyhing has been made ready by these PLRS. The 'hows' and "what to do" has also been repeatedly explained in forums. Therefore to all beginners have the courage. lets take ACTION- just do it. What happens next - will be the most precious experience you learn. Thats the moment when the ball starts running.
    So thanks, great plan. Me too wants to start off soon.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2486534].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author imrozia
    Informative stuff, Thanks !
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  • Profile picture of the author mcmahanusa
    Originally Posted by sirtom View Post

    You think you got it bad? I'm a coffee-drinking artist that plays racquetball daily and eats sushi. Try monetizing THAT. Yeah, probably not gunna happen.
    How about "How to Start Your Own Sushi/Raquetball/gourmet coffee/espresso bar and use your own mural design to draw traffic."?

    Success is not to be pursued; it is to be attracted by the person you become - Jim Rohn

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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2496778].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author sirtom
      Originally Posted by rahimaffandi View Post

      The problem for beginners is actually the courage to jump off the starting block. Its' not the matter- everyhing has been made ready by these PLRS. The 'hows' and "what to do" has also been repeatedly explained in forums. Therefore to all beginners have the courage. lets take ACTION- just do it.
      That's the best part! I don't know why, but as evidenced by the emails and messages i get, people have preconceived notions of roadblocks that lead to inaction, when those "roadblocks" really don't even exist (after you take action). Here in this post alone I actually show you how to get a business up and running and making money. There's no excuse to NOT take action.

      In other words,

      If you need a product: use one in Clickbank or find PLR
      If you need traffic: actually work, dammit (yes, longer than 15 a day)
      If you need a blueprint/guidance: read this post

      Not much more to it aside from putting the first foot forward.

      Originally Posted by mcmahanusa View Post

      How about "How to Start Your Own Sushi/Raquetball/gourmet coffee/espresso bar and use your own mural design to draw traffic."?
      Haha! I laughed out loud at that.. That's such a good idea, i don't know why I didn't think of that before
      [WSO] Fitness/Weight Loss PLR Package like you've never seen before (and outlandish reviews!) - check it out here
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  • Profile picture of the author itzpaul
    Great information thanks. I've been needing to start capturing emails if I am really an internet marketer. I will try to work this into my SEO tools list. I've been meaning to get aweber for a while now. That's lost sales
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2509329].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author samish
      "sirtom", thank from the bottom of my heart for posting this thread. And thank for your generosity. Every bid of info is so valuable. I would suggest everyone at least make a copy or send this link to a friend or love ones who want to get in IM. I did.

      Reading your step: "Find a niche and verify it's worth entering" makes me think about a long term question that I have not been able to sold myself. That is "HOW TO FIND WHAT PEOPLE WANT?".

      May be this should be a thread by itself. But, if you, sirtom or you guys think this is appropriate, feel free to post reply. Otherwise just ignored it.

      Again, my hat off to you, sirtom.
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    • Profile picture of the author 7trickpony
      Thanks Tom for a great post.This is just the info I've been looking for.I'm not concerned with making mega-moolah just the first $1,10 or $100 is fine by me. You can never be a fisherman 'till you catch your first fish.Getting the first sale is crucial.For a newbie in IM it's make-or-break.

      thanks again for the info!
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  • Profile picture of the author shoeb000
    thanks a lot for such a high quality post.
    Its indeed best actionable post and guideline for newbies, and getting first $100 will awake the internet marketer in them.
    thanks once again.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2513069].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Mack
    Thanks for this Tom, can't wait for my first hundie.
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    • Profile picture of the author sirtom
      Originally Posted by itzpaul View Post

      Great information thanks. I've been needing to start capturing emails if I am really an internet marketer. I will try to work this into my SEO tools list. I've been meaning to get aweber for a while now. That's lost sales
      Heck yeah it is. Also, just to explain a couple things:

      A lot of people - some from this post, actually - have asked me about list building, and more specifically why they would build a list around a topic/niche that people "wouldn't typically buy more than one thing from."

      That seems to be a very troublesome factor for a lot of people when trying to find a niche to enter and set up a funnel around.

      Take acne cures, for a random example. Is that something you could or would want to build a list around? If someone wants to cure acne and they buy a product that does just that, won't they stop buying stuff?

      The answer to that is: maybe.

      But, remember that you're building a list and offering value so you can follow up with people and communicate with them to hopefully sell more stuff to them. Or to sell at least one thing to them.

      Before people can buy more stuff from you, they need to first buy something from you.

      Sure, there may not be lasting continuity with an acne cures niche business. That's a niche I've personally made a few hundred bucks in with PPC, but there's no reason you can't build a list around the topic.

      I build a list with the intention of offering value to to my subscribers so they'll eventually reciprocate by buying products I promote to them. If it takes someone an average of seeing something 7 times to make a buying-related decision, then it's your job as the marketer/salesman to make sure they see that offer 7 times. You can't do that if you're sending them directly to a sales page and hoping for the sale.

      Also, just because you're building a list doesn't mean you're going to sell the same product to every person on the list. Acne is a physical thing, so it may make sense that the people that are interested in acne cures care about their physical appearance. Along those lines, some of the subscribers may respond well to a weight loss/fitness product. There are always ways to monetize list if you be creative (not saying the above example was the pinnacle of creativity, but you get the point).

      The glory of building a list - as opposed to direct-linking or PPC for example - is that if you do it right, you have that list of people to market other products/offers to.

      Think about it in terms of lifetime customer value, or heck even short-term customer value. If you're not building a list, you're sending the visitor along to the offer without capturing the vitals to market to them again. If you make $20 on the sale, that's cool, but now you're off to get more visitors.

      With your list, you have rapport and trust (or it's in the makings), but more importantly, you can send them other stuff, like the weight loss offer for example. And if you make another $20/sale on that product and only 2% of your subscribers buy it, that's $20/sale more than you would have made without the list.

      That's all I got for now lol.

      Originally Posted by shoeb000 View Post

      thanks a lot for such a high quality post.
      Its indeed best actionable post and guideline for newbies
      Thanks! Hopefully people put this to use.

      Originally Posted by AffMack View Post

      Thanks for this Tom, can't wait for my first hundie.
      Let me know as soon as you do
      [WSO] Fitness/Weight Loss PLR Package like you've never seen before (and outlandish reviews!) - check it out here
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  • Profile picture of the author Tautology
    Bookmarked, this is exactly what I need to do getting my first one going! I can't PM you (not enough posts yet) but any chance you could send me your email in a PM?
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  • Profile picture of the author Diane S
    Originally Posted by sirtom View Post

    If you found yourself in the Dance section of Clickbank and you saw that Ballet product in there as I just did, I'd search for "Ballet" on Amazon.

    Sorry, dude, this just cannot work, since we all know that successful IM methods give examples based on dog training, not ballet.

    Just kidding! This is an excellent resource for a newbie just starting out. Well organized thread with enough details to get the job done.
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3477432].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Maximillion_Z
      Originally Posted by Diane S View Post

      Sorry, dude, this just cannot work, since we all know that successful IM methods give examples based on dog training, not ballet.
      I've noticed this also. Why are all the examples usually dog training? Lol
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3482185].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author paulie888
      Originally Posted by Diane S View Post

      Sorry, dude, this just cannot work, since we all know that successful IM methods give examples based on dog training, not ballet.

      Just kidding! This is an excellent resource for a newbie just starting out. Well organized thread with enough details to get the job done.
      Agreed. This would be an excellent guide/resource for a newbie who is lost in the sea of "pushbutton" type systems - this is a great foundation for a long-term system that will continue to reward you for a long time to come, as it is based on listbuilding.

      The first few steps are actually incredibly easy, especially for a newbie, since no product creation is required. Setting up the foundation is actually pretty simple in this case, and succeeding in it is just a matter of devoting 2-3 hours per day consistently to traffic generation (of course, the more you do this, the more you'll be rewarded).
      >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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      • Profile picture of the author celente
        Originally Posted by paulie888 View Post

        Agreed. This would be an excellent guide/resource for a newbie who is lost in the sea of "pushbutton" type systems - this is a great foundation for a long-term system that will continue to reward you for a long time to come, as it is based on listbuilding.

        The first few steps are actually incredibly easy, especially for a newbie, since no product creation is required. Setting up the foundation is actually pretty simple in this case, and succeeding in it is just a matter of devoting 2-3 hours per day consistently to traffic generation (of course, the more you do this, the more you'll be rewarded).
        Hit it on the head. A client of mine emailed me just on thursday complaining about how he was scammed three times by these sorts of things.

        Paulie is right, listing building is one of the most valuable ways to make lots of money online. The funny
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  • Profile picture of the author Rosane Blanco
    That is just mind blowing information! Good on you for sharing.
    Claim Your F*R*E*E Tool To Skyrocket Your List
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  • Profile picture of the author rcaffrey
    Thanks for that - it is an easy plan and definitely takes a lot of the hard work out using PLR. As long as you remember to rewrite.
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  • Profile picture of the author alamest
    Absolutely awesome thread..thanks for taking your valuable time to share this information...I appreciate that..

    I have some few question and want to ask something from you..I will pm you soon..

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3481299].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author FernandoAlvan
    Great Plan sirton.... Didn't know i could find so much information in this forum.
    Thanks again

    "Desire is the starting point for all achievements" - My IM journey

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3481474].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author noobaffiliate
    I just registered in warrior forum and I came across your thread! Thanks for sharing this as I am a newbie and will try this out!
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  • Profile picture of the author ALee
    Nice guide for newbies.
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  • Profile picture of the author microfire
    the plan looks simple. I think anyone new to the online market could learn from this. it has the basics...
    1). Research
    2). Planning
    3). Article Writing
    4). Traffic Generation
    Today's methods seem easier in many ways compared to all the time and money it took to get anything you where marketing to even see the light of day.

    Good work Tom
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  • Profile picture of the author monsterrager
    Nice K.I.S.S system thank you! This is more informative than a lot of stuff i wasted big money on.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3483330].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author gerrymo
    I have to say that this is the best free info I have ever seen. I have paid good money for less information. I also followed through on the article reviser link and found that to be an excellent free resource. Thanks and congratulations on an excellent thread !
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3504194].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kakashi
    Nice tips..
    but sometimes we faced some problem & we stop in half way.....
    This is why newbie didn't make any money.......
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3504295].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author chengnuomima
    just follow this blueprint,hope would also good resuld as well,thanks
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3504413].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mysterrio
    I think it is great that a plan has been laid out like this here at the WF. Awesome post. Thank You.

    The Gurus Have Lied To You: Learn Internet Marketing For FREE. Don't Spend Another Penny Before You Read My FREE REPORT. Go here:

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3504644].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author PVReymond
    Hey it is a great plan.

    I hope people realize that there is work involved into it.
    You have to make sacrifices if you want to make money, it is
    not about pushing a button.

    I am sure anyone that follows this plan can succeed the
    point is that people give up too soon and look for new
    opportunities and for this reason they don't make any money.

    ^PV Reymond
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3504799].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author swilliams09
    Nice post. I'm going to give this a try.

    Learn how to make videos that sell. Special $1 Offer for Warriors Only.

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  • Profile picture of the author Mirque
    Thank you for this post, sirtom !
    But for me, the hardest part is to find a profitable keyword with low competition.
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